文件: rest.php 项目: wushian/MDD
  * Router
  * Requests are not made to methods directly The request will be for an "object".
  * this simply maps the object and method to the correct Controller method.
  * @param  string
  * @param  array
 public function router($resource, array $arguments)
     \Config::load('rest', true);
     // If no (or an invalid) format is given, auto detect the format
     if (is_null($this->format) or !array_key_exists($this->format, $this->_supported_formats)) {
         // auto-detect the format
         $this->format = array_key_exists(\Input::extension(), $this->_supported_formats) ? \Input::extension() : $this->_detect_format();
     //Check method is authorized if required
     if (\Config::get('rest.auth') == 'basic') {
         $valid_login = $this->_prepare_basic_auth();
     } elseif (\Config::get('rest.auth') == 'digest') {
         $valid_login = $this->_prepare_digest_auth();
     //If the request passes auth then execute as normal
     if (\Config::get('rest.auth') == '' or $valid_login) {
         // If they call user, go to $this->post_user();
         $controller_method = strtolower(\Input::method()) . '_' . $resource;
         // Fall back to action_ if no rest method is provided
         if (!method_exists($this, $controller_method)) {
             $controller_method = 'action_' . $resource;
         // If method is not available, set status code to 404
         if (method_exists($this, $controller_method)) {
             return call_user_func_array(array($this, $controller_method), $arguments);
         } else {
             $this->response->status = $this->no_method_status;
     } else {
         $this->response(array('status' => 0, 'error' => 'Not Authorized'), 401);
 public function action_index()
     $ext = Input::extension();
     Log::info('500:' . Input::uri() . '.' . $ext);
     $this->response_status = 500;
     $this->template->content = View_Smarty::forge('500');
 public function action_file($size = null, $file_cate = null, $split_num = null, $file_name = null)
     $file_name = sprintf('%s.%s', $file_name, Input::extension());
     $config = array('type' => 'file', 'file_cate' => $file_cate, 'split_num' => $split_num, 'size' => $size, 'file_name' => $file_name);
     $file = new Site_FileMaker($config);
     if (!($data = $file->get_data())) {
         throw new HttpNotFoundException();
     $ext = $file->get_extension();
     $accept_exts = conf('upload.types.file.accept_format');
     return Response::forge($data, 200, array('Content-Type' => $accept_exts[$ext]));
 public function action_index()
     $ext = Input::extension();
     Log::info('404:' . Input::uri() . '.' . $ext);
     // コンテンツの場合は404を返す
     $ext = Input::extension();
     if (in_array($ext, array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'js', 'css', 'aspx', 'xml', 'json'))) {
         header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
     $this->response_status = 404;
     $this->template->content = View_Smarty::forge('404');
  * Routes controller requests.
  * Differences from parent: fixes a bug for custom auth method and adds custom no auth error.
  * @param string $resource  Controller action name.
  * @param array  $arguments Arguments.
  * @return mixed
 public function router($resource, $arguments)
     \Config::load('rest', true);
     // If no (or an invalid) format is given, auto detect the format
     if (is_null($this->format) or !array_key_exists($this->format, $this->_supported_formats)) {
         // auto-detect the format
         $this->format = array_key_exists(\Input::extension(), $this->_supported_formats) ? \Input::extension() : $this->_detect_format();
     // Get the configured auth method if none is defined
     $this->auth === null and $this->auth = \Config::get('rest.auth');
     //Check method is authorized if required, and if we're authorized
     if ($this->auth == 'basic') {
         $valid_login = $this->_prepare_basic_auth();
     } elseif ($this->auth == 'digest') {
         $valid_login = $this->_prepare_digest_auth();
     } elseif (method_exists($this, $this->auth)) {
         $valid_login = $this->{$this->auth}();
         if ($valid_login instanceof \Response) {
             return $valid_login;
     } else {
         $valid_login = false;
     // If the request passes auth then execute as normal
     if (empty($this->auth) or $valid_login) {
         // If they call user, go to $this->post_user();
         $controller_method = strtolower(\Input::method()) . '_' . $resource;
         // Fall back to action_ if no rest method is provided
         if (!method_exists($this, $controller_method)) {
             $controller_method = 'action_' . $resource;
         // If method is not available, set status code to 404
         if (method_exists($this, $controller_method)) {
             return call_user_func_array(array($this, $controller_method), $arguments);
         } else {
             $this->response->status = $this->no_method_status;
     } else {
         $this->response(array('message' => 'Missing or Invalid Authorization'), 401);
文件: route.php 项目: wushian/MDD
  * Parses a route match and returns the controller, action and params.
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	The matched route
  * @return	object  $this
 public function matched($uri = '', $named_params = array())
     // Clean out all the non-named stuff out of $named_params
     foreach ($named_params as $key => $val) {
         if (is_numeric($key)) {
     $this->named_params = $named_params;
     if ($this->translation instanceof \Closure) {
         $this->callable = $this->translation;
     } else {
         $path = $this->translation;
         if ($uri != '') {
             if ($this->strip_extension) {
                 strpos($uri, $ext = \Input::extension()) === false or $uri = substr($uri, 0, -(strlen($ext) + 1));
             if ($this->case_sensitive) {
                 $path = preg_replace('#^' . $this->search . '$#uD', $this->translation, $uri);
             } else {
                 $path = preg_replace('#^' . $this->search . '$#uiD', $this->translation, $uri);
         $this->segments = explode('/', trim($path, '/'));
     return $this;
  * Parses a route match and returns the controller, action and params.
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	The matched route
  * @return	object  $this
 public function matched($uri = '', $named_params = array())
     // Clean out all the non-named stuff out of $named_params
     foreach ($named_params as $key => $val) {
         if (is_numeric($key)) {
     $this->named_params = $named_params;
     if ($this->translation instanceof \Closure) {
         $this->callable = $this->translation;
     } else {
         $path = $this->translation;
         if ($uri != '') {
             // strip the extension if needed and there is something to strip
             if ($this->strip_extension and strrchr($uri, '.') == ($ext = '.' . \Input::extension())) {
                 $uri = substr($uri, 0, -strlen($ext));
             if ($this->case_sensitive) {
                 $path = preg_replace('#^' . $this->search . '$#uD', $this->translation, $uri);
             } else {
                 $path = preg_replace('#^' . $this->search . '$#uiD', $this->translation, $uri);
         $this->segments = explode('/', trim($path, '/'));
     return $this;
  * Get the current base path, stopping at the given segment number
 protected function getImagePath($startSegment)
     $segments = \Uri::segments();
     $startSegment = min($startSegment, count($segments));
     return implode('/', array_slice($segments, $startSegment)) . '.' . \Input::extension();