 function do_update()
     $aOptions = array('redirect_to' => array('main', 'fFolderId=' . $this->oFolder->getId()));
     if (!KTBrowseUtil::inAdminMode($this->oUser, $this->oFolder)) {
         $this->oValidator->userHasPermissionOnItem($this->oUser, $this->_sEditShowPermission, $this->oFolder, $aOptions);
     $aFoo = $_REQUEST['foo'];
     $aPermissions = KTPermission::getList();
     		--- This section has been commented out to remove these checks when permissions
     		--- are updated.
     //This section is used to make sure that a user doesn't disable the admin groups
     //Manage security permission or the Manage Security permission of a group they
     //are currently a member of.
     // Check which groups have permission to manage security
     $aNewGroups = (isset($aFoo[4]['group']) ? $aFoo[4]['group'] : array());
     $aNewRoles = (isset($aFoo[4]['role']) ? $aFoo[4]['role'] : array());
     $iUserId = $this->oUser->getId();
     //Check that they aren't removing the sys admin Manage Security permission
     //1 in this case is the admin group.
     if(!in_array('1', $aNewGroups))
     	$this->addErrorMessage(_kt('You cannot remove the Manage Security permission from the System Administrators Group'));
         $this->redirectTo('edit', 'fFolderId=' . $this->oFolder->getId());
     //Check that they aren't removing the Manage Security permission from a group
     //They are a member of.
     if(!GroupUtil::checkUserInGroups($iUserId, array(1)))
     	        //Ensure the user is not removing his/her own permission to update the folder permissions (manage security)
     	        if(!in_array(-3, $aNewRoles))
     	            if(!GroupUtil::checkUserInGroups($iUserId, $aNewGroups))
     	                // If user no longer has permission, return an error.
     	                $this->addErrorMessage(_kt('You cannot remove the Manage Security permission from a group you belong to.'));
     	                $this->redirectTo('edit', 'fFolderId=' . $this->oFolder->getId());
     require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/documentmanagement/observers.inc.php';
     $oPO = KTPermissionObject::get($this->oFolder->getPermissionObjectId());
     foreach ($aPermissions as $oPermission) {
         $iPermId = $oPermission->getId();
         $aAllowed = KTUtil::arrayGet($aFoo, $iPermId, array());
         KTPermissionUtil::setPermissionForId($oPermission, $oPO, $aAllowed);
     $oTransaction = KTFolderTransaction::createFromArray(array('folderid' => $this->oFolder->getId(), 'comment' => _kt('Updated permissions'), 'transactionNS' => 'ktcore.transactions.permissions_change', 'userid' => $_SESSION['userID'], 'ip' => Session::getClientIP()));
     $aOptions = array('defaultmessage' => _kt('Error updating permissions'), 'redirect_to' => array('edit', sprintf('fFolderId=%d', $this->oFolder->getId())));
     $this->oValidator->notErrorFalse($oTransaction, $aOptions);
     $po =& new JavascriptObserver($this);
     $oChannel =& KTPermissionChannel::getSingleton();
     $this->addInfoMessage(_kt('Permissions on folder updated'));
     $po->redirect(KTUtil::addQueryString($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'action=edit&fFolderId=' . $this->oFolder->getId()));
  * Update's the permission lookup on one folder or document,
  * non-recursively.
 function updatePermissionLookup(&$oFolderOrDocument, $aOptions = null)
     $is_a_folder = is_a($oFolderOrDocument, 'Folder');
     $is_a_document = is_a($oFolderOrDocument, 'Document') || is_a($oFolderOrDocument, 'KTDocumentCore');
     //ensure that the document shortcut is being updated.
     if ($is_a_document && $oFolderOrDocument->isSymbolicLink()) {
     $oChannel = null;
     $aMapPermAllowed = null;
     $oPermLookup = null;
     if (!is_null($aOptions)) {
         $oChannel = $aOptions['channel'];
         $aMapPermAllowed = $aOptions['map_allowed'];
         $oPermLookup = $aOptions['perm_lookup'];
     if (!$is_a_folder && !$is_a_document) {
         // we occasionally get handed a PEAR::raiseError.  Just ignore it.
