public function create(RESTApiRequest $request, $parent_id)
     if (empty($this->params[''])) {
         throw new RESTBadRequest("User required");
     $user_id = $this->params[''];
     $user = \Stb::getById($user_id);
     if (empty($user)) {
         throw new RESTNotFound("User not found");
     $itv = \Itv::getInstance();
     $user_channels = $itv->getAllUserChannelsIdsByUid($user['id']);
     if (!in_array($parent_id, $user_channels)) {
         throw new RESTForbidden("User don't have access to this channel");
     $channel = \Itv::getById($parent_id);
     if (empty($channel)) {
         throw new RESTNotFound("Channel not found");
     if (!$channel['allow_pvr']) {
         throw new RESTForbidden("Channel does not support PVR");
     $now_time = time();
     $start_time = (int) $request->getData('start_time');
     $end_time = (int) $request->getData('end_time');
     if ($start_time && $start_time < $now_time) {
         $start_time = $now_time;
     if ($end_time) {
         if ($start_time && $end_time < $start_time || $end_time < $now_time) {
             throw new RESTNotAcceptable("Not acceptable time range");
     $pvr = new \RemotePvr();
     try {
         $rec_id = $pvr->startRecNowByChannelId($channel['id']);
     } catch (\nPVRException $e) {
         throw new RESTServerError($e->getMessage());
     if (!$rec_id) {
         return false;
     if ($end_time) {
         // give some time to dumpstream to startup
         $recorder = new \StreamRecorder();
         $recorder->stopDeferred($rec_id, ceil(($end_time - $now_time) / 60));
     $recording = $pvr->getById($rec_id);
     return array('id' => $recording['id'], 'name' => $recording['program'], 'start_time' => strtotime($recording['t_start']), 'end_time' => strtotime($recording['t_stop']), 'ch_id' => (int) $recording['ch_id'], 'ch_name' => $channel['name'], 'status' => $recording['started'] ? $recording['ended'] ? 2 : 1 : 0);
 public function create(RESTApiRequest $request, $parent_id)
     if (empty($this->params[''])) {
         throw new RESTBadRequest("User required");
     if (empty($this->params['ch_id'])) {
         throw new RESTBadRequest("Channel ID required");
     $user_id = (int) $this->params[''];
     $ch_id = (int) $this->params['ch_id'];
     $program_id = (int) $parent_id;
     $user = \Stb::getById($user_id);
     if (empty($user)) {
         throw new RESTNotFound("User not found");
     $itv = \Itv::getInstance();
     $user_channels = $itv->getAllUserChannelsIdsByUid($user['id']);
     if (!in_array($ch_id, $user_channels)) {
         throw new RESTForbidden("User don't have access to this channel");
     $channel = \Itv::getById($ch_id);
     if (empty($channel)) {
         throw new RESTNotFound("Channel not found");
     if (!$channel['allow_pvr']) {
         throw new RESTForbidden("Channel does not support PVR");
     $program = \Epg::getById($program_id);
     if (empty($program)) {
         throw new RESTNotFound("Program not found");
     if ($program['ch_id'] != $ch_id) {
         throw new RESTNotAcceptable("Channel of program mismatch");
     if (strtotime($program['time']) < time()) {
         throw new RESTNotAcceptable("Start time in past");
     $pvr = new \RemotePvr();
     try {
         $rec_id = $pvr->startRecDeferredById($program['real_id']);
     } catch (\nPVRException $e) {
         throw new RESTServerError($e->getMessage());
     if (!$rec_id) {
         return false;
     $recording = $pvr->getById($rec_id);
     return array('id' => $recording['id'], 'name' => $recording['program'], 'start_time' => strtotime($recording['t_start']), 'end_time' => strtotime($recording['t_stop']), 'ch_id' => (int) $recording['ch_id'], 'ch_name' => $channel['name'], 'status' => $recording['started'] ? $recording['ended'] ? 2 : 1 : 0);
 public function get(RESTApiRequest $request, $parent_id)
     if (empty($this->params[''])) {
         throw new RESTBadRequest("User required");
     $user_id = $this->params[''];
     $user = \Stb::getById($user_id);
     if (empty($user)) {
         throw new RESTNotFound("User not found");
     $itv = \Itv::getInstance();
     $this->user_channels = $itv->getAllUserChannelsIdsByUid($user['id']);
     if (!in_array($parent_id, $this->user_channels)) {
         throw new RESTForbidden("User don't have access to this channel");
     $channel = \Itv::getById($parent_id);
     if (empty($channel)) {
         throw new RESTNotFound("Channel not found");
     $start = $request->getParam('start');
     if ($start) {
         // todo: time shift!
