function replace($match) { if (!isset($match[1]) || empty($match[1])) { return; } try { //WYSIWYG editor zalamuje XHTML neparove znacky na \ /> aby zustal validni JSON je potreba to vratit spet na \/> $json = str_replace('\\ />', '\\/>', $match[1]); $config = json_decode($json, true); if ($config === NULL) { KBIDebug::log($match[1], 'Element not parsed as JSON'); return $match[1]; } $transfomator = new KbiModelTransformator($config); //var_dump($match); //var_dump($config); //var_dump($transfomator); return $transfomator->transform(); } catch (Exception $ex) { KBIDebug::log(array($ex, $config), 'Query not succesfull'); } }
function uploadlocal() { global $option; $application = JFactory::getApplication(); // Check for request forgeries JRequest::checkToken() or jexit('Invalid Token'); if ($model =& $this->getModel('sources')) { $id = JRequest::getVar('id', array(0), 'method', 'array'); $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(0), 'method', 'array'); $success = 0; require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'models' . DS . 'documents.php'; $documents_model = new DocumentsModel(); $sourceConfig = $model->getSource($id[0]); $source = KBIntegrator::create(get_object_vars($sourceConfig)); foreach ($cid as $document_id) { try { $document = $documents_model->getArticle($document_id, 'all', true); if ($document) { KBIDebug::log($document); $source->addDocument($document->id, $document, FALSE); $success++; $application->enqueueMessage(JText::_('Document uploaded') . "({$document->title})"); } } catch (Exception $ex) { //TODO: add document title to error message $application->enqueueMessage(JText::_('ERROR ADDING FILE') . " - " . $ex->getMessage(), 'error'); } } $application->enqueueMessage(JText::_('Documents uploaded') . "({$success})"); } else { $application->enqueueMessage(JText::_('SOURCE NOT FOUND'), 'error'); } $this->setRedirect("index.php?option={$option}&controller=documents&id[]={$id[0]}"); }
/** * Generates final query from skeleton using parameters and/or XSLT transformation. * * @return string */ public function proccessQuery(&$options) { $parameters = $this->getParameters(); $xslt = $this->getXslt(); /* output parameter */ $options = array_merge($this->getOptions('GET'), $this->getOptions('POST')); if (!empty($parameters)) { if (is_array($parameters)) { $delimiter = $this->getDelimiter(); $replace_pairs = array(); foreach ($parameters as $name => $value) { $replace_pairs[$delimiter . $name . $delimiter] = $value; } KBIDebug::log($replace_pairs, 'Applying parameters.'); $this->query = strtr($this->query, $replace_pairs); } elseif (empty($this->query) && is_string($parameters)) { // in case query is empty and parameters is string then we assume parameters to be query itself KBIDebug::info('Parameters considered as query.'); $this->setQuery($parameters); } } if (!empty($xslt)) { $xml = new DOMDocument(); if ($xml->loadXML($this->query)) { // Create XSLT document $xsl_document = new DOMDocument(); $xsl_document->loadXML($xslt, LIBXML_NOCDATA); // Process XSLT $xslt = new XSLTProcessor(); $xslt->importStylesheet($xsl_document); KBIDebug::info('Applying pre-query transformation.'); $this->query = $xslt->transformToXML($xml); } else { KBIDebug::info('Query is not valid XML therefore XSLT could not be executed.'); } } return $this->getQuery(); }
public function test() { try { $server_id = $this->getMinerId(); if ($server_id === null) { throw new \Exception('LISpMiner ID was not provided.'); } $client = $this->getRestClient(); $credentials = $this->getUser(); $url = trim($this->getUrl(), '/'); $url = "{$url}/miners/{$server_id}"; $response = $client->get($url, null, $credentials); KBIDebug::log($response, "Test executed"); $this->parseResponse($response, ''); return true; } catch (\Exception $ex) { return false; } }
function remove() { global $option; // Check for request forgeries JRequest::checkToken() or jexit('Invalid Token'); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option={$option}"); // Initialize variables $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $ids = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(0), 'post', 'array'); $table =& JTable::getInstance('source', 'Table'); $n = count($ids); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $sources =& $this->getModel('sources'); $source = $sources->getSource((int) $ids[$i]); // delete miner if it is LISpMiner if ($source && $source->type == 'LISPMINER') { try { $config = get_object_vars($source); JLoader::import('KBIntegrator', JPATH_PLUGINS . DS . 'kbi'); $miner = KBIntegrator::create($config); $miner->unregister(); } catch (Exception $ex) { // Just log it KBIDebug::log($ex->getMessage()); } } if (!$table->delete((int) $ids[$i])) { return JError::raiseWarning(500, $table->getError()); } } $this->setMessage(JText::sprintf('Items removed', $n)); }
