  * Helper for creating DOM element ids used by javascript behaviors
  * If no type and package identifiers were supplied,
  * uses the current option $_GET variable, and changing com_foo_bar to com-foo_bar.
  * '-' are used as separators, and in our javascript used to parse identifier strings.
  * If a form got the id com-foo_bar-people, 
  * then we can assume that the toolbar will have the id toolbar-people,
  * @author Stian Didriksen <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  array | int $parts
  * @return string
 public function id($parts = array())
     if (!is_array($parts) && is_int($parts)) {
         $parts['id'] = (int) $parts;
     // If we pass a string, set $parts back as an array in order to proceed.
     if (!is_array($parts)) {
         settype($parts, 'array');
     // Set the defaults, if needed
     $defaults = array();
     if (!isset($parts['type.package'])) {
         // We only want to replace the first underscore, not the rest.
         $defaults['type_package'] = str_replace('com_', 'com-', KRequest::get('get.option', 'cmd'));
     if (!isset($parts['view'])) {
         $view = KRequest::get('get.view', 'cmd');
         // The view part always needs to be plural to allow ajax BREAD.
         if (KInflector::isSingular($view)) {
             $view = KInflector::pluralize($view);
         $defaults['view'] = $view;
     if (!isset($parts['id']) && KRequest::has('get.id', 'int')) {
         $defaults['id'] = KRequest::get('get.id', 'int');
     // Filter away parts that are unset on purpose using a null value, or a negative boolean.
     return implode('-', array_filter(array_merge($defaults, $parts)));
文件: html.php 项目: raeldc/com_learn
  * Initializes the configuration for the object
  * Called from {@link __construct()} as a first step of object instantiation.
  * @param   array   Configuration settings
 protected function _initialize(KConfig $config)
         'layout' => KInflector::isSingular($this->getName()) ? 'form' : 'default'
  * Add a command
  * Disable the menubar only for singular views that are editable.
  * @param   string	The command name
  * @param	mixed	Parameters to be passed to the command
  * @return  KControllerToolbarInterface
 public function addCommand($name, $config = array())
     parent::addCommand($name, $config);
     $controller = $this->getController();
     if ($controller->isEditable() && KInflector::isSingular($controller->getView()->getName())) {
         $this->_commands[$name]->disabled = true;
     return $this;
  * _actionGet here we will check if the we access a singular or a plural,
  * when plural the action will return true if singular we will check if the requested tile exists.
  * @param KCommandContext $context
  * @return bool|KDatabaseRow
 protected function _actionGet(KCommandContext $context)
     if (KInflector::isSingular($this->_request->view) && !$this->_request->type) {
         if (!file_exists(JPATH_FILES . '/' . $this->_request->path) || is_dir(JPATH_FILES . '/' . $this->_request->path)) {
             return false;
     return parent::_actionGet($context);
  * Display the view
  * @return void
 protected function _actionDisplay(KCommandContext $context)
     //Check if we are reading or browsing
     $action = KInflector::isSingular($this->getView()->getName()) ? 'read' : 'browse';
     //Execute the action
     $this->execute($action, $context);
     $view = $this->getView();
     if (!$view instanceof ComNinjaViewHtml && $view instanceof KViewTemplate) {
     return $view->display();
 public function _createToolbar()
     $identifier = $this->getToolbar();
     $name = $identifier->name;
     $package = $identifier->package;
     $img = KInflector::isPLural($name) ? KFactory::get('admin::com.ninja.helper.default')->img('/48/' . $name . '.png') : KFactory::get('admin::com.ninja.helper.default')->img('/48/' . KInflector::pluralize($name) . '.png');
     if (!$img) {
         $img = KInflector::isSingular($name) ? KFactory::get('admin::com.ninja.helper.default')->img('/48/' . $name . '.png') : KFactory::get('admin::com.ninja.helper.default')->img('/48/' . KInflector::singularize($name) . '.png');
     if ($img) {
         KFactory::get('admin::com.ninja.helper.default')->css('.header.icon-48-' . $name . ' { background-image: url(' . $img . '); }');
     return KFactory::get($identifier, array('icon' => $name));
  * @param $column
  * @return null
 private function __getRelation($type, $column)
     $relations = $this->getRelations();
     $taxonomies = json_decode($this->{$type});
     if (KInflector::isSingular($column)) {
         return $this->getService($relations->{$type}->{$column}->identifier)->id($taxonomies->{$column})->getItem();
     if (KInflector::isPlural($column)) {
         $model = $this->getService($relations->{$type}->{$column}->identifier);
         $state = $model->getState();
         if ($relations->{$type}->{$column}->{$column}->state) {
             foreach ($relations->{$type}->{$column}->state as $key => $value) {
                 if ($filter = $state[$key]->filter) {
                     $state->remove($key)->insert($key, $filter, $value);
         return $model->id($taxonomies->{$column})->getList();
  * Push the controller data into the document
  * This function divert the standard behavior and will push specific controller data
