/** * @author Okan CIRAN * @ info_firm_keys tablosuna yeni bir kayıt oluşturur. !! * @version v 1.0 17/03/2016 * @return array * @throws \PDOException */ public function insert($params = array()) { try { $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory'); // $pdo->beginTransaction(); $CountryCode = NULL; $CountryCodeValue = 'TR'; if (isset($params['country_id']) && $params['country_id'] != "") { $CountryCode = SysCountrys::getCountryCode(array('country_id' => $params['country_id'])); if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($CountryCode)) { $CountryCodeValue = $CountryCode['resultSet'][0]['country_code']; } } $sql = "\n INSERT INTO info_firm_keys( \n firm_id,\n network_key,\n machines_folder, \n logos_folder, \n products_folder, \n members_folder, \n others_folder,\n folder_name\n )\n VALUES (\n :firm_id, \n CONCAT('" . $CountryCodeValue . "',ostim_id_generator()),\n 'Machines',\n 'Logos',\n 'Products',\n 'Members',\n 'Others',\n 'x'\n ) "; $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql); $statement->bindValue(':firm_id', $params['firm_id'], \PDO::PARAM_STR); // echo debugPDO($sql, $params); $result = $statement->execute(); $insertID = $pdo->lastInsertId('info_firm_keys_id_seq'); $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo(); InfoFirmKeys::setFirmPrivateKey(array('id' => $insertID)); if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) { throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]); } // $pdo->commit(); return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "lastInsertId" => $insertID); } catch (\PDOException $e) { // $pdo->rollback(); return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * @author Okan CIRAN * @ userin yaptığı aktif kayıt bilgisini info_firm_profile tablosundan döndürür !! * @version v 1.0 09.02.2016 * @param array | null $args * @return array * @throws \PDOException */ public function fillFirmFullVerbal($params = array()) { try { $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory'); $getFirmId = -1; $getFirm = InfoFirmProfile::getFirmIdsForNetworkKey(array('network_key' => $params['network_key'])); if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($getFirm)) { $getFirmId = $getFirm['resultSet'][0]['firm_id']; $endOfId = $this->getFirmEndOfId(array('firm_id' => $getFirmId)); if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($endOfId)) { $languageId = NULL; $languageIdValue = 647; if (isset($params['language_code']) && $params['language_code'] != "") { $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code'])); if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) { $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id']; } } $CPKValue = NULL; $CPK = InfoFirmKeys::getCPK(array('network_key' => $params['network_key'])); if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($CPK)) { $CPKValue = $CPK['resultSet'][0]['cpk']; } $sql = "\n SELECT \n ifv.id, \n a.profile_public, \n a.s_date, \n a.c_date, \n COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(NULLIF(ax.firm_name, ''), a.firm_name_eng), ''), a.firm_name) AS firm_name,\n a.firm_name_eng,\n\t\t COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(NULLIF(ax.firm_name_short, ''), a.firm_name_short_eng), ''), a.firm_name_short) AS firm_name_short,\n\t\t a.firm_name_short_eng,\n\t\t a.web_address,\n a.country_id, \n\t\t COALESCE(NULLIF(cox.name, ''), co.name_eng) AS country_name,\n\t\t co.name_eng AS country_name_eng,\n COALESCE(NULLIF(ifvx.about, ''), ifv.about_eng) AS about,\n ifv.about_eng,\n COALESCE(NULLIF(ifvx.verbal1_title, ''), ifv.verbal1_title_eng) AS verbal1_title,\n ifv.verbal1_title_eng,\n COALESCE(NULLIF(ifvx.verbal1, ''), ifv.verbal1_eng) AS verbal1,\n ifv.verbal1_eng,\n COALESCE(NULLIF(ifvx.verbal2_title, ''), ifv.verbal2_title_eng) AS verbal2_title,\n ifv.verbal2_title_eng,\n COALESCE(NULLIF(ifvx.verbal2, ''), ifv.verbal2_eng) AS verbal2,\n ifv.verbal2_eng,\n COALESCE(NULLIF(ifvx.verbal3_title, ''), ifv.verbal3_title_eng) AS verbal3_title,\n ifv.verbal3_title_eng,\n COALESCE(NULLIF(ifvx.verbal3, ''), ifv.verbal3_eng) AS verbal3,\n ifv.verbal3_eng,\n a.duns_number, \n a.tax_office, \n a.tax_no, \n a.foundation_yearx,\n a.act_parent_id,\n COALESCE(NULLIF(lx.id, NULL), 385) AS language_id,\n\t\t COALESCE(NULLIF(lx.language, ''), 'en') AS language_name, \n a.operation_type_id, \n COALESCE(NULLIF(opx.operation_name, ''), op.operation_name_eng) AS operation_name,\n op.operation_name_eng,\n a.active, \n COALESCE(NULLIF(sd16x.description, ''), sd16.description_eng) AS state_active, \n a.deleted, \n COALESCE(NULLIF(sd15x.description, ''), sd15.description_eng) AS