 * @brief  Process resource actions
 * @global type $tool_content
 * @global type $id
 * @global type $langResourceCourseUnitDeleted
 * @global type $langResourceUnitModified
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $course_code
 * @return string
function process_actions()
    global $tool_content, $id, $langResourceCourseUnitDeleted, $langResourceUnitModified, $course_id, $course_code, $webDir;
    // update index and refresh course metadata
    require_once 'modules/search/indexer.class.php';
    require_once 'modules/course_metadata/CourseXML.php';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])) {
        $res_id = intval($_GET['edit']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            return edit_res($res_id);
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['edit_res_submit'])) {
        // edit resource
        $res_id = intval($_REQUEST['resource_id']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            @($restitle = $_REQUEST['restitle']);
            $rescomments = purify($_REQUEST['rescomments']);
            $result = Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_weekly_view_activities SET\n                                        title = ?s,\n                                        comments = ?s\n                                        WHERE course_weekly_view_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $restitle, $rescomments, $id, $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_UNITRESOURCE, $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $course_id);
            CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($course_id, $course_code);
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$langResourceUnitModified}</div>";
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['del'])) {
        // delete resource from course unit
        $res_id = intval($_GET['del']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM course_weekly_view_activities WHERE id = ?d", $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVE, Indexer::RESOURCE_UNITRESOURCE, $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $course_id);
            CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($course_id, $course_code);
            $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$langResourceCourseUnitDeleted}</div>";
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['vis'])) {
        // modify visibility in text resources only
        $res_id = intval($_REQUEST['vis']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            $vis = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT `visible` FROM course_weekly_view_activities WHERE id = ?d", $res_id)->visible;
            $newvis = $vis == 1 ? 0 : 1;
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_weekly_view_activities SET visible = '{$newvis}' WHERE id = ?d", $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_UNITRESOURCE, $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $course_id);
            CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($course_id, $course_code);
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['down'])) {
        // change order down
        $res_id = intval($_REQUEST['down']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            move_order('course_weekly_view_activities', 'id', $res_id, 'order', 'down', "course_weekly_view_id={$id}");
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['up'])) {
        // change order up
        $res_id = intval($_REQUEST['up']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            move_order('course_weekly_view_activities', 'id', $res_id, 'order', 'up', "course_weekly_view_id={$id}");
    return '';
  * Refresh the hierarchy nodes (departments) that a course belongs to. All previous belonging
  * nodes get deleted and then refreshed with the ones given as array arguments.
  * @param int   $id          - Id for a given course
  * @param array $departments - Array containing the node ids that the given course should belong to
 public function refresh($id, $departments)
     if ($departments != null) {
         Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM {$this->departmenttable} WHERE course = ?d", $id);
         foreach (array_unique($departments) as $key => $department) {
             Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO {$this->departmenttable} (course, department) VALUES (?d,?d)", $id, $department);
     // refresh index
     global $webDir;
     // required for indexer
     require_once 'modules/search/indexer.class.php';
     Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $id);
     // refresh course metadata
     require_once 'modules/course_metadata/CourseXML.php';
     CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($id, course_id_to_code($id));
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $message = $_POST['message'];
    $poster_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $parent_post = $_POST['parent_post'];
    if (trim($message) == '') {
        $tool_content .= "\n                <div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langEmptyMsg}</div>\n                <p class='back'>&laquo; {$langClick} <a href='newtopic.php?course={$course_code}&amp;forum={$forum_id}'>{$langHere}</a> {$langReturnTopic}</p>";
        draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
    $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $surname = addslashes($_SESSION['surname']);
    $givenname = addslashes($_SESSION['givenname']);
    $this_post = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO forum_post (topic_id, post_text, poster_id, post_time, poster_ip, parent_post_id) VALUES (?d, ?s , ?d, ?t, ?s, ?d)", $topic, $message, $uid, $time, $poster_ip, $parent_post)->lastInsertID;
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_FORUMPOST, $this_post);
    $forum_user_stats = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM forum_post \n                        INNER JOIN forum_topic ON forum_post.topic_id = forum_topic.id\n                        INNER JOIN forum ON forum.id = forum_topic.forum_id\n                        WHERE forum_post.poster_id = ?d AND forum.course_id = ?d", $uid, $course_id);
    Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM forum_user_stats WHERE user_id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $uid, $course_id);
    Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO forum_user_stats (user_id, num_posts, course_id) VALUES (?d,?d,?d)", $uid, $forum_user_stats->c, $course_id);
    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_topic SET topic_time = ?t,\n                    num_replies = num_replies+1,\n                    last_post_id = ?d\n\t\tWHERE id = ?d AND forum_id = ?d", $time, $this_post, $topic, $forum_id);
    $result = Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum SET num_posts = num_posts+1,\n                    last_post_id = ?d\n\t\tWHERE id = ?d\n                    AND course_id = ?d", $this_post, $forum_id, $course_id);
    if (!$result) {
        $tool_content .= $langErrorUpadatePostCount;
        draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
    // --------------------------------
    // notify users
    // --------------------------------
    $subject_notify = "{$logo} - {$langSubjectNotify}";
    $category_id = forum_category($forum_id);
         $res_id = intval(getDirectReference($_GET['del']));
         if (($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id))) {
             Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM course_weekly_view_activities WHERE id = ?d", $res_id);
             Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVE, Indexer::RESOURCE_UNITRESOURCE, $res_id);
             Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $course_id);
             CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($course_id, $course_code);
             $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>$langResourceCourseUnitDeleted</div>";
 } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['vis'])) { // modify visibility
     $id = intval(getDirectReference($_REQUEST['vis']));
     $vis = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT `visible` FROM course_units WHERE id = ?d", $id)->visible;
     $newvis = ($vis == 1) ? 0 : 1;
     Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_units SET visible = ?d WHERE id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $newvis, $id, $course_id);
     Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_UNIT, $id);
     Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $course_id);
     CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($course_id, $course_code);
 } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['access'])) {
     if ($course_viewType == 'weekly') {
         $id = intval(getDirectReference($_REQUEST['access']));
         $access = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT `public` FROM course_weekly_view WHERE id = ?d", $id);
         $newaccess = ($access->public == '1') ? '0' : '1';
         Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_weekly_view SET public = ?d WHERE id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $newaccess, $id, $course_id);
     } else {
         $id = intval(getDirectReference($_REQUEST['access']));
         $access = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT `public` FROM course_units WHERE id = ?d", $id);
         $newaccess = ($access->public == '1') ? '0' : '1';
         Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_units SET public = ?d WHERE id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $newaccess, $id, $course_id);
 } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['down'])) {
     $id = intval(getDirectReference($_REQUEST['down'])); // change order down
                    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_EXERCISE, $exerciseId);
                case 'disable': // disables an exercise
                    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_EXERCISE, $exerciseId);
                case 'public':  // make exercise public
                    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_EXERCISE, $exerciseId);
                case 'limited':  // make exercise limited
                    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_EXERCISE, $exerciseId);
                case 'clone':  // make exercise limited
                    Session::Messages($langCopySuccess, 'alert-success');
        // destruction of Exercise
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT id, title, description, type, active, public, ip_lock, password_lock FROM exercise WHERE course_id = ?d ORDER BY id LIMIT ?d, ?d", $course_id, $from, $limitExPage);
    $qnum = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM exercise WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->count;
} else {
        $gids = user_group_info($uid, $course_id);
        if (!empty($gids)) {
     $stop_display = "0000-00-00";
 if (!empty($_POST['id'])) {
     $id = intval($_POST['id']);
     Database::get()->query("UPDATE announcement SET content = ?s, title = ?s, `date` = " . DBHelper::timeAfter() . ", start_display = ?t, stop_display = ?t  WHERE id = ?d", $newContent, $antitle, $start_display, $stop_display, $id);
     $log_type = LOG_MODIFY;
     $message = "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$langAnnModify}</div>";
 } else {
     // add new announcement
     $orderMax = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MAX(`order`) AS maxorder FROM announcement\n                                                   WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->maxorder;
     $order = $orderMax + 1;
     // insert
     $id = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO announcement\n                                         SET content = ?s,\n                                             title = ?s, `date` = " . DBHelper::timeAfter() . ",\n                                             course_id = ?d, `order` = ?d,\n                                             visible = 1,\n                                             start_display = ?t,\n                                             stop_display = ?t", $newContent, $antitle, $course_id, $order, $start_display, $stop_display)->lastInsertID;
     $log_type = LOG_INSERT;
 Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_ANNOUNCEMENT, $id);
 $txt_content = ellipsize_html(canonicalize_whitespace(strip_tags($_POST['newContent'])), 50, '+');
 Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_ANNOUNCE, $log_type, array('id' => $id, 'email' => $send_mail, 'title' => $_POST['antitle'], 'content' => $txt_content));
 // send email
 if ($send_mail) {
     $recipients_emaillist = "";
     foreach ($_POST['recipients'] as $re) {
         $recipients_emaillist .= empty($recipients_emaillist) ? "'{$re}'" : ",'{$re}'";
     $emailContent = "{$professorMessage}: " . q($_SESSION['givenname']) . " " . q($_SESSION['surname']) . "<br>\n<br>\n" . q($_POST['antitle']) . "<br>\n<br>\n" . $_POST['newContent'];
     $emailSubject = "{$professorMessage} ({$public_code} - " . q($title) . " - {$langAnnouncement})";
     // select students email list
     $countEmail = 0;
     $invalid = 0;
     $recipients = array();
     $emailBody = html2text($emailContent);
            $newVisibilityStatus = 0;
            $visibilityPath = $_GET['mkInvisibl'];
        Database::get()->query("UPDATE document SET visible=?d\n                                          WHERE {$group_sql} AND\n                                                path = ?s", $newVisibilityStatus, $visibilityPath);
        $r = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id FROM document WHERE {$group_sql} AND path = ?s", $visibilityPath);
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_DOCUMENT, $r->id);
        Session::Messages($langViMod, 'alert-success');
    // Public accessibility commands
    if (isset($_GET['public']) || isset($_GET['limited'])) {
        $new_public_status = intval(isset($_GET['public']));
        $path = isset($_GET['public']) ? $_GET['public'] : $_GET['limited'];
        Database::get()->query("UPDATE document SET public = ?d\n                                          WHERE {$group_sql} AND\n                                                path = ?s", $new_public_status, $path);
        $r = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id FROM document WHERE {$group_sql} AND path = ?s", $path);
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_DOCUMENT, $r->id);
        $action_message = "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$langViMod}</div>";
// teacher only
// Common for teachers and students
// define current directory
// Check if $var is set and return it - if $is_file, then return only dirname part
function pathvar(&$var, $is_file = false)
    static $found = false;
    if ($found) {
        return '';
    if (isset($var)) {
        $found = true;
function create_restored_course(&$tool_content, $restoreThis, $course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_desc, $course_vis, $course_prof) {
    global $webDir, $urlServer, $urlAppend, $langEnter, $langBack, $currentCourseCode;
    require_once 'modules/create_course/functions.php';
    require_once 'modules/course_info/restorehelper.class.php';
    require_once 'include/lib/fileManageLib.inc.php';
    $new_course_code = null;
    $new_course_id = null;

