function generate_order_summary($orderid)
    // If requested, save checkbox selections as to which procedures are not sendable.
    if ($_POST['bn_save']) {
        sqlStatement("UPDATE procedure_order_code " . "SET do_not_send = 0 WHERE " . "procedure_order_id = ? AND " . "do_not_send != 0", array($orderid));
        if (!empty($_POST['form_omit'])) {
            foreach ($_POST['form_omit'] as $key) {
                sqlStatement("UPDATE procedure_order_code " . "SET do_not_send = 1 WHERE " . "procedure_order_id = ? AND " . "do_not_send = 0 AND " . "procedure_order_seq = ?", array($orderid, intval($key)));
    $orow = sqlQuery("SELECT " . "po.procedure_order_id, po.patient_id, po.date_ordered, po.order_status, " . "po.date_collected, po.specimen_type, po.specimen_location, po.lab_id, po.clinical_hx, " . "pd.pubpid, pd.lname, pd.fname, pd.mname, pd.DOB, pd.sex, " . "pd.street, pd.city, pd.state, pd.postal_code, " . "fe.date, " . "pp.name AS labname, " . "u.lname AS ulname, u.fname AS ufname, u.mname AS umname, " . "ru.lname AS ref_lname, ru.fname AS ref_fname, ru.mname AS ref_mname, " . "ru.street AS ref_street, ru.city AS ref_city, ru.state AS ref_state, ru.zip AS ref_zip " . "FROM procedure_order AS po " . "LEFT JOIN patient_data AS pd ON pd.pid = po.patient_id " . "LEFT JOIN procedure_providers AS pp ON pp.ppid = po.lab_id " . "LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.id = po.provider_id " . "LEFT JOIN users AS ru ON ru.id = pd.ref_providerID " . "LEFT JOIN form_encounter AS fe ON fe.pid = po.patient_id AND fe.encounter = po.encounter_id " . "WHERE po.procedure_order_id = ?", array($orderid));
    $lab_id = intval($orow['lab_id']);
    $patient_id = intval($orow['patient_id']);
    $encdate = substr($orow['date'], 0, 10);
    // Get insurance info.
    $ins_policy = '';
    $ins_group = '';
    $ins_name = '';
    $ins_addr = '';
    $ins_city = '';
    $ins_state = '';
    $ins_zip = '';
    $irow = getInsuranceDataByDate($patient_id, $encdate, 'primary', "insd.provider, insd.policy_number, insd.group_number");
    if (!empty($irow['provider'])) {
        $ins_policy = $irow['policy_number'];
        $ins_group = $irow['group_number'];
        $insco = new InsuranceCompany($irow['provider']);
        if (!empty($insco)) {
            $ins_name = $insco->get_name();
            $tmp = $insco->get_address();
            $ins_addr = $tmp->get_line1();
            $ins_city = $tmp->get_city();
            $ins_state = $tmp->get_state();
            $ins_zip = $tmp->get_zip();


.ordsum tr.head   { font-size:10pt; background-color:#cccccc; text-align:center; }
.ordsum tr.detail { font-size:10pt; }
.ordsum a, .ordsum a:visited, .ordsum a:hover { color:#0000cc; }

.ordsum table {
 border-style: solid;
 border-width: 1px 0px 0px 1px;
 border-color: black;

.ordsum td, .ordsum th {
 border-style: solid;
 border-width: 0px 1px 1px 0px;
 border-color: black;

/* specifically exclude from printing */
@media print {
 .unprintable {
  visibility: hidden;
  display: none;


<form method='post' action='order_manifest.php?orderid=<?php 
    echo $orderid;

<div class='ordsum'>

<table width='100%' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0'>
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Patient Name');
    echo myCellText($orow['lname'] . ', ' . $orow['fname'] . ' ' . $orow['mname']);
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Ordered By');
    echo myCellText($orow['ulname'] . ', ' . $orow['ufname'] . ' ' . $orow['umname']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td width='5%' nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('MRN (pid)');
  <td width='45%'><?php 
    echo myCellText($patient_id);
  <td width='5%' nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Order ID');
  <td width='45%'><?php 
    echo myCellText($orow['procedure_order_id']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Encounter Date');
    echo myCellText(oeFormatShortDate($encdate));
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Order Date');
    echo myCellText(oeFormatShortDate($orow['date_ordered']));
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Birth Date');
    echo myCellText(oeFormatShortDate($orow['DOB']));
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Lab');
    echo myCellText($orow['labname']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Sex');
    echo myCellText(getListItem('sex', $orow['sex']));
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Specimen Type');
    echo myCellText($orow['specimen_type']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Address');
    echo myCellText($orow['street'] . ', ' . $orow['city'] . ', ' . $orow['state'] . ' ' . $orow['postal_code']);
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Collection Date');
    echo myCellText(oeFormatShortDate($orow['date_collected']));
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Ins Name');
    echo myCellText($ins_name);
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Clinical History');
    echo myCellText($orow['clinical_hx']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Ins Address');
    echo myCellText("{$ins_addr}, {$ins_city}, {$ins_state} {$ins_zip}");
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Order Status');
    echo myCellText(getListItem('ord_status', $orow['order_status']));
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Ins Policy');
    echo myCellText($ins_policy);
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Referrer');
    echo myCellText($orow['ref_lname'] . ', ' . $orow['ref_fname'] . ' ' . $orow['ref_mname']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Ins Group');
    echo myCellText($ins_group);
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Referrer Address');
    echo myCellText($orow['ref_street'] . ', ' . $orow['ref_city'] . ', ' . $orow['ref_state'] . ' ' . $orow['ref_zip']);

