		<a class="readon" href="<?php 
        echo JRoute::_($more_link);
" <?php 
        if ($params->get('more_blank') == 1) {
            echo 'target="_blank"';
        echo JText::_($more_title);
    $mod_fc_run_times['rendering_template'] = $modfc_jprof->getmicrotime() - $mod_fc_run_times['rendering_template'];
    $task_lbls = array('query_items' => 'Main DB Querying of Items (' . count($catdata_arr) . ' queries): %.2f secs', 'query_items_sec' => 'Sec SQL Querying of Items (' . count($catdata_arr) . ' queries): %.2f secs', 'empty_fields_filter' => 'Empty fields filter (skip items)): %.2f secs', 'item_list_creation' => 'Item list creation (with custom field rendering): %.2f secs', 'category_data_retrieval' => 'Category data retrieval: %.2f secs', 'rendering_template' => 'Adding css/js & Rendering Template with item/category/etc data: %.2f secs');
    // append performance stats to global variable
    $flexiparams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_flexicontent');
    if ($flexiparams->get('print_logging_info')) {
        $modfc_jprof->mark('END: FLEXIcontent Module');
        $msg = '<br/><br/>' . implode('<br/>', $modfc_jprof->getbuffer());
        $msg .= sprintf('<code> <b><u>including</u></b>: <br/> -- Content Plugins: %.2f secs</code><br/>', $fc_content_plg_microtime / 1000000);
        foreach ($mod_fc_run_times as $modtask => $modtime) {
            $msg .= '<code>' . sprintf(' -- ' . $task_lbls[$modtask] . '<br/>', $modtime) . '</code>';
        global $fc_performance_msg;
        $fc_performance_msg .= $msg;
 // ***************************************
 $app = JFactory::getApplication();
 $_view = JRequest::getWord('view', 'flexicontent');
 $_layout = JRequest::getWord('layout', '');
 if ($task) {
     $_msg = ' (TASK: ' . (!FLEXI_J16GE ? $ctrlname . '.' : '') . $task . ')';
 } else {
     $_msg = ' (VIEW: ' . $_view . ($_layout ? ' -- LAYOUT: ' . $_layout : '') . ')';
 // **************************************
 // Various Partial time performance stats
 // **************************************
 $fields_render_total = 0;
 $fields_render_times = FlexicontentFields::getFieldRenderTimes($fields_render_total);
 $fc_jprof->mark('END: FLEXIcontent component: ' . $_msg);
 $msg = '<div style="font-family:tahoma!important; font-size:11px!important;">' . implode('<br/>', $fc_jprof->getbuffer()) . '</div>';
 $msg .= '<div style="font-family:tahoma!important; font-size:11px!important;">';
 if (isset($fc_run_times['initialize_component'])) {
     $msg .= sprintf('<br/>-- [Initialize component: %.2f s] ', $fc_run_times['initialize_component'] / 1000000);
 if (isset($fc_run_times['post_installation_tasks'])) {
     $msg .= sprintf('<br/>-- [Post installation / DB intergrity TASKs: %.2f s] ', $fc_run_times['post_installation_tasks'] / 1000000);
 $msg .= '<small>';
 if (isset($fc_run_times['getExistMenuItems'])) {
     $msg .= sprintf('<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - Default menu item for URLs : %.2f s ', $fc_run_times['getExistMenuItems'] / 1000000);
 if (isset($fc_run_times['getItemsNoLang'])) {
     $msg .= sprintf('<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - Items language and translation associations: %.2f s ', $fc_run_times['getItemsNoLang'] / 1000000);
 if (isset($fc_run_times['getItemsNoCat'])) {