    Database::get()->transaction(function() use (&$new_course_code, &$new_course_id, $restoreThis, $course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_desc, $course_vis, $course_prof, $webDir, &$tool_content, $urlServer, $urlAppend) {
        $departments = array();
        if (isset($_POST['department'])) {
            foreach ($_POST['department'] as $did) {
                $departments[] = intval($did);
        } else {
            $minDep = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MIN(id) AS min FROM hierarchy");
            if ($minDep) {
                $departments[0] = $minDep->min;

        $r = $restoreThis . '/html';
        list($new_course_code, $new_course_id) = create_course($course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_desc, $departments, $course_vis, $course_prof);
        if (!$new_course_code) {
            $tool_content = "<div class='alert alert-warning'>" . $GLOBALS['langError'] . "</div>";
            draw($tool_content, 3);

        if (!file_exists($restoreThis)) {
        $config_data = unserialize(file_get_contents($restoreThis . '/config_vars'));
        // If old $urlAppend didn't end in /, add it
        if (substr($config_data['urlAppend'], -1) !== '/') {
            $config_data['urlAppend'] .= '/';
        $eclass_version = (isset($config_data['version'])) ? $config_data['version'] : null;
        $backupData = null;
        if (file_exists($restoreThis . '/backup.php')) {
            $backupData = parse_backup_php($restoreThis . '/backup.php');
            $eclass_version = $backupData['eclass_version'];
        $restoreHelper = new RestoreHelper($eclass_version);