&nbsp;<br />

<table width='100%' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0'>

 <tr class='head'>
    echo xlt('Omit');
    echo xlt('Code');
    echo xlt('Description');
    echo xlt('Diagnoses');
    echo xlt('Notes');

    $query = "SELECT " . "procedure_order_seq, procedure_code, procedure_name, diagnoses, do_not_send " . "FROM procedure_order_code WHERE " . "procedure_order_id =  ? ";
    if (!empty($_POST['bn_show_sendable'])) {
        $query .= "AND do_not_send = 0 ";
    $query .= "ORDER BY procedure_order_seq";
    $res = sqlStatement($query, array($orderid));
    $encount = 0;
    while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
        $order_seq = empty($row['procedure_order_seq']) ? 0 : $row['procedure_order_seq'] + 0;
        $procedure_code = empty($row['procedure_code']) ? '' : $row['procedure_code'];
        $procedure_name = empty($row['procedure_name']) ? '' : $row['procedure_name'];
        $diagnoses = empty($row['diagnoses']) ? '' : $row['diagnoses'];
        // Create a string of HTML representing the procedure answers.
        // This code cloned from gen_hl7_order.inc.php.
        // Should maybe refactor it into something like a ProcedureAnswer class.
        $qres = sqlStatement("SELECT " . "a.question_code, a.answer, q.fldtype, q.question_text " . "FROM procedure_answers AS a " . "LEFT JOIN procedure_questions AS q ON " . "q.lab_id = ? " . "AND q.procedure_code = ? AND " . "q.question_code = a.question_code " . "WHERE " . "a.procedure_order_id = ? AND " . "a.procedure_order_seq = ? " . "ORDER BY q.seq, a.answer_seq", array($lab_id, $procedure_code, $orderid, $order_seq));
        $notes = '';
        while ($qrow = sqlFetchArray($qres)) {
            // Formatting of these answer values may be lab-specific and we'll figure
            // out how to deal with that as more labs are supported.
            $answer = trim($qrow['answer']);
            $fldtype = $qrow['fldtype'];
            if ($fldtype == 'G') {
                $weeks = intval($answer / 7);
                $days = $answer % 7;
                $answer = $weeks . 'wks ' . $days . 'days';
            if ($notes) {
                $notes .= '<br />';
            $notes .= text($qrow['question_text'] . ': ' . $answer);
        if ($notes === '') {
            $notes = '&nbsp;';
        $bgcolor = "#" . ($encount & 1 ? "ddddff" : "ffdddd");
        echo " <tr class='detail' bgcolor='{$bgcolor}'>\n";
        echo "  <td><input type='checkbox' name='form_omit[{$order_seq}]' value='1'";
        if (!empty($row['do_not_send'])) {
            echo " checked";
        echo " /></td>\n";
        echo "  <td>" . myCellText("{$procedure_code}") . "</td>\n";
        echo "  <td>" . myCellText("{$procedure_name}") . "</td>\n";
        echo "  <td>" . myCellText("{$diagnoses}") . "</td>\n";
        echo "  <td>{$notes}</td>\n";
        echo " </tr>\n";


<p class='unprintable'>
<input type='submit' name='bn_save' value='<?php 
    echo xla('Save omission selections');
' />
<input type='submit' name='bn_show_all' value='<?php 
    echo xla('Show all procedures');
' />
<input type='submit' name='bn_show_sendable' value='<?php 
    echo xla('Show only procedures not omitted');
' />


