  * Given an import data's table name, create a basic mapping data array that has the correct starting
  * elements set as null.  This will ensure the mapping data array is always structured correctly.  Each key
  * will be a column name from the table.  Throws an exception if the table is missing rows.
  * @param string $tableName
  * @return array $mappingData
 public static function makeMappingDataByTableName($tableName)
     $firstRowData = ImportDatabaseUtil::getFirstRowByTableName($tableName);
     if (count($firstRowData) == 1 || count($firstRowData) == 0) {
         throw new NoRowsInTableException();
     //Handle scenario where every column is null. Similiar to scenario below it with no data in file but
     //making a row anyways.
     $allValuesAreNull = true;
     foreach ($firstRowData as $columnName => $value) {
         if ($value != null && $columnName != 'id') {
             $allValuesAreNull = false;
     if ($allValuesAreNull) {
         throw new NoRowsInTableException();
     //handles scenario where there is no data in the file, but because there are a few bytes,
     //it creates a single row.
     if (count($firstRowData) == 2) {
         foreach ($firstRowData as $columnName => $value) {
             if (!in_array($columnName, ImportDatabaseUtil::getReservedColumnNames()) && $value == null) {
                 if (ImportDatabaseUtil::getCount($tableName) == 1) {
                     throw new NoRowsInTableException();
     $mappingData = array();
     foreach ($firstRowData as $columnName => $notUsed) {
         if (!in_array($columnName, ImportDatabaseUtil::getReservedColumnNames())) {
             $mappingData[$columnName] = array('type' => 'importColumn', 'attributeIndexOrDerivedType' => null, 'mappingRulesData' => null);
     return $mappingData;
  * Get the meta data and merge with standard CGridView column elements
  * to create a column array that fits the CGridView columns API
  * @return array
 protected function getCGridViewColumns()
     $columns = array();
     if ($this->rowsAreExpandable()) {
         $firstColumn = array('class' => 'ImportDrillDownColumn', 'id' => $this->gridId . $this->gridIdSuffix . '-rowDrillDown', 'expandableContentType' => static::getExpandableContentType(), 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'hasDrillDownLink'));
         array_push($columns, $firstColumn);
     array_push($columns, $this->resolveSecondColumn());
     $headerRow = ZurmoRedBean::$writer->getFirstRowByTableName($this->dataProvider->getTableName());
     foreach ($headerRow as $columnName => $label) {
         if (!in_array($columnName, ImportDatabaseUtil::getReservedColumnNames()) && $this->mappingData[$columnName]['type'] == 'importColumn' && $this->mappingData[$columnName]['attributeIndexOrDerivedType'] != null) {
             if (!$this->dataProvider->hasHeaderRow()) {
                 $label = static::resolveColumnCountByName($columnName);
             $params = array();
             $columnAdapter = new BeanStringListViewColumnAdapter($columnName, $this, $params);
             $column = $columnAdapter->renderGridViewData();
             $column['header'] = static::resolveHeaderColumnContent($columnName, $label);
             $this->columnLabelsByName[$columnName] = $column['header'];
             if (!isset($column['class'])) {
                 $this->resolveColumnData($column, $columnName);
             array_push($columns, $column);
     return $columns;
 public function actionSampleRow($id)
     $import = Import::getById((int) $_GET['id']);
     $importWizardForm = ImportWizardUtil::makeFormByImport($import);
     $dataProvider = $this->makeDataProviderForSampleRow($import, (bool) $importWizardForm->firstRowIsHeaderRow);
     $data = $dataProvider->getData();
     $renderedContentData = array();
     $pagerUrl = Yii::app()->createUrl('import/default/sampleRow', array('id' => $import->id));
     $headerContent = ImportDataProviderPagerUtil::renderPagerAndHeaderTextContent($dataProvider, $pagerUrl);
     $renderedContentData[MappingFormLayoutUtil::getSampleColumnHeaderId()] = $headerContent;
     foreach ($data as $sampleColumnData) {
         foreach ($sampleColumnData as $columnName => $value) {
             if (!in_array($columnName, ImportDatabaseUtil::getReservedColumnNames())) {
                 $renderedContentData[MappingFormLayoutUtil::resolveSampleColumnIdByColumnName($columnName)] = MappingFormLayoutUtil::renderChoppedStringContent($value);
     echo CJSON::encode($renderedContentData);
     Yii::app()->end(0, false);