        $course_file = $restoreThis . '/' . $restoreHelper->getFile('course');
        if (file_exists($course_file)) {
            $course_dataArr = unserialize(file_get_contents($course_file));
            $course_data = $course_dataArr[0];
            // update course query
            $upd_course_sql = "UPDATE course SET keywords = ?s, doc_quota = ?f, video_quota = ?f, "
                            . " group_quota = ?f, dropbox_quota = ?f, glossary_expand = ?d ";
            $upd_course_args = array(
                $course_data[$restoreHelper->getField('course', 'keywords')],
                intval($course_data[$restoreHelper->getField('course', 'glossary_expand')])
            if (isset($course_data['home_layout']) and isset($course_data['course_image'])) {
                $upd_course_sql .= ', home_layout = ?d, course_image = ?s ';
                $upd_course_args[] = $course_data['home_layout'];
                $upd_course_args[] = $course_data['course_image'];
            // Set keywords to '' if NULL
            if (!isset($upd_course_args[0])) {
                $upd_course_args[0] = '';
            // handle course weekly if exists
            if (isset($course_data['view_type']) && isset($course_data['start_date']) && isset($course_data['finish_date'])) {
                $upd_course_sql .= " , view_type = ?s, start_date = ?t, finish_date = ?t ";
            $upd_course_sql .= " WHERE id = ?d ";
            array_push($upd_course_args, intval($new_course_id));

            Database::get()->query($upd_course_sql, $upd_course_args);

        $userid_map = array();
        $user_file = $restoreThis . '/user';
        if (file_exists($user_file)) {
            $cours_user = unserialize(file_get_contents($restoreThis . '/' . $restoreHelper->getFile('course_user')));
            $userid_map = restore_users(unserialize(file_get_contents($user_file)), $cours_user, $departments, $restoreHelper);
            register_users($new_course_id, $userid_map, $cours_user, $restoreHelper);
        $userid_map[0] = 0;
        $userid_map[-1] = -1;

        $coursedir = "${webDir}/courses/$new_course_code";
        $videodir = "${webDir}/video/$new_course_code";
        move_dir($r, $coursedir);
        if (is_dir($restoreThis . '/video_files')) {
            move_dir($restoreThis . '/video_files', $videodir);
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>" . $GLOBALS['langCopyFiles'] . " $coursedir</div>";

        require_once 'upgrade/functions.php';

        $url_prefix_map = array(
            $config_data['urlServer'] . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlServer . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlAppend'] . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlAppend . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlServer'] . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlServer . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlAppend'] . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlAppend . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlServer'] . 'courses/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlServer . 'courses/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlAppend'] . 'courses/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlAppend . 'courses/' . $new_course_code,
            $course_data['code'] =>

        if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_3X) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_module', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'delete' => array('id')), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        } else if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_2X) {
            foreach (get_tabledata_from_parsed('accueil', $backupData, $restoreHelper) as $accueil) {
                Database::get()->query('UPDATE course_module SET visible = ?d WHERE course_id = ?d AND module_id = ?d',
                    $accueil['visible'], $new_course_id, $accueil['id']);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'announcement', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'delete' => array('id', 'preview')), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'group_properties', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $group_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'group', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'group_members', array('map' => array('group_id' => $group_map, 'user_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Forums Restore
        $forum_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_category_map[0] = 0;
        $forum_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id', 'map' => array('cat_id' => $forum_category_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_map[0] = 0;
        $forum_topic_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_topic', array('return_mapping' => 'id',
            'map' => array('forum_id' => $forum_map, 'poster_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_topic_map[0] = 0;
        $forum_post_options = array('return_mapping' => 'id',
                                    'map' => array('topic_id' => $forum_topic_map,
                                                   'poster_id' => $userid_map));
        if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_2X) {
            $forum_post_options['set'] = array('post_text' => '');
        $forum_post_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_post', $forum_post_options, $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_post_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_notify', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map, 'cat_id' => $forum_category_map, 'forum_id' => $forum_map, 'topic_id' => $forum_topic_map),
            'delete' => array('id')), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_user_stats', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
        'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_2X
                && isset($backupData) && is_array($backupData)
                && isset($backupData['query']) && is_array($backupData['query'])) {
            $postsText = get_tabledata_from_parsed('posts_text', $backupData, $restoreHelper);
            foreach ($postsText as $ptData) {
                if (array_key_exists($ptData['post_id'], $forum_post_map)) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_post SET post_text = ?s WHERE id = ?d", $ptData['post_text'], intval($forum_post_map[$ptData['post_id']]));

        $forumLastPosts = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT last_post_id FROM forum WHERE course_id = ?d ", intval($new_course_id));
        if (is_array($forumLastPosts) && count($forumLastPosts) > 0) {
            foreach ($forumLastPosts as $lastPost) {
                if (isset($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id])) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum SET last_post_id = ?d WHERE course_id = ?d AND last_post_id = ?d", intval($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id]), intval($new_course_id), intval($lastPost->last_post_id));

        $topicLastPosts = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT last_post_id FROM forum_topic WHERE forum_id IN (SELECT id FROM forum WHERE course_id = ?d)", intval($new_course_id));
        if (is_array($topicLastPosts) && count($topicLastPosts) > 0) {
            foreach ($topicLastPosts as $lastPost) {
                if (isset($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id])) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_topic SET last_post_id = ?d WHERE last_post_id = ?d", intval($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id]), intval($lastPost->last_post_id));

        $parentPosts = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT parent_post_id FROM forum_post WHERE topic_id IN (SELECT id FROM forum_topic WHERE forum_id IN (SELECT id FROM forum WHERE course_id = ?d))", intval($new_course_id));
        if (is_array($parentPosts) && count($parentPosts) > 0) {
            foreach ($parentPosts as $parentPost) {
                if (isset($forum_post_map[$parentPost->parent_post_id])) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_post SET parent_post_id = ?d WHERE parent_post_id = ?d", intval($forum_post_map[$parentPost->parent_post_id]), intval($parentPost->parent_post_id));
        // Forums Restore End

