  * Sends Email for Email 2.0
 function email2Send($request)
     global $mod_strings;
     global $app_strings;
     global $current_user;
     global $sugar_config;
     global $locale;
     global $timedate;
     global $beanList;
     global $beanFiles;
     $OBCharset = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_email_charset');
      * Sugar Email PREP
     /* preset GUID */
     $orignialId = "";
     if (!empty($this->id)) {
         $orignialId = $this->id;
     // if
     if (empty($this->id)) {
         $this->id = create_guid();
         $this->new_with_id = true;
     /* satisfy basic HTML email requirements */
     $this->name = $request['sendSubject'];
     $this->description_html = '<html><body>' . $request['sendDescription'] . '</body></html>';
     $mail = new SugarPHPMailer();
     $mail = $this->setMailer($mail, '', $_REQUEST['fromAccount']);
     if (empty($mail->Host) && !$this->isDraftEmail($request)) {
         $this->status = 'send_error';
         if ($mail->oe->type == 'system') {
             echo $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND'] . $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_INVALID_SYSTEM_OUTBOUND'];
         } else {
             echo $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND'] . $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_INVALID_PERSONAL_OUTBOUND'];
         return false;
     $subject = $this->name;
     $mail->Subject = from_html($this->name);
     // work-around legacy code in SugarPHPMailer
     if ($_REQUEST['setEditor'] == 1) {
         $_REQUEST['description_html'] = $_REQUEST['sendDescription'];
         $this->description_html = $_REQUEST['description_html'];
     } else {
         $this->description_html = '';
         $this->description = $_REQUEST['sendDescription'];
     // end work-around
     if ($this->isDraftEmail($request)) {
         if ($this->type != 'draft' && $this->status != 'draft') {
             $this->id = create_guid();
             $this->new_with_id = true;
             $this->date_entered = "";
         // if
         $q1 = "update emails_email_addr_rel set deleted = 1 WHERE email_id = '{$this->id}'";
         $r1 = $this->db->query($q1);
     // if
     if (isset($request['saveDraft'])) {
         $this->type = 'draft';
         $this->status = 'draft';
         $forceSave = true;
     } else {
         /* Apply Email Templates */
         // do not parse email templates if the email is being saved as draft....
         $toAddresses = $this->email2ParseAddresses($_REQUEST['sendTo']);
         $sea = new SugarEmailAddress();
         $object_arr = array();
         if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && !empty($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && ($_REQUEST['parent_type'] == 'Accounts' || $_REQUEST['parent_type'] == 'Contacts' || $_REQUEST['parent_type'] == 'Leads' || $_REQUEST['parent_type'] == 'Users' || $_REQUEST['parent_type'] == 'Prospects')) {
             if (isset($beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']]) && !empty($beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']])) {
                 $className = $beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']];
                 if (isset($beanFiles[$className]) && !empty($beanFiles[$className])) {
                     if (!class_exists($className)) {
                         require_once $beanFiles[$className];
                     $bean = new $className();
                     $object_arr[$bean->module_dir] = $bean->id;
                 // if
             // if
         foreach ($toAddresses as $addrMeta) {
             $addr = $addrMeta['email'];
             $beans = $sea->getBeansByEmailAddress($addr);
             foreach ($beans as $bean) {
                 if (!isset($object_arr[$bean->module_dir])) {
                     $object_arr[$bean->module_dir] = $bean->id;
         /* template parsing */
         if (empty($object_arr)) {
             $object_arr = array('Contacts' => '123');
         $object_arr['Users'] = $current_user->id;
         $this->description_html = EmailTemplate::parse_template($this->description_html, $object_arr);
         $this->name = EmailTemplate::parse_template($this->name, $object_arr);
         $this->description = EmailTemplate::parse_template($this->description, $object_arr);
         $this->description = html_entity_decode($this->description, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
         if ($this->type != 'draft' && $this->status != 'draft') {
             $this->id = create_guid();
             $this->date_entered = "";
             $this->new_with_id = true;
             $this->type = 'out';
             $this->status = 'sent';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && empty($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && empty($_REQUEST['parent_id'])) {
         $this->parent_id = "";
         $this->parent_type = "";
     // if
     $mail->Subject = $this->name;
     $mail = $this->handleBody($mail);
     $mail->Subject = $this->name;
     $this->description_html = from_html($this->description_html);
     $this->description_html = $this->decodeDuringSend($this->description_html);
     $this->description = $this->decodeDuringSend($this->description);
     /* from account */
     $replyToAddress = $current_user->emailAddress->getReplyToAddress($current_user);
