 public static function fromArray($data)
     $item = new InvoiceItem();
     if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
     if (isset($data['vat'])) {
     if (isset($data['price_item'])) {
     if (isset($data['price'])) {
     if (isset($data['price_total'])) {
     if (isset($data['description'])) {
     if (isset($data['discount']) && is_array($data['discount'])) {
     return $item;
  * Delete item to invoice
 public function delete($invoice, $id)
     if (InvoiceItem::destroy($id)) {
         return Redirect::route('invoice_modify', $invoice)->with('mSucces', 'La ligne a bien été supprimée');
     } else {
         return Redirect::route('invoice_modify', $invoice)->with('mError', 'Impossible de supprimer cette ligne');
 public function invoiceItems($params = null)
     if (!$params) {
         $params = array();
     $params['customer'] = $this->id;
     $iis = InvoiceItem::all($params, $this->_apiKey);
     return $iis;
 public function fire()
     $this->info(date('Y-m-d') . ' Running SendRecurringInvoices...');
     $today = new DateTime();
     $invoices = Invoice::with('account.timezone', 'invoice_items', 'client')->whereRaw('is_deleted IS FALSE AND deleted_at IS NULL AND is_recurring IS TRUE AND start_date <= ? AND (end_date IS NULL OR end_date >= ?)', array($today, $today))->get();
     $this->info(count($invoices) . ' recurring invoice(s) found');
     foreach ($invoices as $recurInvoice) {
         if ($recurInvoice->client->deleted_at) {
         $this->info('Processing Invoice ' . $recurInvoice->id . ' - Should send ' . ($recurInvoice->shouldSendToday() ? 'YES' : 'NO'));
         if (!$recurInvoice->shouldSendToday()) {
         $invoice = Invoice::createNew($recurInvoice);
         $invoice->client_id = $recurInvoice->client_id;
         $invoice->recurring_invoice_id = $recurInvoice->id;
         $invoice->invoice_number = 'R' . $recurInvoice->account->getNextInvoiceNumber();
         $invoice->amount = $recurInvoice->amount;
         $invoice->balance = $recurInvoice->amount;
         $invoice->invoice_date = date_create()->format('Y-m-d');
         $invoice->discount = $recurInvoice->discount;
         $invoice->po_number = $recurInvoice->po_number;
         $invoice->public_notes = $recurInvoice->public_notes;
         $invoice->terms = $recurInvoice->terms;
         $invoice->tax_name = $recurInvoice->tax_name;
         $invoice->tax_rate = $recurInvoice->tax_rate;
         $invoice->invoice_design_id = $recurInvoice->invoice_design_id;
         if ($invoice->client->payment_terms) {
             $invoice->due_date = date_create()->modify($invoice->client->payment_terms . ' day')->format('Y-m-d');
         foreach ($recurInvoice->invoice_items as $recurItem) {
             $item = InvoiceItem::createNew($recurItem);
             $item->product_id = $recurItem->product_id;
             $item->qty = $recurItem->qty;
             $item->cost = $recurItem->cost;
             $item->notes = Utils::processVariables($recurItem->notes);
             $item->product_key = Utils::processVariables($recurItem->product_key);
             $item->tax_name = $recurItem->tax_name;
             $item->tax_rate = $recurItem->tax_rate;
         foreach ($recurInvoice->invitations as $recurInvitation) {
             $invitation = Invitation::createNew($recurInvitation);
             $invitation->contact_id = $recurInvitation->contact_id;
             $invitation->invitation_key = str_random(RANDOM_KEY_LENGTH);
         $recurInvoice->last_sent_date = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
 public function testItemsAccessWithParameter()
     $customer = self::createTestCustomer();
     InvoiceItem::create(array('customer' => $customer->id, 'amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'usd'));
     $invoice = Invoice::upcoming(array('customer' => $customer->id));
     $lines = $invoice->lines->all(array('limit' => 10));
     $this->assertSame(count($lines->data), 1);
     $this->assertSame($lines->data[0]->amount, 100);
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
         $invoice = Invoice::create(array('user_id' => $faker->randomNumber(1, 20), 'due_date' => $faker->dateTimeThisYear, 'status' => $faker->randomElement(array('Draft', 'Unpaid', 'Paid'))));
         InvoiceItem::create(array('invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'description' => $faker->sentence, 'unit_price' => $faker->randomNumber(1, 200), 'quantity' => $faker->randomNumber(1, 2)));
 public static function getActiveSubscriptionInfos()
     $params = array();
     $active_subscription = InvoiceItem::where('ressource_id', Ressource::TYPE_COWORKING)->where('invoices.user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('subscription_from', '<', date('Y-m-d'))->where('subscription_to', '>', date('Y-m-d'))->join('invoices', function ($j) {
         $j->on('invoice_id', '=', 'invoices.id')->where('type', '=', 'F');
     $params['active_subscription'] = $active_subscription;
     if ($active_subscription) {
         $params['subscription_used'] = PastTime::recap(Auth::user()->id, $active_subscription->subscription_from, $active_subscription->subscription_to, Ressource::TYPE_COWORKING, false)->first();
     } else {
         $params['subscription_used'] = array('hours' => 0, 'minutes' => 0);
     if ($active_subscription && $params['subscription_used']) {
         $params['subscription_ratio'] = round(100 * ($params['subscription_used']->hours + $params['subscription_used']->minutes / 60) / $active_subscription->subscription_hours_quota);
     } else {
         $params['subscription_ratio'] = 0;
     return $params;
 public function sales_per_category()
     $colors = array();
     $colors[] = '#a3e1d4';
     $colors[] = '#dedede';
     $colors[] = '#b5b8cf';
     $data = array();
     foreach (InvoiceItem::total()->byKind()->get() as $item) {
         $data[$item->kind ? $item->kind : self::LABEL_OTHERS] = array('amount' => $item->total, 'color' => array_shift($colors));
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $total += $data[$k]['amount'];
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $data[$k]['ratio'] = $total ? sprintf('%0.2f', 100 * $data[$k]['amount'] / $total) : 0;
     return View::make('stats.pie', array('data' => $data, 'total' => $total));
 public function vat()
     $paid = array();
     $paid_rates = array();
     $sum = array();
     foreach (ChargeItem::TotalTVA() as $item) {
         $paid[$item->days][$item->value] = $item->total;
         $paid_rates[$item->value] = true;
         if (empty($sum[$item->days])) {
             $sum[$item->days] = 0;
         $sum[$item->days] += $item->total;
     $received = array();
     $received_rates = array();
     foreach (InvoiceItem::TotalTVA()->get() as $item) {
         $received[$item->days][$item->value] = $item->total;
         $received_rates[$item->value] = true;
         if (empty($sum[$item->days])) {
             $sum[$item->days] = 0;
         $sum[$item->days] -= $item->total;
     $month2quarter = array('01' => 1, '02' => 1, '03' => 1, '04' => 2, '05' => 2, '06' => 2, '07' => 3, '08' => 3, '09' => 3, '10' => 4, '11' => 4, '12' => 4);
     $overview = array();
     foreach ($sum as $period => $value) {
         if (preg_match('/(.+)-(.+)/', $period, $matchs)) {
             $quarter = sprintf('%s-Q%s', $matchs[1], $month2quarter[$matchs[2]]);
             if (!isset($overview[$quarter])) {
                 $overview[$quarter] = 0;
             $overview[$quarter] += $value;
     return View::make('cashflow.vat', array('paid' => $paid, 'received' => $received, 'sum' => $sum, 'overview' => $overview, 'paid_rates' => array_keys($paid_rates), 'received_rates' => array_keys($received_rates)));
 public function renew($id)
     $subscription = $this->dataExist($id);
     $invoice = new Invoice();
     $invoice->type = 'F';
     $invoice->user_id = $subscription->user_id;
     $invoice->organisation_id = $subscription->organisation_id;
     $invoice->days = date('Ym');
     $invoice->date_invoice = date('Y-m-d');
     $invoice->number = Invoice::next_invoice_number($invoice->type, $invoice->days);
     $invoice->address = $subscription->organisation->fulladdress;
     $date = new DateTime($invoice->date_invoice);
     $date->modify('+1 month');
     $invoice->deadline = $date->format('Y-m-d');
     $invoice_line = new InvoiceItem();
     $invoice_line->invoice_id = $invoice->id;
     $invoice_line->ressource_id = Ressource::TYPE_COWORKING;
     $invoice_line->amount = $subscription->kind->price;
     $date = new \DateTime($subscription->renew_at);
     $date2 = new \DateTime($subscription->renew_at);
     $invoice_line->subscription_from = $date->format('Y-m-d');
     $date2->modify('next month');
     $invoice_line->subscription_to = $date2->format('Y-m-d');
     $invoice_line->subscription_hours_quota = $subscription->kind->hours_quota;
     // update invoices_items set subscription_to = date_add(subscription_from, interval 1 MONTH) where subscription_from <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
     $date2->modify('-1 day');
