    function processLanguageFiles($code = 'en-GB', $method = '', $params = array())
        $prefix = $code . '.';
        $suffix = '.ini';
        $missing = array();
        $namea = '';
        $names = '';
        $adminpath = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'language' . DS . $code . DS;
        $refadminpath = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'language' . DS . 'en-GB' . DS;
        $adminfiles = array('com_flexicontent', FLEXI_J16GE ? 'com_flexicontent.sys' : '', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_addressint', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_checkbox', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_checkboximage', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_core', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_date', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_email', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_extendedweblink', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_fcloadmodule', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_fcpagenav', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_file', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_groupmarker', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_image', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_linkslist', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_minigallery', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_phonenumbers', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_radio', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_radioimage', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_relation', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_relation_reverse', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_select', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_selectmultiple', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_shareaudio', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_sharevideo', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_text', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_textarea', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_textselect', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_toolbar', 'plg_flexicontent_fields_weblink', FLEXI_J16GE ? 'plg_finder_flexicontent' : '', FLEXI_J16GE ? 'plg_finder_flexicontent.sys' : '', 'plg_content_flexibreak', 'plg_flexicontent_flexinotify', 'plg_search_flexiadvsearch', 'plg_search_flexisearch', 'plg_system_flexiadvroute', 'plg_system_flexisystem');
        $sitepath = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'language' . DS . $code . DS;
        $refsitepath = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'language' . DS . 'en-GB' . DS;
        $sitefiles = array('com_flexicontent', 'mod_flexiadvsearch', 'mod_flexicontent', 'mod_flexitagcloud', 'mod_flexifilter');
        $targetfolder = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'tmp' . DS . $code . "_" . time();
        if ($method == 'zip') {
            if (count($adminfiles)) {
                JFolder::create($targetfolder . DS . 'admin', 0755);
            if (count($sitefiles)) {
                JFolder::create($targetfolder . DS . 'site', 0755);
        foreach ($adminfiles as $file) {
            if (!$file) {
            if (!JFile::exists($adminpath . $prefix . $file . $suffix)) {
                $missing['admin'][] = $file;
                if ($method == 'create') {
                    JFile::copy($refadminpath . 'en-GB.' . $file . $suffix, $adminpath . $prefix . $file . $suffix);
            } else {
                if ($method == 'zip') {
                    JFile::copy($adminpath . $prefix . $file . $suffix, $targetfolder . DS . 'admin' . DS . $prefix . $file . $suffix);
                    $namea .= "\n" . '			            <filename>' . $prefix . $file . $suffix . '</filename>';
        foreach ($sitefiles as $file) {
            if (!$file) {
            if (!JFile::exists($sitepath . $prefix . $file . $suffix)) {
                $missing['site'][] = $file;
                if ($method == 'create') {
                    JFile::copy($refsitepath . 'en-GB.' . $file . $suffix, $sitepath . $prefix . $file . $suffix);
            } else {
                if ($method == 'zip') {
                    JFile::copy($sitepath . $prefix . $file . $suffix, $targetfolder . DS . 'site' . DS . $prefix . $file . $suffix);
                    $names .= "\n" . '			            <filename>' . $prefix . $file . $suffix . '</filename>';
        if ($method == 'zip') {
            $mailfrom = @$params['email'] ? $params['email'] : '*****@*****.**';
            $fromname = @$params['name'] ? $params['name'] : 'Emmanuel Danan';
            $website = @$params['web'] ? $params['web'] : 'http://www.flexicontent.org';
            // prepare the manifest of the language archive
            $date = JFactory::getDate();
            $xmlfile = $targetfolder . DS . 'install.xml';
            $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
			<install type="language" version="1.5" client="both" method="upgrade">
			    <name>FLEXIcontent ' . $code . '</name>
			    <tag>' . $code . '</tag>
			    <creationDate>' . (FLEXI_J16GE ? $date->format('Y-M-d', $local = true) : $date->toFormat("%Y-%m-%d")) . '</creationDate>
			    <author>' . $fromname . '</author>
			    <authorEmail>' . $mailfrom . '</authorEmail>
			    <authorUrl>' . $website . '</authorUrl>
			    <copyright>(C) ' . (FLEXI_J16GE ? $date->format('Y', $local = true) : $date->toFormat("%Y")) . ' ' . $fromname . '</copyright>
			    <license>http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL</license>
