public function exists(Intervention $intervention)
     $q = $this->_db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM intervention WHERE id = :id');
     $q->bindValue(':id', $intervention->id(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
     return (bool) $q->fetchColumn();
 public function hydrate(array $data = array())
     foreach ($data as $value) {
         $intervention = new Intervention();
         $this[] = $intervention;
 public function hydrate(array $data = array())
     if (isset($data['intervention'])) {
         $this->intervention = new Intervention();
         if (!is_array($data['intervention'])) {
             throw new \Bixev\Rest\Exception\Rest\E400BadRequest('Invalid parameter "intervention"');
     if (isset($data['custom_fields'])) {
         $this->custom_fields = new InterventionReportCustomFields();
         if (!is_array($data['custom_fields'])) {
             throw new \Bixev\Rest\Exception\Rest\E400BadRequest('Invalid parameter "custom_fields"');
  * Execute the job.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     //create dir
     $storage = storage_path('app');
     !file_exists($storage . '/' . $imageModel->id) ? mkdir($storage . '/' . $imageModel->id, 0777, true) : '';
     // save file
     \Intervention::make($this->image)->save($storage . $img_slug);
     // save relations
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  PhotosRequest  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(PhotosRequest $request)
     // input variables
     $input = \Input::except('item_id', 'item_model', 'item_type', 'image');
     $input['slug'] = \trslug::trslug(\Input::get('title'));
     $input['photo_id'] = \Input::get('item_id');
     $input['photo_type'] = \Input::get('item_type');
     $input['line'] = 0;
     // create photo
     $img = Photos::create($input);
     // save image slug&&upload
     $storagepath = storage_path('app') . '/img/photos/' . $img->id;
     $img->slug = '/img/photos/' . $img->id . '/' . $input['slug'] . '.jpg';
     !file_exists($storagepath) ? mkdir($storagepath, 0777, true) : null;
     \Intervention::make(\Input::file('image'))->save($storagepath . '/' . $input['slug'] . '.jpg');
     return \Redirect::back()->with('message', 'Kaydedildi!');
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  AdminRequest  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(AdminRequest $request)
     $config['brand'] = \Input::get('brand');
     $config['mail'] = \Input::get('mail');
     $config['active'] = \Input::get('active');
     $config['eng'] = \Input::get('eng');
     $config['one_page'] = \Input::get('one_page');
     $config['googlemap'] = \Input::get('googlemap');
     $config['header'] = \Input::get('header');
     if (\Input::file('ico')) {
         \File::copy(\Input::file('ico'), public_path('favicon.ico'));
     \File::put(storage_path('.config'), json_encode($config));
     $custom_js = \Input::file('custom_js');
     $custom_css = \Input::file('custom_css');
     $custom_css ? $custom_css->move(storage_path('app/custom/css'), \trslug::trslug(pathinfo($custom_css->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME)) . '.css') : null;
     $custom_js ? $custom_js->move(storage_path('app/custom/js'), \trslug::trslug(pathinfo($custom_js->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME)) . '.js') : null;
     if (\Input::file('logo')) {
     \Activity::log('Admin Anasayfa Güncellendi');
     return \Redirect::back()->with('message', 'Kaydedildi!');
 public function store_followup($id)
     $patient = Patient::find($id);
     $patient->first_name = Input::get("firstname");
     $patient->middle_name = Input::get("middlename");
     $patient->last_name = Input::get("lastname");
     $patient->birth_date = Input::get("dob");
     $patient->hospital_id = Input::get("hosp_no");
     $patient->phone = Input::get("phone");
     $patient->facility_id = Input::get("facility");
     //adding patient visit info
     $visit = Visit::create(array("patient_id" => $patient->id, "visit_date" => date('Y-m-d'), "server_status" => 'not', "user" => Auth::user()->firstname . " " . Auth::user()->middlename . " " . Auth::user()->lastname));
     //adding address information
     PatientInfo::create(array("patient_id" => $patient->id, "visit_id" => $visit->id, "hospital_id" => "somenumber", "region" => Input::get("region"), "district" => Input::get("district"), "ward" => Input::get("ward"), "ten_cell_leader" => Input::get("t_cell_leadr")));
     //adding gynecological history inforamtion for a visit
     GynecologicalHistory::create(array("patient_id" => $patient->id, "visit_id" => $visit->id, "parity" => Input::get("parity"), "number_of_pregnancy" => Input::get("number_of_preg"), "menarche" => Input::get("menarche"), "age_at_sexual_debut" => Input::get("start_sex_age"), "marital_status" => Input::get("marital"), "age_at_first_marriage" => Input::get("first_marriage"), "sexual_partner" => Input::get("sexual_partner"), "partner_sexual_partner" => Input::get("partner_sexual_partner")));