  * into the document
  * @return  KDispatcherDefault
 protected function _actionRender(KCommandContext $context)
     $controller = KFactory::get($this->getController());
     $view = $controller->getView();
     $document = KFactory::get('lib.joomla.document');
     if ($view instanceof ComDefaultViewHtml) {
         $document->setBuffer($view->getToolbar()->render(), 'modules', 'toolbar');
         $document->setBuffer($view->getToolbar()->renderTitle(), 'modules', 'title');
         if (KInflector::isSingular($view->getName()) && !KRequest::has('get.hidemainmenu')) {
             KRequest::set('get.hidemainmenu', 1);
         if (isset($view->views)) {
             foreach ($view->views as $name => $title) {
                 $active = $name == strtolower($view->getName());
                 $component = $this->_identifier->package;
                 JSubMenuHelper::addEntry(JText::_($title), 'index.php?option=com_' . $component . '&view=' . $name, $active);
     return parent::_actionRender($context);
  * @param $column
  * @return null
 private function __getRelation($type, $column)
     $relations = $this->getRelations();
     $taxonomies = json_decode($this->{$type});
     $identifier = new KServiceIdentifier($relations->{$type}->{$column}->identifier);
     if ($this->getRelations()->{$type}->{$column}->fallback == 1) {
         $identity_column = KInflector::singularize($this->getIdentifier()->name) . '_id';
         $id = $this->id;
     } else {
         $identity_column = 'id';
         $id = $taxonomies->{$column};
     if (KInflector::isSingular($column)) {
         $result = $this->getService($identifier)->set($identity_column, $id)->getItem();
         if (!$result->id) {
             $result = null;
     } else {
         $model = $this->getService($identifier);
         $state = $model->getState();
         if (isset($relations->{$type}->{$column}->{$column}->state)) {
             foreach ($relations->{$type}->{$column}->state as $key => $value) {
                 if ($filter = $state[$key]->filter) {
                     $state->remove($key)->insert($key, $filter, $value);
         try {
             $result = $model->{$identity_column}($id)->getList();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return $result = null;
         if ($result->count() == 0) {
             $result = null;
     return $result;
  * Add many-to-many or one-to-many or one-to-one relationship to a mapper. The cardinality
  * of a relationship can be an integer or the string 'many'.
  * @param KConfig $config Relationship options
  * @return AnDomainRelationshipManytoone
 protected static function _has(KConfig $config)
     //since the mixer is a singleton use the mixer object directly
     $description = $config['description'];
     //set the default cardinality
     //If name singular 1 else many
     $config->append(array('cardinality' => KInflector::isSingular($config['name']) ? 1 : 'many'));
     $cardinality = (int) $config->cardinality;
     $config->parent = $description->getEntityIdentifier();
     //a one to one relationship
     if (is_numeric($config->cardinality) && (int) $cardinality == 1) {
         $relationship = AnDomainPropertyAbstract::getInstance('relationship.onetoone', $config);
         //add the belnogs to relation to the child description
         //if it doesn't exists. Since it's a one-to-one relatonship
         //the parent entity uniquly identifies the child entity
         $child_description = $relationship->getChildRepository()->getDescription();
         $property = $child_description->getProperty($relationship->getChildKey());
         if (!$property) {
             $property = $child_description->setRelationship($relationship->getChildKey(), array('type' => 'belongs_to', 'parent' => $relationship->getParent()));
         if ($relationship->isRequired()) {
     } elseif (!$config->through) {
         $relationship = AnDomainPropertyAbstract::getInstance('relationship.onetomany', $config);
         //the child repository must have a belongs to relationship
         //if not then lets create one for it automatically
         if (!$relationship->getChildProperty()) {
             $child_key = $relationship->getChildKey();
             $belongs_to_options = array('parent' => $description->getEntityIdentifier(), 'type' => 'belongs_to');
             if ($config->child_column) {
                 $belongs_to_options['child_column'] = $config->child_column;
             if ($config->parent_key) {
                 $belongs_to_options['parent_key'] = $config->parent_key;
             $property = $relationship->getChildRepository()->getDescription()->setRelationship($child_key, $belongs_to_options);
     } else {
         $through_one_to_many = null;
         //if subscription is through a one-to-many relationship
         if (strpos($config->through, '.') === false && ($through_one_to_many = $description->getProperty($config->through))) {
             $config->append(array('parent_delete' => $through_one_to_many->getDeleteRule(), 'as' => $through_one_to_many->getName(), 'through' => $through_one_to_many->getChild(), 'parent' => $through_one_to_many->getParent(), 'child_key' => $through_one_to_many->getChildKey(), 'parent_key' => $through_one_to_many->getParentKey()));
         $relationship = AnDomainPropertyAbstract::getInstance('relationship.manytomany', $config);