     $replyToName = "";
     if (empty($request['fromAccount'])) {
         $defaults = $current_user->getPreferredEmail();
         $mail->From = $defaults['email'];
         $mail->FromName = $defaults['name'];
         $replyToName = $mail->FromName;
         //$replyToAddress = $current_user->emailAddress->getReplyToAddress($current_user);
     } else {
         // passed -> user -> system default
         $ie = new InboundEmail();
         $storedOptions = unserialize(base64_decode($ie->stored_options));
         $fromName = "";
         $fromAddress = "";
         $replyToName = "";
         //$replyToAddress = "";
         if (!empty($storedOptions)) {
             $fromAddress = $storedOptions['from_addr'];
             $fromName = from_html($storedOptions['from_name']);
             $replyToAddress = isset($storedOptions['reply_to_addr']) ? $storedOptions['reply_to_addr'] : "";
             $replyToName = isset($storedOptions['reply_to_name']) ? from_html($storedOptions['reply_to_name']) : "";
         // if
         $defaults = $current_user->getPreferredEmail();
         // Personal Account doesn't have reply To Name and Reply To Address. So add those columns on UI
         // After adding remove below code
         // code to remove
         if ($ie->is_personal) {
             if (empty($replyToAddress)) {
                 $replyToAddress = $current_user->emailAddress->getReplyToAddress($current_user);
             // if
             if (empty($replyToName)) {
                 $replyToName = $defaults['name'];
             // if
             //Personal accounts can have a reply_address, which should
             //overwrite the users set default.
             if (!empty($storedOptions['reply_to_addr'])) {
                 $replyToAddress = $storedOptions['reply_to_addr'];
         // end of code to remove
         $mail->From = !empty($fromAddress) ? $fromAddress : $defaults['email'];
         $mail->FromName = !empty($fromName) ? $fromName : $defaults['name'];
         $replyToName = !empty($replyToName) ? $replyToName : $mail->FromName;
     $mail->Sender = $mail->From;
     /* set Return-Path field in header to reduce spam score in emails sent via Sugar's Email module */
     if (!empty($replyToAddress)) {
         $mail->AddReplyTo($replyToAddress, $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($replyToName), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset));
     } else {
         $mail->AddReplyTo($mail->From, $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($mail->FromName), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset));
     // else
     $emailAddressCollection = array();
     // used in linking to beans below
     // handle to/cc/bcc
     foreach ($this->email2ParseAddresses($request['sendTo']) as $addr_arr) {
         if (empty($addr_arr['email'])) {
         if (empty($addr_arr['display'])) {
             $mail->AddAddress($addr_arr['email'], "");
         } else {
             $mail->AddAddress($addr_arr['email'], $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($addr_arr['display']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset));
         $emailAddressCollection[] = $addr_arr['email'];
     foreach ($this->email2ParseAddresses($request['sendCc']) as $addr_arr) {
         if (empty($addr_arr['email'])) {
         if (empty($addr_arr['display'])) {
             $mail->AddCC($addr_arr['email'], "");
         } else {
             $mail->AddCC($addr_arr['email'], $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($addr_arr['display']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset));
         $emailAddressCollection[] = $addr_arr['email'];
     foreach ($this->email2ParseAddresses($request['sendBcc']) as $addr_arr) {
         if (empty($addr_arr['email'])) {
         if (empty($addr_arr['display'])) {
             $mail->AddBCC($addr_arr['email'], "");
         } else {
             $mail->AddBCC($addr_arr['email'], $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($addr_arr['display']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset));
         $emailAddressCollection[] = $addr_arr['email'];
     /* parse remove attachments array */
     $removeAttachments = array();
     if (!empty($request['templateAttachmentsRemove'])) {
         $exRemove = explode("::", $request['templateAttachmentsRemove']);
         foreach ($exRemove as $file) {
             $removeAttachments = substr($file, 0, 36);
     /* handle attachments */
     if (!empty($request['attachments'])) {
         $exAttachments = explode("::", $request['attachments']);
         foreach ($exAttachments as $file) {
             $file = trim(from_html($file));
             $file = str_replace("\\", "", $file);
             if (!empty($file)) {
                 //$fileLocation = $this->et->userCacheDir."/{$file}";
                 $fileGUID = substr($file, 0, 36);
                 $fileLocation = $this->et->userCacheDir . "/{$fileGUID}";
                 $filename = substr($file, 36, strlen($file));
                 // strip GUID	for PHPMailer class to name outbound file
                 $mail->AddAttachment($fileLocation, $filename, 'base64', $this->email2GetMime($fileLocation));
                 //$mail->AddAttachment($fileLocation, $filename, 'base64');
                 // only save attachments if we're archiving or drafting