     $invoice_line->text = sprintf("%s - %s\nDu %s au %s", $subscription->kind->name, $subscription->user->fullname, $date->format('d/m/Y'), $date2->format('d/m/Y'));
     $invoice_line->vat_types_id = VatType::whereValue(20)->first()->id;
     $invoice_line->ressource_id = Ressource::TYPE_COWORKING;
     $invoice_line->order_index = 1;
     $date = new DateTime($subscription->renew_at);
     $date->modify('+1 month');
     $subscription->renew_at = $date->format('Y-m-d');
     return Redirect::route('invoice_modify', $invoice->id)->with('mSuccess', 'La facture a été créée');
 public function calculate(Invoice $invoice, InvoiceItem $item, User $aff, $paymentNumber = 0, $tier = 0, $paymentAmount = 0.0, $paymentDate = 'now', &$matchedRules = array())
     // take aff.commission_days in account for 1-tier only
     if ($tier == 0 && ($commissionDays = $this->getDi()->config->get('aff.commission_days'))) {
         $signupDays = $this->getDi()->time - strtotime($invoice->getUser()->aff_added ? $invoice->getUser()->aff_added : $invoice->getUser()->added);
         $signupDays = intval($signupDays / (3600 * 24));
         // to days
         if ($commissionDays < $signupDays) {
         // no commission for this case, affiliate<->user relation is expired
     $multi = 1.0;
     $isFirst = $paymentNumber <= 1;
     $prefix = $isFirst && (double) $item->first_total ? 'first' : 'second';
     if ($tier == 0) {
         if ($invoice->get("{$prefix}_total") == 0) {
             $paidForItem = 0;
         } else {
             $paidForItem = $paymentAmount * $item->get("{$prefix}_total") / $invoice->get("{$prefix}_total");
     } else {
         // for higher tier just take amount paid to previous tier
         $paidForItem = $paymentAmount;
     $paidForItem = $tier ? $paidForItem : $paidForItem / $invoice->base_currency_multi;
     foreach ($this->findRules($invoice, $item, $aff, $paymentNumber, $tier, $paymentDate) as $rule) {
         array_push($matchedRules, $rule);
         // Second tier commission have to be calculated as percent from First tier commission.
         if ($tier > 0) {
             return moneyRound($rule->first_payment_c * $paidForItem / 100);
         if ($rule->type == AffCommissionRule::TYPE_MULTI) {
             $multi *= $rule->multi;
         } else {
             if ($paidForItem == 0) {
                 // free signup?
                 if ($paymentNumber == 0 && $rule->free_signup_c) {
                     return moneyRound($multi * $rule->free_signup_c);
             } elseif ($isFirst) {
                 // first payment
                 if ($rule->first_payment_t == '%') {
                     return moneyRound($multi * $rule->first_payment_c * $paidForItem / 100);
                 } else {
                     return moneyRound($multi * $rule->first_payment_c);
             } else {
                 // recurring payment
                 if ($rule->recurring_t == '%') {
                     return moneyRound($multi * $rule->recurring_c * $paidForItem / 100);
                 } else {
                     return moneyRound($multi * $rule->recurring_c);
 private function saveLote($factura)
     $account = DB::table('accounts')->where('id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id)->first();
     $branch = Branch::find(Session::get('branch_id'));
     // return $factura['nit'];
     $client = Client::where('account_id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id)->where('public_id', $factura['id'])->first();
     //   return $factura['nit'];
     $invoice = Invoice::createNew();
     $total_cost = 0;
     foreach ($factura['products'] as $producto) {
         //$pr = Product::where('account_id',Auth::user()->account_id)->where('product_key',$producto['product_key'])->first();
         //$total_cost+= $pr->cost*$producto['qty'];
         $total_cost += $producto['cost'];
     $invoice->importe_neto = trim($total_cost);
     $invoice->importe_total = trim($total_cost);
     //$invoice->note = trim(Input::get('nota'));
     $type_document = TypeDocument::where('account_id', Auth::user()->account_id)->first();
     $invoice->invoice_number = branch::getInvoiceNumber();
     $numAuth = $invoice->number_autho;
     $numfactura = $invoice->invoice_number;
     $nit = $invoice->client_nit;
     $fechaEmision = date("Ymd", strtotime($invoice->invoice_date));
     $total = $invoice->importe_neto;
     $llave = $branch->key_dosage;
     $codigoControl = Utils::getControlCode($numfactura, $nit, $fechaEmision, $total, $numAuth, $llave);
     $documents = TypeDocumentBranch::where('branch_id', $invoice->branch_id)->orderBy('id', 'ASC')->get();
     foreach ($documents as $document) {
         $actual_document = TypeDocument::where('id', $document->type_document_id)->first();
         if ($actual_document->master_id == 1) {
             $id_documento = $actual_document->id;
     $invoice->logo = 1;
     $invoice->sfc = $branch->sfc;
     //$invoice->qr =$invoice->account_nit.'|'.$invoice->invoice_number.'|'.$invoice->number_autho.'|'.$invoice->invoice_date.'|'.$invoice->importe_neto.'|'.$invoice->importe_total.'|'.$invoice->client_nit.'|'.$invoice->importe_ice.'|0|0|'.$invoice->descuento_total;
     if ($account->is_uniper) {
         $invoice->account_uniper = $account->uniper;
     //$invoice->logo = $type_document->logo;
     foreach ($factura['products'] as $producto) {
         $product = Product::where('account_id', Auth::user()->account_id)->where('product_key', $producto['product_key'])->first();
         if ($product != null) {
             $invoiceItem = InvoiceItem::createNew();
             $invoiceItem->setNotes($product->notes . " " . $producto['description']);
$table_charge = new Table("cc_charge", "*");
$result = $table_charge->Get_list($DBHandle, $clause_charge . " AND charged_status = 0 AND invoiced_status = 0");
if (is_array($result) && sizeof($result) > 0) {
    foreach ($result as $charge) {
        $item = new InvoiceItem(null, gettext("CHARGE :") . $charge['description'], $charge['creationdate'], $charge['amount'], $vat, 'CHARGE');
        $invoice_items[] = $item;
// behaviour postpaid
if ($typepaid == 1 && $credit < 0) {
    $amount = abs($credit);
    $item = new InvoiceItem(null, $desc_billing_postpaid, gmdate("Y/m/d H:i:s"), $amount, $vat, 'POSTPAID');
    $invoice_items[] = $item;
$curr = $_SESSION['currency'];
$currencies_list = get_currencies();
if (!isset($currencies_list[strtoupper($curr)][2]) || !is_numeric($currencies_list[strtoupper($curr)][2])) {
    $mycur = 1;
    $display_curr = strtoupper(BASE_CURRENCY);
} else {
    $mycur = $currencies_list[strtoupper($curr)][2];
    $display_curr = strtoupper($curr);
function amount_convert($amount)
    global $mycur;
 public function guardarFactura()
     /* David 
         	 Guardando  factura con el siguiente formato:
     			//nuevo formato para la cascada XD
     			//para version generica
     			{"invoice_items":[{"qty":"6","id":"11"}],"name":"Sin Nombre","nit":"0","client_id":"19"}
     $input = Input::all();
     // $invoice_number = Auth::user()->account->getNextInvoiceNumber();
     $invoice_number = Auth::user()->branch->getNextInvoiceNumber();
     $client_id = $input['client_id'];
     $clientF = Client::scope($client_id)->firstOrFail();
     $client = (object) array();
     $client->id = $clientF->id;
     $client->name = $clientF->name;
     $client->nit = $clientF->nit;
     $client->public_id = $clientF->public_id;
     DB::table('clients')->where('id', $client->id)->update(array('nit' => $input['nit'], 'name' => $input['name']));
     $user_id = Auth::user()->getAuthIdentifier();
     $user = DB::table('users')->select('account_id', 'branch_id', 'public_id')->where('id', $user_id)->first();
     $account = DB::table('accounts')->where('id', $user->account_id)->first();
     // //$account_id = $user->account_id;
     // // $account = DB::table('accounts')->select('num_auto','llave_dosi','fecha_limite')->where('id',$user->account_id)->first();
     // //$branch = DB::table('branches')->select('num_auto','llave_dosi','fecha_limite','address1','address2','country_id','industry_id')->where('id',$user['branch_id'])->first();
     // //$branch = DB::table('branches')->select('num_auto','llave_dosi','fecha_limite','address1','address2','country_id','industry_id')->where('id','=',$user->branch_id)->first();
     //   	// $branch = DB::table('branches')->select('number_autho','key_dosage','deadline','address1','address2','country_id','industry_id','law','activity_pri','activity_sec1','name')->where('id','=',$user->branch_id)->first();
     $branch = DB::table('branches')->where('id', '=', $user->branch_id)->first();
     $invoice_design = DB::table('invoice_designs')->select('id')->where('account_id', '=', $user->account_id)->first();
     // return Response::json($invoice_design);
     $items = $input['invoice_items'];
     // $linea ="";
     $amount = 0;
     $subtotal = 0;
     $fiscal = 0;
     $icetotal = 0;
     $bonidesc = 0;
     $productos = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         # code...