			    <description>' . $code . ' language pack for FLEXIcontent</description>
			        <files folder="admin">' . $namea . '
			        <files folder="site">' . $names . '
            // save xml manifest
            JFile::write($xmlfile, $xml);
            $fileslist = JFolder::files($targetfolder, '.', true, true, array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store'));
            $archivename = $targetfolder . '.com_flexicontent' . (FLEXI_J16GE ? '.zip' : '.tar.gz');
            // Create the archive
            echo JText::_('FLEXI_SEND_LANGUAGE_CREATING_ARCHIVE') . "<br>";
            if (!FLEXI_J16GE) {
                JArchive::create($archivename, $fileslist, 'gz', '', $targetfolder);
            } else {
                $app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator');
                $files = array();
                foreach ($fileslist as $i => $filename) {
                    $files[$i] = array();
                    $files[$i]['name'] = preg_replace("%^(\\\\|/)%", "", str_replace($targetfolder, "", $filename));
                    // STRIP PATH for filename inside zip
                    $files[$i]['data'] = implode('', file($filename));
                    // READ contents into string, here we use full path
                    $files[$i]['time'] = time();
                $packager = JArchive::getAdapter('zip');
                if (!$packager->create($archivename, $files)) {
                    echo JText::_('FLEXI_OPERATION_FAILED');
                    return false;
            // Remove temporary folder structure
            if (!JFolder::delete($targetfolder)) {
                echo JText::_('FLEXI_SEND_DELETE_TMP_FOLDER_FAILED');
        // messages
        if ($method == 'zip') {
            return '<h3 class="lang-success">' . JText::_('FLEXI_SEND_LANGUAGE_ARCHIVE_SUCCESS') . '</span>';
        return count($missing) > 0 ? $missing : '<span class="fc-mssg fc-success">' . JText::sprintf('FLEXI_SEND_LANGUAGE_NO_MISSING', $code) . '</span>';
$dirsFileName = $dir . DS . "gantry-diagnostics" . DS . "directories.txt";
JFile::write($dirsFileName, gantryDiagWritableDirectories());
$archive_files[] = $dirsFileName;
$phpInfoFileName = $dir . DS . "gantry-diagnostics" . DS . "phpinfo.html";
JFile::write($phpInfoFileName, gantryDiagPHPInfo());
$archive_files[] = $phpInfoFileName;
$phpSettingsFileName = $dir . DS . "gantry-diagnostics" . DS . "phpsettings.txt";
JFile::write($phpSettingsFileName, gantryDiagPHPSettings());
$archive_files[] = $phpSettingsFileName;
$gantryObjectsFileName = $dir . DS . "gantry-diagnostics" . DS . "gantryObjects.html";
JFile::write($gantryObjectsFileName, gantryDiagGantryObjects());
$archive_files[] = $gantryObjectsFileName;
$templateParamsFile = $dir . DS . "gantry-diagnostics" . DS . "params.ini";
JFile::copy($gantry->templatePath . DS . "params.ini", $templateParamsFile);
$archive_files[] = $templateParamsFile;
JArchive::create($zipfilename, $archive_files, "gz", "", $dir);
$fullPath = $zipfilename;
if ($fd = fopen($fullPath, "r")) {
    $fsize = filesize($fullPath);
    $path_parts = pathinfo($fullPath);
    $ext = strtolower($path_parts["extension"]);
    switch ($ext) {
        case "pdf":
            header("Content-type: application/pdf");
            // add here more headers for diff. extensions
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $path_parts["basename"] . "\"");
            // use 'attachment' to force a download
            header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
            header("Content-Disposition: filename=\"" . $path_parts["basename"] . "\"");
 function process_export()
     global $mainframe;
     echo '<h1>Export Design Package</h1>';
     $include_chromefiles = JRequest::getVar('include_chromefiles', true);
     $include_plugins = JRequest::getVar('include_plugins', array());
     $template = JRequest::getVar('template', false);
     $design = JRequest::getVar('design', false);
     $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
     $tmp_path = $config->getValue('config.tmp_path');
     $files = array();
     // Include Design configuration
     $files = array_merge($files, array(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'config' . DS . $design . '.xml'));
     // Include Custom configurations
     $files = array_merge($files, JFolder::files(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'config' . DS . $design, 'xml$', false, true));
     // Include Chromefiles / HTML folder
     if ($include_chromefiles) {
         $files = array_merge($files, JFolder::files(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'html', 'php$', true, true, array('index')));
     // Include Plugins
     foreach ($include_plugins as $plugin) {
         $files = array_merge($files, JFolder::files(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin, '', true, true));
     // Include CSS Files
     $files = array_merge($files, JFolder::files(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'css' . DS . $design, 'css$', true, true));
     // Include HTML Files
     //$files = array_merge( $files, array(JPATH_SITE.DS.'templates'.DS.$template.DS.'html'.DS.'index'.DS.$design.'.php') );
     if (JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'html' . DS . 'index' . DS . $design)) {
         $files = array_merge($files, JFolder::files(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'html' . DS . 'index' . DS . $design, 'php$', false, true));
     // Include Image Files
     if (JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'images' . DS . $design)) {
         $files = array_merge($files, JFolder::files(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'images' . DS . $design, '', true, true));