         throw new RESTNotFound("Time shift in progress...");
     $urls = \Itv::getUrlsForChannel($channel['id']);
     if (!empty($urls)) {
         $link = $urls[0]['id'];
     } else {
         $link = null;
     try {
         $url = $itv->getUrlByChannelId($parent_id, $link);
     } catch (\ItvChannelTemporaryUnavailable $e) {
         throw new RESTNotFound($e->getMessage());
     if (preg_match("/(\\S+:\\/\\/\\S+)/", $url, $match)) {
         $url = $match[1];
     return $url;
 public function add()
     $ch_id = @intval($_REQUEST['ch_id']);
     $program_id = $_REQUEST['program_id'];
     $fire_ts = @intval($_REQUEST['fire_ts']);
     $program_name = $_REQUEST['program_name'];
     $memo = $this->db->from('tv_reminder')->where(array('mac' => $this->stb->mac, 'tv_program_real_id' => $program_id))->get()->first();
     if (!empty($memo)) {
         return false;
     $channel = Itv::getById($ch_id);
     if (empty($channel)) {
         $dvb_channels = Itv::getInstance()->getDvbChannels();
         foreach ($dvb_channels as $dvb_channel) {
             if ($dvb_channel['id'] == $ch_id) {
                 $channel = $dvb_channel;
     if (empty($channel)) {
         return false;
     if (isset($channel['type']) && $channel['type'] == 'dvb') {
         $program = array('id' => 0, 'real_id' => $program_id, 'time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $fire_ts));
     } else {
         $program = Epg::getByRealId($program_id);
         if (empty($program)) {
             return false;
     $id = $this->db->insert('tv_reminder', array('mac' => $this->stb->mac, 'ch_id' => $ch_id, 'tv_program_id' => $program['id'], 'tv_program_real_id' => $program['real_id'], 'fire_time' => $program['time'], 'tv_program_name' => $program_name, 'added' => 'NOW()'))->insert_id();
     if (intval($id) <= 0) {
         return false;
     return $this->getRaw()->where(array('' => $id))->get()->first();
 public static function getLogoUriById($id, $resolution = 320)
     $channel = Itv::getById($id);
     if (empty($channel['logo'])) {
         //return Config::get('portal_url').'misc/logos/dummy.png';
         return "";
     return Config::get('portal_url') . 'misc/logos/' . $resolution . '/' . $channel['logo'];
  * Main claim method.
  * @param string $media_type
 protected function setClaimGlobal($media_type)
     $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
     $type = $_REQUEST['real_type'];
     $this->db->insert('media_claims_log', array('media_type' => $media_type, 'media_id' => $id, 'type' => $type, 'uid' => $this->stb->id, 'added' => 'NOW()'));
     $total_media_claims = $this->db->from('media_claims')->where(array('media_type' => $media_type, 'media_id' => $id))->get()->first();
     $sound_counter = 0;
     $video_counter = 0;
     $no_epg_counter = 0;
     $wrong_epg_counter = 0;
     if ($type == 'video') {
     } else {
         if ($type == 'sound') {
         } else {
             if ($type == 'no_epg') {
             } else {
                 if ($type == 'wrong_epg') {
     if (!empty($total_media_claims)) {
         $this->db->update('media_claims', array('sound_counter' => $total_media_claims['sound_counter'] + $sound_counter, 'video_counter' => $total_media_claims['video_counter'] + $video_counter, 'no_epg' => $total_media_claims['no_epg'] + $no_epg_counter, 'wrong_epg' => $total_media_claims['wrong_epg'] + $wrong_epg_counter), array('media_type' => $media_type, 'media_id' => $id));
     } else {
         $this->db->insert('media_claims', array('sound_counter' => $sound_counter, 'video_counter' => $video_counter, 'no_epg' => $no_epg_counter, 'wrong_epg' => $wrong_epg_counter, 'media_type' => $media_type, 'media_id' => $id));
     $total_daily_claims = $this->db->from('daily_media_claims')->where(array('date' => 'CURDATE()'))->get()->first();
     $media_name = 'undefined';
     if ($media_type == 'itv') {
         $media = Itv::getById($id);
         if (!empty($media['name'])) {
             $media_name = $media['name'];
     } elseif ($media_type == 'vclub') {
         $media = Video::getById($id);
         if (!empty($media['name'])) {
             $media_name = $media['name'];
     } elseif ($media_type == 'karaoke') {
         $media = Karaoke::getById($id);
         if (!empty($media['name'])) {
             $media_name = $media['name'];
     if (Config::exist('administrator_email')) {
