function onPrepareContent(&$article, &$params, $limitstart) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($app->isAdmin()) { return; } //Get Social RenderKey jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $libFile = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'facebook.php'; if (!JFile::exists($libFile)) { return; } require_once $libFile; $jfbcLibrary = JFBConnectFacebookLibrary::getInstance(); $renderKey = $jfbcLibrary->getSocialTagRenderKey(); if ($renderKey) { $renderKeyString = " key=" . $renderKey; } else { $renderKeyString = ""; } $configModel = $jfbcLibrary->getConfigModel(); $showComments = $this->showSocialItemInArticle($article, $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_article_include_ids'), $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_article_exclude_ids'), $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_cat_include_type'), $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_cat_ids'), $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_sect_include_type'), $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_sect_ids')); $showLike = $this->showSocialItemInArticle($article, $configModel->getSetting('social_like_article_include_ids'), $configModel->getSetting('social_like_article_exclude_ids'), $configModel->getSetting('social_like_cat_include_type'), $configModel->getSetting('social_like_cat_ids'), $configModel->getSetting('social_like_sect_include_type'), $configModel->getSetting('social_like_sect_ids')); $view = JRequest::getVar('view'); $showCommentsInView = $this->showSocialItemInView($article, $view, $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_article_view'), $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_frontpage_view'), $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_category_view'), $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_section_view')); $showLikeInView = $this->showSocialItemInView($article, $view, $configModel->getSetting('social_like_article_view'), $configModel->getSetting('social_like_frontpage_view'), $configModel->getSetting('social_like_category_view'), $configModel->getSetting('social_like_section_view')); if ($showComments == true && $showCommentsInView == true) { $showAtTop = $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_position'); $width = $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_width'); $numposts = $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_max_num'); $colorscheme = $configModel->getSetting('social_comment_color_scheme'); //Figure out href based on current page $href = plgContentJFBCContent::getCurrentArticleURL($article); $commentText = '{JFBCComments href=' . $href . ' width=' . $width . ' num_posts=' . $numposts . ' colorscheme=' . $colorscheme . $renderKeyString . '}'; plgContentJFBCContent::addTextToArticle($article->text, $commentText, $showAtTop); } if ($showLike == true && $showLikeInView == true) { $showLikePosition = $configModel->getSetting('social_like_position'); $buttonStyle = $configModel->getSetting('social_like_layout_style'); $showFaces = $configModel->getSetting('social_like_show_faces'); $width = $configModel->getSetting('social_like_width'); $verbToDisplay = $configModel->getSetting('social_like_verb_to_display'); $font = $configModel->getSetting('social_like_font'); $colorScheme = $configModel->getSetting('social_like_color_scheme'); $url = plgContentJFBCContent::getCurrentArticleURL($article); $likeText = '{JFBCLike layout=' . $buttonStyle . ' show_faces=' . $showFaces . ' width=' . $width . ' action=' . $verbToDisplay . ' font=' . $font . ' colorscheme=' . $colorScheme . ' url=' . $url . $renderKeyString . '}'; plgContentJFBCContent::addTextToArticle($article->text, $likeText, $showLikePosition); } //Add first image from article if enabled $socialGraphEnabled = $configModel->getSetting('social_graph_enabled'); $socialGraphFirstImage = $configModel->getSetting('social_graph_first_image'); if ($socialGraphEnabled == "1" && $socialGraphFirstImage == "1" && $view == 'article') { $firstImage = $this->_getFirstImage($article->text); if ($firstImage != '') { $graphTag = '{JFBCGraph image=' . $firstImage . $renderKeyString . '}'; plgContentJFBCContent::addTextToArticle($article->text, $graphTag, false); } } }
function __construct(&$subject, $params) { require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'facebook.php'; $this->jfbcLibrary = JFBConnectFacebookLibrary::getInstance(); $this->configModel = $this->jfbcLibrary->getConfigModel(); $this->profileName = $params['name']; $this->_db = JFactory::getDBO(); parent::__construct($subject, $params); }
function onAfterRoute() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); if (!$app->isAdmin()) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $libFile = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'facebook.php'; if (!JFile::exists($libFile)) { return; } require_once $libFile; $this->jfbcLibrary = JFBConnectFacebookLibrary::getInstance(); } }