        // Glossary Restore
        $glossary_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'glossary_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $glossary_category_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'glossary', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'delete' => array('id'), 'map' => array('category_id' => $glossary_category_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        // Glossary Restore End

        $link_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'link_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $link_category_map[0] = 0;
        $link_category_map[-1] = -1;
        $link_category_map[-2] = -2;
        $link_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'link', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('category' => $link_category_map, 'user_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $ebook_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'ebook', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        foreach ($ebook_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // new and old id might overlap as the map contains multiple values!
            rename("$coursedir/ebook/$old_id", "$coursedir/ebook/__during_restore__$new_id");
        foreach ($ebook_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // better to use an intermediary rename step
            rename("$coursedir/ebook/__during_restore__$new_id", "$coursedir/ebook/$new_id");
        $document_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'document', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map_function' => 'document_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array(1 => $group_map, 2 => $ebook_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $ebook_section_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'ebook_section', array('map' => array('ebook_id' => $ebook_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $ebook_subsection_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'ebook_subsection', array('map' => array('section_id' => $ebook_section_map,
            'file_id' => $document_map), 'delete' => array('file'), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Video
        $videocat_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'video_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $videocat_map[''] = '';
        $videocat_map[0] = 0;
        $video_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'video', array(
            'map' => array('category' => $videocat_map),
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $videolink_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'videolink', array(
            'map' => array('category' => $videocat_map),
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Dropbox
        $dropbox_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'dropbox_msg', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
                'map' => array('author_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'dropbox_attachment', array('map' => array('msg_id' => $dropbox_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'dropbox_index', array('map' => array('msg_id' => $dropbox_map, 'recipient_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Learning Path
        $lp_learnPath_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_learnPath', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'learnPath_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $lp_module_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_module', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'module_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $lp_asset_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_asset', array('map' => array('module_id' => $lp_module_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'asset_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        // update lp_module startAsset_id with new asset_id from map
        foreach ($lp_asset_map as $key => $value) {
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE lp_module SET `startAsset_id` = ?d "
                    . "WHERE `course_id` = ?d "
                    . "AND `startAsset_id` = ?d", intval($value), intval($new_course_id), intval($key));
        $lp_rel_learnPath_module_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_rel_learnPath_module', array('map' => array('learnPath_id' => $lp_learnPath_map,
            'module_id' => $lp_module_map), 'return_mapping' => 'learnPath_module_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        // update parent
        foreach ($lp_rel_learnPath_module_map as $key => $value) {
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE lp_rel_learnPath_module SET `parent` = ?d "
                    . "WHERE `learnPath_id` IN (SELECT learnPath_id FROM lp_learnPath WHERE course_id = ?d) "
                    . "AND `parent` = ?d", intval($value), intval($new_course_id), intval($key));
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_user_module_progress', array('delete' => array('user_module_progress_id'),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map,
            'learnPath_module_id' => $lp_rel_learnPath_module_map,
            'learnPath_id' => $lp_learnPath_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        foreach ($lp_learnPath_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // new and old id might overlap as the map contains multiple values!
            $old_dir = "$coursedir/scormPackages/path_$old_id";
            if (file_exists($old_dir) && is_dir($old_dir)) {
                rename($old_dir, "$coursedir/scormPackages/__during_restore__$new_id");
        foreach ($lp_learnPath_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // better to use an intermediary rename step
            $tempLPDir = "$coursedir/scormPackages/__during_restore__$new_id";
            if (file_exists($tempLPDir) && is_dir($tempLPDir)) {
                rename($tempLPDir, "$coursedir/scormPackages/path_$new_id");

        // Wiki
        $wiki_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_properties', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_acls', array('map' => array('wiki_id' => $wiki_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $wiki_pages_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_pages', array('map' => array('wiki_id' => $wiki_map,
            'owner_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_pages_content', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('pid' => $wiki_pages_map, 'editor_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Blog
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/blog_post")) {
            $blog_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'blog_post', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Comments
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/comments")) {
            $comment_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'comments', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'comments_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($blog_map, $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        //Abuse Report
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/abuse_report")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'abuse_report', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'abuse_report_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($forum_post_map, 
            $comment_map, $link_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Rating
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/rating")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'rating', array('delete' => array('rate_id'),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'ratings_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($blog_map, $forum_post_map, $link_map,
            $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/rating_cache")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'rating_cache', array('delete' => array('rate_cache_id'),
            'map_function' => 'ratings_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($blog_map, $forum_post_map, $link_map,
            $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Course_settings
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/course_settings")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_settings', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Polls
        $poll_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('creator_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'pid', 'delete' => array('type')),
             $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $poll_question_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll_question', array('map' => array('pid' => $poll_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'pqid'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $poll_answer_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll_question_answer', array('map' => array('pqid' => $poll_question_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'pqaid'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll_answer_record', array('delete' => array('arid'),
            'map' => array('pid' => $poll_map,
            'qid' => $poll_question_map,
            'aid' => $poll_answer_map,
            'user_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Assignments
        if (!isset($group_map[0])) {
            $group_map[0] = 0;
        $assignments_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'assignment', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $assignments_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'assignment_submit', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('uid' => $userid_map, 'assignment_id' => $assignments_map, 'group_id' => $group_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Agenda
        $agenda_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'agenda', array(
            'return_mapping' => 'id',
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id)
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $agenda_map[0] = 0;

        // Exercises
        $exercise_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $exercise_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_user_record', array(
            'delete' => array('eurid'),
            'map' => array('eid' => $exercise_map, 'uid' => $userid_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $question_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_question_cats', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'question_cat_id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $question_category_map[0] = 0;
        $question_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_question', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'init' => array('category' => 0),
            'map' => array('category' => $question_category_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_answer', array(
            'delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('question_id' => $question_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_answer_record', array(
            'delete' => array('answer_record_id'),
            'map' => array('question_id' => $question_map,
                'eurid' => $userid_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_with_questions', array(
            'map' => array('question_id' => $question_map, 'exercise_id' => $exercise_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        $sql = "SELECT asset.asset_id, asset.path FROM `lp_module` AS module, `lp_asset` AS asset
                        WHERE module.startAsset_id = asset.asset_id
                        AND course_id = ?d AND contentType = 'EXERCISE' AND path <> '' AND path IS NOT NULL";
        $rows = Database::get()->queryArray($sql, intval($new_course_id));

        if (is_array($rows) && count($rows) > 0) {
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                Database::get()->query("UPDATE `lp_asset` SET path = ?s WHERE asset_id = ?d", $exercise_map[$row->path], intval($row->asset_id));