         $product_id = $item['id'];
         $pr = DB::table('products')->where('products.id', "=", $product_id)->first();
         // $pr->xd ='hola';
         //me quede aqui me llego sueñito XD
         $amount = $amount + $pr->cost * $item['qty'];
         // $pr->qty = 1;
         $productos = $pr;
         // $pr = DB::table('products')->select('cost')->where('id',$product_id)->first();
         // $qty = (int) $item['qty'];
         // $cost = $pr->cost/$pr->units;
         // $st = ($cost * $qty);
         // $subtotal = $subtotal + $st;
         // $bd= ($item['boni']*$cost) + $item['desc'];
         // $bonidesc= $bonidesc +$bd;
         // $amount = $amount +$st-$bd;
         //   			// $fiscal = $fiscal +$amount;
     //   	$fiscal = $amount -$bonidesc-$icetotal;
     $balance = $amount;
     $subtotal = $amount;
     //   	/////////////////////////hasta qui esta bien al parecer hacer prueba de que fuciona el join de los productos XD
     $invoice_dateCC = date("Ymd");
     $invoice_date = date("Y-m-d");
     $invoice_date_limitCC = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($branch->deadline));
     require_once app_path() . '/includes/control_code.php';
     $cod_control = codigoControl($invoice_number, $client->nit, $invoice_dateCC, $amount, $branch->number_autho, $branch->key_dosage);
     //     $ice = DB::table('tax_rates')->select('rate')->where('name','=','ice')->first();
     //     //
     //     // creando invoice
     $invoice = Invoice::createNew();
     $invoice->invoice_number = $invoice_number;
     $invoice->client_id = $client->id;
     $invoice->user_id = $user_id;
     $invoice->account_id = $user->account_id;
     $invoice->branch_id = $user->branch_id;
     $invoice->amount = number_format((double) $amount, 2, '.', '');
     $invoice->invoice_design_id = $invoice_design->id;
     //------------- hasta aqui funciona despues sale error
     $invoice->law = $branch->law;
     $invoice->balance = $balance;
     $invoice->subtotal = $subtotal;
     $invoice->control_code = $cod_control;
     $invoice->start_date = $invoice_date;
     $invoice->invoice_date = $invoice_date;
     $invoice->activity_pri = $branch->activity_pri;
     $invoice->activity_sec1 = $branch->activity_sec1;
     //     // $invoice->invoice
     $invoice->end_date = $invoice_date_limitCC;
     //     //datos de la empresa atra vez de una consulta XD
     //     /*****************error generado al intentar guardar **/
     //   	 // $invoice->branch = $branch->name;
     $invoice->address1 = $branch->address1;
     $invoice->address2 = $branch->address2;
     $invoice->number_autho = $branch->number_autho;
     // $invoice->work_phone=$branch->postal_code;
     $invoice->city = $branch->city;
     $invoice->state = $branch->state;
     //     // $invoice->industry_id=$branch->industry_id;
     // $invoice->country_id= $branch->country_id;
     $invoice->key_dosage = $branch->key_dosage;
     $invoice->deadline = $branch->deadline;
     //     $invoice->custom_value1 =$icetotal;
     //     $invoice->ice = $ice->rate;
     //     //cliente
     //     $invoice->nit=$client->nit;
     //     $invoice->name =$client->name;
     //adicionales de la nueva plataforma
     $invoice->account_name = $account->name;
     $invoice->account_nit = $account->nit;
     $invoice->client_name = $input['name'];
     $invoice->client_nit = $input['nit'];
     $invoice->phone = $branch->postal_code;
     //     $account = Auth::user()->account;
     // 	$ice = $invoice->amount-$invoice->fiscal;
     // 	$desc = $invoice->subtotal-$invoice->amount;
     // 	$amount = number_format($invoice->amount, 2, '.', '');
     // 	$fiscal = number_format($invoice->fiscal, 2, '.', '');
     // 	$icef = number_format($ice, 2, '.', '');
     // 	$descf = number_format($desc, 2, '.', '');
     // 	if($icef=="0.00"){
     // 		$icef = 0;
     // 	}
     // 	if($descf=="0.00"){
     // 		$descf = 0;
     // 	}
     require_once app_path() . '/includes/BarcodeQR.php';
     $icef = 0;
     $descf = 0;
     $qr = new BarcodeQR();
     $datosqr = $invoice->account_nit . '|' . $invoice->invoice_number . '|' . $invoice->number_autho . '|' . $invoice_date . '|' . $invoice->amount . '|' . $invoice->amount . '|' . $invoice->nit . '|' . $icef . '|0|0|' . $descf;
     $qr->draw(150, 'qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $branch->name . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.png');
     $input_file = 'qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $branch->name . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.png';
     $output_file = 'qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $branch->name . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.jpg';
     $inputqr = imagecreatefrompng($input_file);
     list($width, $height) = getimagesize($input_file);
     $output = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
     $white = imagecolorallocate($output, 255, 255, 255);
     imagefilledrectangle($output, 0, 0, $width, $height, $white);
     imagecopy($output, $inputqr, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
     imagejpeg($output, $output_file);
     $invoice->qr = HTML::image_data('qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $branch->name . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.jpg');
     DB::table('invoices')->where('id', $invoice->id)->update(array('branch_name' => $branch->name));
     //error verificar
     // $invoice = DB::table('invoices')->select('id')->where('invoice_number',$invoice_number)->first();
     //guardadndo los invoice items
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // $product = DB::table('products')->select('notes')->where('id',$product_id)->first();
         $product_id = $item['id'];
         $product = DB::table('products')->where('products.id', "=", $product_id)->first();
         // $pr = DB::table('products')->select('cost')->where('id',$product_id)->first();
         // $cost = $product->cost/$product->units;
         // $line_total= ((int)$item['qty'])*$cost;
         $invoiceItem = InvoiceItem::createNew();
         $invoiceItem->invoice_id = $invoice->id;
         $invoiceItem->product_id = $product_id;
         $invoiceItem->product_key = $product->product_key;
         $invoiceItem->notes = $product->notes;
         $invoiceItem->cost = $product->cost;
         $invoiceItem->qty = $item['qty'];
         // $invoiceItem->line_total=$line_total;
         $invoiceItem->tax_rate = 0;
     $invoiceItems = DB::table('invoice_items')->select('notes', 'cost', 'qty')->where('invoice_id', '=', $invoice->id)->get(array('notes', 'cost', 'qty'));
     $date = new DateTime($invoice->deadline);
     $dateEmision = new DateTime($invoice->invoice_date);
     $cuenta = array('name' => $account->name, 'nit' => $account->nit);
     // $ice = $invoice->amount-$invoice->fiscal;
     // $factura  = array('invoice_number' => $invoice->invoice_number,
     //   					'control_code'=>$invoice->control_code,
     //   					'invoice_date'=>$dateEmision->format('d-m-Y'),
     //   					'amount'=>number_format((float)$invoice->amount, 2, '.', ''),
     //   					'subtotal'=>number_format((float)$invoice->subtotal, 2, '.', ''),
     //   					'fiscal'=>number_format((float)$invoice->fiscal, 2, '.', ''),
     //   					'client'=>$client,
     //   					// 'id'=>$invoice->id,
     //   					'account'=>$account,
     //   					'law' => $invoice->law,
     //   					'invoice_items'=>$invoiceItems,
     //   					'address1'=>str_replace('+', '°', $invoice->address1),
     //   					// 'address2'=>str_replace('+', '°', $invoice->address2),
     //   					'address2'=>$invoice->address2,
     //   					'num_auto'=>$invoice->number_autho,
     //   					'fecha_limite'=>$date->format('d-m-Y'),
     //   					// 'fecha_emsion'=>,
     //   					'ice'=>number_format((float)$ice, 2, '.', '')
     //   					);
     $client->name = $input['name'];
     $client->nit = $input['nit'];
     $factura = array('invoice_number' => $invoice->invoice_number, 'control_code' => $invoice->control_code, 'invoice_date' => $dateEmision->format('d-m-Y'), 'activity_pri' => $branch->activity_pri, 'amount' => number_format((double) $invoice->amount, 2, '.', ''), 'subtotal' => number_format((double) $invoice->balance, 2, '.', ''), 'fiscal' => number_format((double) $invoice->fiscal, 2, '.', ''), 'client' => $client, 'account' => $account, 'law' => $invoice->law, 'invoice_items' => $invoiceItems, 'address1' => str_replace('+', '°', $invoice->address1), 'address2' => $invoice->address2, 'num_auto' => $invoice->number_autho, 'fecha_limite' => $date->format('d-m-Y'));
     // $invoic = Invoice::scope($invoice_number)->withTrashed()->with('client.contacts', 'client.country', 'invoice_items')->firstOrFail();
     // $d  = Input::all();
     //en caso de problemas irracionales me refiero a que se jodio
     // $input = Input::all();
     // $client_id = $input['client_id'];
     // $client = DB::table('clients')->select('id','nit','name')->where('id',$input['client_id'])->first();
     return Response::json($factura);
 private function export()
     $output = fopen('php://output', 'w') or Utils::fatalError();
     $clients = Client::scope()->get();
     AccountController::exportData($output, $clients->toArray());
     $contacts = Contact::scope()->get();
