crop() public method

public crop ( $top_x, $top_y, $bottom_x, $bottom_y )
		static public function imageResize($fname,$width,$height) {
			$i = new Image( $fname );
			if( $owhr==$twhr )	{
				$i->resize( $width,$height );
			}	elseif( $owhr>$twhr )	{
				$i->resizeToHeight( $height );
				$i->crop( ($i->getWidth()-$width)/2, 0, $width, $height);
			}	else	{
				$i->resizeToWidth( $width );
				$i->crop( 0, ($i->getHeight()-$height)/2, $width, $height);
 public function run()
     $rootPath = Yii::app()->getBasePath() . '/..';
     $fullpath = $rootPath . '/uploads/tmp/' . Yii::app()->request->getPost('im');
     if (file_exists($fullpath)) {
         $image = new Image($fullpath);
         $image->crop(Yii::app()->request->getPost('w'), Yii::app()->request->getPost('h'), Yii::app()->request->getPost('y'), Yii::app()->request->getPost('x'));
         echo Yii::app()->request->getPost('imbox');
 public function process($args)
     // get top/left crop offsets from query string (center is default)
     $top = Input::instance()->get('ctop', 'center');
     $left = Input::instance()->get('cleft', 'center');
     // ensure the values are valid
     $top = (is_numeric($top) or $top == 'top' or $top == 'center' or $top == 'bottom') ? $top : 'center';
     $left = (is_numeric($left) or $left == 'left' or $left == 'center' or $left == 'right') ? $left : 'center';
     // $rotate = Input::instance()->get('rotate');
     $flip = Input::instance()->get('flip');
     $flips = array('h' => 5, 'v' => 6);
     if (isset($this->row->preview_id) and $this->row->preview_id > 0) {
         $this->row = $this->row->preview;
     if ($this->row->is_image) {
         $image = new Image(DATAPATH . 'uploads/' . $this->row->file_name);
         // if (!is_null($rotate) AND is_numeric($rotate)) { $image->rotate( (int) $rotate ); }
         if (!is_null($flip) and isset($flips[$flip])) {
         $a = $image->width;
         $b = $image->height;
         if ($a != $args[0] or $b != $args[1]) {
             $s = $args[0] - $a;
             $t = $args[1] - $b;
             $r = max(($a + $s) / $a, ($b + $t) / $b);
             $x = $a * $r;
             $y = $b * $r;
             if (!is_numeric($args[0])) {
                 die('invalid width: ' . $args[0]);
             if (!is_numeric($args[1])) {
                 die('invalid height: ' . $args[1]);
             // $image->quality(75);
             $image->resize($x, $y, Image::NONE);
             $image->crop($args[0], $args[1], $top, $left);
         $uniqid = '/tmp/temp_image-' . uniqid() . $this->row->file_ext;
         // Save to a temporary file
         $border = Input::instance()->get('border', FALSE);
         if ($border) {
             $color = Input::instance()->get('bordercolor', null);
             $this->addborder($border, $color);
 public function doCrop($input)
     if (!$this->api->authorized()) {
         return array('error' => 'not_logged_in');
     $title = $input->title;
     $response = $this->api->getImageInfo($title);
     if ($response === false) {
         die('File was not found');
     $sha1 = $response->imageinfo[0]->sha1;
     $ext = $this->getFileExt($response->imageinfo[0]->mime);
     $srcPath = $this->publicPath . '/files/' . $sha1 . $ext;
     $destPath = $this->publicPath . '/files/' . $sha1 . '_cropped' . $ext;
     $new_width = intval($input->w);
     $new_height = intval($input->h);
     $new_x = intval($input->x);
     $new_y = intval($input->y);
     $cropMethod = $input->cropmethod;
     if ($response->imageinfo[0]->mime == 'image/gif') {
         $cropMethod = 'gif';
     $image = new Image($srcPath, $response->imageinfo[0]->mime);
     $s1 = array($image->width, $image->height);
     try {
         $res = $image->crop($cropMethod, $destPath, $new_x, $new_y, $new_width, $new_height);
     } catch (CropFailed $error) {
         return array('error' => 'Crop failed: ' . $error->getMessage());
     $s2 = array($res['width'], $res['height']);
     // Make thumb
     $image = new Image($destPath, $response->imageinfo[0]->mime);
     $res['thumb'] = $image->thumb($this->publicPath . '/files/' . $sha1 . '_cropped_thumb' . $ext);
     $dim = array();
     if ($s1[0] != $s2[0]) {
         $cropPercentX = round(($s1[0] - $s2[0]) / $s1[0] * 100);
