		* Gets a list of orders as a result set
		* @param int $Start The starting position to retrieve orders from
		* @param string $SortField The field to sort the orders on
		* @param string $SortOrder The order in which to sort the orders by, ASC or DESC
		* @param variable $NumOrders $NumOrders will be set to the number of orders that are retrieved
		* @param mixed $limit The max orders to retrieve, or false to not limit
		* @param variable $numDeletedOrders will be set to the number of deleted orders that match the provided query
		* @return resource The database result set of orders
		public function _GetOrderList($Start, $SortField, $SortOrder, &$NumOrders, $limit = ISC_ORDERS_PER_PAGE, &$numDeletedOrders = 0)
			$extraFields = '';
			$extraJoins = '';

			if(isset($_REQUEST['couponCode']) && trim($_REQUEST['couponCode']) != '') {
				$extraFields = 'DISTINCT(co.ordcouporderid), ';
				$extraJoins = sprintf("INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]order_coupons co ON (co.ordcouporderid=o.orderid AND co.ordcouponcode='%s')", $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($_REQUEST['couponCode']));

			// Return an array containing details about orders.
			$query = sprintf("
				SELECT %so.*, c.*, s.statusdesc AS ordstatustext, CONCAT(custconfirstname, ' ', custconlastname) AS custname,
						SELECT COUNT(messageid)
						FROM [|PREFIX|]order_messages
						WHERE messageorderid=orderid
					) AS nummessages,
						SELECT COUNT(messageid)
						FROM [|PREFIX|]order_messages
						WHERE messageorderid=orderid AND messagestatus != 'read'
					) AS numunreadmessages,
						SELECT COUNT(messageid)
						FROM [|PREFIX|]order_messages
						WHERE messageorderid=orderid AND messagefrom='customer' AND messagestatus='unread'
					) AS newmessages
				FROM [|PREFIX|]orders o
				LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]customers c ON (o.ordcustid=c.customerid)
				LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]order_status s ON (s.statusid=o.ordstatus)
				%s", $extraFields, $extraJoins);

			$countQuery = "SELECT COUNT(o.orderid) FROM [|PREFIX|]orders o";
			if (!empty($extraJoins)) {
				$countQuery .= ' '.$extraJoins;

			if(isset($_REQUEST['newMessages'])) {
				$countQuery .= " LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]order_messages ON (messageorderid=orderid) AND messagefrom='customer' AND messagestatus='unread'";

			if (Interspire_Request::request('searchDeletedOrders', 'no') == 'no' && !is_numeric(Interspire_Request::request('searchQuery', ''))) {
				// setup to also search for deleted orders using the same parameters
				$deletedQuery = true;
				$deletedCountQuery = $countQuery;
				$deletedRequest = $_REQUEST;
				$deletedRequest['searchDeletedOrders'] = 'only';
			} else {
				// the current search scope includes deleted orders, don't bother searching for them again
				$deletedQuery = false;
				$numDeletedOrders = 0;

			// Are there any search parameters?
			$res = $this->BuildWhereFromVars($_REQUEST);
			$query .= " WHERE 1=1 " . $res["query"];
			$countQuery .= " " . $res['count'] . " WHERE 1=1 " . $res['query'];

			if ($deletedQuery) {
				$res = $this->BuildWhereFromVars($deletedRequest);
				$deletedCountQuery .= " " . $res['count'] . " WHERE 1=1 " . $res['query'];
				$deletedCountQuery .= ' AND deleted = 1';

			// Only those with new messages?
			if (isset($_REQUEST['newMessages'])) {
				// @todo should this also adjust countQuery?
				$query .= " HAVING newmessages >= 1";

			// How many results do we have?
			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($countQuery);
			$NumOrders = (int)$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($result);

			if ($deletedQuery) {
				$deletedResult = $this->db->Query($deletedCountQuery);
				$numDeletedOrders = (int)$this->db->FetchOne($deletedResult);

			// Add the limit
			$query .= sprintf(" order by %s %s", $SortField, $SortOrder);
			if($limit !== false) {
				$query .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->AddLimit($Start, $limit);

			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);

			if($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($result) == 0) {
				$GLOBALS['HideViewAllLink'] = 'none';

			return $result;
		public function VerifyOrderPayment()
			$status 	= Interspire_Request::request('status');
			$orderid 	= Interspire_Request::request('referenceId');
			$hash 		= Interspire_Request::request('hash');
			$sessionId 	= Interspire_Request::request('sessionId');
			$amazonAmount	= Interspire_Request::request('transactionAmount');
			$operation 	= Interspire_Request::request('operation');
			$paymentMethod 	= Interspire_Request::request('paymentMethod');
			$buyerEmail = Interspire_Request::request('buyerEmail');
			$transactionId = Interspire_Request::request('transactionId');

			$amount = false;
			if ($amazonAmount) {
				$amount = explode(' ', $amazonAmount);
				if (count($amount) >= 1) {
					$amount = $amount[1];
				} else {
					$amount = false;

			if (!$amount) {
				$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError(array('payment', $this->GetName()), GetLang($this->_languagePrefix.'InvalidAmount'), $amazonAmount);
				return false;

			if ($orderid != $this->GetCombinedOrderId() || $operation != 'pay' || $sessionId != $_COOKIE['SHOP_ORDER_TOKEN'] || $amount != $this->GetGatewayAmount()) {
				$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError(array('payment', $this->GetName()), GetLang($this->_languagePrefix.'ErrorMismatch'));
				return false;

			// check signature to ensure this response is from amazon simple pay
			if (!$this->_verifySignature()) {
				$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError(array('payment', $this->GetName()), GetLang($this->_languagePrefix.'ErrorVerifySignature'));
				return false;

			if (md5($this->GetValue("accessid").$this->GetValue("secretkey").$orderid.$sessionId.$amazonAmount) != $hash) {
				$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError(array('payment', $this->GetName()), GetLang($this->_languagePrefix.'ErrorMismatch'));
				return false;

			if (!($status == 'PS' || $status == 'PI')) {
				$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError(array('payment', $this->GetName()), sprintf(GetLang($this->_languagePrefix.'ErrorMismatch'), $status), GetLang($this->_languagePrefix.'ResponseCodes'));
				return false;

			$orders = $this->GetOrders();
			$order = current($orders);

			$amazonInfo = array(
				'Amazon Email' => $buyerEmail,
				'Payment Method' => $paymentMethod,

			// Is there any existing extra info for the pending order?
			$extraInfo = serialize($amazonInfo);
			if ($order['extrainfo'] != "") {
				$extraArray = @unserialize($order['extrainfo']);
				if (is_array($extraArray)) {
					$extraInfo = serialize(array_merge($extraArray, $amazonInfo));

			$updatedOrder = array(
				'ordpayproviderid' => $transactionId,
				'ordpaymentstatus' => 'captured',
				'extrainfo' => $extraInfo,


			$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemSuccess(array('payment', $this->GetName()), sprintf(GetLang($this->_languagePrefix.'Success'), $this->GetCombinedOrderId()));
			return true;