        // Attendance
        $attendance_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $attendance_activities_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance_activities', array(
            'map' => array('attendance_id' => $attendance_map),
            'map_function' => 'attendance_gradebook_activities_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($assignments_map, $exercise_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance_book', array(
            'map' => array(
                'attendance_activity_id' => $attendance_activities_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance_users', array(
            'map' => array(
                'attendance_id' => $attendance_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Gradebook
        $gradebook_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $gradebook_activities_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook_activities', array(
            'map' => array('gradebook_id' => $gradebook_map),
            'map_function' => 'attendance_gradebook_activities_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($assignments_map, $exercise_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook_book', array(
            'map' => array(
                'gradebook_activity_id' => $gradebook_activities_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook_users', array(
            'map' => array(
                'gradebook_id' => $gradebook_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Notes
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'note', array(
            'set' => array('reference_obj_course' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'notes_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($new_course_id, $agenda_map, $document_map, $link_map,
                $video_map, $videolink_map, $assignments_map, $exercise_map, $ebook_map,
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Units
        $unit_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_units', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'unit_resources', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('unit_id' => $unit_map),
            'map_function' => 'unit_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($document_map,
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Weekly
        $weekly_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_weekly_view', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_weekly_view_activities', array(
            'delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('course_weekly_view_id' => $weekly_map),
            'map_function' => 'unit_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($document_map,
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_description', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'delete' => array('id')
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);


        // index course after restoring
        require_once 'modules/search/indexer.class.php';
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVEALLBYCOURSE, Indexer::RESOURCE_IDX, $new_course_id);
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STOREALLBYCOURSE, Indexer::RESOURCE_IDX, $new_course_id);

    // check/cleanup video files after restore transaction
    if ($new_course_code != null && $new_course_id != null) {
        $videodir = $webDir . "/video/" . $new_course_code;
        $videos = scandir($videodir);
        foreach ($videos as $videofile) {
            if (is_dir($videofile)) {

            $vlike = '/' . $videofile;

            if (!isWhitelistAllowed($videofile)) {
                unlink($videodir . "/" . $videofile);
                Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM `video` WHERE course_id = ?d AND path LIKE ?s", $new_course_id, $vlike);

            $vcnt = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT count(id) AS count FROM `video` WHERE course_id = ?d AND path LIKE ?s", $new_course_id, $vlike)->count;
            if ($vcnt <= 0) {
                unlink($videodir . "/" . $videofile);
        $backUrl = $urlAppend . (isset($currentCourseCode)? "courses/$currentCourseCode/": 'modules/admin/');
        $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
            array('title' => $langEnter,
                  'url' => $urlAppend . "courses/$new_course_code/",
                  'icon' => 'fa-arrow-right',
                  'level' => 'primary-label',
                  'button-class' => 'btn-success'),
            array('title' => $langBack,
                  'url' => $backUrl,
                  'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                  'level' => 'primary-label')), false);

 * @brief  Process resource actions
 * @global type $tool_content
 * @global type $id
 * @global type $langResourceCourseUnitDeleted
 * @global type $langResourceUnitModified
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $course_code
 * @return string
function process_actions() {
    global $tool_content, $id, $langResourceCourseUnitDeleted, $langResourceUnitModified,
    $course_id, $course_code, $webDir, $cnt, $langBack, $urlAppend, $head_content;

    // update index and refresh course metadata
    require_once 'modules/search/indexer.class.php';
    require_once 'modules/course_metadata/CourseXML.php';

    if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])) {
        $res_id = intval($_GET['edit']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                    'title' => $langBack,
                    'url' => "{$urlAppend}modules/weeks/index.php?course=$course_code&amp;id=$id&amp;cnt=$cnt",
                    'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                    'level' => 'primary-label')));
            $tool_content .= edit_res($res_id);
            draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['edit_res_submit'])) { // edit resource
        $res_id = intval($_REQUEST['resource_id']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            @$restitle = $_REQUEST['restitle'];
            $rescomments = purify($_REQUEST['rescomments']);
            $result = Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_weekly_view_activities SET
                                        title = ?s,
                                        comments = ?s
                                        WHERE course_weekly_view_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $restitle, $rescomments, $id, $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_UNITRESOURCE, $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $course_id);
            CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($course_id, $course_code);
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>$langResourceUnitModified</div>";
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['del'])) { // delete resource from course unit
        $res_id = intval($_GET['del']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM course_weekly_view_activities WHERE id = ?d", $res_id);            
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVE, Indexer::RESOURCE_UNITRESOURCE, $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $course_id);
            CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($course_id, $course_code);
            Session::Messages($langResourceCourseUnitDeleted, 'alert-success');
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['vis'])) { // modify visibility in text resources only
        $res_id = intval($_REQUEST['vis']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {            
            $vis = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT `visible` FROM course_weekly_view_activities WHERE id = ?d", $res_id)->visible;            
            $newvis = ($vis == 1) ? 0 : 1;
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_weekly_view_activities SET visible = '$newvis' WHERE id = ?d", $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_UNITRESOURCE, $res_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $course_id);
            CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($course_id, $course_code);
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['down'])) { // change order down
        $res_id = intval($_REQUEST['down']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            move_order('course_weekly_view_activities', 'id', $res_id, 'order', 'down', "course_weekly_view_id=$id");
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['up'])) { // change order up
        $res_id = intval($_REQUEST['up']);
        if ($id = check_admin_unit_resource($res_id)) {
            move_order('course_weekly_view_activities', 'id', $res_id, 'order', 'up', "course_weekly_view_id=$id");
    return '';
 * @brief delete link
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $langLinkDeleted
 * @param type $id
function delete_link($id) {
    global $course_id, $langLinkDeleted;