function _sendEmail($subject, $body) { $jfbcLibrary = JFBConnectFacebookLibrary::getInstance(); $configModel = $jfbcLibrary->getConfigModel(); $toname = $configModel->getSetting('social_notification_email_address'); $toname = explode(',', $toname); // Don't send emails to no one :) if ($toname[0] == "") { return; } $app =& JFactory::getApplication(); $sitename = $app->getCfg('sitename'); $mailfrom = $app->getCfg('mailfrom'); $fromname = $app->getCfg('fromname'); $subject = $subject . " - " . $sitename; JUtility::sendMail($mailfrom, $fromname, $toname, $subject, $body); }
function display($tpl = null) { $jfbcLibrary = JFBConnectFacebookLibrary::getInstance(); $fbUserId = $jfbcLibrary->getUserId(FALSE); $fbUserProfile = $jfbcLibrary->_getUserName($fbUserId); $configModel = $jfbcLibrary->getConfigModel(); if ($fbUserId == null) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->redirect('index.php'); } $app =& JFactory::getApplication(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('jfbcprofiles'); $profileFields = $app->triggerEvent('jfbcProfilesOnShowRegisterForm'); JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); $this->assignRef('fbClient', $fbClient); $this->assignRef('fbUserId', $fbUserId); $this->assignRef('fbUserProfile', $fbUserProfile); $this->assignRef('configModel', $configModel); $this->assignRef('profileFields', $profileFields); $this->assignRef('fbUserEmail', $this->_getDisplayEmail($fbUserProfile['email'])); parent::display($tpl); }
function display($tpl = null) { require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'facebook.php'; require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'sourcecoast.php'; $jfbcLibrary = JFBConnectFacebookLibrary::getInstance(); $configModel = $this->getModel(); $usermapModel = $this->getModel('usermap'); // TODO: In addition to just checking if the key is set, check if the connection to FB also works if ($jfbcLibrary->facebookApiKey) { $params = array('method' => 'admin.getAppProperties', 'properties' => array('application_name', 'description', 'connect_url', 'base_domain', 'logo_url')); $appProperties = $jfbcLibrary->rest($params, FALSE); /* require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_jfbconnect'.DS.'helpers'.DS.'insightshelper.php'); $jfbcInsights = new JFBConnectInsightsHelper(); //$jfbcInsights->getStatTypes(); $chartPageActiveUsers = $jfbcInsights->createChart('application_active_users', 'day'); */ $fql = "SELECT monthly_active_users, weekly_active_users, daily_active_users FROM application WHERE app_id=" . $jfbcLibrary->facebookAppId; $params = array('method' => 'fql.query', 'query' => $fql); $appStats = $jfbcLibrary->rest($params, FALSE); $appStats = $appStats[0]; $appStats['monthly_active_users'] = $appStats['monthly_active_users'] != "" ? $appStats['monthly_active_users'] : "0"; $appStats['weekly_active_users'] = $appStats['weekly_active_users'] != "" ? $appStats['weekly_active_users'] : "0"; $appStats['daily_active_users'] = $appStats['daily_active_users'] != "" ? $appStats['daily_active_users'] : "0"; } else { $appStats['monthly_active_users'] = "0"; $appStats['weekly_active_users'] = "0"; $appStats['daily_active_users'] = "0"; } $this->versionChecker = new sourceCoastConnect('jfbconnect'); $this->assignRef('configModel', $configModel); $this->assignRef('appProperties', $appProperties); $this->assignRef('clientError', $clientError); $this->assignRef('jfbcLibrary', $jfbcLibrary); $this->assignRef('usermapModel', $usermapModel); $this->assignRef('appStats', $appStats); parent::display($tpl); }
function onAuthenticate($credentials, $options, &$response) { # authentication via facebook for Joomla always uses the FB API and secret keys # When this is present, the user's FB uid is used to look up their Joomla uid and log that user in jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $configFile = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'config.php'; if (JFile::exists($configFile)) { include_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'config.php'; $configModel = new JFBConnectModelConfig(); # always check the secret username and password to indicate this is a JFBConnect login #echo "Entering JFBConnectAuth<br>"; if ($credentials['username'] != $configModel->getSetting('facebook_api_key') || $credentials['password'] != $configModel->getSetting('facebook_secret_key')) { $response->status = JAUTHENTICATE_STATUS_FAILURE; $response->error_message = 'Facebook authentication failed'; return false; } #echo "Passed API/Secret key check, this is a FB login<br>"; include_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'usermap.php'; $userMapModel = new JFBConnectModelUserMap(); include_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'facebook.php'; $fbClient = JFBConnectFacebookLibrary::getInstance(); $fbUserId = $fbClient->getUserId(FALSE); $app =& JFactory::getApplication(); #echo "Facebook user = "******"User is