/** * get the kaltura client * @param bol $isAdmin default = false * @param $privileges * @return unknown_type */ function getClient($isAdmin = false, $privileges = null) { // get the configuration to use the kaltura client $kalturaConfig = KalturaHelpers::getServiceConfiguration($this->params); // inititialize the kaltura client using the above configurations $kalturaClient = new KalturaClient($kalturaConfig); // get the current logged in user $sessionUser = KalturaHelpers::kalturaGetSessionUser(); if ($isAdmin) { $adminSecret = $this->params->get("kaltura_webservice_admin_secret"); $result = $kalturaClient->startsession($sessionUser, $adminSecret, true, $privileges); } else { $secret = $this->params->get("kaltura_webservice_secret"); $result = $kalturaClient->startsession($sessionUser, $secret, false, $privileges); } if (count(@$result["error"])) { return null; } else { // now lets get the session key $session = $result["result"]["ks"]; // set the session so we can use other service methods $kalturaClient->setKs($session); } return $kalturaClient; }
function get_se_wizard($div, $width, $height, $entryId) { $params = "''"; $url = "''"; $platformUser = "******"" . KalturaHelpers::getSessionUser()->userId . "\""; $kalturaSecret = KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("secret", ""); if ($kalturaSecret != null && strlen($kalturaSecret) > 0) { try { $kClient = new KalturaClient(KalturaHelpers::getServiceConfiguration()); $kalturaUser = KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("user", ""); $ksId = $kClient->session->start($kalturaSecret, $kalturaUser, KalturaSessionType::USER, null, 86400, "*"); $kClient->setKs($ksId); $url = KalturaHelpers::getSimpleEditorUrl(KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("editor", null)); $params = KalturaHelpers::flashVarsToString(KalturaHelpers::getSimpleEditorFlashVars($ksId, $entryId, "entry", "")); } catch (Exception $exp) { $flash_embed = $exp->getMessage(); } $flash_embed = ' <div id="' . $div . '" style="width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . ';"> <script type="text/javascript"> var kso = new SWFObject("' . $url . '", "KalturaSW", "' . $width . '", "' . $height . '", "9", "#ffffff"); kso.addParam("flashVars", "' . $params . '"); kso.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always"); kso.addParam("allowFullScreen", "TRUE"); kso.addParam("allowNetworking", "all"); if(kso.installedVer.major >= 9) { kso.write("' . $div . '"); } else { document.getElementById("' . $div . '").innerHTML = "Flash player version 9 and above is required. <a href=\\"http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/\\">Upgrade your flash version</a>"; } </script> '; return $flash_embed; } }
<?php require_once "../../config.php"; require_once 'lib.php'; try { $kClient = new KalturaClient(KalturaHelpers::getServiceConfiguration()); $kalturaUser = KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("user", ""); $kalturaSecret = KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("secret", ""); $ksId = $kClient->session->start($kalturaSecret, $kalturaUser, KalturaSessionType::USER); $kClient->setKs($ksId); $mix = new KalturaMixEntry(); // $mix -> name = "Editable video"; $mix->name = empty($_POST["name"]) ? "Editable video" : $_POST["name"]; $mix->editorType = KalturaEditorType::ADVANCED; $mix = $kClient->mixing->add($mix); $arrEntries = explode(',', $_POST['entries']); foreach ($arrEntries as $index => $entryId) { if (!empty($entryId)) { $kClient->mixing->appendMediaEntry($mix->id, $entryId); } } echo 'y:' . $mix->id; } catch (Exception $exp) { die('n:' . $exp->getMessage()); }
function getThumbnailUrl($widgetId = null, $entryId = null, $width = 240, $height = 180, $version = 100000) { $config = KalturaHelpers::getServiceConfiguration(); $url = kalturaGetCdnUrl(); $url .= "/p/" . $config->partnerId; $url .= "/sp/" . $config->subPartnerId; $url .= "/thumbnail"; if ($widgetId) { $url .= "/widget_id/" . $widgetId; } else { if ($entryId) { $url .= "/entry_id/" . $entryId; } } $url .= "/width/" . $width; $url .= "/height/" . $height; $url .= "/type/2"; $url .= "/bgcolor/000000"; if ($version !== null) { $url .= "/version/" . $version; } return $url; }
function getKalturaClient($isAdmin = false, $privileges = null) { // get the configuration to use the kaltura client $kalturaConfig = KalturaHelpers::getServiceConfiguration(); $sessionUser = KalturaHelpers::getSessionUser(); if (!$privileges) { $privileges = 'edit:*'; } // inititialize the kaltura client using the above configurations $kalturaClient = new KalturaClient($kalturaConfig); // get the current logged in user // $user = KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("user", ""); $user = $sessionUser->userId; if ($isAdmin) { $adminSecret = KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("admin_secret", ""); $ksId = $kalturaClient->session->start($adminSecret, $user, KalturaSessionType::ADMIN, -1, 86400, $privileges); } else { $secret = KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("secret", ""); $ksId = $kalturaClient->session->start($secret, $user, KalturaSessionType::USER, -1, 86400, $privileges); } $kalturaClient->setKs($ksId); return $kalturaClient; }
function getKalturaClient($isAdmin = false, $privileges = null) { // get the configuration to use the kaltura client $kalturaConfig = KalturaHelpers::getServiceConfiguration(); if (!$privileges) { $privileges = 'edit:*'; } // inititialize the kaltura client using the above configurations $kalturaClient = new KalturaClient($kalturaConfig); // get the current logged in user $k_helpers = new KalturaHelpers(); $sessionUser = $k_helpers->getSessionUser(); // get the variables requireed to start a session $partnerId = variable_get('kaltura_partner_id', ''); $secret = variable_get('kaltura_secret', ''); $adminSecret = variable_get('kaltura_admin_secret', ''); if ($isAdmin) { $result = $kalturaClient->session->start($adminSecret, $sessionUser->id, KalturaSessionType::ADMIN, $partnerId, 86400, $privileges); } else { $result = $kalturaClient->session->start($secret, $sessionUser->id, KalturaSessionType::USER, $partnerId, 86400, $privileges); } $len = strlen($result); /** proper method for error checking please if ($len!=116) { watchdog("kaltura", $result ); return null; }else { */ // set the session so we can use other service methods $kalturaClient->setKs($result); //} return $kalturaClient; }
function getKalturaClient($isAdmin = false, $privileges = null) { // get the configuration to use the kaltura client $kalturaConfig = KalturaHelpers::getServiceConfiguration(); if (!$privileges) { $privileges = 'edit:*'; } // inititialize the kaltura client using the above configurations $kalturaClient = new KalturaClient($kalturaConfig); // get the current logged in user $sessionUser = KalturaHelpers::getSessionUser(); if ($isAdmin) { $adminSecret = variable_get("kaltura_admin_secret", ""); $result = $kalturaClient->startSession($sessionUser, $adminSecret, true, $privileges); } else { $secret = variable_get("kaltura_secret", ""); $result = $kalturaClient->startSession($sessionUser, $secret, false, $privileges); } if (count(@$result["error"])) { watchdog("kaltura", $result["error"][0]["code"] . " - " . $result["error"][0]["desc"]); return null; } else { // now lets get the session key $session = $result["result"]["ks"]; // set the session so we can use other service methods $kalturaClient->setKs($session); } return $kalturaClient; }