     AccountController::exportData($output, $contacts->toArray());
     $invoices = Invoice::scope()->get();
     AccountController::exportData($output, $invoices->toArray());
     $invoiceItems = InvoiceItem::scope()->get();
     AccountController::exportData($output, $invoiceItems->toArray());
     $payments = Payment::scope()->get();
     AccountController::exportData($output, $payments->toArray());
     $credits = Credit::scope()->get();
     AccountController::exportData($output, $credits->toArray());
 public function guardarFacturaOffline()
     /* David 
         	 Guardando  factura con el siguiente formato:
     			//Formato Offline
     			//nuevo formato para la cascada XD
     $input = Input::all();
     // $invoice_number = Auth::user()->account->getNextInvoiceNumber();
     $invoice_number = (int) Auth::user()->branch->getNextInvoiceNumber();
     $numero = (int) $input['invoice_number'];
     // $numero =(int)  $input['invoice_number'];
     if ($invoice_number != $numero) {
         return Response::json(array('resultado' => '1', 'invoice_number' => $invoice_number));
     $client_id = $input['client_id'];
     // $client = DB::table('clients')->select('id','nit','name','public_id')->where('id',$input['client_id'])->first();
     $user_id = Auth::user()->getAuthIdentifier();
     $user = DB::table('users')->select('account_id', 'branch_id', 'price_type_id')->where('id', $user_id)->first();
     //$account_id = $user->account_id;
     // $account = DB::table('accounts')->select('num_auto','llave_dosi','fecha_limite')->where('id',$user->account_id)->first();
     //$branch = DB::table('branches')->select('num_auto','llave_dosi','fecha_limite','address1','address2','country_id','industry_id')->where('id',$user['branch_id'])->first();
     //$branch = DB::table('branches')->select('num_auto','llave_dosi','fecha_limite','address1','address2','country_id','industry_id')->where('id','=',$user->branch_id)->first();
     // $branch = DB::table('branches')->select('number_autho','key_dosage','deadline','address1','address2','country_id','industry_id','law','activity_pri','activity_sec1','name')->where('id','=',$user->branch_id)->first();
     $branch = DB::table('branches')->where('id', '=', $user->branch_id)->first();
     $items = $input['invoice_items'];
     // $linea ="";
     $amount = 0;
     $subtotal = 0;
     $fiscal = 0;
     $icetotal = 0;
     $bonidesc = 0;
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         # code...
         $product_id = $item['id'];
         $pr = DB::table('products')->join('prices', "product_id", "=", 'products.id')->select('products.id', 'products.notes', 'prices.cost', 'products.ice', 'products.units', 'products.cc')->where('prices.price_type_id', '=', $user->price_type_id)->where('products.account_id', '=', $user->account_id)->where('products.id', "=", $product_id)->first();
         // $pr = DB::table('products')->select('cost')->where('id',$product_id)->first();
         $qty = (int) $item['qty'];
         $cost = $pr->cost / $pr->units;
         $st = $cost * $qty;
         $subtotal = $subtotal + $st;
         $bd = $item['boni'] * $cost + $item['desc'];
         $bonidesc = $bonidesc + $bd;
         $amount = $amount + $st - $bd;
         $ice = DB::table('tax_rates')->select('rate')->where('name', '=', 'ice')->first();
         if ($pr->ice == 1) {
             //caluclo ice bruto
             $iceBruto = $qty * ($pr->cc / 1000) * $ice->rate;
             $iceNeto = (int) $item['boni'] * ($pr->cc / 1000) * $ice->rate;
             $icetotal = $icetotal + ($iceBruto - $iceNeto);
             // $fiscal = $fiscal + ($amount - ($item['qty'] *($pr->cc/1000)*$ice->rate) );
     $fiscal = $amount - $bonidesc - $icetotal;
     $balance = $amount;
     /////////////////////////hasta qui esta bien al parecer hacer prueba de que fuciona el join de los productos XD
     $invoice_dateCC = date("Ymd");
     $invoice_date = date("Y-m-d");
     $invoice_date_limitCC = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($branch->deadline));
     // require_once(app_path().'/includes/control_code.php');
     // $cod_control = codigoControl($invoice_number, $input['nit'], $invoice_dateCC, $amount, $branch->number_autho, $branch->key_dosage);
     $cod_control = $input['cod_control'];
     $ice = DB::table('tax_rates')->select('rate')->where('name', '=', 'ice')->first();
     // creando invoice
     $invoice = Invoice::createNew();
     $invoice->invoice_number = $invoice_number;
     $invoice->client_id = $client_id;
     $invoice->user_id = $user_id;
     $invoice->account_id = $user->account_id;
     $invoice->branch_id = $user->branch_id;
     $invoice->amount = number_format((double) $amount, 2, '.', '');
     $invoice->subtotal = $subtotal;
     $invoice->fiscal = $fiscal;
     $invoice->law = $branch->law;
     $invoice->balance = $balance;
     $invoice->control_code = $cod_control;
     $invoice->start_date = $invoice_date;
     $invoice->invoice_date = $invoice_date;
     $invoice->activity_pri = $branch->activity_pri;
     $invoice->activity_sec1 = $branch->activity_sec1;
     // $invoice->invoice
     $invoice->end_date = $invoice_date_limitCC;
     //datos de la empresa atra vez de una consulta XD
     /*****************error generado al intentar guardar **/
     // $invoice->branch = $branch->name;
     $invoice->address1 = $branch->address1;
     $invoice->address2 = $branch->address2;
     $invoice->number_autho = $branch->number_autho;
     $invoice->work_phone = $branch->postal_code;
     $invoice->city = $branch->city;
     $invoice->state = $branch->state;
     // $invoice->industry_id=$branch->industry_id;
     $invoice->country_id = $branch->country_id;
     $invoice->key_dosage = $branch->key_dosage;
     $invoice->deadline = $branch->deadline;
     $invoice->custom_value1 = $icetotal;
     $invoice->ice = $ice->rate;
     $invoice->nit = $input['nit'];
     $invoice->name = $input['name'];
     $account = Auth::user()->account;
     require_once app_path() . '/includes/BarcodeQR.php';
     $ice = $invoice->amount - $invoice->fiscal;
     $desc = $invoice->subtotal - $invoice->amount;
     $amount = number_format($invoice->amount, 2, '.', '');
     $fiscal = number_format($invoice->fiscal, 2, '.', '');
     $icef = number_format($ice, 2, '.', '');
     $descf = number_format($desc, 2, '.', '');
     if ($icef == "0.00") {
         $icef = 0;
     if ($descf == "0.00") {
         $descf = 0;
     $qr = new BarcodeQR();
     $datosqr = '1006909025|' . $input['invoice_number'] . '|' . $invoice->number_autho . '|' . $invoice_date . '|' . $amount . '|' . $fiscal . '|' . $invoice->nit . '|' . $icef . '|0|0|' . $descf;
     $qr->draw(150, 'qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.png');
     $input_file = 'qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.png';
     $output_file = 'qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.jpg';
     $inputqr = imagecreatefrompng($input_file);
     list($width, $height) = getimagesize($input_file);
     $output = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
     $white = imagecolorallocate($output, 255, 255, 255);
     imagefilledrectangle($output, 0, 0, $width, $height, $white);
     imagecopy($output, $inputqr, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
     imagejpeg($output, $output_file);
     $invoice->qr = HTML::image_data('qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $input['invoice_number'] . '.jpg');
     $fecha = $input['fecha'];
     $f = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($fecha));
     DB::table('invoices')->where('id', $invoice->id)->update(array('branch' => $branch->name, 'invoice_date' => $f));
     //error verificar
     // $invoice = DB::table('invoices')->select('id')->where('invoice_number',$invoice_number)->first();
     //guardadndo los invoice items
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // $product = DB::table('products')->select('notes')->where('id',$product_id)->first();
         $product_id = $item['id'];
         $product = DB::table('products')->join('prices', "product_id", "=", 'products.id')->select('products.id', 'products.notes', 'prices.cost', 'products.ice', 'products.units', 'products.cc', 'products.product_key')->where('prices.price_type_id', '=', $user->price_type_id)->where('products.account_id', '=', $user->account_id)->where('products.id', "=", $product_id)->first();
         // $pr = DB::table('products')->select('cost')->where('id',$product_id)->first();
         $cost = $product->cost / $product->units;
         $line_total = (int) $item['qty'] * $cost;
         $invoiceItem = InvoiceItem::createNew();
         $invoiceItem->invoice_id = $invoice->id;
         $invoiceItem->product_id = $product_id;
         $invoiceItem->product_key = $product->product_key;
         $invoiceItem->notes = $product->notes;
         $invoiceItem->cost = $cost;
         $invoiceItem->boni = (int) $item['boni'];
         $invoiceItem->desc = $item['desc'];
         $invoiceItem->qty = (int) $item['qty'];
         $invoiceItem->line_total = $line_total;
         $invoiceItem->tax_rate = 0;
     // $invoiceItems =DB::table('invoice_items')
     // 			   ->select('notes','cost','qty','boni','desc')
     // 			   ->where('invoice_id','=',$invoice->id)
     // 			   ->get(array('notes','cost','qty','boni','desc'));
     // $date = new DateTime($invoice->deadline);