     // Include Script Files
     if (JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'scripts' . DS . $design)) {
         $files = array_merge($files, JFolder::files(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'scripts' . DS . $design, '', true, true));
     // Create Achrive for Download
     $ext = 'tar';
     $archive = JArchive::create($tmp_path . DS . 'JYAML_DESIGN_' . $design, $files, $ext, '', JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template, true);
     if ($archive) {
         echo '<p class="on">' . JText::_('YAML EXPORT SUCESSFULLY') . '</p>';
         echo '<p><strong><a href="../tmp/JYAML_DESIGN_' . $design . '.' . $ext . '">Download Design Package: JYAML_DESIGN_' . $design . '.' . $ext . '</a></strong></p>';
     } else {
         echo '<p class="off">' . JText::_('YAML EXPORT FAILD') . '</p>';
 function _parseRequest()
     $folder = $this->getFolder();
     $type = JRequest::getVar('type', false, 'post');
     if ($type) {
         $query = JRequest::getVar('query', false, 'post', 'BASE64');
         $start = JRequest::getInt('start', 0);
         $num = count(JFolder::files($folder, '.xml$', 1, false));
         switch ($type) {
             case 'clear':
                 $this->_db->setQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE `#__rsseo_pages`");
                 $this->_db->setQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE `#__rsseo_redirects`");
             case 'backup':
                 $buffer = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";
                 $buffer .= '<query>' . "\n";
                 $query = $this->decode($query);
                 if (preg_match('# (\\#__.*?) #is', $query['query'], $matches)) {
                     $table = trim($matches[1]);
                 $buffer .= $this->addTag('table', $table);
                 $results = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
                 $buffer .= '<rows>' . "\n";
                 foreach ($results as $result) {
                     $buffer .= '<row>' . "\n";
                     foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
                         if (isset($query['primary']) && $key == $query['primary']) {
                         $buffer .= $this->addTag('column', $value, $key);
                     $buffer .= '</row>' . "\n";
                 $buffer .= '</rows>';
                 $buffer .= '</query>';
                 JFile::write($folder . DS . 'package' . $num . '.xml', $buffer);
             case 'restore':
                 $file = urldecode(JRequest::getVar('file', false, 'post', ''));
                 $xml = new JSimpleXML();
                 $root = $xml->document;
                 $table = $root->getElementByPath('table')->data();
                 $rows = $root->getElementByPath('rows')->children();
                 $table_fields = $name = $data = array();
                 $fields = $this->_db->getTableFields($table);
                 foreach ($fields[$table] as $field => $type) {
                     $table_fields[] = $this->_db->NameQuote($field);
                 foreach ($rows as $row) {
                     $sql = array();
                     $columns = $row->children();
                     foreach ($columns as $column) {
                         $properties = $column->children();
                         foreach ($properties as $prop) {
                             if ($prop->name() == 'name') {
                                 $name[] = $this->_db->NameQuote($prop->data());
                             if ($prop->name() == 'value') {
                                 $data[] = $this->_db->Quote($prop->data());
                     foreach ($name as $i => $val) {
                         if (!in_array($val, $table_fields)) {
                     if (!empty($name) && !empty($data)) {
                         $this->_db->setQuery("INSERT INTO `" . $table . "` (" . implode(',', $name) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $data) . "); ");
     $pack = JRequest::getInt('pack', 0, 'post');
     if ($pack) {
         if (rsseoHelper::is16()) {
             $adapter = JArchive::getAdapter('zip');
             $archivefiles = array();
             $xmlfiles = JFolder::files($folder, '.xml$', 1, true);
             foreach ($xmlfiles as $xmlfile) {
                 $data = JFile::read($xmlfile);
                 $archivefiles[] = array('name' => JFile::getName($xmlfile), 'data' => $data);
             $adapter->create($folder . DS . 'package.zip', $archivefiles);
         } else {
             JArchive::create($folder . DS . 'package.tar', JFolder::files($folder, '.xml$', 1, true), 'gz', '', $folder, true, true);
	 * Download logic
	 * @access public
	 * @since 1.0
	function download()
		// Import and Initialize some joomla API variables
		$app   = JFactory::getApplication();
		$db    = JFactory::getDBO();
		$user  = JFactory::getUser();
		$task  = JRequest::getVar( 'task', 'download' );
		$session = JFactory::getSession();
		$method  = JRequest::getVar( 'method', 'download' );
		if ($method!='view' && $method!='download') die('unknown download method:' . $method);
		// *******************************************************************************************************************
		// Single file download (via HTTP request) or multi-file downloaded (via a folder structure in session or in DB table)
		// *******************************************************************************************************************
		if ($task == 'download_tree')
			// TODO: maybe move this part in module
			$cart_id = JRequest::getVar( 'cart_id', 0 );