     //adding contraceptive history
     ContraceptiveHistory::create(array("patient_id" => $patient->id, "visit_id" => $visit->id, "current_status" => Input::get("current_on_contra"), "current_contraceptive_id" => Input::has("current_contra") ? Input::get("current_contra") : ""));
     //adding HIV status
     HivStatus::create(array("patient_id" => $patient->id, "visit_id" => $visit->id, "status" => Input::has("hiv_status") ? Input::get("hiv_status") : "", "test_status" => Input::has("hiv_test_status") ? Input::get("hiv_test_status") : "", "unknown_reason" => Input::has("unknown_reason") ? Input::get("unknown_reason") : "", "years_since_first_diagnosis" => Input::has("year_since_diagnosis") ? Input::get("year_since_diagnosis") : "", "year_of_last_test" => Input::has("last_test") ? Input::get("last_test") : "", "art_status" => Input::has("art_status") ? Input::get("art_status") : "", "current_art_status" => Input::has("current_art_status") ? Input::get("current_art_status") : "", "pitc_offered" => Input::get("test_again") == "yes" ? "yes" : "no", "pitc_agreed" => Input::has("test_again") ? Input::get("test_again") : "", "pitc_result" => Input::has("current_test_result") ? Input::get("current_test_result") : "", "pitc_cd4_count" => Input::has("current_cd4") ? Input::get("current_cd4") : "", "prev_cd4_count" => Input::has("prev_cd4") ? Input::get("prev_cd4") : ""));
     //adding VIA Status
     ViaStatus::create(array("patient_id" => $patient->id, "visit_id" => $visit->id, "via_counselling_status" => Input::get("via_counceling"), "via_test_status" => Input::get("via_test"), "reject_reason" => Input::has("via_reason") ? Input::get("via_reason") : "", "via_result" => Input::has("via_results") ? Input::get("via_results") : ""));
     //adding colposcopy
     ColposcopyStatus::create(array("patient_id" => $patient->id, "visit_id" => $visit->id, "status" => Input::get("colposcopy_status"), "result_id" => Input::has("colpo_result") ? Input::get("colpo_result") : ""));
     //adding Pap smear result
     PapsmearStatus::create(array("patient_id" => $patient->id, "visit_id" => $visit->id, "status" => Input::get("pap_status"), "result_id" => Input::has("pap_result") ? Input::get("pap_result") : ""));
     //adding intervetion status
     Intervention::create(array("patient_id" => $patient->id, "visit_id" => $visit->id, "type_id" => Input::has("intervention") ? Input::get("intervention") : "", "indicator_id" => Input::has("indicator") ? Input::get("indicator") : "", "histology_id" => Input::has("histology") ? Input::get("histology") : "", "cancer_id" => Input::has("cancer") ? Input::get("cancer") : "", "grade" => Input::has("hist_grade") ? Input::get("hist_grade") : "", "stages" => Input::has("stages") ? Input::get("stages") : "", "differentiation" => Input::has("differentiation") ? Input::get("differentiation") : ""));
     $report = PatientReport::where('patient_id', $patient->id)->first();
     $report->region = Input::get("region");
     $report->district = Input::get("district");
     $report->number_of_pregnancy = Input::get("number_of_preg");
     $report->marital_status = Input::get("marital");
     $report->first_marriage = Input::get("first_marriage");
     $report->partners = Input::get("sexual_partner");
     $report->partners_partner = Input::get("partner_sexual_partner");
     $report->contraceptive_status = Input::get("current_on_contra");
     $report->facility_id = Input::get("facility");
     if (Input::has("current_contra")) {
         $report->contraceptive_type = Input::get("current_contra");
     if (Input::has("hiv_status")) {
         $report->HIV_status = Input::get("hiv_status");
     if (Input::has("current_cd4")) {
         $report->cd4_count = Input::get("current_cd4");
     } elseif (Input::has("prev_cd4")) {
         $report->cd4_count = Input::has("prev_cd4");
     if (Input::get("next_visit") != "") {
         Notification::create(array("patient_id" => $patient->id, "message" => "Kumbuka Kwenda katika kituo ulichopimwa mara ya mwisho saratani ya shingo ya kizazi. Tafadhali fika bila kukosa tarehe  " . Input::get('next_visit'), "status" => "pending", "phone_number" => $patient->phone, "next_visit" => Input::get('next_visit')));
     Logs::create(array("user_id" => Auth::user()->id, "action" => "Patient followup for " . $patient->first_name . " " . $patient->last_name));
     $msg = "Patient followup stored successfull";
     return View::make('visit.index', compact('patient', "msg"));
  * Adds an object to the instance pool.
  * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved
  * from the database.  In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*()
  * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects
  * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*()
  * and retrieveByPK*() calls.