         //lets create a child relationship for the parent
         //in the link entity if it doesn't exists
         if (!$relationship->getChildProperty()) {
             $child_key = $relationship->getChildKey();
             $belongs_to_options = array('parent' => $description->getEntityIdentifier(), 'type' => 'belongs_to');
             if ($config->child_column) {
                 $belongs_to_options['child_column'] = $config->child_column;
             $property = $relationship->getChildRepository()->getDescription()->setRelationship($child_key, $belongs_to_options);
         //lets create a child relationship for the target
         //in the link entity if it doesn't exists
         if (!$relationship->getTargetChildProperty()) {
             $child_key = $relationship->getTargetChildKey();
             $belongs_to_options = array('type' => 'belongs_to', 'parent' => $relationship->getTargetRepository()->getDescription()->getEntityIdentifier());
             if ($config->target_child_column) {
                 $belongs_to_options['target_child_column'] = $config->child_column;
             $property = $relationship->getChildRepository()->getDescription()->setRelationship($child_key, $belongs_to_options);
         //create has_many relationship for both the parent and the target
         //if there's no relationship set before
         $parent = $relationship->getJunctionAlias();
         $target = $parent;
         if (empty($through_one_to_many)) {
             $through_one_to_many = $description->setRelationship($target, array('type' => 'has', 'cardinality' => $config->cardinality, 'child_key' => $relationship->getChildKey(), 'parent_key' => $relationship->getParentKey(), 'child' => $relationship->getChild(), 'parent_delete' => $relationship->getDeleteRule()));
         } elseif ($through_one_to_many->getName() != $target) {
             $description->setAlias($through_one_to_many->getName(), $target);
         $through_one_to_many_target = $relationship->getTargetRepository()->getDescription()->setRelationship($parent, array('cardinality' => $config->cardinality, 'type' => 'has', 'child_key' => $relationship->getTargetChildKey(), 'parent_key' => $relationship->getTargetParentKey(), 'child' => $relationship->getChild(), 'parent_delete' => $relationship->getDeleteRule()));
          * Duplicate Delete for two object that have has many to has many 
          * relationship with each other 
         // 			print $through_one_to_many_target->getParentRepository()->getIdentifier()->name.' has many '.$through_one_to_many_target->getName().'<br/>'.
         // 			$through_one_to_many->getParentRepository()->getIdentifier()->name.' has many '.$through_one_to_many->getName().'<br/><hr/>';
     return $relationship;
  * Initializes the configuration for the object
  * Called from {@link __construct()} as a first step of object instantiation.
  * @param   array   Configuration settings
 protected function _initialize(KConfig $config)
     $path[] = dirname($this->getIdentifier()->filepath) . '/html';
     $config->append(array('template_filters' => array('form', 'module'), 'media_url' => JURI::base() . '../media', 'layout' => KInflector::isSingular($this->getName()) ? 'form' : 'default', 'template_paths' => $path));
  * Display action
  * This function translates a GET request into a read or browse action. If the view name is 
  * singular a read action will be executed, if plural a browse action will be executed.
  * This function will not render anything if the following conditions are met :
  * - The result of the read or browse action is not a row or rowset object
  * - The contex::status is 404 NOT FOUND and the view is not a HTML view
  * @param	KCommandContext	A command context object
  * @return 	string|false 	The rendered output of the view or FALSE if something went wrong
 protected function _actionDisplay(KCommandContext $context)
     //Check if we are reading or browsing
     $action = KInflector::isSingular($this->getView()->getName()) ? 'read' : 'browse';
     //Execute the action
     $result = $this->execute($action, $context);
     //Only process the result if a valid row or rowset object has been returned
     if ($result instanceof KDatabaseRowInterface || $result instanceof KDatabaseRowsetInterface) {
         $view = $this->getView();
         if ($context->status != KHttpResponse::NOT_FOUND || $view instanceof KViewHtml) {
             if ($view instanceof KViewTemplate && isset($this->_request->layout)) {
             $result = $view->display();
         } else {
             $result = false;
     return $result;
  * Set the mimetype of the document and hide the menu if required
  * @return  KDispatcherDefault
 protected function _actionRender(KCommandContext $context)
     $view = $this->getController()->getView();
     //Set the document mimetype
     //Disabled the application menubar
     if ($this->getController()->isEditable() && KInflector::isSingular($view->getName())) {
         KRequest::set('get.hidemainmenu', 1);
     return parent::_actionRender($context);

 * @version     $Id: inline.php 1042 2011-10-09 02:16:36Z johanjanssens $
 * @category	Nooku
 * @package     Nooku_Modules
 * @subpackage  Widget
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012 Timble CVBA and Contributors. (http://www.timble.net).