			if (!$cart_id) {
				// Get zTree data and parse JSON string
				$tree_var = JRequest::getVar( 'tree_var', "" );
				if ($session->has($tree_var, 'flexicontent')) {
					$ztree_nodes_json = $session->get($tree_var, false,'flexicontent');
				$nodes = json_decode($ztree_nodes_json);
			} else {
				$cart_token = JRequest::getVar( 'cart_token', '' );
				$query = ' SELECT * FROM #__flexicontent_downloads_cart WHERE id='. $cart_id;
				$db->setQuery( $query );
				$cart = $db->loadObject();
				if ($db->getErrorNum())  JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(__FUNCTION__.'(): SQL QUERY ERROR:<br/>'.nl2br($db->getErrorMsg()),'error');
				if (!$cart) { echo JText::_('cart id no '.$cart_id.', was not found'); jexit(); }
				$cart_token_matches = $cart_token==$cart->token;  // no access will be checked
				$nodes = json_decode($cart->json);
			// Some validation check
			if ( !is_array($nodes) ) {
				$app->enqueueMessage("Tree structure is empty or invalid", 'notice');
				$this->setRedirect('index.php', '');
			$app = JFactory::getApplication();
			$tmp_ffname = 'fcmd_uid_'.$user->id.'_'.date('Y-m-d__H-i-s');
			$targetpath = JPath::clean($app->getCfg('tmp_path') .DS. $tmp_ffname);
			$tree_files = $this->_traverseFileTree($nodes, $targetpath);
			//echo "<pre>"; print_r($tree_files); jexit();
			if ( empty($tree_files) ) {
				$app->enqueueMessage("No files selected for download", 'notice');
				$this->setRedirect('index.php', '');
		} else {
			$file_node = new stdClass();
			$file_node->fieldid   = JRequest::getInt( 'fid', 0 );
			$file_node->contentid = JRequest::getInt( 'cid', 0 );
			$file_node->fileid    = JRequest::getInt( 'id', 0 );
			$coupon_id    = JRequest::getInt( 'conid', 0 );
			$coupon_token = JRequest::getString( 'contok', '' );
			if ( $coupon_id )
				$_nowDate = 'UTC_TIMESTAMP()';
				$_nullDate = $db->Quote( $db->getNullDate() );
				$query = ' SELECT *'
					.', CASE WHEN '
					.'   expire_on = '.$_nullDate.'   OR   expire_on > '.$_nowDate
					.'  THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS has_expired'
					.', CASE WHEN '
					.'   hits_limit = -1   OR   hits < hits_limit'
					.'  THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS has_reached_limit'
					.' FROM #__flexicontent_download_coupons'
					.' WHERE id='. $coupon_id .' AND token='. $db->Quote( $coupon_token )
				$db->setQuery( $query );
				$coupon = $db->loadObject();
				if ($db->getErrorNum())  {
					echo __FUNCTION__.'(): SQL QUERY ERROR:<br/>'.nl2br($db->getErrorMsg());
				if ($coupon) {
					$slink_valid_coupon = !$coupon->has_reached_limit && !$coupon->has_expired ;
					if ( !$slink_valid_coupon ) {
						$query = ' DELETE FROM #__flexicontent_download_coupons WHERE id='. $coupon->id;
						$db->setQuery( $query );
				$file_node->coupon = !empty($coupon) ? $coupon : false;  // NULL will not be catched by isset()
			$tree_files = array($file_node);
		// **************************************************
		// Create and Execute SQL query to retrieve file info
		// **************************************************
		// Create SELECT OR JOIN / AND clauses for checking Access
		$access_clauses['select'] = '';
		$access_clauses['join']   = '';
		$access_clauses['and']    = '';
		$using_access = empty($cart_token_matches) && empty($slink_valid_coupon);
		if ( $using_access ) {
			// note CURRENTLY multi-download feature does not use coupons
			$access_clauses = $this->_createFieldItemAccessClause( $get_select_access = true, $include_file = true );
		// ***************************
		// Get file data for all files
		// ***************************
		$fields_props = array();
		$fields_conf  = array();
		$valid_files  = array();
		$email_recipients = array();
		foreach ($tree_files as $file_node)
			// Get file variable shortcuts (reforce being int)
			$field_id   = (int) $file_node->fieldid;
			$content_id = (int) $file_node->contentid;
			$file_id    = (int) $file_node->fileid;
			if ( !isset($fields_conf[$field_id]) ) {
				$q = 'SELECT attribs, name, field_type FROM #__flexicontent_fields WHERE id = '.(int) $field_id;
				$fld = $db->loadObject();
				$fields_conf[$field_id] = FLEXI_J16GE ? new JRegistry($fld->attribs) : new JParameter($fld->attribs);
				$fields_props[$field_id] = $fld;
			$field_type = $fields_props[$field_id]->field_type;
			$lta = FLEXI_J16GE ? 'i' : 'ie';
			$query  = 'SELECT f.id, f.filename, f.filename_original, f.altname, f.secure, f.url'
					. ', i.title as item_title, i.introtext as item_introtext, i.fulltext as item_fulltext, u.email as item_owner_email'
					. ', i.access as item_access, '.$lta.'.language as item_language, ie.type_id as item_type_id'
					// item and current category slugs (for URL in notifications)
					. ', CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(i.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', i.id, i.alias) ELSE i.id END as itemslug'
					. ', CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(c.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', c.id, c.alias) ELSE c.id END as catslug'
					. ', dh.id as history_id'  // download history
					. $access_clauses['select']  // has access
					.' FROM #__flexicontent_files AS f '
					.($field_type=='file' ? ' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations AS rel ON rel.field_id = '. $field_id : '')  // Only check value usage for 'file' field
					.' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_fields AS fi ON fi.id = '. $field_id
					.' LEFT JOIN #__content AS i ON i.id = '. $content_id
					.' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS c ON c.id = i.catid'
					.' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_items_ext AS ie ON ie.item_id = i.id'