     // $dateEmision = new DateTime($invoice->invoice_date);
     // $account  = array('name' =>$branch->name,'nit'=>'1006909025' );
     // $ice = $invoice->amount-$invoice->fiscal;
     // $factura  = array('invoice_number' => $invoice->invoice_number,
     // 				'control_code'=>$invoice->control_code,
     // 				'invoice_date'=>$dateEmision->format('d-m-Y'),
     // 				'amount'=>number_format((float)$invoice->amount, 2, '.', ''),
     // 				'subtotal'=>number_format((float)$invoice->subtotal, 2, '.', ''),
     // 				'fiscal'=>number_format((float)$invoice->fiscal, 2, '.', ''),
     // 				'client'=>$client,
     // 				// 'id'=>$invoice->id,
     // 				'account'=>$account,
     // 				'law' => $invoice->law,
     // 				'invoice_items'=>$invoiceItems,
     // 				'address1'=>str_replace('+', '°', $invoice->address1),
     // 				// 'address2'=>str_replace('+', '°', $invoice->address2),
     // 				'address2'=>$invoice->address2,
     // 				'num_auto'=>$invoice->number_autho,
     // 				'fecha_limite'=>$date->format('d-m-Y'),
     // 				// 'fecha_emsion'=>,
     // 				'ice'=>number_format((float)$ice, 2, '.', '')
     // 				);
     // $invoic = Invoice::scope($invoice_number)->withTrashed()->with('client.contacts', 'client.country', 'invoice_items')->firstOrFail();
     // $d  = Input::all();
     //en caso de problemas irracionales me refiero a que se jodio
     // $input = Input::all();
     // $client_id = $input['client_id'];
     // $client = DB::table('clients')->select('id','nit','name')->where('id',$input['client_id'])->first();
     $datos = array('resultado ' => "0");
     //colocar una excepcion en caso de error
     // return Response::json($datos);
     return Response::json($datos);
文件: Invoice.php 项目: grlf/eyedock
  * Return true if subscription can be changed
  * @param Invoice $invoice
  * @param BillingPlan $from
  * @param BillingPlan $to
  * @return boolean
 public function canUpgrade(InvoiceItem $item, ProductUpgrade $upgrade)
     if ($item->billing_plan_id != $upgrade->from_billing_plan_id) {
         return false;
     // check for other recurring items
     foreach ($this->getItems() as $it) {
         if ($item->invoice_item_id != $it->invoice_item_id) {
             if ((double) $it->second_total) {
                 return false;
         // there is another recurring item, upgrade impossible
     $to = $upgrade->getToPlan();
     if (!$to) {
         return false;
     // check if $to is compatible to billing terms
     $newItem = $this->createItem($to->getProduct());
     $error = $this->isItemCompatible($newItem, array($item));
     if (null != $error) {
         return false;
     /* check if paysystem can do upgrade */
     $pr = $item->tryLoadProduct();
     if (!$pr instanceof Product) {
         return false;
     $ps = $this->getPaysystem();
     if (!$ps) {
         return false;
     return $ps->canUpgrade($this, $item, $upgrade);
  * @param InvoiceItem $old
  * @param InvoiceItem $new
  * @return float old_price / new_price
 function compareDayCost(InvoiceItem $old, InvoiceItem $new)
     // calculate difference in money
     // if both products have second_period we can compare prices
     $k = 1.0;
     foreach (array('second_', 'first_') as $k) {
         $period_o = $old->get($k . 'period');
         $period_n = $new->get($k . 'period');
         $price_o = (double) $old->get($k . 'price');
         $price_n = (double) $new->get($k . 'price');
         if (!$price_n || !$price_o || !$period_o || !$period_n) {
         if ($period_o == $period_n) {
             return round($price_o / $price_n, 4);
         // else we need to recalculate both periods to days
         $po = new Am_Period($period_o);
         $pn = new Am_Period($period_n);
         $days_o = strtotime($po->addTo('2012-04-01') . ' 00:00:00') - strtotime('2012-04-01 00:00:00');
         $days_o = intval($days_o / (3600 * 24));
         $days_n = strtotime($pn->addTo('2012-04-01') . ' 00:00:00') - strtotime('2012-04-01 00:00:00');
         $days_n = intval($days_n / (3600 * 24));
         $price_o /= $days_o;
         $price_n /= $days_n;
         return round($price_o / $price_n, 4);
 public function getLastSubscription()
     return InvoiceItem::join('invoices', 'invoice_id', '=', 'invoices.id')->where('subscription_from', '<>', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')->where('invoices.user_id', $this->id)->orderBy('subscription_to', 'DESC')->select('subscription_from', 'subscription_to', 'subscription_hours_quota', 'invoice_id')->first();
 public function invoice()
     $items = PastTime::query()->whereIn('id', Input::get('items'))->where('invoice_id', 0)->orderBy('ressource_id', 'ASC')->orderBy('time_start', 'ASC')->get();
     $lines = array();
     $ressources = array();
     $users = array();
     $user = null;
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $ressources[$item->ressource_id] = $item->ressource()->getResults();
         $lines[$item->ressource_id][] = $item;
         $users[$item->user_id] = true;
         if (null == $user) {
             /** @var User $user */
             $user = $item->user()->getResults();
     if (count($users) > 1) {
         return Redirect::route('pasttime_list')->with('mError', 'Impossible de générer la facture pour plusieurs utilisateurs à la fois');
     if (count($users) == 0) {
         return Redirect::route('pasttime_list');
     $organisation = $user->organisations->first();
     $invoice = new Invoice();
     $invoice->user_id = $user->id;
     $invoice->created_at = new \DateTime();
     $invoice->organisation_id = $organisation->id;
     $invoice->type = 'F';
     $invoice->days = date('Ym');
     $invoice->number = $invoice->next_invoice_number($invoice->type, $invoice->days);
     $invoice->address = $organisation->fulladdress;
     $invoice->date_invoice = new \DateTime();
     $invoice->deadline = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 month')));
     $vat = VatType::where('value', 20)->first();
     $orderIndex = 0;
     foreach ($lines as $ressource_id => $line) {
         $ressource = $ressources[$ressource_id];
         $invoice_line = new InvoiceItem();
         $invoice_line->invoice_id = $invoice->id;
         $invoice_line->amount = 0;
         $invoice_line->order_index = $orderIndex++;
         if ($ressource_id == Ressource::TYPE_COWORKING) {
             $invoice_line->text = 'Coworking';
             $sum_duration = 0;
             foreach ($line as $item) {
                 $duration = ceil((strtotime($item->time_end) - strtotime($item->time_start)) / 3600 / self::COWORKING_HALF_DAY_MAX_DURATION);
                 $sum_duration += $duration;
                 $invoice_line->text .= sprintf("\n - %s de %s à %s (%s demi journée%s)", date('d/m/Y', strtotime($item->time_start)), date('H:i', strtotime($item->time_start)), date('H:i', strtotime($item->time_end)), $duration, $duration > 1 ? 's' : '');
                 $invoice_line->amount += $duration * (self::COWORKING_HALF_DAY_PRICING / 1.2);
                 $item->invoice_id = $invoice->id;
             $invoice_line->text .= sprintf("\nTotal : %s demi journée%s", $sum_duration, $sum_duration > 1 ? 's' : '');
         } else {
             $invoice_line->text = sprintf('Location d\'espace de réunion - %s', $ressource->name);
             foreach ($line as $item) {
                 $invoice_line->text .= sprintf("\n - %s de %s à %s", date('d/m/Y', strtotime($item->time_start)), date('H:i', strtotime($item->time_start)), date('H:i', strtotime($item->time_end)));
                 $invoice_line->amount += min(7, (strtotime($item->time_end) - strtotime($item->time_start)) / 3600) * $ressource->amount;
                 $item->invoice_id = $invoice->id;
         $invoice_line->vat_types_id = $vat->id;
         $invoice_line->ressource_id = $item->ressource_id;
     return Redirect::route('invoice_modify', $invoice->id)->with('mSuccess', 'La facture a bien été générée');
 protected function gridDiscountColumn($data, $row)
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->select = 'SUM(discount) as discount';
     $criteria->condition = 'invoice_id= :invoiceId';
     $criteria->params = array(':invoiceId' => $data->id);
     $product = InvoiceItem::model()->find($criteria);
     if ($product) {
     } else {
  * Add Invoice to the subscriptions
 public function billSubscriptions()
     $subscriptions = array();
     foreach ($this->subscriptions as $subscription) {
         if ($subscription->getPaymentState() == $subscription::PAYMENT_OPEN || $subscription->getPaymentState() == $subscription::PAYMENT_RENEWAL && $subscription->getRenewalDate()->getTimestamp() <= time()) {
             $subscriptions[] = $subscription;
     if (empty($subscriptions)) {
     //Create New Invoice
     $invoice = new Invoice();
     foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) {
         //Create New Invoice Item
         $invoiceItem = new InvoiceItem();
         //Add InvoiceItem::$description to Subscription::getProductEntity()
         $invoiceItem->setDescription($subscription->getProduct()->getName() . ' (' . $subscription->getProductEntity() . ')');
         //Add InvoiceItem::$price to Subscription::getPaymentAmount()
         //Attached to the created invoice
     //Attached to the order
 private function importFilei()
