 public static function create($fileName, $module = null, $options = array())
     $uti = new ImageUtility($fileName, $module = null, $options);
     if ($uti->getError()) {
         throw new ImageUtilityException($uti->getError());
     return $uti->getObject() ? $uti->getObject() : null;
 public static function make_block9($files, $save, $interlace = null, $jpegQuality = 100)
     if (!(count($files) >= 9)) {
         throw new ImageUtilityException('ImageGdUtility 錯誤!', '參數錯誤,files count:' . count($files), '參數 files 數量一定要大於 9!');
     if (!$save) {
         throw new ImageUtilityException('ImageGdUtility 錯誤!', '錯誤的儲存路徑,save' . $save, '請再次確認儲存路徑!');
     if (!class_exists('ImageUtility')) {
         include_once 'ImageUtility.php';
     $positions = array(array('left' => 2, 'top' => 2, 'width' => 130, 'height' => 130), array('left' => 134, 'top' => 2, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 200, 'top' => 2, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 134, 'top' => 68, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 200, 'top' => 68, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 2, 'top' => 134, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 68, 'top' => 134, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 134, 'top' => 134, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 200, 'top' => 134, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64));
     $image = imagecreatetruecolor(266, 200);
     imagefill($image, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255));
     for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
         imagecopymerge($image, ImageUtility::create($files[$i])->getImage(), $positions[$i]['left'], $positions[$i]['top'], 0, 0, $positions[$i]['width'], $positions[$i]['height'], 100);
     if ($interlace === true) {
         imageinterlace($image, 1);
     } else {
         if ($interlace === false) {
             imageinterlace($image, 0);
     switch (pathinfo($save, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
         case 'jpg':
             return @imagejpeg($image, $save, $jpegQuality);
         case 'gif':
             return @imagegif($image, $save);
         case 'png':
             return @imagepng($image, $save);
 public function make_block9($files, $save = null, $rawData = true)
     if (!(count($files) >= 9)) {
         throw new ImageUtilityException('ImageImagickUtility 錯誤!', '參數錯誤,files count:' . count($files), '參數 files 數量一定要大於 9!');
     if (!$save) {
         throw new ImageUtilityException('ImageImagickUtility 錯誤!', '錯誤的儲存路徑,save' . $save, '請再次確認儲存路徑!');
     $newImage = new Imagick();
     $newImage->newImage(266, 200, new ImagickPixel('white'));
     $newImage->setFormat(pathinfo($save, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     $positions = array(array('left' => 2, 'top' => 2, 'width' => 130, 'height' => 130), array('left' => 134, 'top' => 2, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 200, 'top' => 2, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 134, 'top' => 68, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 200, 'top' => 68, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 2, 'top' => 134, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 68, 'top' => 134, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 134, 'top' => 134, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64), array('left' => 200, 'top' => 134, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64));
     for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
         $newImage->compositeImage(ImageUtility::create($files[$i])->getImage(), imagick::COMPOSITE_DEFAULT, $positions[$i]['left'], $positions[$i]['top']);
     return $newImage->writeImages($save, $rawData);
 protected function calcImageSizeStrict($oldDimension, $newDimension)
     $newSize = ImageUtility::createDimension($newDimension['width'], $newDimension['height']);
     if ($newDimension['width'] >= $newDimension['height']) {
         if ($oldDimension['width'] > $oldDimension['height']) {
             $newSize = $this->calcHeight($oldDimension, $newDimension);
             if ($newSize['width'] < $newDimension['width']) {
                 $newSize = $this->calcWidth($oldDimension, $newDimension);
         } else {
             if ($oldDimension['height'] >= $oldDimension['width']) {
                 $newSize = $this->calcWidth($oldDimension, $newDimension);
                 if ($newSize['height'] < $newDimension['height']) {
                     $newSize = $this->calcHeight($oldDimension, $newDimension);
     } else {
         if ($newDimension['height'] > $newDimension['width']) {
             if ($oldDimension['width'] >= $oldDimension['height']) {
                 $newSize = $this->calcWidth($oldDimension, $newDimension);
                 if ($newSize['height'] < $newDimension['height']) {
                     $newSize = $this->calcHeight($oldDimension, $newDimension);
             } else {
                 if ($oldDimension['height'] > $oldDimension['width']) {
                     $newSize = $this->calcHeight($oldDimension, $newDimension);
                     if ($newSize['width'] < $newDimension['width']) {
                         $newSize = $this->calcWidth($oldDimension, $newDimension);
     return $newSize;
 public function save_as($key, $version)
     if ($this->error) {
         return $this->getDebug() ? call_user_func_array('error', $this->error) : array();
     if (!($key && $version)) {
         return $this->getDebug() ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', '參數錯誤,請檢查 save_as 函式參數!', '請程式設計者確認狀況!') : array();
     if (!($versions = ($versions = $this->getVersions()) ? $versions : $this->configs['default_version'])) {
         return $this->getDebug() ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', 'Versions 格式錯誤,請檢查 getVersions () 或者 default_version!', '預設值 default_version 請檢查 config/system/orm_uploader.php 設定檔!') : array();
     if (in_array($key, $keys = array_keys($versions))) {
         return $this->getDebug() ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', '已經有相符合的 key 名稱,key:' . $key, '目前的 key 有:' . implode(', ', $keys)) : array();
     switch ($this->getDriver()) {
         case 'local':
             foreach ($versions as $ori_key => $ori_version) {
                 if (is_readable(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ori_path = array_merge($this->getBaseDirectory(), $this->getSavePath(), array($ori_key . $this->configs['separate_symbol'] . ($name = $this->getValue())))))) {
             if (!$ori_path) {
                 return $this->getDebug() ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', '沒有任何的檔案可以被使用!', '請確認 getVersions () 函式內有存在的檔案可被另存!', '請程式設計者確認狀況!') : array();
             if (!file_exists(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path = array_merge($this->getBaseDirectory(), $this->getSavePath())))) {
