 *  - Insert the test dataset into DB :
 *    INSERT INTO oauth_clients (client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri) VALUES ("testclient", "testpass", "http://fake/");
require "JoraniAPI.php";
$nb_of_days = 1;
//Number of days to be added to the credit
$leave_type = 1;
//Id of the leave type for seniority leave (see list of leave types into the web ui)
$condition = ' - 1 year';
//Condition for date hired ' - 365 day'
//Current yearly period
$startdate = date('Y') . '-01-01';
$enddate = date('Y') . '-12-31';
//Connect to the REST API
$api = new JoraniAPI('http://localhost/jorani/', 'testclient', 'testpass');
//Get the list of employees
$employees = $api->getEmployeesList();
//echo "Employees  = " . var_dump($employees) . PHP_EOL;
//Iterate on the employees list (datehired > $condition)
$last_year = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time()) . $condition)));
//TODO : get the label of Seniority Leave ?
foreach ($employees as $employee) {
    $datehired = new DateTime($employee->datehired);
    if ($datehired < $last_year) {
        echo "senior employee  = " . $employee->id . PHP_EOL;
        //Check if we already credited seniority entitled days for the current period
        $entitled_days = $api->getEntitledDaysEmployeeList($employee->id);
        echo "entitled days  = " . var_dump($entitled_days) . PHP_EOL;
        $found = FALSE;
        foreach ($entitled_days as $credit) {
$days = (double) 1;
//Type of leave (pick a number in the IDs defined in Jorani, eg http://localhost/jorani/leavetypes)
$type = 1;
//Description of the credit line
$description = 'Credit line added by robot - ' . date("D M d, Y G:i");
//Define entitlment period
//CURRENT_PERIOD        The entitlement can be taken only during the current yearly period (recommended)
//'FROM_MONTH              The entitlement can be taken from the current month to the end of yearly period
//CURRENT_MONTH        The entitlement can be taken only during the current month
//CURRENT_YEAR           The entitlement can be taken only during the current year
$period = JoraniAPI::CURRENT_PERIOD;
// End of configuration
//Connect to the REST API
$api = new JoraniAPI($url, $user, $password);
//Get the list of employee ids and add the entitled days
foreach ($employee_ids as $employee_id) {
    $employee = $api->getEmployees($employee_id);
    $contract = $api->getContracts($employee->contract);
    $startdate = $api->getStartDate($contract, $period);
    $enddate = $api->getEndDate($contract, $period);
    if ($employee->active == 1) {
        $api->addEntitledDaysEmployee($employee->id, $startdate, $enddate, $days, $type, $description);
        echo 'Added ' . $days . ' day(s) to employee #' . $employee->id . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        echo 'No credit to inactiveemployee #' . $employee->id . PHP_EOL;
//Get the list of contract ids and add the entitled days
foreach ($contract_ids as $contract_id) {
//You must use a dedicated leave type for seniority bonus for this script to work
//Condition tested against date hired field ' - 365 day'
$condition = ' - 1 year';
//Description of the credit line
$description = 'Seniority bonus added by robot - ' . date("D M d, Y G:i");
//Define entitlment period
//CURRENT_YEAR           The entitlement can be taken only during the current year (most current case)
//CURRENT_PERIOD        The entitlement can be taken only during the current yearly period
//'FROM_MONTH              The entitlement can be taken from the current month to the end of yearly period
//CURRENT_MONTH        The entitlement can be taken only during the current month
$period = JoraniAPI::CURRENT_YEAR;
// End of configuration
//Connect to the REST API
$api = new JoraniAPI($url, $user, $password);
//Iterate on the employees list (datehired > $condition). Most of the time, last year.
$floorDate = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time()) . $condition)));
//Get the list of employees
$employees = $api->getEmployees();
foreach ($employees as $employee) {
    $datehired = new DateTime($employee->datehired);
    if ($datehired < $floorDate) {
        echo "senior employee  #" . $employee->id . PHP_EOL;
        //Check if we already credited seniority entitled days for the current period
        $entitled_days = $api->getEntitledDaysListForEmployee($employee->id);
        $contract = $api->getContracts($employee->contract);
        $startdate = $api->getStartDate($contract, $period);
        $enddate = $api->getEndDate($contract, $period);
        $hasSeniority = $api->hasEntitlementInPeriod($employee->id, $type, $startdate, $enddate);
        if (!$hasSeniority) {