     $data = Session::get('data');
     $map = Input::get('map');
     $count = 0;
     $hasHeaders = true;
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         if ($hasHeaders) {
             $hasHeaders = false;
         foreach ($row as $index => $value) {
             $field = $map[$index];
             $value = trim($value);
             if ($field == Invoice::$fieldCodClient) {
                 $clients = Client::scope()->get();
                 $flag = 1;
                 foreach ($clients as $client) {
                     $cod_client = intval($value);
                     if ($client->public_id == $cod_client) {
                         $flag = 1;
                 if ($flag == 0) {
                     $message = 'cliente no encontrado ' . $value . 'Favor revisar el archivo importado ';
                     Session::flash('message', $message);
                     return Redirect::to('company/import_export');
             } else {
                 if ($field == Invoice::$fieldProduct) {
                     if ($value == '') {
                         $message = 'Concepto vacío. Favor revisar el archivo importado ';
                         Session::flash('message', $message);
                         return Redirect::to('company/import_export');
                 } else {
                     if ($field == Invoice::$fieldAmount) {
                         if ($value == '') {
                             $message = 'Monto vacío. Favor revisar el archivo importado ';
                             Session::flash('message', $message);
                             return Redirect::to('company/import_export');
     $branch_id = Input::get('branch_id');
     $clients = Client::scope()->get();
     $clientMap = [];
     $data = Session::get('data');
     $hasHeaders = true;
     foreach ($clients as $client) {
         $i = 0;
         $clientMap[$client->public_id][$i] = $client->id;
         $clientMap[$client->public_id][$i + 1] = $client->nit;
         $clientMap[$client->public_id][$i + 2] = $client->name;
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         if ($hasHeaders) {
             $hasHeaders = false;
         $invoice = Invoice::createNew();
         $invoiceItem = InvoiceItem::createNew();
         $branch = \DB::table('branches')->where('id', $branch_id)->first();
         $invoice->branch_id = $branch_id;
         $invoiceNumber = $branch->invoice_number_counter;
         $invoice->invoice_number = $invoiceNumber;
         $today = new DateTime('now');
         $invoice->invoice_date = $today->format('Y-m-d');
         $invoiceDesign = \DB::table('invoice_designs')->where('account_id', \Auth::user()->account_id)->orderBy('public_id', 'desc')->first();
         $invoice->invoice_design_id = $invoiceDesign->id;
         $account = \Auth::user()->account;
         $invoice->account_name = $account->name;
         $invoice->account_nit = $account->nit;
         $invoice->branch_name = $branch->name;
         $invoice->address1 = $branch->address1;
         $invoice->address2 = $branch->address2;
         $invoice->phone = $branch->postal_code;
         $invoice->city = $branch->city;
         $invoice->state = $branch->state;
         $invoice->number_autho = $branch->number_autho;
         $invoice->deadline = $branch->deadline;
         $invoice->key_dosage = $branch->key_dosage;
         $invoice->activity_pri = $branch->activity_pri;
         $invoice->activity_sec1 = $branch->activity_sec1;
         $invoice->law = $branch->law;
         foreach ($row as $index => $value) {
             $field = $map[$index];
             $value = trim($value);
             if ($field == Invoice::$fieldCodClient) {
                 $cod_client = intval($value);
                 $invoice->client_id = $clientMap[$cod_client][0];
                 $invoice->client_nit = $clientMap[$cod_client][1];
                 $invoice->client_name = $clientMap[$cod_client][2];
             } else {
                 if ($field == Invoice::$fieldProduct) {
                     $notes = $value;
                 } else {
                     if ($field == Invoice::$fieldAmount) {
                         $invoiceItem->notes = wordwrap($notes, 70, "\n");
                         $str = str_replace(".", "", $value);
                         $amount = str_replace(",", ".", $str);
                         $invoiceItem->cost = $amount;
                         $invoiceItem->qty = 1;
                         $invoiceItem->tax_rate = 0;
                         $invoice->subtotal = $invoiceItem->cost;
                         $invoice->amount = $invoiceItem->cost;
                         $invoice->balance = $invoiceItem->cost;
         $invoice_dateCC = date("Ymd", strtotime($invoice->invoice_date));
         $invoice_date_limitCC = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($branch->deadline));
         require_once app_path() . '/includes/control_code.php';
         $cod_control = codigoControl($invoice->invoice_number, $invoice->client_nit, $invoice_dateCC, $invoice->amount, $branch->number_autho, $branch->key_dosage);
         $invoice->control_code = $cod_control;
         $invoice_date = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($invoice->invoice_date));
         require_once app_path() . '/includes/BarcodeQR.php';
         // $ice = $invoice->amount-$invoice->fiscal;
         $desc = $invoice->subtotal - $invoice->amount;
         $subtotal = number_format($invoice->subtotal, 2, '.', '');
         $amount = number_format($invoice->amount, 2, '.', '');
         $fiscal = number_format($invoice->fiscal, 2, '.', '');
         // $icef = number_format($ice, 2, '.', '');
         $descf = number_format($desc, 2, '.', '');
         // if($icef=="0.00"){
         //   $icef = 0;
         // }
         if ($descf == "0.00") {
             $descf = 0;
         $icef = 0;
         $qr = new BarcodeQR();
         $datosqr = $invoice->account_nit . '|' . $invoice->invoice_number . '|' . $invoice->number_autho . '|' . $invoice_date . '|' . $subtotal . '|' . $amount . '|' . $invoice->control_code . '|' . $invoice->client_nit . '|' . $icef . '|0|0|' . $descf;
         $qr->draw(150, 'qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $branch->name . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.png');
         $input_file = 'qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $branch->name . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.png';
         $output_file = 'qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $branch->name . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.jpg';
         $inputqr = imagecreatefrompng($input_file);
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($input_file);
         $output = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
         $white = imagecolorallocate($output, 255, 255, 255);
         imagefilledrectangle($output, 0, 0, $width, $height, $white);
         imagecopy($output, $inputqr, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
         imagejpeg($output, $output_file);
         $invoice->qr = HTML::image_data('qr/' . $account->account_key . '_' . $branch->name . '_' . $invoice->invoice_number . '.jpg');
         // Activity::createInvoice($invoice, false);
     $message = Utils::pluralize('created_invoicei', $count);
     Session::flash('message', $message);
     return Redirect::to('invoices');
 public function invoiceAction()
     require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/InvoiceItem.php';
     $invoiceNo = $this->_getParam('invoiceNo');
     $invItem = new InvoiceItem();
     $items = $invItem->getItems($invoiceNo);
     $this->view->items = $items;
 public function calculate(Invoice $invoice, InvoiceItem $item, User $aff, $paymentNumber = 0, $tier = 0, $paymentAmount = 0.0, $paymentDate = 'now')
     // take aff.commission_days in account for 1-tier only
     if ($tier == 0 && ($commissionDays = $this->getDi()->config->get('aff.commission_days'))) {
         $signupDays = $this->getDi()->time - strtotime($invoice->getUser()->added);
         $signupDays = intval($signupDays / 3600 * 24);
         // to days
         if ($commissionDays < $signupDays) {
         // no commission for this case, affiliate<->user relation is expired
         // however, the relation still works for 2-level commissions
     $multi = 1.0;
     $prefix = $paymentNumber == 0 ? 'first' : 'second';
     if ($tier == 0) {
         if ($invoice->get("{$prefix}_total") == 0) {
             $paidForItem = 0;
         } else {
             $paidForItem = $paymentAmount * $item->get("{$prefix}_total") / $invoice->get("{$prefix}_total");
     } else {
         // for higher tier just take amount paid to previous tier
         $paidForItem = $paymentAmount;
     foreach ($this->findRules($invoice, $item, $aff, $paymentNumber, $tier, $paymentDate) as $rule) {
         if ($rule->type == AffCommissionRule::TYPE_MULTI) {
             $multi *= $rule->multi;
         } else {
             if ($paidForItem == 0) {
                 // free signup?
                 if ($paymentNumber == 0 && $rule->free_signup_c) {
                     return moneyRound($multi * $rule->free_signup_c);
             } elseif ($paymentNumber == 0) {
                 // first payment
                 if ($rule->first_payment_t == '%') {