                 if ($this->type == 'draft' && !empty($this->id) || isset($request['saveToSugar']) && $request['saveToSugar'] == 1) {
                     $note = new Note();
                     $note->id = create_guid();
                     $note->new_with_id = true;
                     // duplicating the note with files
                     $note->parent_id = $this->id;
                     $note->parent_type = $this->module_dir;
                     $note->name = $filename;
                     $note->filename = $filename;
                     $noteFile = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$note->id}";
                     $note->file_mime_type = $this->email2GetMime($fileLocation);
                     if (!copy($fileLocation, $noteFile)) {
                         $GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAIL 2.0: could not copy attachment file to cache/upload [ {$fileLocation} ]");
     /* handle sugar documents */
     if (!empty($request['documents'])) {
         $exDocs = explode("::", $request['documents']);
         foreach ($exDocs as $docId) {
             $docId = trim($docId);
             if (!empty($docId)) {
                 $doc = new Document();
                 $docRev = new DocumentRevision();
                 $filename = $docRev->filename;
                 $fileLocation = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$docRev->id}";
                 $mime_type = $docRev->file_mime_type;
                 $mail->AddAttachment($fileLocation, $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($filename), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset), 'base64', $mime_type);
                 // only save attachments if we're archiving or drafting
                 if ($this->type == 'draft' && !empty($this->id) || isset($request['saveToSugar']) && $request['saveToSugar'] == 1) {
                     $note = new Note();
                     $note->id = create_guid();
                     $note->new_with_id = true;
                     // duplicating the note with files
                     $note->parent_id = $this->id;
                     $note->parent_type = $this->module_dir;
                     $note->name = $filename;
                     $note->filename = $filename;
                     $note->file_mime_type = $mime_type;
                     $noteFile = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$note->id}";
                     if (!copy($fileLocation, $noteFile)) {
                         $GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAIL 2.0: could not copy SugarDocument revision file to {$sugar_config['upload_dir']} [ {$fileLocation} ]");
     /* handle template attachments */
     if (!empty($request['templateAttachments'])) {
         $exNotes = explode("::", $request['templateAttachments']);
         foreach ($exNotes as $noteId) {
             $noteId = trim($noteId);
             if (!empty($noteId)) {
                 $note = new Note();
                 if (!empty($note->id)) {
                     $filename = $note->filename;
                     $fileLocation = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$note->id}";
                     $mime_type = $note->file_mime_type;
                     if (!$note->embed_flag) {
                         $mail->AddAttachment($fileLocation, $filename, 'base64', $mime_type);
                         // only save attachments if we're archiving or drafting
                         if ($this->type == 'draft' && !empty($this->id) || isset($request['saveToSugar']) && $request['saveToSugar'] == 1) {
                             if ($note->parent_id != $this->id) {
                                 $this->saveTempNoteAttachments($filename, $fileLocation, $mime_type);
                         // if
                     // if
                 } else {
                     //$fileLocation = $this->et->userCacheDir."/{$file}";
                     $fileGUID = substr($noteId, 0, 36);
                     $fileLocation = $this->et->userCacheDir . "/{$fileGUID}";
                     //$fileLocation = $this->et->userCacheDir."/{$noteId}";
                     $filename = substr($noteId, 36, strlen($noteId));
                     // strip GUID	for PHPMailer class to name outbound file
                     $mail->AddAttachment($fileLocation, $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($filename), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset), 'base64', $this->email2GetMime($fileLocation));
                     //If we are saving an email we were going to forward we need to save the attachments as well.
                     if ($this->type == 'draft' && !empty($this->id) || isset($request['saveToSugar']) && $request['saveToSugar'] == 1) {
                         $mimeType = $this->email2GetMime($fileLocation);
                         $this->saveTempNoteAttachments($filename, $fileLocation, $mimeType);
                     // if
      * Final Touches
     /* save email to sugar? */
     $forceSave = false;
     if ($this->type == 'draft' && !isset($request['saveDraft'])) {
         // sending a draft email
         $this->type = 'out';
         $this->status = 'sent';
         $forceSave = true;
     } elseif (isset($request['saveDraft'])) {
         $this->type = 'draft';
         $this->status = 'draft';
         $forceSave = true;
      * SEND EMAIL (finally!)