         $message = sprintf(_("New claim on %s - %s (%s, id: %s). From %s"), $media_type, $type, $media_name, $id, $this->stb->mac);
         mail(Config::get('administrator_email'), 'New claim on ' . $media_type . ' - ' . $type, $message, "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n");
     if (!empty($total_daily_claims)) {
         return $this->db->update('daily_media_claims', array($media_type . '_sound' => $total_daily_claims[$media_type . '_sound'] + $sound_counter, $media_type . '_video' => $total_daily_claims[$media_type . '_video'] + $video_counter, 'no_epg' => $total_daily_claims['no_epg'] + $no_epg_counter, 'wrong_epg' => $total_daily_claims['wrong_epg'] + $wrong_epg_counter), array('date' => 'CURDATE()'))->result();
     } else {
         return $this->db->insert('daily_media_claims', array($media_type . '_sound' => $sound_counter, $media_type . '_video' => $video_counter, 'no_epg' => $no_epg_counter, 'wrong_epg' => $wrong_epg_counter, 'date' => 'CURDATE()'))->insert_id();
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "<td class='list' nowrap><a href='?edit=1&id=" . $arr['id'] . "#form'>edit</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    //echo "<a href='?del=1&id=".$arr['id']."' >del</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    echo "<a href='#' onclick='if(confirm(\"" . htmlspecialchars(_('Do you really want to delete this record?'), ENT_QUOTES) . "\")){document.location=\"add_itv.php?del=1&id=" . $arr['id'] . "&letter=" . @$_GET['letter'] . "&search=" . @$_GET['search'] . "\"}'>del</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
    if ($arr['status']) {
        echo "<a href='?status=0&id=" . $arr['id'] . "'><font color='Green'>on</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    } else {
        echo "<a href='?status=1&id=" . $arr['id'] . "'><font color='Red'>off</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    echo "<a href='add_epg.php?id=" . $arr['id'] . "'>EPG</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table></center>";
if (@$_GET['edit']) {
    $arr = Itv::getById(intval(@$_GET['id']));
    if (!empty($arr)) {
        $name = $arr['name'];
        $number = $arr['number'];
        $cmd = $arr['cmd'];
        $mc_cmd = $arr['mc_cmd'];
        $tv_genre_id = $arr['tv_genre_id'];
        $descr = $arr['descr'];
        $status = $arr['status'];
        $status = $arr['status'];
        $censored = $arr['censored'];
        $base_ch = $arr['base_ch'];
        $bonus_ch = $arr['bonus_ch'];
        $cost = $arr['cost'];
        $hd = $arr['hd'];
        $xmltv_id = $arr['xmltv_id'];
 public function log()
     $action = strval($_REQUEST['real_action']);
     $param = urldecode($_REQUEST['param']);
     $type = $_REQUEST['tmp_type'];
     if ($type == 1 && !empty($_REQUEST['ch_id'])) {
         $param = $this->db->from('itv')->where(array('id' => (int) $_REQUEST['ch_id']))->get()->first('cmd');
     $this->db->insert('user_log', array('mac' => $this->mac, 'action' => $action, 'param' => $param, 'time' => 'NOW()', 'type' => $type));
     $update_data = array();
     if ($action == 'play') {
         $update_data['now_playing_start'] = 'NOW()';
         switch ($type) {
             case 1:
                 // TV
                 if (!empty($_REQUEST['ch_id'])) {
                     $ch_name = Itv::getChannelNameById((int) $_REQUEST['ch_id']);
                 } else {
                     $ch_name = $this->db->from('ch_links')->join('itv', '', 'ch_links.ch_id', 'INNER')->where(array('ch_links.url' => $param, 'ch_links.status' => 1))->get()->first('name');
                 if (empty($ch_name)) {
                     $ch_name = $param;
                 $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $ch_name;
                 if (!empty($_REQUEST['link_id'])) {
                     $update_data['now_playing_link_id'] = $_REQUEST['link_id'];
                 } else {
                     $update_data['now_playing_link_id'] = 0;
                 if (!empty($_REQUEST['streamer_id'])) {
                     $update_data['now_playing_streamer_id'] = $_REQUEST['streamer_id'];
                 } else {
                     $update_data['now_playing_streamer_id'] = 0;
             case 2:
                 // Video Club
                 $param = preg_replace('/\\s+position:\\d+/', '', $param);
                 if (strpos($param, '://') !== false) {
                     $video = $this->db->from('video')->where(array('rtsp_url' => $param, 'protocol' => 'custom'))->get()->first();