         $dim[] = ($cropPercentX ?: ' < 1') . ' % horizontally';
     if ($s1[1] != $s2[1]) {
         $cropPercentY = round(($s1[1] - $s2[1]) / $s1[1] * 100);
         $dim[] = ($cropPercentY ?: ' < 1') . ' % vertically';
     $using = 'using [[Commons:CropTool|CropTool]] with ' . $res['method'] . ' mode.';
     $res['dim'] = implode(' and ', $dim) . ' ' . $using;
     $res['page'] = $this->analyzePage($title);
     $this->logger->addInfo('[main] ' . substr($sha1, 0, 7) . ' Did crop using method: ' . $cm);
     return $res;
 public function cropResize($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $w, $h)
     if (!$this->id) {
         return null;
     $path = $this->getResizePath($w, $h);
     if (file_exists($this->getPath())) {
         $image = new Image($this->getPath());
         $image->crop($x2 - $x1, $y2 - $y1, $y1, $x1);
         $image->resize($w, $h);
         if (!file_exists(dirname($path))) {
             mkdir(dirname($path), 0777, true);
     return $this->getResizeUrl($w, $h);
 function saveChanges()
     $_POST->setType('filename', 'string');
     $_POST->setType('cropimgx', 'numeric');
     $_POST->setType('cropimgy', 'numeric');
     $_POST->setType('cropimgw', 'numeric');
     $_POST->setType('cropimgh', 'numeric');
     $_REQUEST->setType('mkcopy', 'string');
     if ($_REQUEST['filename']) {
         if ($_REQUEST['mkcopy']) {
             if ($_POST['filename'] != $this->basename && $_POST['filename']) {
                 if (!file_exists($this->dirname . '/' . $_POST['filename'])) {
                     $p = $this->dirname . '/' . $_POST['filename'];
                 } else {
                     Flash::queue(__('File exists. Please give another name or delete the conflicting file. Your changes were not saved.'), 'warning');
             } else {
                 $nrofcopies = count(glob(substr($this->path, 0, -(strlen($this->extension) + 1)) . '_copy*'));
                 if ($nrofcopies == 0) {
                     $nrofcopies = '';
                 $p = substr($this->path, 0, -(strlen($this->extension) + 1)) . '_copy' . ($nrofcopies + 1) . substr($this->path, -(strlen($this->extension) + 1));
             $copy = File::open($p);
         } else {
             if ($_POST['filename'] != $this->basename) {
             $p = $this->path;
             $img = new Image($this->path);
             if ($_POST['cropimgw'] && $_POST['cropimgh']) {
                 $width = $img->width();
                 $s = $width / min($width, 400);
                 $img->crop(round($s * $_POST['cropimgx']), round($s * $_POST['cropimgy']), round($s * $_POST['cropimgw']), round($s * $_POST['cropimgh']));
             if ($_REQUEST['imgrot']) {
             Flash::queue(__('Your changes were saved'));
 public function add()
     $user = User_Model::current();
     if ($post = $this->input->post('project')) {
         if (!$user->loaded) {
             return $this->template->content = 'You need to be logged in';
         $project = ORM::factory('project');
         $validation = Projects_utils::projects_add_validation($post);
         if (!$project->validate($validation, true)) {
             return $this->template->content = Kohana::debug($validation->errors());
         $post_user_data = $this->input->post('user');
         if (empty($post_user_data['role'])) {
             return $this->template->content = 'What was your role?!';
         $project->add_user_roles(array($user->id => $post_user_data['role']));
         if (!empty($_FILES)) {
             $image_file = $_FILES['screenshot'];
             if (!$image_file['error']) {
                 $image = new Image($image_file['tmp_name']);
                 if ($image->width > 547) {
                     $image->resize(547, null);
                 $image->save(DOCROOT . '/media/project-images/' . $project->id . '.jpg');
             $image_file = $_FILES['logo'];
             if (!$image_file['error']) {
                 $image = new Image($image_file['tmp_name']);
                 if ($image->width > 60) {
                     $image->resize(90, 90, Image::AUTO);
                 $image->crop(60, 60, 'center')->save(DOCROOT . '/media/project-images/' . $project->id . '-tiny.jpg');
         return url::redirect($project->local_url);
     } else {
         $this->template->content = new View('projects/add');
