function display($tpl = null) { //Load left menu if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT . '/views/jaview/view.html.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } $layout = JRequest::getVar('layout', 'default'); switch ($layout) { case 'form': $this->edit(); break; default: $layout = 'default'; $this->displayItems(); break; } $this->setLayout($layout); parent::display($tpl); // Display menu footer if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . "/views/jaview/tmpl/footer.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } }
function display($tpl = null) { $layout = JRequest::getVar('layout', 'list'); $permission = Jrequest::getVar('permission', 0); $config = new JConfig(); $pagetitle = ' RSS Feed ' . ' ' . $config->sitename; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setTitle($pagetitle); switch (strtolower($layout)) { case 'guide': $this->getItemList(); break; case 'form': $this->displayForm(); break; case 'rss': $this->rss(); break; default: $this->listItems(); break; } $this->assignRef('permission', $permission); parent::display($tpl); }
/** * Display the view */ function display($tmpl = null) { //Load left menu if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT . '/views/jaview/view.html.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } $task = JRequest::getVar("task", ''); switch ($task) { case 'edit': $this->displayForm(); break; default: $this->displayListItems(); } $this->addToolbar(); parent::display($tmpl); // Display menu footer if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . "/views/jaview/tmpl/footer.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } }
/** * Display the view */ function display($tmpl = null) { //Load left menu if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT . '/views/jaview/view.html.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } $task = JRequest::getVar('task', NULL); $group = JRequest::getVar('group', 'systems'); $model = $this->getModel('configs'); $item = $model->getItems(); $data = $item->data; $params = class_exists('JRegistry') ? new JRegistry($data) : new JParameter($data); if ($task) { $this->setLayout($task); } else { $this->setLayout($group); } switch ($group) { case 'integrate': $this->integrate(); break; case 'systems': if ($task) { $this->changeStatus(); } else { $this->system($params); } break; case 'permissions': if ($task) { $this->editpermissions($params); } else { $this->permissions($params); } break; } $this->assignRef('group', $group); $this->assignRef('params', $params); $this->assignRef('cid', $item->id); $this->addToolbar(); parent::display($tmpl); // Display menu footer if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . "/views/jaview/tmpl/footer.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } }
function display($tpl = null) { switch ($this->getLayout()) { case 'form': $this->edit(); break; case 'showlist': $this->getList(); break; default: $this->displayItems(); break; } parent::display($tpl); }
/** * Display the view */ function display($tmpl = null) { switch ($this->getLayout()) { case 'emailref': $this->setLayout('default'); $this->display_email_notification_references(); break; case 'login': $this->showLogin(); break; default: $this->show_statistic(); } parent::display($tmpl); }
function display($tpl = null) { //Load left menu if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT . '/views/jaview/view.html.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } switch ($this->getLayout()) { case 'form': case 'group': $this->edit(); break; case 'color': $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(0), '', 'array'); JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid, array(0)); $id = 0; if ($cid) { $id = $cid[0]; } $this->assign('id', $id); break; case 'checkgroup': $status_ids = JRequest::getVar('status_id', array(), '', 'array'); $status = $this->getStatusItems($status_ids); $this->assign('status', $status); break; default: $this->displayItems(); break; } $this->addToolbar(); parent::display($tpl); // Display menu footer if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . "/views/jaview/tmpl/footer.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } }
/** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $tpl */ function display($tpl = null) { //Load left menu if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT . '/views/jaview/view.html.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } $model = $this->getModel(); $lists = $model->_getVars(); $where_more = $model->getWhereClause($lists); $order = ''; if (isset($lists['filter_order']) && $lists['filter_order'] != '') { $order = $lists['filter_order'] . ' ' . @$lists['filter_order_Dir']; } jimport('joomla.html.pagination'); $total = $model->getTotal($where_more); $pageNav = new JPagination($total, $lists['limitstart'], $lists['limit']); $items = $model->getItems($where_more, $lists['limitstart'], $lists['limit'], trim($order)); $displayTypes = ''; $types = $model->getTypes(); if ($types) { $types = array_merge(array(JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('SELECT_TYPE'), 'type', 'type')), $types); $displayTypes = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $types, 'types', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="form.submit()"', 'type', 'type', $lists['types']); } $this->assign('items', $items); $this->assign('displayTypes', $displayTypes); $this->assign('lists', $lists); $this->assign('pageNav', $pageNav); parent::display($tpl); // Display menu footer if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . "/views/jaview/tmpl/footer.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } }
function display($tpl = null) { //Load left menu if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT . '/views/jaview/view.html.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } $layout = JRequest::getVar('layout', 'statistic'); if ($layout == 'statistic') { $this->statistic(); } $this->setLayout($layout); $this->addToolbar(); parent::display($tpl); // Display menu footer if (!JRequest::getVar("ajax") && JRequest::getVar('tmpl') != 'component' && JRequest::getVar('viewmenu', 1) != 0) { $file = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . "/views/jaview/tmpl/footer.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } }
?> <?php echo JAVBView::loadTemplate('items'); ?> </div> <!-- END: LIST OF ITEM --> <?php if (!JRequest::getVar("tagid") && ($javconfig["systems"]->get("is_private", 0) == 0 || $this->items[0]->is_private == 0 || $user->id == $this->items[0]->user_id || JAVoiceHelpers::checkPermissionAdmin())) { ?> <!-- BEGIN: LIST OF COMMENT --> <a name="jav-comment"></a> <div id="jav-list-comment"> <?php if ($this->items) { echo JAVBView::loadTemplate('comment'); } ?> </div> <!-- END: LIST OF COMMENT --> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- //JAV COL1 --> <!-- JAV COL2 --> <div class="jav-col2"> <div class="jav-innerpad"> <!-- Username and Logout button --> <?php
/** * Display the view */ function display($tmpl = null) { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); switch ($this->getLayout()) { case 'item': $this->show_detail(); break; case 'items': $this->setLayout('default'); $this->change_data(); break; case 'search': $this->setLayout('default'); $this->search_data(); break; case 'suggesttopost': $this->setLayout('default'); $this->suggest_to_post_data(); break; case 'vote': $this->setLayout('default'); $this->change_data('vote'); break; case 'form': $this->show_form_full(); break; case 'add': $this->setLayout('default'); $this->show_form(); break; case 'edit': $this->setLayout('default'); $this->show_edit(); break; case 'after_save': $this->setLayout('default'); $this->change_data('save'); break; case 'after_edit': $this->setLayout('default'); $this->change_data(); break; case 'paging': $this->setLayout('default'); $this->search_data(false); break; case 'widget': $this->widget_show_list(); break; case 'widget_change': $this->widget_change_data(); break; case 'widget_search': $this->widget_search_data(); break; case 'youtube': $this->youtube(); break; case 'newitem': $this->show_new_item(); break; default: $this->show_list(); } parent::display($tmpl); }