 $html .= "</td>\n<td valign='top' class='fshead'>";
 $html .= xl('Reason', 'r');
 $html .= ":<br />";
 if (!empty($encdata)) {
     $html .= $encdata['reason'];
 $html .= "</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td colspan='4' valign='top' class='fshead' style='height:{$lheight}pt'>";
 if (empty($GLOBALS['ippf_specific'])) {
     $html .= xl('Insurance', 'r') . ":";
     if ($form_fill) {
         foreach (array('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary') as $instype) {
             $query = "SELECT * FROM insurance_data WHERE " . "pid = '{$pid}' AND type = '{$instype}' " . "ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1";
             $row = sqlQuery($query);
             if ($row['provider']) {
                 $icobj = new InsuranceCompany($row['provider']);
                 $adobj = $icobj->get_address();
                 $insco_name = trim($icobj->get_name());
                 if ($instype != 'primary') {
                     $html .= ",";
                 if ($insco_name) {
                     $html .= "&nbsp;{$insco_name}";
                 } else {
                     $html .= "&nbsp;<font color='red'><b>Missing Name</b></font>";
 } else {
     // IPPF wants a visit date box with the current date in it.
     $html .= xl('Visit date', 'r');
function generate_order_summary($orderid)
    $orow = sqlQuery("SELECT " . "po.procedure_order_id, po.patient_id, po.date_ordered, po.order_status, " . "po.date_collected, po.specimen_type, po.specimen_location, " . "pd.pubpid, pd.lname, pd.fname, pd.mname, pd.DOB, " . "fe.date, " . "pp.name AS labname, " . "u.lname AS ulname, u.fname AS ufname, u.mname AS umname " . "FROM procedure_order AS po " . "LEFT JOIN patient_data AS pd ON pd.pid = po.patient_id " . "LEFT JOIN procedure_providers AS pp ON pp.ppid = po.lab_id " . "LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.id = po.provider_id " . "LEFT JOIN form_encounter AS fe ON fe.pid = po.patient_id AND fe.encounter = po.encounter_id " . "WHERE po.procedure_order_id = ?", array($orderid));
    $patient_id = intval($orow['patient_id']);
    $encdate = substr($orow['date'], 0, 10);
    // Get insurance info.
    $ins_policy = '';
    $ins_group = '';
    $ins_name = '';
    $ins_addr = '';
    $ins_city = '';
    $ins_state = '';
    $ins_zip = '';
    $irow = getInsuranceDataByDate($patient_id, $encdate, 'primary', "insd.provider, insd.policy_number, insd.group_number");
    if (!empty($irow['provider'])) {
        $ins_policy = $irow['policy_number'];
        $ins_group = $irow['group_number'];
        $insco = new InsuranceCompany($irow['provider']);
        if (!empty($insco)) {
            $ins_name = $insco->get_name();
            $tmp = $insco->get_address();
            $ins_addr = $tmp->get_line1();
            $ins_city = $tmp->get_city();
            $ins_state = $tmp->get_state();
            $ins_zip = $tmp->get_zip();


.ordsum tr.head   { font-size:10pt; background-color:#cccccc; text-align:center; }
.ordsum tr.detail { font-size:10pt; }
.ordsum a, .ordsum a:visited, .ordsum a:hover { color:#0000cc; }

.ordsum table {
 border-style: solid;
 border-width: 1px 0px 0px 1px;
 border-color: black;

.ordsum td, .ordsum th {
 border-style: solid;
 border-width: 0px 1px 1px 0px;
 border-color: black;


<div class='ordsum'>

<table width='100%' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0'>
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Patient Name');
    echo myCellText($orow['lname'] . ', ' . $orow['fname'] . ' ' . $orow['mname']);
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Ordered By');
    echo myCellText($orow['ulname'] . ', ' . $orow['ufname'] . ' ' . $orow['umname']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td width='5%' nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('MRN (pid)');
  <td width='45%'><?php 
    echo myCellText($patient_id);
  <td width='5%' nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Order ID');
  <td width='45%'><?php 
    echo myCellText($orow['procedure_order_id']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Encounter Date');
    echo myCellText(oeFormatShortDate($encdate));
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Order Date');
    echo myCellText(oeFormatShortDate($orow['date_ordered']));
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Birth Date');
    echo myCellText(oeFormatShortDate($orow['DOB']));
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Lab');
    echo myCellText($orow['labname']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Ins Name');
    echo myCellText($ins_name);
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Specimen Type');
    echo myCellText($orow['specimen_type']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Ins Address');
    echo myCellText("{$ins_addr}, {$ins_city}, {$ins_state} {$ins_zip}");
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Collection Date');
    echo myCellText(oeFormatShortDate($orow['date_collected']));
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Ins Policy');
    echo myCellText($ins_policy);
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Specimen Location');
    echo myCellText($orow['specimen_location']);
 <tr bgcolor='#cccccc'>
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Ins Group');
    echo myCellText($ins_group);
  <td nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Order Status');
    echo myCellText($orow['order_status']);

&nbsp;<br />

<table width='100%' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0'>

 <tr class='head'>
    echo xlt('Code');
    echo xlt('Description');
    echo xlt('Diagnoses');

    $query = "SELECT " . "procedure_order_seq, procedure_code, procedure_name, diagnoses " . "FROM procedure_order_code WHERE " . "procedure_order_id =  ? ORDER BY procedure_order_seq";
    $res = sqlStatement($query, array($orderid));
    $encount = 0;
    while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
        $order_seq = empty($row['procedure_order_seq']) ? 0 : $row['procedure_order_seq'] + 0;
        $procedure_code = empty($row['procedure_code']) ? '' : $row['procedure_code'];
        $procedure_name = empty($row['procedure_name']) ? '' : $row['procedure_name'];
        $diagnoses = empty($row['diagnoses']) ? '' : $row['diagnoses'];
        $bgcolor = "#" . ($encount & 1 ? "ddddff" : "ffdddd");
        echo " <tr class='detail' bgcolor='{$bgcolor}'>\n";
        echo "  <td>" . text("{$procedure_code}") . "</td>\n";
        echo "  <td>" . text("{$procedure_name}") . "</td>\n";
        echo "  <td>" . text("{$diagnoses}") . "</td>\n";
        echo " </tr>\n";