     $mailSent = false;
     if ($this->type != 'draft') {
         $mail->Body = $this->decodeDuringSend($mail->Body);
         $mail->AltBody = $this->decodeDuringSend($mail->AltBody);
         if (!$mail->Send()) {
             $this->status = 'send_error';
             echo $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND'] . $mail->ErrorInfo;
             return false;
     if (!(empty($orignialId) || isset($request['saveDraft']) || $this->type == 'draft' && $this->status == 'draft') && ($_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'reply' || $_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'replyAll' || $_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'replyCase') && $orignialId != $this->id) {
         $originalEmail = new Email();
         $originalEmail->reply_to_status = 1;
         $this->reply_to_status = 0;
     // if
     if ($_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'reply' || $_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'replyCase') {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['ieId']) && isset($_REQUEST['mbox'])) {
             $emailFromIe = new InboundEmail();
             $emailFromIe->mailbox = $_REQUEST['mbox'];
             if (isset($emailFromIe->id) && $emailFromIe->is_personal) {
                 if ($emailFromIe->isPop3Protocol()) {
                     $emailFromIe->mark_answered($this->uid, 'pop3');
                 } elseif ($emailFromIe->connectMailserver() == 'true') {
                     $emailFromIe->markEmails($this->uid, 'answered');
     if ($forceSave || $this->type == 'draft' || isset($request['saveToSugar']) && $request['saveToSugar'] == 1) {
         // saving a draft OR saving a sent email
         $decodedFromName = mb_decode_mimeheader($mail->FromName);
         $this->from_addr = "{$decodedFromName} <{$mail->From}>";
         $this->from_addr_name = $this->from_addr;
         $this->to_addrs = $_REQUEST['sendTo'];
         $this->to_addrs_names = $_REQUEST['sendTo'];
         $this->cc_addrs = $_REQUEST['sendCc'];
         $this->cc_addrs_names = $_REQUEST['sendCc'];
         $this->bcc_addrs = $_REQUEST['sendBcc'];
         $this->bcc_addrs_names = $_REQUEST['sendBcc'];
         $this->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id;
         $this->date_sent = $timedate->now();
         if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && !empty($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['parent_id'])) {
             $this->parent_id = $_REQUEST['parent_id'];
             $this->parent_type = $_REQUEST['parent_type'];
             $q = "SELECT count(*) c FROM emails_beans WHERE  email_id = '{$this->id}' AND bean_id = '{$_REQUEST['parent_id']}' AND bean_module = '{$_REQUEST['parent_type']}'";
             $r = $this->db->query($q);
             $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r);
             if ($a['c'] <= 0) {
                 if (isset($beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']]) && !empty($beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']])) {
                     $className = $beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']];
                     if (isset($beanFiles[$className]) && !empty($beanFiles[$className])) {
                         if (!class_exists($className)) {
                             require_once $beanFiles[$className];
                         $bean = new $className();
                         if ($bean->load_relationship('emails')) {
                         // if
                     // if
                 // if
             // if
         } else {
             if (!class_exists('aCase')) {
             } else {
                 $c = new aCase();
                 if ($caseId = InboundEmail::getCaseIdFromCaseNumber($mail->Subject, $c)) {
                     $this->parent_type = "Cases";
                     $this->parent_id = $caseId;
                 // if
         // else
     if (!empty($request['fromAccount'])) {
         if (isset($ie->id) && !$ie->isPop3Protocol()) {
             $sentFolder = $ie->get_stored_options("sentFolder");
             if (!empty($sentFolder)) {
                 $data = $mail->CreateHeader() . "\r\n" . $mail->CreateBody() . "\r\n";
                 $ie->mailbox = $sentFolder;
                 if ($ie->connectMailserver() == 'true') {
                     $connectString = $ie->getConnectString($ie->getServiceString(), $ie->mailbox);
                     $returnData = imap_append($ie->conn, $connectString, $data, "\\Seen");
                     if (!$returnData) {
                         $GLOBALS['log']->debug("could not copy email to {$ie->mailbox} for {$ie->name}");
                     // if
                 } else {
                     $GLOBALS['log']->debug("could not connect to mail serve for folder {$ie->mailbox} for {$ie->name}");
                 // else
             } else {
                 $GLOBALS['log']->debug("could not copy email to {$ie->mailbox} sent folder as its empty");
             // else
         // if
     // if
     return true;
  * Retrieves an array of I-E beans that the user has team access to including group
 function retrieveAllByGroupIdWithGroupAccounts($id, $includePersonal = true)
     global $current_user;
     $beans = $includePersonal ? $this->retrieveByGroupId($id) : array();
     $teamJoin = '';
     $q = "SELECT DISTINCT inbound_email.id FROM inbound_email {$teamJoin} WHERE is_personal = 0 AND mailbox_type not like 'bounce' AND status = 'Active' AND inbound_email.deleted = 0 ";
     $r = $this->db->query($q, true);
     while ($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
         $found = false;
         foreach ($beans as $bean) {
             if ($bean->id == $a['id']) {
                 $found = true;
         if (!$found) {
             $ie = new InboundEmail();
             $beans[$a['id']] = $ie;
     return $beans;
 * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
 * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for
 * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words
 * "Powered by SugarCRM".