					.' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_types AS ty ON ie.type_id = ty.id'
					.' LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id = i.created_by'
					.' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_download_history AS dh ON dh.file_id = f.id AND dh.user_id = '. (int)$user->id
					. $access_clauses['join']
					.' WHERE i.id = ' . $content_id
					.' AND fi.id = ' . $field_id
					.' AND f.id = ' . $file_id
					.' AND f.published= 1'
					. $access_clauses['and']
			$file = $db->loadObject();
			if ($db->getErrorNum())  {
				echo __FUNCTION__.'(): SQL QUERY ERROR:<br/>'.nl2br($db->getErrorMsg());
			//echo "<pre>". print_r($file, true) ."</pre>"; exit;
			// **************************************************************
			// Check if file was found AND IF user has required Access Levels
			// **************************************************************
			if ( empty($file) || ($using_access && (!$file->has_content_access || !$file->has_field_access || !$file->has_file_access)) )
				if (empty($file)) {
					$msg = JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_FAILED_TO_FIND_DATA');     // Failed to match DB data to the download URL data
				else {
					$msg = JText::_( 'FLEXI_ALERTNOTAUTH' );
					if ( !empty($file_node->coupon) ) {
						if ( $file_node->coupon->has_expired )              $msg .= JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_COUPON_HAS_EXPIRED');         // No access and given coupon has expired
						else if ( $file_node->coupon->has_reached_limit )   $msg .= JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_COUPON_REACHED_USAGE_LIMIT'); // No access and given coupon has reached download limit
						else $msg = "unreachable code in download coupon handling";
					else {
						if ( isset($file_node->coupon) )  $msg .= "<br/> <small>".JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_COUPON_NO_LONGER_USABLE')."</small>";
						$msg .= ''
							.(!$file->has_content_access ? "<br/><br/> ".JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_NO_ACCESS_TO')
									." -- ".JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_CONTENT_CONTAINS')." ".JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_WEBLINK')
								: '')
							.(!$file->has_field_access ? "<br/><br/> ".JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_NO_ACCESS_TO')
									." -- ".JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_FIELD_CONTAINS')." ".JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_WEBLINK')
								: '')
							.(!$file->has_file_access ? "<br/><br/> ".JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_NO_ACCESS_TO') ." -- ".JText::_('FLEXI_FDC_FILE')." " : '')
					$msg .= "<br/><br/> ". JText::sprintf('FLEXI_FDC_FILE_DATA', $file_id, $content_id, $field_id);
				// Only abort for single file download
				if ($task != 'download_tree') {
					$this->setRedirect('index.php', '');
			// ****************************************************
			// (for non-URL) Create file path and check file exists
			// ****************************************************
			if ( !$file->url )
				$file->abspath = str_replace(DS, '/', JPath::clean($basePath.DS.$file->filename));
				if ( !JFile::exists($file->abspath) )
					$app->enqueueMessage($msg, 'notice');
					// Only abort for single file download
					if ($task != 'download_tree') { $this->setRedirect('index.php', ''); return; }
			// *********************************************************************
			// Increment hits counter of file, and hits counter of file-user history
			// *********************************************************************
			$filetable = JTable::getInstance('flexicontent_files', '');
			if ( empty($file->history_id) ) {
				$query = ' INSERT #__flexicontent_download_history '
					. ' SET user_id = ' . (int)$user->id
					. '  , file_id = ' . $file_id
					. '  , last_hit_on = NOW()'
					. '  , hits = 1'
			} else {
				$query = ' UPDATE #__flexicontent_download_history '
					. ' SET last_hit_on = NOW()'
					. '  , hits = hits + 1'
					. ' WHERE id = '. (int)$file->history_id
			$db->setQuery( $query );
			// **************************************************************************************************
			// Increment hits on download coupon or delete the coupon if it has expired due to date or hits limit 
			// **************************************************************************************************
			if ( !empty($file_node->coupon) ) {
				if ( !$file_node->coupon->has_reached_limit && !$file_node->coupon->has_expired ) {
					$query = ' UPDATE #__flexicontent_download_coupons'
						.' SET hits = hits + 1'
						.' WHERE id='. $file_node->coupon->id
					$db->setQuery( $query );
			// **************************
			// Special case file is a URL
			// **************************
			if ($file->url)
				// skip url-based file if downloading multiple files
				if ($task=='download_tree') {
					$msg = "Skipped URL based file: ".$file->url;
					$app->enqueueMessage($msg, 'notice');
				// redirect to the file download link
				@header("Location: ".$file->filename."");
			// *********************************************************************
			// Set file (tree) node and assign file into valid files for downloading
			// *********************************************************************
			$file->node = $file_node;
			$valid_files[$file_id] = $file;
			if ( $fields_conf[$field_id]->get('send_notifications') ) {
				// Calculate (once per file) some text used for notifications
				$file->__file_title__ = $file->altname && $file->altname != $file->filename ? 