state_deleted, \n a.op_user_id,\n u.username, \n a.auth_allow_id, \n COALESCE(NULLIF(sd13x.description, ''), sd13.description_eng) AS auth_alow, \n a.cons_allow_id, \n COALESCE(NULLIF(sd14x.description, ''), sd14.description_eng) AS cons_allow, \n a.language_parent_id, \n ifk.network_key, \n CASE COALESCE(NULLIF(a.logo, ''),'-') \n WHEN '-' THEN CONCAT(COALESCE(NULLIF(concat(sps.folder_road,'/'), '/'),''),sps.logos_folder,'/' ,COALESCE(NULLIF(a.logo, ''),'image_not_found.png'))\n ELSE CONCAT(ifk.folder_name ,'/',ifk.logos_folder,'/' ,COALESCE(NULLIF(a.logo, ''),'image_not_found.png')) END AS logo,\n a.place_point,\n '" . $CPKValue . "' AS cpk\n FROM info_firm_profile a \n INNER JOIN sys_project_settings sps ON sps.op_project_id = 1 AND sps.active =0 AND sps.deleted =0 \n INNER JOIN info_firm_keys ifk ON ifk.firm_id = a.act_parent_id \n INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = a.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0 \n LEFT JOIN sys_language lx ON lx.id = " . intval($languageIdValue) . " AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0 \n\t\tLEFT JOIN info_firm_profile ax ON (ax.id = a.id OR ax.language_parent_id = a.id) AND ax.language_id = lx.id AND ax.active =0 AND ax.deleted =0\n\t\tLEFT JOIN info_firm_verbal ifv ON ifv.firm_id = ifk.firm_id AND ifv.deleted = 0 AND ifv.active =0 AND ifv.language_parent_id=0 \n\t\tLEFT JOIN info_firm_verbal ifvx ON (ifvx.id = ifv.id OR ifvx.language_parent_id = ifv.id) AND ifvx.deleted = 0 AND ifvx.active =0 AND ifvx.language_id = lx.id \n INNER JOIN sys_operation_types op ON op.id = a.operation_type_id AND op.language_id = a.language_id AND op.deleted =0 AND op.active =0\n\t\tLEFT JOIN sys_operation_types opx ON (opx.id = op.id OR opx.language_parent_id = op.id) AND opx.language_id = lx.id AND opx.deleted =0 AND opx.active =0\n INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd13 ON sd13.main_group = 13 AND sd13.language_id = a.language_id AND a.auth_allow_id = sd13.first_group AND sd13.deleted =0 AND sd13.active =0\n LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd13x ON (sd13x.id = sd13.id OR sd13.language_parent_id = sd13.id) AND sd13x.language_id = lx.id AND sd13x.deleted =0 AND sd13x.active =0\n INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd14 ON sd14.main_group = 14 AND sd14.language_id = a.language_id AND a.cons_allow_id = sd14.first_group AND sd14.deleted =0 AND sd14.active =0\n LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd14x ON (sd14x.id = sd14.id OR sd14.language_parent_id = sd14.id) AND sd14x.language_id = lx.id AND sd14x.deleted =0 AND sd14x.active =0\n INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd15 ON sd15.main_group = 15 AND sd15.first_group= a.deleted AND sd15.language_id = a.language_id AND sd15.deleted =0 AND sd15.active =0 \n LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd15x ON (sd15x.id = sd15.id OR sd15.language_parent_id = sd15.id) AND sd15x.language_id = lx.id AND sd15x.deleted =0 AND sd15x.active =0\n INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd16 ON sd16.main_group = 16 AND sd16.first_group= a.active AND sd16.language_id = a.language_id AND sd16.deleted = 0 AND sd16.active = 0\n LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd16x ON (sd16x.id = sd16.id OR sd16.language_parent_id = sd16.id) AND sd16x.language_id = lx.id AND sd16x.deleted =0 AND sd16x.active =0\n \n INNER JOIN info_users u ON u.id = a.op_user_id \n INNER JOIN sys_countrys co ON co.id = a.country_id AND co.deleted = 0 AND co.active = 0 AND co.language_id = a.language_id\n LEFT JOIN sys_countrys cox ON (cox.id = a.country_id OR cox.language_parent_id = a.country_id) AND cox.deleted = 0 AND cox.active = 0 AND cox.language_id = lx.id\t\t\n WHERE \n a.id = " . $endOfId['resultSet'][0]['firm_id'] . " \n "; $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql); // echo debugPDO($sql, $params); $statement->execute(); $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo(); if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) { throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]); } return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result); } else { $errorInfo = '23502'; // 23502 user_id not_null_violation $errorInfoColumn = 'firm_id'; return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn); } } else { $errorInfo = '23502'; // 23502 user_id not_null_violation $errorInfoColumn = 'network_key'; return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn); } } catch (\PDOException $e) { //$debugSQLParams = $statement->debugDumpParams(); return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage()); } }