         $this->template->content->project_types = Projects_utils::get_project_types_dropdown_array();
         $this->template->content->user = $user;
 public function run()
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         $im = Yii::app()->request->getPost('im');
         $inbase = ProductsImages::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $im), 'uploaded_by=' . Yii::app()->user->id);
         if (!$inbase) {
             throw new CHttpException(404, 'Ошибка.');
             return true;
         $rootPath = Yii::app()->getBasePath() . '/..';
         $fullpath = $rootPath . '/uploads/obj/' . $im;
         if (file_exists($fullpath)) {
             $image = new Image($fullpath);
             $image->crop(Yii::app()->request->getPost('w'), Yii::app()->request->getPost('h'), Yii::app()->request->getPost('y'), Yii::app()->request->getPost('x'));
             echo Yii::app()->request->getPost('imbox');
 public function run()
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         $im = Yii::app()->request->getPost('im');
         $imbox = Yii::app()->request->getPost('imbox');
         $inbase = Shops::model()->findByAttributes(array($imbox => $im), 'real_admin=' . Yii::app()->user->id);
         $shop = new Shops();
         if (!$inbase) {
             throw new CHttpException(404, 'Ошибка.');
             return true;
         $rootPath = Yii::app()->getBasePath() . '/..';
         $fullpath = $rootPath . '/uploads/shops/' . $inbase->id . '/photos/' . $im;
         if (file_exists($fullpath)) {
             $image = new Image($fullpath);
             $image->crop(Yii::app()->request->getPost('w'), Yii::app()->request->getPost('h'), Yii::app()->request->getPost('y'), Yii::app()->request->getPost('x'));
             MCleaner::cleanTempImg($im, 'shop');
             $inbase->getUrl('220x114', 'resize', false, $im);
             echo Yii::app()->request->getPost('imbox');
 if (empty($originalImage)) {
     $originalImage = $_POST['path'];
 include_once CLASS_IMAGE;
 $image = new Image();
 if ($image->loadImage($originalImage)) {
     switch ($_POST['mode']) {
         case "resize":
             if (!$image->resize($_POST['width'], $_POST['height'], !empty($_POST['constraint']) ? true : false)) {
                 $error = IMG_SAVE_RESIZE_FAILED;
         case "crop":
             if (!$image->crop($_POST['x'], $_POST['y'], $_POST['width'], $_POST['height'])) {
                 $error = IMG_SAVE_CROP_FAILED;
         case "flip":
             if (!$image->flip($_POST['flip_angle'])) {
                 $error = IMG_SAVE_FLIP_FAILED;
         case "rotate":
             if (!$image->rotate(intval($_POST['angle']))) {
                 $error = IMG_SAVE_ROTATE_FAILED;
             $error = IMG_SAVE_UNKNOWN_MODE;
 function resizeImages($file, $directoryExtend, $watermark = '', $watermarkOver = 0, $watermarkPosition = '')
     if (trim($file) == '') {
         return false;
     if (is_array($this->photoSizes)) {
         require_once ENGINE_PATH . 'classes/image.class.php';
         $image = new Image();
         if ($watermark != '') {
             require_once ENGINE_PATH . 'classes/watermark.class.php';
             $wm = new watermark(DATA_SERVER_PATH . 'images/' . $watermark, $watermarkPosition);
         recursive_mkdir(DATA_SERVER_PATH . "/uploads/" . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $directoryExtend);
         foreach ($this->photoSizes as $key => $size) {
             $image->enlarge = true;
             $resize = false;
             if (substr($size, 0, 1) == '_') {
                 $resize = true;
                 $size = substr($size, 1);
             $sizes = explode('x', $size);
             if ($sizes[0] > 0) {
                 if ($sizes[1] == 0) {
                     $image->resize(DATA_SERVER_PATH . "/uploads/" . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $directoryExtend . $file, $sizes[0], 1000, DATA_SERVER_PATH . "/uploads/" . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $directoryExtend . $key . '_' . $file);
                 } else {
                     if ($resize) {
                         $image->enlarge = false;