 * @license     GNU GPLv3 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
 * @link        http://www.nooku.org
defined('KOOWA') or die('Restricted access');
$parts = $url->getQuery(true);
$package = substr($parts['option'], 4);
$view = $parts['view'];
$action = KInflector::isSingular($view) ? 'read' : 'browse';
echo @service('admin::com.' . $package . '.controller.' . KInflector::singularize($view))->setRequest($parts)->{$action}();
  * Function for getting a plural and human readable version of a name
  * @author Stian Didriksen <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  bool $pluralize	Wether to pluralize or not
 public function getReadableName($pluralize = true)
     $name = $this->getName();
     if ($pluralize && KInflector::isSingular($name)) {
         $name = KInflector::pluralize($name);
     return KInflector::humanize($name);
  * @dataProvider providePlurals
 public function testIsSingular($singular, $plural)
  * Method to set a model object attached to the controller
  * @param	mixed	An object that implements KObjectServiceable, KServiceIdentifier object 
  * 					or valid identifier string
  * @throws	KControllerException	If the identifier is not a model identifier
  * @return	object	A KModelAbstract object or a KServiceIdentifier object
 public function setModel($model)
     if (!$model instanceof KModelAbstract) {
         if (is_string($model) && strpos($model, '.') === false) {
             // Model names are always plural
             if (KInflector::isSingular($model)) {
                 $model = KInflector::pluralize($model);
             $identifier = clone $this->getIdentifier();
             $identifier->path = array('model');
             $identifier->name = $model;
         } else {
             $identifier = $this->getIdentifier($model);
         if ($identifier->path[0] != 'model') {
             throw new KControllerException('Identifier: ' . $identifier . ' is not a model identifier');
         $model = $identifier;
     $this->_model = $model;
     return $this->_model;
  * Check is the relations in the data are mentioned in the config. If not then they are not returned.
  * @param $config, either ancestors or descendants from the config
  * @param $data, the post data
  * @return array, the new relations
 private function __getNewRelations($config, $data)
     $new_relations = array();
     foreach ($config as $name => $value) {
         if (isset($data[$name])) {
             $relation = $data[$name];
             // If relation name is plural, save as array
             if (KInflector::isPlural($name) && !is_array($relation)) {
                 $relation = array($relation);
             } else {
                 if (KInflector::isSingular($name) && is_array($relation) && count($relation) == 1) {
                     $relation = $relation[0];
             $new_relations[$name] = $relation;
     return $new_relations;
  * Get action
  * This function translates a GET request into a read or browse action. If the view name is 
  * singular a read action will be executed, if plural a browse action will be executed.
  * If the result of the read or browse action is not a row or rowset object the fucntion will
  * passthrough the result, request the attached view to render itself.
  * @param	KCommandContext	A command context object
  * @return 	string|false 	The rendered output of the view or FALSE if something went wrong
 protected function _actionGet(KCommandContext $context)
     //Check if we are reading or browsing
     $action = KInflector::isSingular($this->getView()->getName()) ? 'read' : 'browse';
     //Execute the action
     $result = $this->execute($action, $context);
     //Only process the result if a valid row or rowset object has been returned
     if ($result instanceof KDatabaseRowInterface || $result instanceof KDatabaseRowsetInterface) {
         $result = parent::_actionGet($context);
     return (string) $result;
  * Set the toolbar's title and icon
  * @return 	string
 public function renderTitle()
     $name = $this->getName();
     $img = KInflector::isPLural($name) ? KFactory::get('admin::com.ninja.helper.default')->img('/48/' . $name . '.png') : KFactory::get('admin::com.ninja.helper.default')->img('/48/' . KInflector::pluralize($name) . '.png');
     if (!$img) {
         $img = KInflector::isSingular($name) ? KFactory::get('admin::com.ninja.helper.default')->img('/48/' . $name . '.png') : KFactory::get('admin::com.ninja.helper.default')->img('/48/' . KInflector::singularize($name) . '.png');
     if ($img) {
         KFactory::get('admin::com.ninja.helper.default')->css('.header.icon-48-' . $name . ' { background-image: url(' . $img . '); }');
     $this->name = $this->getName();
     $this->title = $this->_title;
     return $this->getTemplate()->loadIdentifier('admin::com.ninja.view.toolbar.toolbar_title', array('name' => $this->getName(), 'title' => $this->_title))->render(true);