 } else {
     // now that we can access to the issue, add more verbose HTML <title>
     // TRANSLATORS: Page HTML title: %1 = issue id, %2 = issue summary
     $tpl->assign('extra_title', ev_gettext('#%1$s - %2$s', $issue_id, $details['iss_summary']));
     // check if the requested issue is a part of one of the projects
     // associated with this user
     if (!@in_array($details['iss_prj_id'], $associated_projects)) {
         Misc::displayErrorMessage(ev_gettext('Sorry, you do not have the required privileges to view this issue.'));
     } else {
         $options = Search::saveSearchParams();
         $sides = Issue::getSides($issue_id, $options);
         $cookie = Auth::getCookieInfo(APP_PROJECT_COOKIE);
         if (!empty($auto_switched_from)) {
             $tpl->assign(array('project_auto_switched' => 1, 'old_project' => Project::getName($auto_switched_from)));
         $issue_fields_display = Issue_Field::getFieldsToDisplay($issue_id, 'view_issue');
         // figure out what data to show in each column
         $columns = array(0 => array(), 1 => array());
         if (CRM::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id) and !empty($details['iss_customer_id'])) {
             $columns[0][] = array('title' => 'Customer', 'field' => 'customer_0');
             $columns[1][] = array('title' => 'Customer Contract', 'field' => 'customer_1');
         $cats = Category::getList($prj_id);
         if (count($cats) > 0) {
             $columns[0][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Category'), 'data' => $details['prc_title'], 'field' => 'category');
         $columns[0][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Status'), 'data' => $details['sta_title'], 'data_bgcolor' => $details['status_color'], 'field' => 'status');
         $severities = Severity::getList($prj_id);
         if (count($severities) > 0) {
             $columns[0][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Severity'), 'data' => $details['sev_title'], 'field' => 'severity');