                 $oldmask = umask(0);
                 @mkdir(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), 0777, true);
             if (!is_writable(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path))) {
                 return $this->getDebug() ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', '資料夾不能儲存!路徑:' . $path, '請程式設計者確認狀況!') : '';
             try {
                 $image = ImageUtility::create(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ori_path), null);
                 $path = array_merge($path, array($key . $this->configs['separate_symbol'] . $name));
                 if ($this->_utility($image, FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), $key, $version)) {
                     return $path;
                 } else {
                     return array();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 return $this->getDebug() ? call_user_func_array('error', $e->getMessages()) : '';
         case 's3':
             if (!@S3::getObject($this->getS3Bucket(), implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array_merge($path = array_merge($this->getBaseDirectory(), $this->getSavePath()), array($fileName = array_shift(array_keys($versions)) . $this->configs['separate_symbol'] . ($name = $this->getValue())))), FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileName = array_merge($this->getTempDirectory(), array($fileName))))) {
                 return $this->getDebug() ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', '沒有任何的檔案可以被使用!', '請確認 getVersions () 函式內有存在的檔案可被另存!', '請程式設計者確認狀況!') : array();
             try {
                 $image = ImageUtility::create($fileName = FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileName), null);
                 $newPath = array_merge($path, array($newName = $key . $this->configs['separate_symbol'] . $name));
                 if ($this->_utility($image, FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $newFileName = array_merge($this->getTempDirectory(), array($newName))), $key, $version) && S3::putObjectFile($newFileName = FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $newFileName), $this->getS3Bucket(), implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $newPath), S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ, array(), array('Cache-Control' => 'max-age=315360000', 'Expires' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', strtotime('+5 years')))) && @unlink($newFileName) && @unlink($fileName)) {
                     return $newPath;
                 } else {
                     return array();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 return $this->getDebug() ? call_user_func_array('error', $e->getMessages()) : '';
     return $this->getDebug() ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', '未知的 driver,系統尚未支援 ' . $this->getDriver() . ' 的空間!', '請檢查 config/system/orm_uploader.php 設定檔!') : array();
  * Resize an image 
 function resize(&$src, &$dest, $dest_width, $dest_height, $src_width, $src_height)
     ImageUtility::copyResampled($src, $dest, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dest_width, $dest_width, $src_width, $src_height);
  * Return the mime type of the image associated with this ImageInfo object
 function mimeType()
     $ret = ImageUtility::imageTypeToMimeType($this->type);
     return $ret;
 public function save_as($key, $version)
     if ($this->error) {
         return $this->configs['debug'] ? call_user_func_array('error', $this->error) : array();
     if (!($key && $version)) {
         return $this->configs['debug'] ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', '參數錯誤,請檢查 save_as 函式參數!', '請程式設計者確認狀況!') : array();
     if (!($versions = ($versions = $this->getVersions()) ? $versions : $this->configs['default_version'])) {
         return $this->configs['debug'] ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', 'Versions 格式錯誤,請檢查 getVersions () 或者 default_version!', '預設值 default_version 請檢查 config/system/orm_image_uploader.php 設定檔!') : array();
     switch ($this->configs['bucket']) {
         case 'local':
             if (in_array($key, array_keys($versions))) {
                 return is_readable(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ori_path = array_merge($this->configs['base_directory'][$this->configs['bucket']], $this->getSavePath(), array($key . $this->configs['separate_symbol'] . (string) $this)))) ? $ori_path : '';
             foreach ($versions as $ori_key => $ori_version) {
                 if (is_readable(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ori_path = array_merge($this->configs['base_directory'][$this->configs['bucket']], $this->getSavePath(), array($ori_key . $this->configs['separate_symbol'] . ($name = (string) $this)))))) {
             if (!$ori_path) {
                 return $this->configs['debug'] ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', '沒有任何的檔案可以被使用!', '請確認 getVersions () 函式內有存在的檔案可被另存!', '請程式設計者確認狀況!') : array();
             if (!file_exists(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path = array_merge($this->configs['base_directory'][$this->configs['bucket']], $this->getSavePath())))) {
                 $oldmask = umask(0);
                 @mkdir(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), 0777, true);
             if (!is_writable(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path))) {
                 return $this->configs['debug'] ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', '資料夾不能儲存!路徑:' . $path, '請程式設計者確認狀況!') : '';
             try {
                 $image = ImageUtility::create(FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ori_path), null);
                 $path = array_merge($path, array($key . $this->configs['separate_symbol'] . $name));
                 if ($this->_utility($image, FCPATH . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), $key, $version)) {
                     return $path;
                 } else {
                     return array();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 return $this->configs['debug'] ? call_user_func_array('error', $e->getMessages()) : '';
     return $this->configs['debug'] ? error('OrmImageUploader 錯誤!', '未知的 bucket,系統尚未支援' . $this->configs['bucket'] . ' 的空間!', '請檢查 config/system/orm_image_uploader.php 設定檔!') : '';
  * Write an image to an output path
 function write($image, $output_path, $quality = 100)
     switch ($this->info->imageType()) {
         case Image::GIF:
             ImageUtility::jpeg($image, $output_path, $quality);
         case Image::JPEG:
             ImageUtility::jpeg($image, $output_path, $quality);
         case Image::PNG:
             ImageUtility::png($image, $output_path);
             ImageUtility::jpeg($image, $output_path, $quality);