    $tuple = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT url, title, category FROM link WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
    $url = $tuple->url;
    $title = $tuple->title;
    $category = $tuple->category;
    if ($category == -2) { //delete abuse reports and ratings for social bookmark
        Database::get()->query("DELETE abuse_report FROM abuse_report INNER JOIN `link` ON `link`.id = abuse_report.rid
                               WHERE abuse_report.rtype = ?s AND abuse_report.rid = ?d", 'link', $id);
        Database::get()->query("DELETE rating FROM rating INNER JOIN `link` ON `link`.id = rating.rid
                                WHERE rating.rtype = ?s AND rating.rid = ?d", 'link', $id);
        Database::get()->query("DELETE rating_cache FROM rating_cache INNER JOIN `link` ON `link`.id = rating_cache.rid
                                WHERE rating_cache.rtype = ?s AND rating_cache.rid = ?d", 'link', $id);
    Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM `link` WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVE, Indexer::RESOURCE_LINK, $id);
    Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_LINKS, LOG_DELETE, array('id' => $id,
                                                               'url' => $url,
                                                               'title' => $title));
function storeDelosResources($jsonObj) {
    global $course_id;
    $submittedResources = $_POST['delosResources'];
    $submittedCategory = $_POST['selectcategory'];

    foreach ($submittedResources as $rid) {
        $stored = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id 
            FROM videolink 
            WHERE course_id = ?d 
            AND category = ?d 
            AND url LIKE '%rid=" . $rid . "'", $course_id, $submittedCategory);
        foreach ($jsonObj->resources as $resource) {
            if ($resource->resourceID === $rid) {
                $vL = $resource->videoLecture;
                $url = $jsonObj->playerBasePath . '?rid=' . $rid;
                $title = $vL->title;
                $description = $vL->description;
                $creator = $vL->rights->creator->name;
                $publisher = $vL->organization->name;
                $date = $vL->date;

                if ($stored) {
                    $id = $stored->id;
                    $q = Database::get()->query("UPDATE videolink SET 
                        url = ?s, title = ?s, description = ?s, creator = ?s, publisher = ?s, date = ?t 
                        WHERE course_id = ?d 
                        AND category = ?d 
                        AND id = ?d", canonicalize_url($url), $title, $description, $creator, $publisher, $date, $course_id, $submittedCategory, $id);
                } else {
                    $q = Database::get()->query('INSERT INTO videolink (course_id, url, title, description, category, creator, publisher, date)
                        VALUES (?d, ?s, ?s, ?s, ?d, ?s, ?s, ?t)', $course_id, canonicalize_url($url), $title, $description, $submittedCategory, $creator, $publisher, $date);
                    $id = $q->lastInsertID;
                Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_VIDEOLINK, $id);
                $txt_description = ellipsize(canonicalize_whitespace(strip_tags($description)), 50, '+');
                Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_VIDEO, LOG_INSERT, array('id' => $id,
                    'url' => canonicalize_url($url),
                    'title' => $title,
                    'description' => $txt_description));
 * @brief delete video / videolink
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $webDir
 * @param type $id
 * @param type $table
function delete_video($id, $table) {
    global $course_id, $course_code, $webDir;

    $myrow = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
    $title = $myrow->title;
    if ($table == "video") {
        unlink("$webDir/video/$course_code/" . $myrow->path);
    Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM $table WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
    if ($table == 'video') {
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVE, Indexer::RESOURCE_VIDEO, $id);
    } else {
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVE, Indexer::RESOURCE_VIDEOLINK, $id);
    Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_VIDEO, LOG_DELETE, array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title));
  * Delete all notes of a given user and logs the action
  * @param int $user_id if empty the session user is assumed
 public static function delete_all_notes($user_id = NULL){
     global $uid;
     Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM note WHERE user_id = ?d", $uid);
     Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVEBYUSER, Indexer::RESOURCE_NOTE, $uid);
     Log::record(0, MODULE_ID_NOTES, LOG_DELETE, array('user_id' => $uid, 'id' => 'all'));
 * @brief insert common docs
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $course_code
 * @global string $group_sql
 * @param type $file
 * @param type $target_dir
function insert_common_docs($file, $target_dir) {
    global $course_id, $course_code, $group_sql;

    $common_docs_dir_map = array();

