 public function execute()
     $title = $this->getOption('title');
     $dryRun = true;
     # don't store results in database
     $this->output("Parsing '" . $title . "'...");
     $time = microtime(true);
     $title = Title::newFromText($title);
     if (!$title->exists()) {
         $this->error('Given title does not exist', 1);
     $article = new Article($title);
     $images = ImageServingHelper::buildAndGetIndex($article, false, $dryRun);
     $time = microtime(true) - $time;
     $this->output(" done in " . round($time, 4) . " sec\n");
     $this->output("\nImages found: " . count($images) . "\n\n");
     $this->output(implode("\n", $images) . "\n");
     // get filtered list of images
     global $wgAllowMemcacheReads;
     $wgAllowMemcacheReads = false;
     $im = new ImageServing(array($title->getArticleID()), 32, 32);
     $ret = $im->getImages(20);
     $images = reset($ret);
     $this->output("\nImages list as returned by ImageServing (min size: 32x32 px):\n");
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         $this->output("* {$image['name']}\n");
  * test function ImageServingHelper::buildIndex
  * This test assumes that:
  *  - "Main Page" article
  *  - "Wiki-wordmark.png" image
  *  - "FireflyLogo-NoBackground.png" image
  * exist on a wiki this test is run for
  * @see ImageServingHelper::buildIndex
  * @dataProvider buildIndexProvider
 public function testBuildIndex($wikitext, $expectedImages)
     $title = Title::newFromText('Main Page');
     $article = new Article($title);
     // mock article's content
     $article->mContent = $wikitext;
     $article->mContentLoaded = true;
     // disable access to the database
     $this->getMethodMock('DatabaseMysql', 'replace');
     $this->getMethodMock('Database', 'delete');
     // mock wgTitle needed by RedirectsService
     $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgTitle', $title);
     $images = ImageServingHelper::buildAndGetIndex($article);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedImages, $images, 'List of images matches expected ones');
require "commandLine.inc";
if (isset($options['help'])) {
    die("indexer for blog listing pages");
$db = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE, array());
 * first time it run only count on pages and then it run this script with param -do and list 
 * it is hack for problem with memory leak from parser 
if (!empty($options['do']) && $options['do'] == 1) {
    $pages = explode(",", $options['list']);
    foreach ($pages as $value) {
        $qArticle = Article::newFromID(trim($value));
        $wgTitle = $qArticle->getTitle();
        //title for parser
        ImageServingHelper::buildAndGetIndex($qArticle, true);
if (!isset($options['force'])) {
    if (WikiFactory::getVarValueByName("wgImagesIndexed", $wgCityId)) {
        echo "This wiki is already indexed change wgImagesIndexed to false to reindex\n";
if (empty($options['do']) || $options['do'] != 1) {
    $res = $db->select(array('imagelinks'), array('il_from,il_to,count(*) as cnt'), array("il_from in (select il_from from image inner join imagelinks where  img_media_type != 'VIDEO' and il_to = img_name and il_from not in (select page_id from page_wikia_props))"), __METHOD__, array("GROUP BY" => "il_from", "HAVING" => "cnt = 1"));
    echo "Indexing one count pages\n";
    while ($row = $db->fetchRow($res)) {
        ImageServingHelper::buildIndex($row['il_from'], array($row['il_to']));