                         $image->resize(DATA_SERVER_PATH . "/uploads/" . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $directoryExtend . $file, $sizes[0], $sizes[1], DATA_SERVER_PATH . "/uploads/" . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $directoryExtend . $key . '_' . $file);
                     } else {
                         $image->crop(DATA_SERVER_PATH . "/uploads/" . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $directoryExtend . $file, $sizes[0], $sizes[1], DATA_SERVER_PATH . "/uploads/" . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $directoryExtend . $key . '_' . $file);
                 if ($watermark != '' && $watermarkOver <= $sizes[1]) {
                     $wm->addWatermark(DATA_SERVER_PATH . "/uploads/" . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $directoryExtend . $key . '_' . $file);
     return true;
define('CARD_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/card');
define('SOURCE_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/source');
define('SPOIL_CARD', '_');
define('WIDTH', 140);
define('HEIGHT', 105);
$cutRange = [[248, 270], [248, 540], [248, 810], [248, 1080], [1323, 270], [1323, 540], [1323, 810], [1323, 1080]];
$images = ['img51.jpg', 'img54.jpg', 'img57.jpg', 'img60.jpg', 'img63.jpg'];
$cardnum = [0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 14, 16, 19, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 27, 31, 33, 35, 36, 21, 32, 30, 34, 0, 0];
$count = 0;
foreach ($images as $imgname) {
    foreach ($cutRange as $r) {
        list($x, $y) = $r;
        $thumb = new Image(SOURCE_DIR . '/' . $imgname);
        $thumb->crop($x, $y);
        $name = $cardnum[$count++];
        $thumb->name($name == 0 ? SPOIL_CARD : $name);
// 消費財
$thumb = new Image(SOURCE_DIR . '/' . 'img63.jpg');
$thumb->crop(1323, 1110);
unlink(CARD_DIR . '/' . SPOIL_CARD . '.jpg');
 private function manipulate($file, $options)
     // validate options
     $targetFolder = $options['folder'];
     $fileName = $options['fileName'];
     // path for new image
     $path = $this->getAbsolutePath($targetFolder, $fileName);
     if ($this->mkdir && !file_exists(dirname($path))) {
         mkdir(dirname($path), 0777, true);
     // image copy if should not be resized
     if (isset($options['resize']) && !$options['resize']) {
         copy($file->getTempName(), $path);
     // width and hight for new image
     $targetWidth = $options['width'];
     $targetHeight = $options['height'];
     // width and hight of uploaded image
     list($uploadedWidth, $uploadedHeight) = getimagesize($file->getTempName());
     // image copy if should not be resized
     if (isset($options['smartResize']) && !$options['smartResize']) {
         // if needed image more than uploaded image then nothing change
         if ($targetWidth > $uploadedWidth && $targetHeight > $uploadedHeight) {
             copy($file->getTempName(), $path);
         } else {
             // get image for manipulate from temp folder
             $image = new Image($file->getTempName());
             // manipulate
             $image->resize($targetWidth, $targetHeight, Image::AUTO)->sharpen(1)->quality(95)->save($path);
     // relation of side uploaded and new image
     $uploadedRatio = $uploadedWidth / $uploadedHeight;
     $targetRatio = $targetWidth / $targetHeight;
     // compare the relation and calculate coordinates for clipping
     if ($uploadedRatio > $targetRatio) {
         $cropHeight = $uploadedHeight;
         $cropWidth = $uploadedHeight * $targetRatio;
         $cropLeft = ($uploadedWidth - $uploadedHeight * $targetRatio) * 0.5;
         $cropTop = 0;
     } else {
         $cropHeight = $uploadedWidth / $targetRatio;
         $cropWidth = $uploadedWidth;
         $cropLeft = 0;
         $cropTop = ($uploadedHeight - $uploadedWidth / $targetRatio) * 0.2;
     // get image for manipulate from temp folder
     $image = new Image($file->getTempName());
     // manipulate
     $image->crop($cropWidth, $cropHeight, $cropTop, $cropLeft)->resize($targetWidth, $targetHeight, Image::NONE)->sharpen(1)->quality(95)->save($path);
 protected function insertImage($id, $values)
     $request = Request::getInstance();
     // get settings
     $calSettings = $this->plugin->getObject(Calendar::TYPE_SETTINGS);
     $globalSettings = $this->plugin->getSettings();