                     return moneyRound($multi * $rule->first_payment_c * $paidForItem / 100);
                 } else {
                     return moneyRound($multi * $rule->first_payment_c);
             } else {
                 // first payment
                 if ($rule->recurring_t == '%') {
                     return moneyRound($multi * $rule->recurring_c * $paidForItem / 100);
                 } else {
                     return moneyRound($multi * $rule->recurring_c);
  * Update existing invoice
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function edit()
     $this->wireframe->print_button = false;
     if ($this->active_invoice->isNew()) {
     // if
     if (!$this->active_invoice->canEdit($this->logged_user)) {
     // if
     $invoice_data = $this->request->post('invoice');
     if (!is_array($invoice_data)) {
         $invoice_data = array('number' => $this->active_invoice->getNumber(), 'due_on' => $this->active_invoice->getDueOn(), 'issued_on' => $this->active_invoice->getIssuedOn(), 'currency_id' => $this->active_invoice->getCurrencyId(), 'comment' => $this->active_invoice->getComment(), 'company_id' => $this->active_invoice->getCompanyId(), 'company_address' => $this->active_invoice->getCompanyAddress(), 'project_id' => $this->active_invoice->getProjectId(), 'note' => $this->active_invoice->getNote(), 'language_id' => $this->active_invoice->getLanguageId());
         if (is_foreachable($this->active_invoice->getItems())) {
             $invoice_data['items'] = array();
             foreach ($this->active_invoice->getItems() as $item) {
                 $invoice_data['items'][] = array('description' => $item->getDescription(), 'unit_cost' => $item->getUnitCost(), 'quantity' => $item->getQuantity(), 'tax_rate_id' => $item->getTaxRateId(), 'total' => $item->getTotal(), 'subtotal' => $item->getSubtotal(), 'time_record_ids' => $item->getTimeRecordIds());
             // foreach
         // if
     // if
     $invoice_notes = InvoiceNoteTemplates::findAll();
     $invoice_item_templates = InvoiceItemTemplates::findAll();
     $this->smarty->assign(array('invoice_data' => $invoice_data, 'invoice_item_templates' => $invoice_item_templates, 'tax_rates' => TaxRates::findAll(), 'invoice_notes' => $invoice_notes, 'original_note' => $this->active_invoice->getNote()));
     $cleaned_notes = array();
     if (is_foreachable($invoice_notes)) {
         foreach ($invoice_notes as $invoice_note) {
             $cleaned_notes[$invoice_note->getId()] = $invoice_note->getContent();
         // foreach
     // if
     js_assign('invoice_notes', $cleaned_notes);
     js_assign('original_note', $this->active_invoice->getNote());
     $cleaned_item_templates = array();
     if (is_foreachable($invoice_item_templates)) {
         foreach ($invoice_item_templates as $invoice_item_template) {
             $cleaned_item_templates[$invoice_item_template->getId()] = array('description' => $invoice_item_template->getDescription(), 'unit_cost' => $invoice_item_template->getUnitCost(), 'quantity' => $invoice_item_template->getQuantity(), 'tax_rate_id' => $invoice_item_template->getTaxRateId());
         // foreach
     // if
     js_assign('invoice_item_templates', $cleaned_item_templates);
     js_assign('company_details_url', assemble_url('invoice_company_details'));
     js_assign('move_icon_url', get_image_url('move.gif'));
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $invoice_company = Companies::findById(array_var($invoice_data, 'company_id', null));
         $save = $this->active_invoice->save();
         if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
             $counter = 1;
             if (is_foreachable($invoice_data['items'])) {
                 foreach ($invoice_data['items'] as $invoice_item_data) {
                     $invoice_item = new InvoiceItem();
                     $item_save = $invoice_item->save();
                     if ($item_save && !is_error($item_save)) {
                         $invoice_item->setTimeRecordIds(array_var($invoice_item_data, 'time_record_ids', null));
                     } else {
                         $this->smarty->assign('errors', new ValidationErrors(array('items' => lang('Invoice items data is not valid. All descriptions are required and there need to be at least one unit with cost set per item!'))));
                     // if
                 // foreach
                 flash_success('":number" has been updated', array('number' => $this->active_invoice->getName()));
                 if ($this->active_invoice->isIssued()) {
                     $invoice_company = $this->active_invoice->getCompany();
                     if (instance_of($invoice_company, 'Company') && $invoice_company->hasManagers()) {
                         $this->redirectTo('invoice_notify', array('invoice_id' => $this->active_invoice->getId()));
                     // if
                 // if
             } else {
                 $this->smarty->assign('errors', $save);
             // if
         // if
     // if
                                <tr style="display: none;">
    echo Yii::t('app', 'Payment Type');
    echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'payment_type', InvoiceItem::itemAlias('payment_type'), array('id' => 'payment_type_id'));
    if ($count_payment == 0) {
                                        <td colspan="2" style='text-align:right'>
        echo $form->textFieldControlGroup($model, 'alt_payment_amount', array('class' => 'input-small text-right', 'id' => 'alt_payment_amount_id', 'data-url' => Yii::app()->createUrl('SaleItem/AddPayment/'), 'placeholder' => Yii::t('app', 'Payment Amount') . ' ' . '៛', 'prepend' => '៛'));
 public function run()
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 1));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ipoh Coffee', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 12.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 12.0, 'invoice' => 1));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chai', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 13.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 13.0, 'invoice' => 1));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chang', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 14.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 14.0, 'invoice' => 1));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Shichimi', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 5, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 5.0, 'invoice' => 1));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Pesto genovese', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 7, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 7.0, 'invoice' => 1));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ipoh Coffee', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 12.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 12.0, 'invoice' => 2));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Shichimi', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 5, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 5.0, 'invoice' => 2));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Boston Crab Meat', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 25, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 25.0, 'invoice' => 2));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chai', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 13.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 13.0, 'invoice' => 2));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 3));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Shichimi', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 5, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 5.0, 'invoice' => 3));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Pesto genovese', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 7, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 7.0, 'invoice' => 3));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ikura', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 34, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 34.0, 'invoice' => 3));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 3));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 4));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ipoh Coffee', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 12.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 12.0, 'invoice' => 4));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Boston Crab Meat', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 25, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 25.0, 'invoice' => 4));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ikura', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 34, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 34.0, 'invoice' => 4));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Pesto genovese', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 7, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 7.0, 'invoice' => 4));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 5));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ipoh Coffee', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 12.