require_once 'include/DetailView/DetailView.php';
require_once 'include/SugarFolders/SugarFolders.php';
global $mod_strings;
global $app_strings;
global $sugar_config;
global $timedate;
global $theme;
/* start standard DetailView layout process */
$GLOBALS['log']->info("InboundEmails DetailView");
$focus = new InboundEmail();
if (empty($focus->id)) {
// if
$detailView = new DetailView();
$offset = 0;
echo get_module_title($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_TITLE'], $mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'] . ": " . $focus->name, true);
/* end standard DetailView layout process */
$exServ = explode('::', $focus->service);
if ($focus->delete_seen == 1) {
    $delete_seen = $mod_strings['LBL_MARK_READ_NO'];
} else {
    $delete_seen = $mod_strings['LBL_MARK_READ_YES'];
                        $bean->importOneEmail($msgNo, $uid);
    header('Location: index.php?module=Emails&action=ListView&type=inbound&assigned_user_id=' . $current_user->id);
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] == 'group') {
    $ie = new InboundEmail();
    // this query only polls Group Inboxes
    $r = $ie->db->query('SELECT inbound_email.id FROM inbound_email JOIN users ON inbound_email.group_id = users.id WHERE inbound_email.deleted=0 AND inbound_email.status = \'Active\' AND mailbox_type != \'bounce\' AND users.deleted = 0 AND users.is_group = 1');
    while ($a = $ie->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
        $ieX = new InboundEmail();
        //$newMsgs = $ieX->getNewMessageIds();
        $newMsgs = array();
        if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
            $newMsgs = $ieX->getPop3NewMessagesToDownload();
        } else {
            $newMsgs = $ieX->getNewMessageIds();
        if (is_array($newMsgs)) {
            foreach ($newMsgs as $k => $msgNo) {
                $uid = $msgNo;
                if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
                    $uid = $ieX->getUIDLForMessage($msgNo);
                } else {
                    $uid = imap_uid($ieX->conn, $msgNo);
  * Returns the HTML for a list of emails in a given folder
  * @param GUID $ieId GUID to InboundEmail instance
  * @param string $mbox Mailbox path name in dot notation
  * @param int $folderListCacheOffset Seconds for valid cache file
  * @return string HTML render of list.
 function getListEmails($ieId, $mbox, $folderListCacheOffset, $forceRefresh = 'false')
     global $sugar_config;
     $ie = new InboundEmail();
     $list = $ie->displayFolderContents($mbox, $forceRefresh);
     return $list;
function pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails()
    Log::info('----->Scheduler job of type pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails()');
    global $dictionary;
    $ie = new InboundEmail();
    $r = $ie->db->query('SELECT id FROM inbound_email WHERE deleted=0 AND status=\'Active\' AND mailbox_type=\'bounce\'');
    while ($a = $ie->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
        $ieX = new InboundEmail();
    return true;
$searchField = !empty($_REQUEST['searchField']) ? $_REQUEST['searchField'] : "";
$multipleString = "multiple=\"true\"";
if (!empty($searchField)) {
    $subdcriptionFolderHelp = "";
    $multipleString = "";
    if ($searchField == 'trash') {
        $title = $mod_strings['LBL_SELECT_TRASH_FOLDERS'];
    } else {
        $title = $mod_strings['LBL_SELECT_SENT_FOLDERS'];
    // else
// else
$ie = new InboundEmail();
if (!empty($_REQUEST['ie_id'])) {
$ie->email_user = $_REQUEST['email_user'];
$ie->server_url = $_REQUEST['server_url'];
$ie->port = $_REQUEST['port'];
$ie->protocol = $_REQUEST['protocol'];
//Bug 23083.Special characters in email password results in IMAP authentication failure
if (!empty($_REQUEST['email_password'])) {
    $ie->email_password = html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['email_password'], ENT_QUOTES);
    $ie->email_password = str_rot13($ie->email_password);
//$ie->mailbox      = $_REQUEST['mailbox'];
$ie->mailbox = 'INBOX';
if ($popupBoolean) {
    $returnArray = $ie->getFoldersListForMailBox();
    $foldersList = $returnArray['foldersList'];
function pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails()
    $GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Scheduler job of type pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails()');
    global $dictionary;
    $ie = new InboundEmail();
    $r = $ie->db->query('SELECT id FROM inbound_email WHERE deleted=0 AND status=\'Active\' AND mailbox_type=\'bounce\'');
    while ($a = $ie->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
        $ieX = new InboundEmail();
        $GLOBALS['log']->info("Bounced campaign scheduler connected to mail server id: {$a['id']} ");
        $newMsgs = array();
        if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
            $newMsgs = $ieX->getPop3NewMessagesToDownload();
        } else {
            $newMsgs = $ieX->getNewMessageIds();
        //$newMsgs = $ieX->getNewMessageIds();
        if (is_array($newMsgs)) {
            foreach ($newMsgs as $k => $msgNo) {
                $uid = $msgNo;
                if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
                    $uid = $ieX->getUIDLForMessage($msgNo);
                } else {
                    $uid = imap_uid($ieX->conn, $msgNo);
                // else
                $GLOBALS['log']->info("Bounced campaign scheduler will import message no: {$msgNo}");
                $ieX->importOneEmail($msgNo, $uid, false, false);
    return true;
function pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails()
    $GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Scheduler job of type pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails()');