					$file->altname . ' ['.$file->filename.']'  :  $file->filename;
				$item = new stdClass();
				$item->access = $file->item_access;
				$item->type_id = $file->item_type_id;
				$item->language = $file->item_language;
				$file->__item_url__ = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($file->itemslug, $file->catslug, 0, $item));
				// Parse and identify language strings and then make language replacements
				$notification_tmpl = $fields_conf[$field_id]->get('notification_tmpl');
				if ( empty($notification_tmpl) ) {
					$notification_tmpl = '%%FLEXI_FDN_FILE_NO%% __file_id__:  "__file_title__" '."\n";
					$notification_tmpl .= '%%FLEXI_FDN_FILE_IN_ITEM%% "__item_title__":' ."\n";
					$notification_tmpl .= '__item_url__';
				$result = preg_match_all("/\%\%([^%]+)\%\%/", $notification_tmpl, $translate_matches);
				$translate_strings = $result ? $translate_matches[1] : array();
				foreach ($translate_strings as $translate_string)
					$notification_tmpl = str_replace('%%'.$translate_string.'%%', JText::_($translate_string), $notification_tmpl);
				$file->notification_tmpl = $notification_tmpl;
				// Send to hard-coded email list
				$send_all_to_email = $fields_conf[$field_id]->get('send_all_to_email');
				if ($send_all_to_email) {
					$emails = preg_split("/[\s]*;[\s]*/", $send_all_to_email);
					foreach($emails as $email) $email_recipients[$email][] = $file;
				// Send to item owner
				$send_to_current_item_owner = $fields_conf[$field_id]->get('send_to_current_item_owner');
				if ($send_to_current_item_owner) {
					$email_recipients[$file->item_owner_email][] = $file;
				// Send to email assigned to email field in same content item
				$send_to_email_field = (int) $fields_conf[$field_id]->get('send_to_email_field');
				if ($send_to_email_field) {

					$q  = 'SELECT value '
						.' FROM #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations '
						.' WHERE field_id = ' . $send_to_email_field .' AND item_id='.$content_id;
					$email_values = FLEXI_J16GE ? $db->loadColumn() : $db->loadResultArray();
					foreach ($email_values as $i => $email_value) {
						if ( @unserialize($email_value)!== false || $email_value === 'b:0;' ) {
							$email_values[$i] = unserialize($email_value);
						} else {
							$email_values[$i] = array('addr' => $email_value, 'text' => '');
						$addr = @ $email_values[$i]['addr'];
						if ( $addr ) {
							$email_recipients[$addr][] = $file;
		//echo "<pre>". print_r($valid_files, true) ."</pre>";
		//echo "<pre>". print_r($email_recipients, true) ."</pre>";
		if ( !empty($email_recipients) ) {
			$sendermail	= $app->getCfg('mailfrom');
			$sendermail	= JMailHelper::cleanAddress($sendermail);
			$sendername	= $app->getCfg('sitename');
			$subject    = JText::_('FLEXI_FDN_FILE_DOWNLOAD_REPORT');
			$message_header = JText::_('FLEXI_FDN_FILE_DOWNLOAD_REPORT_BY') .': '. $user->name .' ['.$user->username .']';
			// ****************************************************
			// Send email notifications about file being downloaded
			// ****************************************************
			// Personalized email per subscribers
			foreach ($email_recipients as $email_addr => $files_arr)
				$to = JMailHelper::cleanAddress($email_addr);
				$_message = $message_header;
				foreach($files_arr as $filedata) {
					$_mssg_file = $filedata->notification_tmpl;
					$_mssg_file = str_ireplace('__file_id__', $filedata->id, $_mssg_file);
					$_mssg_file = str_ireplace('__file_title__', $filedata->__file_title__, $_mssg_file);
					$_mssg_file = str_ireplace('__item_title__', $filedata->item_title, $_mssg_file);
					//$_mssg_file = str_ireplace('__item_title_linked__', $filedata->password, $_mssg_file);
					$_mssg_file = str_ireplace('__item_url__', $filedata->__item_url__, $_mssg_file);
					$_message .= "\n\n" . $_mssg_file;
				//echo "<pre>". $_message ."</pre>";
				$from = $sendermail;
				$fromname = $sendername;
				$recipient = array($to);
				$html_mode=false; $cc=null; $bcc=null;
				$attachment=null; $replyto=null; $replytoname=null;
				$send_result = FLEXI_J16GE ?
					JFactory::getMailer()->sendMail( $from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $_message, $html_mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyto, $replytoname ) :
					JUtility::sendMail( $from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $_message, $html_mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyto, $replytoname );
		// * Required for IE, otherwise Content-disposition is ignored
		if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
			ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
		if ($task=='download_tree') {
			// Create target (top level) folder
			JFolder::create($targetpath, 0755);
			// Copy Files
			foreach ($valid_files as $file) JFile::copy($file->abspath, $file->node->targetpath);
			// Create text/html file with ITEM title / descriptions
			// TODO replace this with a TEMPLATE file ...
