load_class('/items/model/_itemlistlight.class.php', 'ItemListLight');
// Use a LIGHT Item List:  (Sitemap = 50000 entries max)
$MainList = new ItemListLight($Blog, $Blog->get_timestamp_min(), $Blog->get_timestamp_max(), 50000);
// By default we only want items that have the MAIN cat in this blog,
// i-e with its canonical URL in this blog (cross posted stuff will be listed in its main blog)
// However this may be overriden in a stub (or param)
param('cat_focus', 'string', 'main');
// Filter list:
$MainList->set_filters(array('visibility_array' => array('published'), 'types' => '-' . implode(',', $posttypes_nopermanentURL), 'unit' => 'all', 'cat_focus' => $cat_focus));
// pre_dump( $cat_focus, $MainList->filters );
// Run the query:
// Old style globals for category.funcs:
// TODO: dh> check if still required.
$postIDlist = $MainList->get_page_ID_list();
$postIDarray = $MainList->get_page_ID_array();
$Timer->stop('prepare list');
$Timer->resume('display list');
// TODO: dh> add entry for homepage (lastmod of latest item)
// TODO: dh> take comments into consideration for prio
// TODO: dh> use main Blog URL only, since google requires them to be on the same domain/path
// (see sitemap_plugin)
// Note: since URLs are likely to be clean ASCII, $io_charset can probably be faked to UTF-8 here
headers_content_mightcache('application/xml', '#', 'UTF-8');
// In most situations, you do NOT want to cache dynamic content!
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?' . '>';

<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
while ($Item =& mainlist_get_item()) {