/** * Implements the query execution. If remote source returned well-formed XML and XSLT is set the transformation is performed. * * @param KBIQuery|string $query * @param string $xsl XSLT * @return string The result of query execution. */ public function query($query, $xsl = '') { $options = array(); if ($query instanceof KBIQuery) { $query = $query->proccessQuery($options); } $method = strtoupper($this->getMethod()); switch ($method) { case 'POST': $xml_data = $this->queryPost($query, $options); break; case 'SOAP': $xml_data = $this->querySoap($query); break; default: case 'GET': $xml_data = $this->queryGet($query); break; } KBIDebug::log(array($xml_data), 'Raw result'); if (empty($xsl)) { return $xml_data; } $xml = new DOMDocument(); if ($xml->loadXML($xml_data)) { // Create XSLT document $xsl_document = new DOMDocument(); $xsl_document->loadXML($xsl, LIBXML_NOCDATA); // Process XSLT $xslt = new XSLTProcessor(); $xslt->importStylesheet($xsl_document); KBIDebug::info('Applying post-query transformation.'); return $xslt->transformToXML($xml); } else { return $xml_data; } }
/** * * @see */ public function addDocument($id, $document, $path = true) { $ch = curl_init(); if (is_object($document)) { $data = array('action' => 'addDocument', 'id' => $id, 'docName' => $document->title, 'creationTime' => $document->modified, 'content' => $document->text, 'reportUri' => $document->uri); } else { $data = array('action' => 'addDocument', 'id' => $id, 'docName' => '', 'creationTime' => '', 'content' => $path ? file_get_contents($document) : $document); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->getUrl()); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->encodeData($data)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); $info = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); KBIDebug::log($data, "Adding document to source {$this->getName()}"); KBIDebug::log($info, 'Document add CURL info'); KBIDebug::log($response, 'Document add CURL response'); if ($info['http_code'] != '200') { throw new Exception('Error in communication'); } $xml_response = simplexml_load_string($response); if ($xml_response === FALSE) { throw new Exception('Unexpected response'); } if (isset($xml_response->error)) { throw new Exception($xml_response->error); } }
/** * @param $id * @throws Exception */ public function remove($id) { $table =& JTable::getInstance('source', 'Table'); $id = (int) $id; $source = $this->getSource($id); // delete miner if it is LISpMiner if ($source && $source->type == 'LISPMINER') { try { $config = get_object_vars($source); JLoader::import('KBIntegrator', JPATH_LIBRARIES . DS . 'kbi'); $miner = KBIntegrator::create($config); $miner->unregister(); } catch (Exception $ex) { // Just log it KBIDebug::log($ex->getMessage()); } } if (!$table->delete($id)) { throw new Exception($table->getError()); } }
public function cancelQuery($taskName) { $source = $this->getSource(); if ($source != NULL && $source instanceof LispMiner) { KBIDebug::log(array('source' => $source, 'task' => $taskName), 'Canceling task'); return $source->cancelTask($taskName); } else { return JText::_('Given source does not support query cancelation (only LISpMiner sources does).'); } }
/** * * Sends PMML document to be indexed to service * * @see */ public function addDocument($id, $document, $path = true) { $ch = curl_init(); if (is_object($document)) { $data = array('action' => 'addDocument', 'id' => $id, 'docName' => $document->title, 'creationTime' => $document->modified, 'content' => $document->text, 'reportUri' => $document->uri); } else { $data = array('action' => 'addDocument', 'id' => $id, 'docName' => '', 'creationTime' => '', 'content' => $path ? file_get_contents($document) : $document); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->getUrl()); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->encodeData($data)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); $info = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); KBIDebug::log($data); KBIDebug::log($info); KBIDebug::log($response); var_dump($data); var_dump($info); var_dump($response); if ($info['http_code'] != '200') { throw new Exception('Error in communication'); } }