			$desc_filename = $targetpath .DS. "_descriptions";
			$handle_txt = fopen($desc_filename.".txt", "w");
			$handle_htm = fopen($desc_filename.".htm", "w");
			fprintf($handle_htm, '
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-gb" lang="en-gb" dir="ltr" >
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />		
			foreach ($valid_files as $file) {
				fprintf($handle_txt, "%s", $file->item_title."\n\n");
				fprintf($handle_txt, "%s", flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($file->item_introtext) ."\n\n" );
				if ( strlen($file->item_fulltext) ) fprintf($handle_txt, "%s", flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($file->item_fulltext)."\n\n" );
				fprintf($handle_htm, "%s", "<h2>".$file->item_title."</h2>");
				fprintf($handle_htm, "%s", "<blockquote>".$file->item_introtext."</blockquote><br/>");
				if ( strlen($file->item_fulltext) ) fprintf($handle_htm, "%s", "<blockquote>".$file->item_fulltext."</blockquote><br/>");
				fprintf($handle_htm, "<hr/><br/>");
			// Get file list recursively, and calculate archive filename
			$fileslist   = JFolder::files($targetpath, '.', $recurse=true, $fullpath=true);
			$archivename = $tmp_ffname . (FLEXI_J16GE ? '.zip' : '.tar.gz');
			$archivepath = JPath::clean( $app->getCfg('tmp_path').DS.$archivename );
			// Create the archive
			if (!FLEXI_J16GE) {
				JArchive::create($archivepath, $fileslist, 'gz', '', $targetpath);
			} else {
				/*$app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator');
				$files = array();
				foreach ($fileslist as $i => $filename) {
					$files[$i]['name'] = preg_replace("%^(\\\|/)%", "", str_replace($targetpath, "", $filename) );  // STRIP PATH for filename inside zip
					$files[$i]['data'] = implode('', file($filename));   // READ contents into string, here we use full path
					$files[$i]['time'] = time();
				$packager = JArchive::getAdapter('zip');
				if (!$packager->create($archivepath, $files)) {
					$msg = JText::_('FLEXI_OPERATION_FAILED'). ": compressed archive could not be created";
					$app->enqueueMessage($msg, 'notice');
					$this->setRedirect('index.php', '');
				$za = new flexicontent_zip();
				$res = $za->open($archivepath, ZipArchive::CREATE);
				if($res !== true) {
					$msg = JText::_('FLEXI_OPERATION_FAILED'). ": compressed archive could not be created";
					$app->enqueueMessage($msg, 'notice');
					$this->setRedirect('index.php', '');
				$za->addDir($targetpath, "");
			// Remove temporary folder structure
			if (!JFolder::delete(($targetpath)) ) {
				$msg = "Temporary folder ". $targetpath ." could not be deleted";
				$app->enqueueMessage($msg, 'notice');
			// Delete old files (they can not be deleted during download time ...)
			$tmp_path = JPath::clean($app->getCfg('tmp_path'));
			$matched_files = JFolder::files($tmp_path, 'fcmd_uid_.*', $recurse=false, $fullpath=true);
			foreach ($matched_files as $archive_file) {
				//echo "Seconds passed:". (time() - filemtime($tmp_folder)) ."<br>". "$filename was last modified: " . date ("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime($tmp_folder)) . "<br>";
				if (time() - filemtime($archive_file) > 3600) JFile::delete($archive_file);
			// Delete old tmp folder (in case that the some archiving procedures were interrupted thus their tmp folder were not deleted)
			$matched_folders = JFolder::folders($tmp_path, 'fcmd_uid_.*', $recurse=false, $fullpath=true);
			foreach ($matched_folders as $tmp_folder) {
				//echo "Seconds passed:". (time() - filemtime($tmp_folder)) ."<br>". "$filename was last modified: " . date ("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime($tmp_folder)) . "<br>";
			$dlfile = new stdClass();
			$dlfile->filename = 'cart_files_'.date('m-d-Y_H-i-s').(FLEXI_J16GE ? '.zip' : '.tar.gz');   // a friendly name instead of  $archivename
			$dlfile->abspath  = $archivepath;
		} else {
			$dlfile = reset($valid_files);
		// Get file filesize and extension
		$dlfile->size = filesize($dlfile->abspath);
		$dlfile->ext  = strtolower(JFile::getExt($dlfile->filename));
		// Set content type of file (that is an archive for multi-download)
		$ctypes = array(
			"pdf" => "application/pdf", "exe" => "application/octet-stream", "rar" => "application/zip", "zip" => "application/zip",
			"txt" => "text/plain", "doc" => "application/msword", "xls" => "application/vnd.ms-excel", "ppt" => "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint",
			"gif" => "image/gif", "png" => "image/png", "jpeg" => "image/jpg", "jpg" => "image/jpg", "mp3" => "audio/mpeg"
		$dlfile->ctype = isset($ctypes[$dlfile->ext]) ? $ctypes[$dlfile->ext] : "application/force-download";
		// *****************************************
		// Output an appropriate Content-Type header
		// *****************************************
		header("Pragma: public"); // required
		header("Expires: 0");
		header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
		header("Cache-Control: private", false); // required for certain browsers
		header("Content-Type: ".$dlfile->ctype);
		//quotes to allow spaces in filenames
		$download_filename = strlen($dlfile->filename_original) ? $dlfile->filename_original : $dlfile->filename;
		if ($method == 'view') {
			header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"".$download_filename."\";" );
		} else {
			header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$download_filename."\";" );
		header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
		header("Content-Length: ".$dlfile->size);
		// *******************************
		// Finally read file and output it
		// *******************************
		//readfile($dlfile->abspath);  // this will read an output the file but it will cause a memory exhausted error on large files
		$handle = @fopen($dlfile->abspath,"rb");
			print(@fread($handle, 1024*8));
		// ****************************************************
		// In case of multi-download clear the session variable