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 12.0, 'invoice' => 5));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 6));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 6));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Shichimi', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 5, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 5.0, 'invoice' => 6));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chai', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 13.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 13.0, 'invoice' => 7));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Boston Crab Meat', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 25, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 25.0, 'invoice' => 7));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ikura', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 34, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 34.0, 'invoice' => 7));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chang', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 14.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 14.0, 'invoice' => 7));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 8));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 8));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Shichimi', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 5, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 5.0, 'invoice' => 8));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Pesto genovese', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 7, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 7.0, 'invoice' => 8));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ipoh Coffee', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 12.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 12.0, 'invoice' => 8));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chai', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 13.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 13.0, 'invoice' => 9));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 9));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Pesto genovese', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 7, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 7.0, 'invoice' => 9));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ikura', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 34, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 34.0, 'invoice' => 9));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chang', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 14.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 14.0, 'invoice' => 9));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 10));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Shichimi', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 5, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 5.0, 'invoice' => 10));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Boston Crab Meat', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 25, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 25.0, 'invoice' => 10));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Shichimi', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 5, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 5.0, 'invoice' => 11));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chai', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 13.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 13.0, 'invoice' => 11));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 12));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 12));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Shichimi', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 5, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 5.0, 'invoice' => 13));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ikura', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 34, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 34.0, 'invoice' => 13));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 13));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chai', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 13.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 13.0, 'invoice' => 13));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 14));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 14));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 15));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ipoh Coffee', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 12.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 12.0, 'invoice' => 15));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Pesto genovese', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 7, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 7.0, 'invoice' => 15));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 16));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Boston Crab Meat', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 25, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 25.0, 'invoice' => 16));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Shichimi', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 5, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 5.0, 'invoice' => 16));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chang', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 14.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 14.0, 'invoice' => 15));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 15));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 17));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 17));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Shichimi', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 5, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 5.0, 'invoice' => 17));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Pesto genovese', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 7, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 7.0, 'invoice' => 17));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chang', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 14.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 14.0, 'invoice' => 17));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 18));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Boston Crab Meat', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 25, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 25.0, 'invoice' => 18));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Inlagd Sill', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 18, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 18.0, 'invoice' => 19));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ipoh Coffee', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 12.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 12.0, 'invoice' => 19));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Chang', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 14.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 14.0, 'invoice' => 19));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Steeleye Stout', 'category' => 'Beverages', 'unitCost' => 11.0, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 11.0, 'invoice' => 20));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Ikura', 'category' => 'Seafood', 'unitCost' => 34, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 34.0, 'invoice' => 20));
     InvoiceItem::create(array('description' => 'Pesto genovese', 'category' => 'Condiments', 'unitCost' => 7, 'quantity' => 1, 'total' => 7.0, 'invoice' => 20));
    echo TbHtml::linkButton(Yii::t('app', 'Print Receipt'), array('id' => 'finish_sale_button', 'color' => TbHtml::BUTTON_COLOR_INFO, 'size' => TbHtml::BUTTON_SIZE_SMALL, 'icon' => 'glyphicon-off white', 'url' => Yii::app()->createUrl('SaleItem/CompleteSale/'), 'class' => 'complete-sale pull-right', 'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Complete Sale')));
} else {
    echo TbHtml::linkButton(Yii::t('app', 'Payment'), array('color' => TbHtml::BUTTON_COLOR_SUCCESS, 'size' => TbHtml::BUTTON_SIZE_SMALL, 'icon' => 'glyphicon-heart white', 'url' => Yii::app()->createUrl('SaleItem/AddPayment/'), 'class' => 'add-payment pull-right', 'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Add Payment')));
        <div style="display: none;">
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'payment_type', InvoiceItem::itemAlias('payment_type'), array('class' => 'span3 pull-right', 'id' => 'payment_type_id'));
        <div class="pull-right">
/*echo $form->textField($model,'payment_amount',array('class'=>'input-medium numpad','style'=>'text-align: right',
              'placeholder'=>Yii::t('app','Payment Amount'),
  )); */
echo $form->textField($model, 'payment_amount', array('class' => 'input-medium text-right payment-amount-txt numpad', 'id' => 'payment_amount_id', 'data-url' => Yii::app()->createUrl('SaleItem/AddPayment/'), 'placeholder' => Yii::t('app', 'Payment Amount') . ' ' . Yii::app()->settings->get('site', 'currencySymbol')));

        <div class="pull-right"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </div>
 function getInvoiceItems()
     if (!$this->invoice_items) {
         $finder = new InvoiceItem();
         $this->invoice_items = $finder->find(array('invoice_id' => $this->id));
     return $this->invoice_items;