                     if (empty($video)) {
                         preg_match("/\\/([^\\/]+)\\/[^\\/]+\\/(\\d+)\\.[a-z0-9]*/", $param, $tmp_arr);
                 } else {
                     preg_match("/auto \\/media\\/([\\S\\s]+)\\/(\\d+)\\.[a-z0-9]*/", $param, $tmp_arr);
                 if (empty($video) && !empty($tmp_arr)) {
                     $storage = $tmp_arr[1];
                     $media_id = intval($tmp_arr[2]);
                     $video = $this->db->from('video')->where(array('id' => $media_id))->get()->first();
                     $update_data['storage_name'] = $storage;
                 if (!empty($video)) {
                     $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $video['name'];
                     $update_data['hd_content'] = (int) $video['hd'];
                     if (Config::getSafe('enable_tariff_plans', false)) {
                         $user = User::getInstance(Stb::getInstance()->id);
                         $package = $user->getPackageByVideoId($video['id']);
                         if (!empty($package) && $package['service_type'] == 'single') {
                             $video_rent_history = Mysql::getInstance()->from('video_rent_history')->where(array('video_id' => $video['id'], 'uid' => Stb::getInstance()->id))->orderby('rent_date', 'DESC')->get()->first();
                             if (!empty($video_rent_history)) {
                                 $rent_data_update = array();
                                 if ($video_rent_history['start_watching_date'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                                     $rent_data_update['start_watching_date'] = 'NOW()';
                                 //$rent_data_update['watched'] = $video_rent_history['watched'] + 1;
                                 if (!empty($rent_data_update)) {
                                     Mysql::getInstance()->update('video_rent_history', $rent_data_update, array('id' => $video_rent_history['id']));
                 } else {
                     $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $param;
             case 3:
                 // Karaoke
                 preg_match("/(\\d+).mpg/", $param, $tmp_arr);
                 $karaoke_id = intval($tmp_arr[1]);
                 $karaoke = $this->db->from('karaoke')->where(array('id' => $karaoke_id))->get()->first();
                 if (!empty($karaoke)) {
                     $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $karaoke['name'];
                 } else {
                     $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $param;
             case 4:
                 // Audio Club
                 if (!empty($_REQUEST['content_id'])) {
                     $audio = Mysql::getInstance()->select(' as track_title, audio_albums.performer_id')->from('audio_compositions')->where(array('' => (int) $_REQUEST['content_id']))->join('audio_albums', '', 'audio_compositions.album_id', 'INNER')->get()->first();
                     if ($audio) {
                         $performer = Mysql::getInstance()->from('audio_performers')->where(array('id' => $audio['performer_id']))->get()->first();
                         if ($performer) {
                             $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $performer['name'] . ' - ' . $audio['track_title'];
                 } else {
                     $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $param;
             case 5:
                 // Radio
                 $radio = $this->db->from('radio')->where(array('cmd' => $param, 'status' => 1))->get()->first();
                 if (!empty($radio)) {
                     $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $radio['name'];
                 } else {
                     $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $param;
             case 6:
                 // My Records
             case 7:
                 // Shared Records
             case 8:
                 // Video clips
             case 11:
                 if (preg_match("/http:\\/\\/([^:\\/]*)/", $param, $tmp_arr)) {
                     $storage_ip = $tmp_arr[1];
                     $update_data['storage_name'] = Mysql::getInstance()->from('storages')->where(array('storage_ip' => $storage_ip, 'for_records' => 1))->get()->first('storage_name');
                 if (empty($update_data['storage_name']) && preg_match("/http:\\/\\/([^\\/]*)/", $param, $tmp_arr)) {