    global $dictionary;
    require_once 'modules/InboundEmail/InboundEmail.php';
    $ie = new InboundEmail();
    $r = $ie->db->query('SELECT id FROM inbound_email WHERE deleted=0 AND status=\'Active\' AND mailbox_type=\'bounce\'');
    while ($a = $ie->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
        $ieX = new InboundEmail();
        $newMsgs = $ieX->getNewMessageIds();
        if (is_array($newMsgs)) {
            foreach ($newMsgs as $k => $msgNo) {
    return true;
文件: Save.php 项目: MexinaD/SuiteCRM
 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
 * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
 * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
 * SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
 * reasonably feasible for  technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
 * display the words  "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
require_once 'include/SugarFolders/SugarFolders.php';
global $current_user;
$focus = new InboundEmail();
if (!empty($_REQUEST['record'])) {
} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['origin_id'])) {
foreach ($focus->column_fields as $field) {
    if ($field == 'email_password' && empty($_REQUEST['email_password']) && !empty($_REQUEST['email_user'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST[$field])) {
        if ($field != "group_id") {
            $focus->{$field} = trim($_REQUEST[$field]);
  * Delete this inbound account.
 function _tearDownInboundAccount($inbound_account_id)
     $focus = new InboundEmail();
     $focus->db->query("delete from inbound_email WHERE id = '{$inbound_account_id}'");
function pollMonitoredInboxesCustomAOP()
    $_bck_up = array('team_id' => $GLOBALS['current_user']->team_id, 'team_set_id' => $GLOBALS['current_user']->team_set_id);
    $GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Scheduler fired job of type pollMonitoredInboxesCustomAOP()');
    global $dictionary;
    global $app_strings;
    global $sugar_config;
    require_once 'modules/Configurator/Configurator.php';
    require_once 'modules/Emails/EmailUI.php';
    $ie = new InboundEmail();
    $emailUI = new EmailUI();
    $r = $ie->db->query('SELECT id, name FROM inbound_email WHERE is_personal = 0 AND deleted=0 AND status=\'Active\' AND mailbox_type != \'bounce\'');
    $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Just got Result from get all Inbounds of Inbound Emails');
    while ($a = $ie->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
        $GLOBALS['log']->debug('In while loop of Inbound Emails');
        $ieX = new InboundEmail();
        $GLOBALS['current_user']->team_id = $ieX->team_id;
        $GLOBALS['current_user']->team_set_id = $ieX->team_set_id;
        $mailboxes = $ieX->mailboxarray;
        foreach ($mailboxes as $mbox) {
            $ieX->mailbox = $mbox;
            $newMsgs = array();
            $msgNoToUIDL = array();
            $connectToMailServer = false;
            if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
                $msgNoToUIDL = $ieX->getPop3NewMessagesToDownloadForCron();
                // get all the keys which are msgnos;
                $newMsgs = array_keys($msgNoToUIDL);
            if ($ieX->connectMailserver() == 'true') {
                $connectToMailServer = true;
            // if
            $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Trying to connect to mailserver for [ ' . $a['name'] . ' ]');
            if ($connectToMailServer) {
                $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Connected to mailserver');
                if (!$ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
                    $newMsgs = $ieX->getNewMessageIds();
                if (is_array($newMsgs)) {
                    $current = 1;
                    $total = count($newMsgs);
                    require_once "include/SugarFolders/SugarFolders.php";
                    $sugarFolder = new SugarFolder();
                    $groupFolderId = $ieX->groupfolder_id;
                    $isGroupFolderExists = false;
                    $users = array();
                    if ($groupFolderId != null && $groupFolderId != "") {
                        $isGroupFolderExists = true;
                    // if
                    $messagesToDelete = array();
                    if ($ieX->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase()) {
                        $users[] = $sugarFolder->assign_to_id;
                        $distributionMethod = getDistributionMethod($ieX);
                        if ($distributionMethod == 'singleUser') {
                            $distributionUserId = $sugar_config['aop']['distribution_user_id'];
                        } elseif ($distributionMethod != 'roundRobin') {
                            $counts = $emailUI->getAssignedEmailsCountForUsers($users);
                        } else {
                            $lastRobin = $emailUI->getLastRobin($ieX);
                        $GLOBALS['log']->debug('distribution method id [ ' . $distributionMethod . ' ]');
                    foreach ($newMsgs as $k => $msgNo) {
                        $uid = $msgNo;
                        if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
                            $uid = $msgNoToUIDL[$msgNo];
                        } else {
                            $uid = imap_uid($ieX->conn, $msgNo);
                        // else
                        if ($isGroupFolderExists) {
                            if ($ieX->importOneEmail($msgNo, $uid)) {
                                // add to folder
                                if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
