    //TODO Redirect to login page

// create new PDF document
$pdf = new Pdf(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);

$requested_user = new User($requested_user_id);

//TODO get these dynamically via GET
//Pagination variables
$start_index = 1;
$items_per_page = 50;

$items = Item::get_items_by_user_id($requested_user_id, $start_index, $items_per_page);
$items_array = array();

foreach($items as $item){
    $items_array[] = $item->to_array();

// Set some content to print

$html = <<<EOD
    <table class="table_items">
     *  @author Vinay Hiremath
     *  PHP file that displays the database inventory in JSON format for the
     *  Android application

    namespace tatt;

    // check if the user is logged in before getting the items
    if ($auth->is_logged_in()){
        // we will grab the inventory items from the database and display them
        // in JSON format

        // grab the first 50 items
        $items_array = Item::get_items_by_user_id($auth->get_user_id(), 1, 50);

        $array_to_encode = array();

        // iterate through the items_array and store each item as a JSON-encoded string
        // into a new array
        foreach ($items_array as &$item){
            array_push($array_to_encode, json_encode($item->to_array()));

        // print the new array

    } else{
        print("NOT LOGGED IN");