                     $storage_ip = $tmp_arr[1];
                     $update_data['storage_name'] = Mysql::getInstance()->from('storages')->where(array('storage_ip' => $storage_ip, 'for_records' => 1))->get()->first('storage_name');
                 $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $param;
                 if (preg_match("/ch_id=(\\d+)/", $param, $match)) {
                     $ch_id = $match[1];
                     $channel = Itv::getById($ch_id);
                     if (!empty($channel)) {
                         $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $channel['name'];
             case 14:
                 if (preg_match("/http:\\/\\/([^:\\/]*)/", $param, $tmp_arr)) {
                     $storage_ip = $tmp_arr[1];
                     $update_data['storage_name'] = Mysql::getInstance()->from('storages')->where(array('storage_ip' => $storage_ip, 'for_records' => 1))->get()->first('storage_name');
                 if (empty($update_data['storage_name']) && preg_match("/http:\\/\\/([^\\/]*)/", $param, $tmp_arr)) {
                     $storage_ip = $tmp_arr[1];
                     $update_data['storage_name'] = Mysql::getInstance()->from('storages')->where(array('storage_ip' => $storage_ip, 'for_records' => 1))->get()->first('storage_name');
                 $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $param;
                 if (preg_match("/\\/archive\\/(\\d+)\\//", $param, $match)) {
                     $ch_id = $match[1];
                     $channel = Itv::getById($ch_id);
                     if (!empty($channel)) {
                         $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $channel['name'];
                 $update_data['now_playing_content'] = 'unknown media ' . $param;
     if ($action == 'infoportal') {
         $update_data['now_playing_start'] = 'NOW()';
         $info_arr = array(20 => 'city_info', 21 => 'anec_page', 22 => 'weather_page', 23 => 'game_page', 24 => 'horoscope_page', 25 => 'course_page');
         if (@$info_arr[$type]) {
             $info_name = $info_arr[$type];
         } else {
             $info_name = 'unknown';
         $update_data['now_playing_content'] = $info_name;
     if ($action == 'stop' || $action == 'close_infoportal') {
         $update_data['now_playing_content'] = '';
         $update_data['storage_name'] = '';
         $update_data['hd_content'] = 0;
         $update_data['now_playing_link_id'] = 0;
         $update_data['now_playing_streamer_id'] = 0;
         $type = 0;
     if ($action == 'pause') {
         $this->db->insert('vclub_paused', array('uid' => $this->id, 'mac' => $this->mac, 'pause_time' => 'NOW()'));
     if ($action == 'continue' || $action == 'stop' || $action == 'set_pos()' || $action == 'play') {
         $this->db->delete('vclub_paused', array('mac' => $this->mac));
     if ($action == 'readed_anec') {
         return $this->db->insert('readed_anec', array('mac' => $this->mac, 'readed' => 'NOW()'));
     if ($action == 'loading_fail') {
         return $this->db->insert('loading_fail', array('mac' => $this->mac, 'added' => 'NOW()'));
     $update_data['last_active'] = 'NOW()';
     $update_data['keep_alive'] = 'NOW()';
     $update_data['now_playing_type'] = $type;
     $this->db->update('users', $update_data, array('mac' => $this->mac));
     return 1;
 public function getAllProgramForCh()
     $ch_id = intval($_REQUEST['ch_id']);
     $channel = Itv::getById($ch_id);
     if (empty($channel)) {
         return array();
     return $this->db->select('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) as start_timestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time_to) as stop_timestamp, name')->from('epg')->where(array('ch_id' => $ch_id, 'time>' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-' . $channel['tv_archive_duration'] . ' hours'))))->orderby('time')->get()->all();
if (@$_GET['saved']) {
    echo _('Saving was successful');
if (@$_GET['edit']) {
    $channel = Itv::getById(intval(@$_GET['id']));
    if (!empty($channel)) {
        $name = $channel['name'];
        $cmd = $channel['cmd'];
        $descr = $channel['descr'];
        $status = $channel['status'];
function save(){
    form = document.getElementById('form');
    name = document.getElementById('name').value;
    cmd = document.getElementById('cmd').value;
    id = document.getElementById('id').value;