function hits() { $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $viewName = JRequest::getVar('view', 'hits'); $viewType = $document->getType(); $view =& $this->getView($viewName, $viewType); $data = JRequest::getVar('data', '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); if ($viewType == 'raw' && $data != NULL) { $config = array('source' => JRequest::getVar('id_source', NULL, 'default', 'none', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW), 'query' => NULL, 'xslt' => NULL, 'parameters' => NULL); try { $com_kbi = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_kbi', true); if (!$com_kbi->enabled) { throw new Exception('KBI component not intalled or enabled'); } JLoader::import('transformator', JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . '..' . DS . $com_kbi->option . DS . 'models'); $model = new KbiModelTransformator($config); $sr = self::createSerializeRules($model->getSource()); $model->setQuery($sr->serializeRules($data)); $dd = null; $fl = null; $er = $model->transform(); $sr = new GetDataARBuilderQuery($dd, $fl, $er, 'en'); $data = $sr->getData(); $view->assignRef('value', $data); KBIDebug::log($er); } catch (Exception $e) { $view->assign('value', "<p class=\"kbierror\">Chyba dotazu: {$e->getMessage()}</p>"); } } $view->display(); }
public function getDatabasePassword($username, $password, $db_id) { $url = trim($this->getUrl(), '/'); $url = "{$url}/Users/Get"; $data = array('name' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'db_id' => $db_id); $response = $this->requestGet($url, $data); KBIDebug::log(array('data' => $data, 'response' => $response, 'url' => $url), "Password retring"); return $this->parseDatabasePassword($response); }
public function setDatabasePassword($username, $password, $db_id, $old_password, $new_password) { $client = $this->getRestClient(); $url = trim($this->getUrl(), '/'); $url = "{$url}/users/{$username}/databases/{$db_id}"; $data = array('db_id' => $db_id, 'db_password' => $new_password); $response = $client->put($url, $data, array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); KBIDebug::log(array('url' => "PUT {$url}", 'data' => $data, 'response' => $response), "Password changed"); return $this->parseResponse($response, "User's datbases password changed successfully."); }
/** * Generates JSON from FeaturesList and DataDescription that initializes ARDesigner. * */ function features() { $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setMimeEncoding('application/json'); $viewName = JRequest::getVar('view', 'features'); $viewType = 'raw'; $view =& $this->getView($viewName, $viewType); $query_id = JRequest::getInt('id_query', NULL); $view->assign('value', ''); if ($query_id != NULL) { if (!class_exists('KbiModelQueries')) { $kbi = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_kbi', true); if ($kbi->enabled) { JLoader::import('queries', self::$com_kbi_admin . DS . 'models'); JLoader::import('sources', self::$com_kbi_admin . DS . 'models'); } else { throw new Exception(JText::_('Component com_kbi not found / enabled!')); } } $model_queries = new KbiModelQueries(); $query = $model_queries->getQuery($query_id); $model_sources = new KbiModelSources(); $source = $model_sources->getSource(JRequest::getInt('id_source', NULL)); KBIDebug::log($source); $featurelist = !empty($query->featurelist) ? $query->featurelist : $this->featurelist; if (!empty($source->dictionaryquery)) { $datadescription = $source->dictionaryquery; } else { $kbi_source = KBIntegrator::create(get_object_vars($source)); if ($kbi_source instanceof ISynchronable) { $datadescription = $kbi_source->getDataDescription(); } else { $datadescription = $this->datadescription; } } } else { $featurelist = $this->featurelist; $datadescription = $this->datadescription; } if (class_exists('KBIDebug')) { KBIDebug::log(array('featurelist' => $featurelist, 'datadescription' => $datadescription), 'Loading ARD with FL and DL'); } $sr = new GetDataARBuilderQuery($datadescription, $featurelist, null, 'en'); $result = $sr->getData(); $view->assignRef('value', $result); $view->display(); }