文件: test.php 项目: samkeen/kiln-php
    echo "Was able to make receiveWork call on SQS '{$queueUrl}' without error\n\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    shutDown("Error when attempting to access and/or receive work from SQS: '{$queueUrl}'" . ".  Error message: {$e->getMessage()}");
$cli = new \Io\Samk\AmiBuilder\Utils\Cli($logger, ["patterns" => ['/(aws_access_key)=([\\w\\+]+)(.*)/', '/(aws_secret_key)=([\\w\\+]+)(.*)/'], "replacements" => '$1=<$1>$3']);
 * Test Github connectivity
try {
    echo "2. Checking git hub template repo connectivity\n\n";
    $templatesConfig = $config->get('templates', true);
    $templatesRepo = $templatesConfig['templatesRepo'];
    $templatesCheckoutPath = $templatesConfig['checkoutPath'];
    if (!file_exists($templatesCheckoutPath)) {
        echo "Template repo not found locally, attempting Clone of repo '{$templatesRepo}' to local dir '{$templatesCheckoutPath}'...\n";
        list($output, $returnCode) = $cli->execute("git clone {$templatesRepo} {$templatesCheckoutPath}");
        checkCliResponse($output, $returnCode);
    } else {
        echo "Local checkout of template repo '{$templatesRepo}', exists at '{$templatesCheckoutPath}', attempting git fetch...\n";
        list($output, $returnCode) = $cli->execute('git fetch --all', $templatesCheckoutPath);
        checkCliResponse($output, $returnCode);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    shutDown("Error when attempting to access Githup repo: '{$templatesRepo}'" . ".  Error message: {$e->getMessage()}");
 * Test S3 connectivity
try {
    /** @var \Aws\S3\S3Client $s3Client */
    $s3Client = $aws->get('S3');
文件: run.php 项目: samkeen/kiln-php
$executionMetrics['jobMessage'] = $message;
// a lot of unneeded characters for digest message
$executionMetrics['jobBuildTemplate'] = $template;
$executionMetrics['jobBuildTemplateSha'] = $templateSha;
$logger->info("Found Work, request for template '{$template}' @ SHA '{$templateSha}'");
$cli = new \Io\Samk\AmiBuilder\Utils\Cli($logger, ["patterns" => ['/(aws_access_key)=([\\w\\+]+)(.*)/', '/(aws_secret_key)=([\\w\\+]+)(.*)/'], "replacements" => '$1=<$1>$3']);
 * update template checkout
$templatesConfig = $config->get('templates');
$templatesRepo = $templatesConfig['templatesRepo'];
$templatesCheckoutPath = $templatesConfig['checkoutPath'];
if (!file_exists($templatesCheckoutPath)) {
    list($output, $returnCode) = $cli->execute("git clone {$templatesRepo} {$templatesCheckoutPath}");
$logger->info("checking out local packer templates repo '{$templatesCheckoutPath}' to SHA '{$templateSha}'");
list($output, $returnCode) = $cli->execute('git fetch --all', $templatesCheckoutPath);
list($output, $returnCode) = $cli->execute("git reset --hard origin/master", $templatesCheckoutPath);
list($output, $returnCode) = $cli->execute("git checkout {$templateSha}", $templatesCheckoutPath);
 * Run packer and capture image region and name
$pathToTemplate = trim("{$templatesCheckoutPath}/{$template}");
if (!file_exists($pathToTemplate)) {
    $logger->error("Path to build template not exists and/or not readable: '{$pathToTemplate}'");
    shutDown("Path to build template not exists and/or not readable: '{$pathToTemplate}'");
$packerConfig = $config->get('packer');
list($result, $returnCode) = $cli->runPackerBuild($packerConfig['executablePath'], $pathToTemplate, isset($packerConfig['awsAccessKey']) ? $packerConfig['awsAccessKey'] : null, isset($packerConfig['awsSecretKey']) ? $packerConfig['awsSecretKey'] : null);