  * @param      Intervention $value A Intervention object.
  * @param      string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally).
 public static function addInstanceToPool(Intervention $obj, $key = null)
     if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) {
         if ($key === null) {
             $key = (string) $obj->getId();
         // if key === null
         self::$instances[$key] = $obj;
        $types = Browse::getIntvTypes($record['intervention_record_number']);
        foreach ($types as $type) {
            echo get_mt_term($type['type_of_intervention']) . "<br/>";
    $intv_form = generate_formarray('intervention', 'view');
    $intv = new Intervention();
    foreach ($intv_list as $key => $record) {
        echo '<br /><h3>' . _t('INTERVENING_PARTY') . ++$key . ' : ' . $record['person_name'] . '</h3><br />';
        //print victim details
        popuate_formArray($person_form, $person);
        shn_form_get_html_labels($person_form, false);
        echo "<br class='page_break' />";
        //print act details
        echo '<h4>' . _t('INTERVENTION') . ' : ' . get_mt_term($record['type_of_intervention']) . '</h4><br />';
        popuate_formArray($intv_form, $intv);
        shn_form_get_html_labels($intv_form, false);
        echo "<br class='page_break' />";
 public function act_delete_intervention()
     if ($_GET['intervention_id']) {
         $intervention_ids = array($_GET['intervention_id']);
     } else {
         $intervention_ids = $_POST['interventions'];
     if (!$intervention_ids || isset($_POST['no'])) {
         set_redirect_header('events', 'intv_list');
     $this->intervention_ids = $intervention_ids;
     $this->del_confirm = true;
     if (isset($_POST['yes'])) {
         if (isset($_POST['intervention'])) {
             array_push($intervention_ids, $_POST['intervention']);
         //if multiplt events are selected
         if (is_array($intervention_ids)) {
             foreach ($intervention_ids as $intervention) {
                 $i = new Intervention();
         set_redirect_header('events', 'intv_list');
     $this->intv_list = Browse::getIntvListArray($intervention_ids);
//Ouverture du fichier
$fe = fopen("./xml/option.xml", "w+");
//Sauvegarde des modifications du fichier d'option
fwrite($fe, $xml->saveXML(), strlen($xml->saveXML()));
//Fermeture du fichier
//Vérification de l'existence de la table nécessaire au fonctionnement de l'application + Création si nécessaire
//Vérification de l'existence de la table tache[xxxx]
//Requête de récupération des données
$reponse = $base->query('SHOW TABLES FROM vdr_system_gestion LIKE \'tache_' . $year . '\'');
$donnees = $reponse->rowCount();
//Si $donnees est vide alors creation de la table
if ($donnees == 0) {
    //Creation des classes "Tache" et "Intervention"
    $tache = new Tache();
    $intervention = new Intervention();
    //Nombre de semaine dans l'année
    $nbresemaine = date("W", mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 28, $year));
    //Définition des semaines de début et fin de campagne d'irrigation
    $debutcampagne = date("W", mktime(0, 0, 0, 04, 01, $year));
    $fincampagne = date("W", mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 30, $year));
    //Creation de la table annuelle tache[xxxx]
    //Récupération des taches systématiques
    $listeTache = $intervention->lister($base);
    //Opérations effectuées sur chacune des lignes récupérées suivant le cycle de l'intervention
    while ($donnees = $listeTache->fetch()) {
        $nom_intervention = $donnees['nom_intervention'];
        $nom_ouvrage = $donnees['nom_ouvrage'];
        $nom_cycle = $donnees['nom_cycle'];
        if ($nom_ouvrage == 'Camelas' or $nom_ouvrage == 'Mascareil' or $nom_ouvrage == 'Corbere' or $nom_ouvrage == 'Bouleternere' or $nom_ouvrage == 'Saint Michel' or $nom_ouvrage == 'Espira' or $nom_ouvrage == 'Rivesaltes' or $nom_ouvrage == 'Latour') {
  * Generates captcha code
  * @param  integer $length [default length of the captcha code]
  * @return mixed           [returns image with the captcha code]
 public function captcha(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
     $length = $request->input('length', 6);
     if ($length < 1) {
         $length = 1;
     if ($length > 9) {
         $length = 9;
     $random = rand(pow(10, $length - 1), pow(10, $length) - 1);
     session()->put('captcha', $random);
     $img = \Intervention::make('img/captcha/texture.jpg');
     /* progressive image */
     $img->text(session('captcha', $random), rand(51, 57), rand(13, 18), function ($font) use($length) {
         $font->size(28 - $length);
         $font->angle(rand(-4, 4));
     /* blur image */
     // $img->blur(2);
     /* just add a tone to the image */
     $img->colorize(rand(-20, 20), rand(-20, 20), rand(-20, 20));
     return $img->response();