logged into FB<br>"; # Test if user has a Joomla mapping $jUserId = $userMapModel->getJoomlaUserId($fbUserId); if ($jUserId) { #echo "User has joomla mapping<br>"; $jUser = JUser::getInstance($jUserId); if ($jUser->id == null) { #echo "user NOT loaded, deleting"; $userMapModel->deleteMapping($fbUserId); return false; } $isAllowed = true; # Trigger the jfbcProfile onAuthenticate to see if the user is allowed to login if ($jUser->block) { $isAllowed = false; $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('E_NOLOGIN_BLOCKED'), 'error'); } else { JPluginHelper::importPlugin('jfbcprofiles'); $args = array($jUserId, $fbUserId); $responses = $app->triggerEvent('jfbcProfilesOnAuthenticate', $args); $return = base64_decode(JRequest::getVar('return')); $isAllowed = true; foreach ($responses as $response) { if (is_object($response) && !$response->status) { $isAllowed = false; $app->enqueueMessage($response->message, 'error'); } } } if ($isAllowed) { $response->status = JAUTHENTICATE_STATUS_SUCCESS; $response->username = $jUser->username; if (!$configModel->getSetting('create_new_users')) { // Update the J user's email to what it is in Facebook $fbProfileFields = $fbClient->getUserProfile($fbUserId, array('email')); if ($fbProfileFields != null && $fbProfileFields['email']) { $jUser->email = $fbProfileFields['email']; $jUser->save(); } } $response->email = $jUser->email; $response->fullname = $jUser->name; $response->error_message = ''; return true; } } else { if (!$configModel->getSetting('create_new_users')) { # User is not in system, should create their account automatically #echo "Creating a pseudo-user<br>"; $fbUser = $fbClient->_getUserName($fbUserId); if ($fbUser == null) { # no information returned from FB return false; } // Get the email to use from Facebook $fbProfileFields = $fbClient->getUserProfile($fbUserId, array('email')); if ($fbProfileFields == null || !$fbProfileFields['email']) { $newEmail = $fbUser['first_name'] . "_" . $fbUserId . ""; } else { $newEmail = $fbProfileFields['email']; } $fullname = $fbUser['name']; $username = "******" . $fbUserId; #Use the Joomla User plugin to create the User row in the database JPluginHelper::importPlugin('user'); $user['fullname'] = $fullname; $user['username'] = $username; $user['password_clear'] = ""; $user['email'] = $newEmail; $jUser = $app->triggerEvent('_getUser', array($user)); $jUser = $jUser[0]; #Map the new user include_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'usermap.php'; $userMapModel = new JFBConnectModelUserMap(); if ($userMapModel->mapUser($fbUserId, $jUser->get('id'))) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MAP USER SUCCESS')); } else { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MAP USER FAIL')); } $response->status = JAUTHENTICATE_STATUS_SUCCESS; $response->email = $newEmail; $response->fullname = $fullname; $response->username = $username; $response->error_message = ''; return true; } } } } # catch everything else as an authentication failure #echo "Authentication Failure<br>"; $response->status = JAUTHENTICATE_STATUS_FAILURE; $response->error_message = 'Facebook authentication failed'; return false; }
function loginFacebookUser() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $jfbcLibrary = JFBConnectFacebookLibrary::getInstance(); $fbUserId = $jfbcLibrary->getUserId(FALSE); #echo "Con. Logging in FB User : "******"<br>"; require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'usermap.php'; $userMapModel = new JFBConnectModelUserMap(); $configModel = $jfbcLibrary->configModel; $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->guest) { # Guest: Check if they have a Joomla user and log that user in. If not, create them one $jUserId = $userMapModel->getJoomlaUserId($fbUserId); if (!$fbUserId) { # Facebook isn't returning information about this user. Redirect them. $app->enqueueMessage('We were unable to retrieve your Facebook account information. Please try again'); $app->redirect('index.php'); } # Check if automatic email mapping is allowed, and see if that email is registered # AND the Facebook user doesn't already have a Joomla account if ($configModel->getSetting('facebook_auto_map_by_email') && !$jUserId) { $fbProfileFields = $jfbcLibrary->getUserProfile($fbUserId, array('email')); if ($fbProfileFields != null && $fbProfileFields['email']) { $fbEmail = $fbProfileFields['email']; $jUserEmailId = $userMapModel->getJoomlaUserIdFromEmail($fbEmail); if ($jUserEmailId && $jUserEmailId != 0) { // Found a user with the same email address // do final check to make sure there isn't a FB account already mapped to it $jUserId = $userMapModel->getFacebookUserId($jUserEmailId); if (!