		// ****************************************************
		//if ($task=='download_tree') $session->set($tree_var, false,'flexicontent');
		// Done ... terminate execution
 function jdCreateBackup()
     $post = JRequest::get('post');
     $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
     if (preg_match("/\\|\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}|\\+|\\-|\\(|\\)|\\~|\\`|\\!|\\@|\\%|\\^|\\&|\\*|\\.|\\,|\\/|\\?|\\<|\\>|\\;|\\:|\\'|\"|\\||_/", $post['param']['name'])) {
         $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_jdefender&controller=restore', 'Only numerical and alphabetic characters can be in the name', 'notice');
     if (!count($post['folder']) and $post['param']['home'] != 1 and !count($post['table'])) {
         $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_jdefender&controller=restore', 'There is nothing selected to create backup', 'notice');
     $jconfig = new JConfig();
     $folders = array();
     $path = str_replace("\\", '/', JPATH_ROOT);
     foreach ($post[folder] as $element) {
         $folders[] = substr(str_replace($path, '', $element), 1);
     if ($post['param']['name'] == '') {
         $name = time() . '_noName_' . $post['param']['type'];
     } else {
         $name = time() . '_' . $post['param']['name'] . '_' . $post['param']['type'];
     $home = array();
     $archive = new JArchive();
     if (count($post[table]) > 0) {
         $tables_create = $this->jdTableCreate($post['table']);
         //print "<pre>";
         //print "</pre>";
         $fp = fopen('database_backup.sql', "w");
         $comments = "/* -------JDefender Backup-------- \n";
         $comments .= $post['param']['comments'];
         $comments .= " */\n";
         //print $comments;
         fwrite($fp, $comments);
         foreach ($tables_create as $table_name => $fld) {
             if ($post['param']['drop'] == '1') {
                 fwrite($fp, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table_name}`;/*jdSePaRaTor*/\n");
         foreach ($tables_create as $table_name => $fld) {
             $database->setQuery("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" . $jconfig->db . "` like '" . $table_name . "'");
             $auto_inc = $database->loadObjectList();
             $auto_inc = number_format($auto_inc[0]->Auto_increment);
             if ($post['param']['exist'] == '1') {
                 fwrite($fp, str_replace("CREATE TABLE", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS", $fld));
             } else {
                 fwrite($fp, $fld);
             if ($post['param']['auto'] == '1') {
                 fwrite($fp, " AUTO_INCREMENT={$auto_inc}");
             fwrite($fp, ";/*jdSePaRaTor*/\n");
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . str_replace($jconfig->dbprefix, "#__", $table_name);
             $result = $database->loadAssocList();
             foreach ($result as $res) {
                 //print "<pre>";
                 //print "</pre>";
                 if (is_array($res)) {
                     $upper_lim = count($res);
                     $counter = 1;
                     $query = "INSERT INTO `{$table_name}` VALUES(";
                     foreach ($res as $field_name => $field_value) {
                         if ($counter == $upper_lim) {
                             if (is_numeric($field_value)) {
                                 $query .= "{$field_value}";
                             } else {
                                 //$field_value = ereg_replace("\r\n|\n", mysql_escape_string("\r\n"), $field_value);
                                 $field_value = mysql_escape_string($field_value);
                                 $field_value = " '" . str_replace('\\\'', '\'\'', $field_value) . "'";
                                 $query .= $field_value;
                         } else {
                             if (is_numeric($field_value)) {
                                 $query .= "{$field_value} , ";
                             } else {
                                 //$field_value = ereg_replace("\r\n|\n", mysql_escape_string("\r\n"), $field_value);
                                 $field_value = mysql_escape_string($field_value);
                                 $field_value = " '" . str_replace('\\\'', '\'\'', $field_value) . "',";
                                 $query .= $field_value;
                     $query .= ");/*jdSePaRaTor*/\n";
                     //print "</br>" . $query;
                     fwrite($fp, $query);
     $fileClass = new JFile();
     if ($post['param']['home'] == 1) {
         $home = array();
         $dir = opendir('.');
         while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
             if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') {
                 $home[] = $file;
         $archive->create("administrator/backups/{$name}", $home, $post['param']['arc_type'], '', '', true, false);
         if (file_exists('administrator/database_backup.sql')) {
     } else {
         if (count($folders) > 0) {
             if (file_exists('administrator/database_backup.sql') and !in_array('administrator', $folders) and !in_array('administrator/database_backup.sql', $folders)) {
                 $folders[] = 'administrator/database_backup.sql';
             $archive->create("administrator/backups/{$name}", $folders, $post['param']['arc_type'], '', '', true, false);
             if (file_exists('administrator/database_backup.sql')) {
         } else {
             if (!(count($folders) > 0) and $post['param']['home'] != 1 and count($post['table']) > 0) {
                 $archive->create("administrator/backups/{$name}", 'administrator/database_backup.sql', $post['param']['arc_type'], '', '', true, false);
     $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_jdefender&controller=restore', JText::_('The Backup was Created Successfuly'));