                                    $messagesToDelete[] = $msgNo;
                                } else {
                                    $messagesToDelete[] = $uid;
                                if ($ieX->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase()) {
                                    $userId = "";
                                    if ($distributionMethod == 'singleUser') {
                                        $userId = $distributionUserId;
                                    } elseif ($distributionMethod == 'roundRobin') {
                                        if (sizeof($users) == 1) {
                                            $userId = $users[0];
                                            $lastRobin = $users[0];
                                        } else {
                                            $userIdsKeys = array_flip($users);
                                            // now keys are values
                                            $thisRobinKey = $userIdsKeys[$lastRobin] + 1;
                                            if (!empty($users[$thisRobinKey])) {
                                                $userId = $users[$thisRobinKey];
                                                $lastRobin = $users[$thisRobinKey];
                                            } else {
                                                $userId = $users[0];
                                                $lastRobin = $users[0];
                                        // else
                                    } else {
                                        if (sizeof($users) == 1) {
                                            foreach ($users as $k => $value) {
                                                $userId = $value;
                                            // foreach
                                        } else {
                                            // lowest to highest
                                            $countsKeys = array_flip($counts);
                                            // keys now the 'count of items'
                                            $leastBusy = array_shift($countsKeys);
                                            // user id of lowest item count
                                            $userId = $leastBusy;
                                            $counts[$leastBusy] = $counts[$leastBusy] + 1;
                                    // else
                                    $GLOBALS['log']->debug('userId [ ' . $userId . ' ]');
                                    $ieX->handleCreateCase($ieX->email, $userId);
                                // if
                            // if
                        } else {
                            if ($ieX->isAutoImport()) {
                                $ieX->importOneEmail($msgNo, $uid);
                            } else {
                                /*If the group folder doesn't exist then download only those messages
                                  which has caseid in message*/
                                $ieX->getMessagesInEmailCache($msgNo, $uid);
                                $email = new Email();
                                $header = imap_headerinfo($ieX->conn, $msgNo);
                                $email->name = $ieX->handleMimeHeaderDecode($header->subject);
                                $email->from_addr = $ieX->convertImapToSugarEmailAddress($header->from);
                                $email->reply_to_email = $ieX->convertImapToSugarEmailAddress($header->reply_to);
                                if (!empty($email->reply_to_email)) {
                                    $contactAddr = $email->reply_to_email;
                                } else {
                                    $contactAddr = $email->from_addr;
                                $mailBoxType = $ieX->mailbox_type;
                                $ieX->handleAutoresponse($email, $contactAddr);
                            // else
                        // else
                        $GLOBALS['log']->debug('***** On message [ ' . $current . ' of ' . $total . ' ] *****');
                    // foreach
                    // update Inbound Account with last robin
                    if ($ieX->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase() && $distributionMethod == 'roundRobin') {
                        $emailUI->setLastRobin($ieX, $lastRobin);
                    // if
                // if
                if ($isGroupFolderExists) {
                    $leaveMessagesOnMailServer = $ieX->get_stored_options("leaveMessagesOnMailServer", 0);
                    if (!$leaveMessagesOnMailServer) {
                        if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
                            $ieX->deleteMessageOnMailServerForPop3(implode(",", $messagesToDelete));
                        } else {
                            $ieX->deleteMessageOnMailServer(implode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $messagesToDelete));
            } else {
                $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SCHEDULERS: could not get an IMAP connection resource for ID [ {$a['id']} ]. Skipping mailbox [ {$a['name']} ].");
                // cn: bug 9171 - continue while
            // else
        // foreach
        imap_close($ieX->conn, CL_EXPUNGE);
    // while
    $GLOBALS['current_user']->team_id = $_bck_up['team_id'];
    $GLOBALS['current_user']->team_set_id = $_bck_up['team_set_id'];
    return true;
  * Marks emails with the passed flag type.  This will be applied to local
  * cache files as well as remote emails.