     if (is_null($oChannel)) {
         $oChannel =& KTPermissionChannel::getSingleton();
     if ($is_a_folder) {
         $msg = sprintf("Updating folder %s", join('/', $oFolderOrDocument->getPathArray()));
     } else {
         if (is_a($oFolderOrDocument, 'Document')) {
             //modify the message to reflect that a shortcut is begin updated
             if ($oFolderOrDocument->isSymbolicLink()) {
                 $msg = sprintf("Updating shortcut to %s", $oFolderOrDocument->getName());
             } else {
                 $msg = sprintf("Updating document %s", $oFolderOrDocument->getName());
         } else {
             $msg = sprintf("Updating document %d", $oFolderOrDocument->getId());
     $oChannel->sendMessage(new KTPermissionGenericMessage($msg));
     $iPermissionObjectId = $oFolderOrDocument->getPermissionObjectID();
     if (empty($iPermissionObjectId)) {
     $oPO = KTPermissionObject::get($iPermissionObjectId);
     if (is_null($aMapPermAllowed)) {
         $aPAs = KTPermissionAssignment::getByObjectMulti($oPO);
         $aMapPermAllowed = array();
         foreach ($aPAs as $oPA) {
             $oPD = KTPermissionDescriptor::get($oPA->getPermissionDescriptorID());
             $aGroupIDs = $oPD->getGroups();
             $aUserIDs = array();
             $aRoleIDs = $oPD->getRoles();
             $aAllowed = array('group' => $aGroupIDs, 'user' => $aUserIDs, 'role' => $aRoleIDs);
             $aMapPermAllowed[$oPA->getPermissionID()] = $aAllowed;
     if (!$is_a_folder) {
         $aDynamicConditions = KTPermissionDynamicCondition::getByPermissionObject($oPO);
         if (!PEAR::isError($aDynamicConditions)) {
             foreach ($aDynamicConditions as $oDynamicCondition) {
                 $iConditionId = $oDynamicCondition->getConditionId();
                 if (KTSearchUtil::testConditionOnDocument($iConditionId, $oFolderOrDocument)) {
                     $iGroupId = $oDynamicCondition->getGroupId();
                     $aPermissionIds = $oDynamicCondition->getAssignment();
                     foreach ($aPermissionIds as $iPermissionId) {
                         $aCurrentAllowed = KTUtil::arrayGet($aMapPermAllowed, $iPermissionId, array());
                         $aCurrentAllowed['group'][] = $iGroupId;
                         $aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId] = $aCurrentAllowed;
     if (!$is_a_folder) {
         $oState = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowStateForDocument($oFolderOrDocument);
         if (!(PEAR::isError($oState) || is_null($oState) || $oState == false)) {
             $aWorkflowStatePermissionAssignments = KTWorkflowStatePermissionAssignment::getByState($oState);
             foreach ($aWorkflowStatePermissionAssignments as $oAssignment) {
                 $iPermissionId = $oAssignment->getPermissionId();
                 $iPermissionDescriptorId = $oAssignment->getDescriptorId();
                 $oPD = KTPermissionDescriptor::get($iPermissionDescriptorId);
                 $aGroupIDs = $oPD->getGroups();
                 $aUserIDs = array();
                 $aRoleIDs = $oPD->getRoles();
                 $aAllowed = array('group' => $aGroupIDs, 'user' => $aUserIDs, 'role' => $aRoleIDs);
                 $aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId] = $aAllowed;
     // if we have roles:  nearest folder.
     $iRoleSourceFolder = null;
     if ($is_a_document) {
         $iRoleSourceFolder = $oFolderOrDocument->getFolderID();
     } else {
         $iRoleSourceFolder = $oFolderOrDocument->getId();
     // very minor perf win:  map role_id (in context) to PD.
     $_roleCache = array();
     foreach ($aMapPermAllowed as $iPermissionId => $aAllowed) {
         $aAfterRoles = array();
         if (array_key_exists('role', $aAllowed)) {
             foreach ($aAllowed['role'] as $k => $iRoleId) {
                 // store the PD <-> RoleId map
                 // special-case "all" or "authenticated".
                 if ($iRoleId == -3 || $iRoleId == -4) {
                     $aAfterRoles[] = $iRoleId;
                 if (!array_key_exists($iRoleId, $_roleCache)) {
                     $oRoleAllocation = null;
                     if ($is_a_document) {
                         $oRoleAllocation =& DocumentRoleAllocation::getAllocationsForDocumentAndRole($oFolderOrDocument->getId(), $iRoleId);
                         if (PEAR::isError($oRoleAllocation)) {
                             $oRoleAllocation = null;
                     // if that's null - not set _on_ the document, then
                     if (is_null($oRoleAllocation)) {
                         $oRoleAllocation =& RoleAllocation::getAllocationsForFolderAndRole($iRoleSourceFolder, $iRoleId);
                     $_roleCache[$iRoleId] = $oRoleAllocation;
                 // roles are _not_ always assigned (can be null at root)
                 if (!is_null($_roleCache[$iRoleId])) {
                     $aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['user'] = kt_array_merge($aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['user'], $_roleCache[$iRoleId]->getUserIds());
                     $aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['group'] = kt_array_merge($aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['group'], $_roleCache[$iRoleId]->getGroupIds());
                     // naturally, roles cannot be assigned roles, or madness follows.
         if (!empty($aAfterRoles)) {
             $aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['role'] = $aAfterRoles;
     print '<pre>';
     print '=======' . $oFolderOrDocument->getName();
     print '<br />';
     print '</pre>';
     //if (is_null($oPermLookup)) {
     $aMapPermDesc = array();
     foreach ($aMapPermAllowed as $iPermissionId => $aAllowed) {
         $oLookupPD = KTPermissionUtil::getOrCreateDescriptor($aAllowed);
         $aMapPermDesc[$iPermissionId] = $oLookupPD->getID();
     $oPermLookup = KTPermissionLookupAssignment::findOrCreateLookupByPermissionDescriptorMap($aMapPermDesc);
 function _performUpgrade()
     require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/cache/cache.inc.php';
     $oCache =& KTCache::getSingleton();
     require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/permissions/permissionutil.inc.php';
     $po =& new KTRebuildPermissionObserver($this);
     $oChannel =& KTPermissionChannel::getSingleton();
     $versionFile = KT_DIR . '/docs/VERSION-NAME.txt';
     $fp = fopen($versionFile, 'rt');
     $systemVersion = fread($fp, filesize($versionFile));
     $query = "UPDATE system_settings SET value = ? WHERE name = ?";
     $aParams = array($systemVersion, "knowledgetreeVersion");
     DBUtil::runQuery(array($query, $aParams));
     $query = "UPDATE system_settings SET value = ? WHERE name = ?";
     $aParams = array($this->version, "databaseVersion");
     return DBUtil::runQuery(array($query, $aParams));