  * Get virtual path. Relative path without root folder parent path.
  * @param string $path relative path to convert
  * @return string virtual relative path, if virtual path is turn off in menu item config return the same path as given
 public static function getVirtualPath($path)
     static $virtualRootPath, $virtualRootAlias, $virtualRootPathLength, $virtualRootAliasLength;
     /* @var $virtualRootDepth depth of virtual folder parent */
     if (is_null($virtualRootPath) && is_null($virtualRootAlias) || isset($GLOBALS['joomDOCPath'])) {
         $config = JoomDOCConfig::getInstance(isset($GLOBALS['joomDOCPath']) ? $GLOBALS['joomDOCPath'] : null);
         if ($config->virtualFolder) {
             $model = JModelLegacy::getInstance(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT, JOOMDOC_MODEL_PREFIX);
             /* @var $model JoomDOCModelDocument */
             $virtualRootPath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getRelativePath($config->path);
             $virtualRootAlias = $model->searchFullAliasByPath($virtualRootPath);
             if (is_null($virtualRootAlias)) {
                 $virtualRootAlias = JoomDOCString::stringURLSafe($virtualRootPath);
             $virtualRootPathLength = JString::strlen($virtualRootPath) + 1;
             $virtualRootAliasLength = JString::strlen($virtualRootAlias) + 1;
         } else {
             $virtualRootPath = $virtualRootAlias = false;
     if ($path) {
         if ($virtualRootPath && JString::strpos($path, $virtualRootPath) === 0) {
             $path = JString::substr($path, $virtualRootPathLength);
         } elseif ($virtualRootAlias && JString::strpos($path, $virtualRootAlias) === 0) {
             $path = JString::substr($path, $virtualRootAliasLength);
     return $path;
  * Overload the store method for the documents table.
  * @param	boolean	Toggle whether null values should be updated.
  * @return	boolean	True on success, false on failure.
  * @since	1.6
 public function store($updateNulls = false, $reindex = true)
     $date = JFactory::getDate();
     /* @var $date JDate current date */
     $currentDate = $date->toSql();
     /* @var $currentDate string current date as MySQL datetime in GMT0 */
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     /* @var $user JUser current logged user */
     $config = JoomDOCConfig::getInstance();
     /* @var $config JoomDOCConfig */
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     /* @var $app JApplication */
     if ($this->id) {
         // for exists document store modifier
         $this->modified = $currentDate;
         $this->modified_by = $user->get('id');
     } else {
         if (!intval($this->created)) {
             $this->created = $currentDate;
         if (empty($this->created_by)) {
             $this->created_by = $user->get('id');
         // add on end in list
         $this->_db->setQuery('SELECT MAX(`ordering`) FROM `#__joomdoc` WHERE `parent_path` = ' . $this->_db->quote($this->parent_path));
         $this->ordering = (int) $this->_db->loadResult() + 1;
     // if user doesn't set alias use title
     if (!JString::trim($this->alias)) {
         $this->alias = $this->title;
     // convert alias to safe string
     if ($app->getCfg('unicodeslugs') == 1) {
         $this->alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLUnicodeSlug($this->alias);
     } else {
         $this->alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($this->alias);
     $this->full_alias = $this->alias;
     if ($this->parent_path) {
         // search alias of parent document
         $this->_db->setQuery('SELECT `full_alias` FROM `#__joomdoc` WHERE `path` = ' . $this->_db->Quote($this->parent_path) . ' ORDER BY `version` DESC', 0, 1);
         $parentAlias = $this->_db->loadResult();
         // create full alias with parent path
         if (!JString::trim($parentAlias)) {
             // if parent alias not available use parent path
             $parentAlias = JoomDOCString::stringURLSafe($this->parent_path);
         if (JString::trim($parentAlias)) {
             $this->full_alias = $parentAlias . '/' . $this->alias;
     $this->_db->setQuery('SELECT MIN(`id`) FROM `#__joomdoc` WHERE `parent_path` = ' . $this->_db->Quote($this->path) . ' GROUP BY `path`');
     $cid = $this->_db->loadColumn();
     if ($cid) {
         // update alias in child documents
         $query = 'SELECT `id`, `alias`, `full_alias` FROM `#__joomdoc` WHERE `id` IN (' . implode(', ', $cid) . ')';
         $childs = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
         foreach ($childs as $child) {
             $fullAlias = $this->full_alias . '/' . $child->alias;
             if ($child->full_alias != $fullAlias) {
                 $query = 'UPDATE `#__joomdoc` SET `full_alias` = ' . $this->_db->Quote($fullAlias) . ' WHERE `id` = ' . (int) $child->id;
     foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $var => $val) {
         if ($var[0] != '_' && (is_array($val) || is_object($val))) {
             $registry = new JRegistry($val);
             $this->{$var} = $registry->toString();
     $success = parent::store($updateNulls);
     if ($success && $reindex) {
         JModelLegacy::getInstance(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS, JOOMDOC_MODEL_PREFIX)->flat($this->path);
     return $success;