$jUserId) { if ($userMapModel->mapUser($fbUserId, $jUserEmailId)) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MAP USER SUCCESS')); } else { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MAP USER FAIL')); } $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MAP USER SUCCESS')); $jUserId = $jUserEmailId; // Update the temp jId so that we login below } } } } if ($configModel->getSetting('create_new_users') && $jUserId == null) { # User not in system, create new users setting enabled. Redirect to the login/register form $app->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jfbconnect&view=loginregister', false)); } #set the initial registration variable so that the user plugin knows to map user and trigger onAfterRegistration if ($jUserId == null) { $jfbcLibrary->setInitialRegistration(); } require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'loginregister.php'; $loginController = new JFBConnectControllerLoginRegister(); $loginController->login(); // Perform the login function } else { #echo "Updating mapping only"; if ($userMapModel->mapUser($fbUserId)) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MAP USER SUCCESS')); } else { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MAP USER FAIL')); } } $return = base64_decode(JRequest::getVar('return')); $app->redirect($return); }
* @license GNU/GPL * @version Release v6.4.2 * @build-date 2015/08/24 */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $jfbcLibraryFile = JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_jfbconnect/libraries/facebook.php'; if (!JFile::exists($jfbcLibraryFile)) { echo "JFBConnect not found. Please reinstall."; return; } require_once $jfbcLibraryFile; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper.php'; $helper = new modJFBCSocialShareHelper($params); $fbClient = JFBConnectFacebookLibrary::getInstance(); $fbAppId = JFBCFactory::provider('facebook')->appId; $renderKey = $fbClient->getSocialTagRenderKey(); $renderKeyString = " key=" . $renderKey; //General $url = $params->get('url'); $href = ''; if (!$url) { $url = SCSocialUtilities::getStrippedUrl(); } if ($url) { $href = ' href=' . $url; } $layout = $params->get('layout_style'); $orientation = $params->get('orientation'); $position = $params->get('position');
function mapCurrentUser() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'usermap.php'; $jfbcLibrary = JFBConnectFacebookLibrary::getInstance(); $userMapModel = new JFBConnectModelUserMap(); # quick check to ensure no baddies $rawFbUserId = $jfbcLibrary->getUserId(FALSE); if ($rawFbUserId != JRequest::getVar('fbid', '', 'POST')) { $return = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jfbconnect&view=loginregister', false); $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MAP USER FAIL'), 'error'); $app->redirect($return); } $username = JRequest::getVar('username', '', 'POST'); $password = JRequest::getVar('password', '', 'POST'); $error = $app->login(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); if (!JError::isError($error)) { # logged in successfully $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('com_jfbconnect'); if ($userMapModel->mapUser($rawFbUserId)) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MAP USER SUCCESS')); } else { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MAP USER FAIL')); } #$return = base64_decode(JRequest::getVar('return')); $configModel = $jfbcLibrary->configModel; $redirectURL = $configModel->getSetting('facebook_new_user_url', 'index.php'); $app->redirect($redirectURL); } else { $return = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jfbconnect&view=loginregister', false); $app->redirect($return); } }
function getFbClient() { if (!isset(self::$_facebook)) { include_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfbconnect' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'facebook-api' . DS . 'facebook.php'; self::$_facebook = new JFBCFacebook(array('appId' => $this->facebookAppId, 'secret' => $this->facebookSecretKey, 'cookie' => true)); // check if Auto-Login is set, and if so, try to log any valid user's in if ($this->configModel->getSetting('facebook_auto_login', '0')) { $jUser =& JFactory::getUser(); if ($jUser->guest) { // Check if they should be logged in $fbUserId = $this->getUserId(false); $userMapModel = new JFBConnectModelUserMap(); if ($userMapModel->getJoomlaUserId($fbUserId)) { // User found, log them in $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('com_jfbconnect'); $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('AUTOMATIC LOGIN')); $app->login(array('username' => $this->facebookApiKey, 'password' => $this->facebookSecretKey)); // Get the login redirect // TODO: This code duplicates what's in the controller.php block and should be made into a function $redirect = ""; $return = base64_decode(JRequest::getVar('return')); if ($this->configModel->getSetting('facebook_login_redirect_enable')) { $redirectId = $this->configModel->getSetting('facebook_login_redirect', 'index.php'); $redirect = JRoute::_("index.php?Itemid=" . $redirectId, false); } else { if ($return != "") { $redirect = $return; } else { $redirect = JRoute::_('index.php'); } } $app->redirect($redirect); } } } } return self::$_facebook; }