  * @param string $type Flag type
  * @param string $ieId
  * @param string $folder IMAP folder structure or SugarFolder GUID
  * @param string $uids Comma sep list of UIDs or GUIDs
 function markEmails($type, $ieId, $folder, $uids)
     global $app_strings;
     $uids = $this->_cleanUIDList($uids);
     $exUids = explode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $uids);
     if (strpos($folder, 'sugar::') !== false) {
         // Collect message IDs for deleting mails from server
         $messageUIDs = array();
         // dealing with a sugar email object, uids are GUIDs
         foreach ($exUids as $id) {
             $email = BeanFactory::getBean('Emails', $id);
             // BUG FIX BEGIN
             // Bug 50973 - marking unread in group inbox removes message
             if (empty($email->assigned_user_id)) {
             // BUG FIX END
             switch ($type) {
                 case "unread":
                     $email->status = 'unread';
                 case "read":
                     $email->status = 'read';
                 case "deleted":
                     if (!empty($email->message_uid)) {
                         $messageUIDs[] = $email->message_uid;
                 case "flagged":
                     $email->flagged = 1;
                 case "unflagged":
                     $email->flagged = 0;
             // BUG FIX BEGIN
             // Bug 50973 - reset assigned_user_id field defs
             if (empty($email->assigned_user_id)) {
             // BUG FIX END
         // Do only Mail server call, since we have an array of UIDs
         switch ($type) {
             case "deleted":
                 $ieX = new InboundEmail();
                 $ieX->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('groupfolder_id' => $ieId, 'deleted' => 0));
                 if (!empty($ieX->id) && !$ieX->is_personal) {
                     // function retrieve_by_string_fields doesn't decrypt email_password -> call retrieve to do it
                     $ieX->deleteMessageOnMailServer(implode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $messageUIDs));
     } else {
         /* dealing with IMAP email, uids are IMAP uids */
         global $ie;
         // provided by EmailUIAjax.php
         if (empty($ie)) {
             $ie = BeanFactory::getBean('InboundEmail');
             $ie->disable_row_level_security = true;
         $ie->mailbox = $folder;
         // mark cache files
         if ($type == 'deleted') {
         } else {
             $overviews = $ie->getCacheValueForUIDs($ie->mailbox, $exUids);
             $manipulated = array();
             foreach ($overviews['retArr'] as $k => $overview) {
                 if (in_array($overview->uid, $exUids)) {
                     switch ($type) {
                         case "unread":
                             $overview->seen = 0;
                         case "read":
                             $overview->seen = 1;
                         case "flagged":
                             $overview->flagged = 1;
                         case "unflagged":
                             $overview->flagged = 0;
                     $manipulated[] = $overview;
             if (!empty($manipulated)) {
                 $ie->setCacheValue($ie->mailbox, array(), $manipulated);
                 /* now mark emails on email server */
                 $ie->markEmails(implode(",", explode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $uids)), $type);
         // end not type == deleted
  * retrieves an array of I-E beans based on the group_id
  * @param	string	$groupId	GUID of the group user or Individual
  * @return	array	$beans		array of beans
  * @return 	boolean false if none returned
 function retrieveByGroupId($groupId)
     $q = 'SELECT id FROM inbound_email WHERE group_id = \'' . $groupId . '\' AND deleted = 0 AND status = \'Active\'';
     $r = $this->db->query($q);
     $beans = array();
     while ($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
         $ie = new InboundEmail();
         $beans[] = $ie;
     return $beans;
 public function getUserNameFromGroupId($id)
     $inboundEmail = new InboundEmail();
     //test with a invalid group_id
     $inboundEmail->group_id = 2;
     $result = $inboundEmail->getUserNameFromGroupId();
     $this->assertEquals('', $result);
     //test with a valid group_id
     $result = $inboundEmail->getUserNameFromGroupId();
     $this->assertEquals('admin', $result);