    if ($file->format == '.dir') {
        $target_dir = make_path($target_dir, array($file->filename));
        $r = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id FROM document WHERE $group_sql AND path = ?s", $target_dir);
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_DOCUMENT, $r->id);
        $common_docs_dir_map[$file->path] = $target_dir;
        $q = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM document
                                      WHERE course_id = -1 AND
                                            subsystem = " . COMMON . " AND
                                            path LIKE ?s
                                      ORDER BY path", $file->path . '/%');
        foreach ($q as $file) {
            $new_target_dir = $common_docs_dir_map[dirname($file->path)];
            if ($file->format == '.dir') {
                $new_dir = make_path($new_target_dir, array($file->filename));
                $r2 = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id FROM document WHERE $group_sql AND path = ?s", $new_dir);
                Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_DOCUMENT, $r2->id);
                $common_docs_dir_map[$file->path] = $new_dir;
            } else {
                insert_common_docs($file, $new_target_dir);
    } else {
        $path = preg_replace('|^.*/|', $target_dir . '/', $file->path);
        if ($file->extra_path) {
            $extra_path = $file->extra_path;
        } else {
            $extra_path = "common:$file->path";
        $q = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO document SET
                                course_id = ?d,
                                subsystem = " . MAIN . ",
                                path = ?s,
                                extra_path = ?s,
                                filename = ?s,
                                visible = 1,
                                comment = ?s,
                                title =	?s,
                                date = " . DBHelper::timeAfter() . ",
                                date_modified =	" . DBHelper::timeAfter() . ",
                                format = ?s", $course_id, $path, $extra_path, $file->filename, $file->comment, $file->title, $file->format);
        $id = $q->lastInsertID;
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_DOCUMENT, $id);
 * @global type $langCourseUnitModified
 * @global type $langCourseUnitAdded
 * @global null $maxorder
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $course_code
 * @global type $webDir
 * @return type
function handle_unit_info_edit()
    global $langCourseUnitModified, $langCourseUnitAdded, $maxorder, $course_id, $course_code, $webDir;
    $title = $_REQUEST['unittitle'];
    $descr = $_REQUEST['unitdescr'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['unit_id'])) {
        // update course unit
        $unit_id = $_REQUEST['unit_id'];
        Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_units SET\n                                        title = ?s,\n                                        comments = ?s\n                                    WHERE id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $title, $descr, $unit_id, $course_id);
        $successmsg = $langCourseUnitModified;
    } else {
        // add new course unit
        $order = $maxorder + 1;
        $q = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO course_units SET\n                                  title = ?s, comments = ?s, visible = 1,\n                                 `order` = ?d, course_id = ?d", $title, $descr, $order, $course_id);
        $successmsg = $langCourseUnitAdded;
        $unit_id = $q->lastInsertID;
    // update index
    require_once 'modules/search/indexer.class.php';
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_UNIT, $unit_id);
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $course_id);
    // refresh course metadata
    require_once 'modules/course_metadata/CourseXML.php';
    CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($course_id, $course_code);
    return "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$successmsg}</div>";
function process_extracted_file($p_event, &$p_header)
    global $uploadPath, $realFileSize, $basedir, $course_id, $subsystem, $subsystem_id, $uploadPath, $group_sql;
    $replace = isset($_POST['replace']);
    if (!isset($uploadPath)) {
        $uploadPath = '';
    $file_category = isset($_POST['file_category']) ? $_POST['file_category'] : 0;
    $file_creator = isset($_POST['file_creator']) ? $_POST['file_creator'] : '';
    $file_author = isset($_POST['file_author']) ? $_POST['file_author'] : '';
    $file_subject = isset($_POST['file_subject']) ? $_POST['file_subject'] : '';
    $file_language = isset($_POST['file_language']) ? $_POST['file_language'] : '';
    $file_copyrighted = isset($_POST['file_copyrighted']) ? $_POST['file_copyrighted'] : '';
    $file_comment = isset($_POST['file_comment']) ? $_POST['file_comment'] : '';
    $file_description = isset($_POST['file_description']) ? $_POST['file_description'] : '';
    $realFileSize += $p_header['size'];
    $stored_filename = $p_header['stored_filename'];
    if (invalid_utf8($stored_filename)) {
        $stored_filename = cp737_to_utf8($stored_filename);
    $path_components = explode('/', $stored_filename);
    $filename = php2phps(array_pop($path_components));
    if (unwanted_file($filename)) {
        $filename .= '.bin';
    $file_date = date("Y\\-m\\-d G\\:i\\:s", $p_header['mtime']);
    $path = make_path($uploadPath, $path_components);
    if ($p_header['folder']) {
        // Directory has been created by make_path(),
        // only need to update the index
        $r = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id FROM document WHERE {$group_sql} AND path = ?s", $path);
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_DOCUMENT, $r->id);
        return 0;
    } else {
        // Check if file already exists
        $result = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id, path, visible FROM document\n                                           WHERE {$group_sql} AND\n                                                 path REGEXP ?s AND\n                                                 filename = ?s LIMIT 1", "^{$path}/[^/]+\$", $filename);
        $format = get_file_extension($filename);
        if ($result) {
            $old_id = $result->id;
            $file_path = $result->path;
            $vis = $result->visible;
            if ($replace) {
                // Overwrite existing file
                $p_header['filename'] = $basedir . $file_path;
                Database::get()->query("UPDATE document\n                                                 SET date_modified = ?t\n                                                 WHERE {$group_sql} AND\n                                                       id = ?d", $file_date, $old_id);
                return 1;
            } else {
                // Rename existing file
                $backup_n = 1;
                do {
                    $backup = preg_replace('/\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', '', $filename) . '_backup_' . $backup_n . '.' . $format;
                    $n = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM document\n                                                              WHERE {$group_sql} AND\n                                                                    path REGEXP ?s AND\n                                                                    filename = ?s LIMIT 1", "^{$path}/[^/]+\$", $backup)->count;
                } while ($n > 0);
                Database::get()->query("UPDATE document SET filename = ?s\n                                                 WHERE {$group_sql} AND\n                                                       path = ?s", $backup, $file_path);
                Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_DOCUMENT, $old_id);
        $path .= '/' . safe_filename($format);
        $id = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO document SET\n                                 course_id = ?d,\n                                 subsystem = ?d,\n                                 subsystem_id = ?d,\n                                 path = ?s,\n                                 filename = ?s,\n                                 visible = 1,\n                                 comment = ?s,\n                                 category = ?d,\n                                 title = '',\n                                 creator = ?s,\n                                 date = ?t,\n                                 date_modified = ?t,\n                                 subject = ?s,\n                                 description = ?s,\n                                 author = ?s,\n                                 format = ?s,\n                                 language = ?s,\n                                 copyrighted = ?d", $course_id, $subsystem, $subsystem_id, $path, $filename, $file_comment, $file_category, $file_creator, $file_date, $file_date, $file_subject, $file_description, $file_author, $format, $file_language, $file_copyrighted)->lastInsertID;
        // Logging
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_DOCUMENT, $id);
        Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_DOCS, LOG_INSERT, array('id' => $id, 'filepath' => $path, 'filename' => $filename, 'comment' => $file_comment));
        // File will be extracted with new encoded filename
        $p_header['filename'] = $basedir . $path;
        return 1;
        // delete group forum
        $result = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT `forum_id` FROM `group` WHERE `course_id` = ?d AND `id` = ?d AND `forum_id` <> 0 AND `forum_id` IS NOT NULL", $course_id, $id);
        if ($result) {

            $forum_id = $result->forum_id;
            $result2 = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT id FROM forum_topic WHERE forum_id = ?d", $forum_id);
            foreach ($result2 as $result_row2) {
                $topic_id = $result_row2->id;
                Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM forum_post WHERE topic_id = ?d", $topic_id);
                Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVEBYTOPIC, Indexer::RESOURCE_FORUMPOST, $topic_id);
            Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM forum_topic WHERE forum_id = ?d", $forum_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVEBYFORUM, Indexer::RESOURCE_FORUMTOPIC, $forum_id);
            Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM forum_notify WHERE forum_id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $forum_id, $course_id);
            Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM forum WHERE id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $forum_id, $course_id);
            Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVE, Indexer::RESOURCE_FORUM, $forum_id);
        /*         * *********************************** */

        Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM document WHERE course_id = ?d AND subsystem = 1 AND subsystem_id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
        Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM group_members WHERE group_id = ?d", $id);
		Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM group_properties WHERE group_id = ?d", $id);
        Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM `group` WHERE id = ?d", $id);

        /*         * ********Delete Group Wiki*********** */
        $result = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id FROM wiki_properties WHERE group_id = ?d", $id);
        if ($result) {
            $wikiStore = new WikiStore();
        /*         * *********************************** */
    $tool_content .= action_bar($dynbar);
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $subject = trim($_POST['subject']);
    $message = trim($_POST['message']);
    if (empty($message) or empty($subject)) {
        header("Location: viewforum.php?course={$course_code}&forum={$forum_id}&empty=true");
    $message = purify($message);
    $poster_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $topic_id = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO forum_topic (title, poster_id, forum_id, topic_time) VALUES (?s, ?d, ?d, ?t)", $subject, $uid, $forum_id, $time)->lastInsertID;
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_FORUMTOPIC, $topic_id);
    $post_id = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO forum_post (topic_id, post_text, poster_id, post_time, poster_ip) VALUES (?d, ?s, ?d, ?t, ?s)", $topic_id, $message, $uid, $time, $poster_ip)->lastInsertID;
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_FORUMPOST, $post_id);
    $forum_user_stats = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM forum_post \n                        INNER JOIN forum_topic ON forum_post.topic_id = forum_topic.id\n                        INNER JOIN forum ON forum.id = forum_topic.forum_id\n                        WHERE forum_post.poster_id = ?d AND forum.course_id = ?d", $uid, $course_id);
    Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM forum_user_stats WHERE user_id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $uid, $course_id);
    Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO forum_user_stats (user_id, num_posts, course_id) VALUES (?d,?d,?d)", $uid, $forum_user_stats->c, $course_id);
    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_topic\n                    SET last_post_id = ?d\n                WHERE id = ?d\n                AND forum_id = ?d", $post_id, $topic_id, $forum_id);
    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum\n                    SET num_topics = num_topics+1,\n                    num_posts = num_posts+1,\n                    last_post_id = ?d\n\t\tWHERE id = ?d", $post_id, $forum_id);
    $topic = $topic_id;
    $total_forum = get_total_topics($forum_id);
    $total_topic = get_total_posts($topic) - 1;
    // subtract 1 because we want the number of replies, not the number of posts.
    // --------------------------------
    // notify users
    // --------------------------------
    $subject_notify = "{$logo} - {$langNewForumNotify}";
    $category_id = forum_category($forum_id);
    $cat_name = category_name($category_id);
 * @global type $langCourseUnitModified
 * @global type $langCourseUnitAdded
 * @global null $maxorder
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $course_code
 * @global type $webDir
 * @return type
function handle_unit_info_edit()
    global $langCourseUnitModified, $langCourseUnitAdded, $maxorder, $course_id, $course_code, $webDir;
    require_once 'modules/tags/moduleElement.class.php';
    $title = $_REQUEST['unittitle'];
    $descr = $_REQUEST['unitdescr'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['unit_id'])) {
        // update course unit
        $unit_id = $_REQUEST['unit_id'];
        Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_units SET\n                                        title = ?s,\n                                        comments = ?s\n                                    WHERE id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $title, $descr, $unit_id, $course_id);
        // tags
        if (isset($_POST['tags'])) {
            $tagsArray = explode(',', $_POST['tags']);
            $moduleTag = new ModuleElement($unit_id);
        $successmsg = $langCourseUnitModified;
    } else {
        // add new course unit
        $order = $maxorder + 1;
        $q = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO course_units SET\n                                  title = ?s, comments = ?s, visible = 1,\n                                 `order` = ?d, course_id = ?d", $title, $descr, $order, $course_id);
        $successmsg = $langCourseUnitAdded;
        $unit_id = $q->lastInsertID;
        // tags
        if (isset($_POST['tags'])) {
            $tagsArray = explode(',', $_POST['tags']);
            $moduleTag = new ModuleElement($unit_id);
    // update index
    require_once 'modules/search/indexer.class.php';
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_UNIT, $unit_id);
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_COURSE, $course_id);
    // refresh course metadata
    require_once 'modules/course_metadata/CourseXML.php';
    CourseXMLElement::refreshCourse($course_id, $course_code);
    Session::Messages($successmsg, 'alert-success');
                        INNER JOIN forum_topic ON forum_post.topic_id = forum_topic.id
                        INNER JOIN forum ON forum.id = forum_topic.forum_id
                        WHERE forum_post.poster_id = ?d AND forum.course_id = ?d", $author, $course_id);
        Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM forum_user_stats WHERE user_id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $author, $course_id);
        if ($forum_user_stats->c != 0) {
            Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO forum_user_stats (user_id, num_posts, course_id) VALUES (?d,?d,?d)", $author, $forum_user_stats->c, $course_id);
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVEBYTOPIC, Indexer::RESOURCE_FORUMPOST, $topic_id);
    $number_of_topics = get_total_topics($forum_id);
    $num_topics = $number_of_topics - 1;
    if ($number_of_topics < 0) {
        $num_topics = 0;
    Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM forum_topic WHERE id = ?d AND forum_id = ?d", $topic_id, $forum_id);
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVE, Indexer::RESOURCE_FORUMTOPIC, $topic_id);
    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum SET num_topics = ?d,
                                num_posts = num_posts-$number_of_posts
                            WHERE id = ?d
                                AND course_id = ?d", $num_topics, $forum_id, $course_id);
    Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM forum_notify WHERE topic_id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $topic_id, $course_id);
    Session::Messages($langDeletedMessage, 'alert-success');

// modify topic notification
if (isset($_GET['topicnotify'])) {
    if (isset($_GET['topic_id'])) {
        $topic_id = intval($_GET['topic_id']);
    $rows = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM forum_notify
 * @brief delete link
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $langLinkDeleted
 * @param type $id
function delete_link($id)
    global $course_id, $langLinkDeleted;
    $tuple = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT url, title FROM link WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
    $url = $tuple->url;
    $title = $tuple->title;
    Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM `link` WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVE, Indexer::RESOURCE_LINK, $id);
    Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_LINKS, LOG_DELETE, array('id' => $id, 'url' => $url, 'title' => $title));