     $settings = array_merge($globalSettings, $calSettings->getSettings($values['tree_id'], $values['tag']));
     $destWidth = $settings['image_width'];
     $destHeight = $settings['image_height'];
     $maxWidth = $settings['image_max_width'];
     // user global if tree values are not set
     if (!$destWidth) {
         $destWidth = $globalSettings['image_width'];
     if (!$destHeight) {
         $destHeight = $globalSettings['image_height'];
     if (!$maxWidth) {
         $maxWidth = $globalSettings['image_max_width'];
     $imgX = $values['img_x'];
     $imgY = $values['img_y'];
     $path = $this->plugin->getContentPath(true);
     $filename = strtolower($this->getClassName()) . "_" . $id['id'];
     // check if image is uploaded
     $img = $values['image'];
     $upload = is_array($img) && $img['tmp_name'];
     if ($upload) {
         // image is new uploaded image
         $image = new Image($img);
         $imgWidth = $image->getWidth();
         $imgHeight = $image->getHeight();
         $ext = Utils::getExtension($img['name']);
         $originalFile = "{$filename}.{$ext}";
         $croppedFile = $filename . "_thumb.{$ext}";
         // delete current image if filename new filename is different
         $detail = $this->getDetail($id);
         if ($detail['image'] && $detail['image'] != $originalFile) {
         // resize original image. (increase size if necessary)
         if ($maxWidth > 0 && $imgWidth > $maxWidth) {
         } elseif ($imgWidth < $destWidth || $imgHeight < $destHeight) {
             if ($image->getWidth() < $destWidth) {
                 $image->resize($destWidth, 0, true);
             if ($image->getHeight() < $destHeight) {
                 $image->resize(0, $destHeight, true);
         $image->save($path . $originalFile);
     } else {
         // no image provided. check if one exists
         $detail = $this->getDetail($id);
         if (!$detail['image']) {
         // get original image
         $image = new Image($detail['image'], $this->plugin->getContentPath(true));
         $ext = Utils::getExtension($detail['image']);
         $originalFile = "{$filename}.{$ext}";
         $croppedFile = $filename . "_thumb.{$ext}";
     // only crop if both width and height settings are set and image is big enough, else do a resize
     if ($destWidth && $destHeight) {
         // crop image
         if ($upload) {
             // calculate area of crop field
             // first assume width is smalles side
             $newWidth = $image->getWidth();
             $newHeight = $newWidth / $destWidth * $destHeight;
             if ($newHeight > $image->getHeight()) {
                 // width was larger than height, so use height as smallest side
                 $newHeight = $image->getHeight();
                 $newWidth = $newHeight / $destHeight * $destWidth;
             // center crop area
             $imgX = intval($image->getWidth() / 2 - $newWidth / 2);
             $imgY = intval($image->getHeight() / 2 - $newHeight / 2);
         } else {
             $newWidth = $values['img_width'];
             $newHeight = $values['img_height'];
         // crop image
         $image->crop($imgX, $imgY, $newWidth, $newHeight, $destWidth, $destHeight);
         // save cropped and overlayed image
         $image->save($path . $croppedFile);
     } else {
         // resize image
         $image->resize($destWidth, $destHeight);
         $newWidth = $image->getWidth();
         $newHeight = $image->getHeight();
         $image->save($path . $croppedFile);
     $db = $this->getDb();
     $query = sprintf("update calendar set cal_image= '%s', cal_thumbnail = '%s', cal_img_x = %d, cal_img_y = %d, cal_img_width = %d, cal_img_height = %d where cal_id = %d", addslashes($originalFile), addslashes($croppedFile), $imgX, $imgY, $newWidth, $newHeight, $id['id']);
     $res = $db->query($query);
     if ($db->isError($res)) {
         throw new Exception($res->getDebugInfo());
 public function edit($id)
     global $mysql, $langArray;
     if (!isset($_POST['name']) || trim($_POST['name']) == '') {
         $error['name'] = $langArray['error_fill_this_field'];
     if (!isset($_POST['description']) || trim($_POST['description']) == '') {
         $error['description'] = $langArray['error_fill_this_field'];
     if (isset($error)) {
         return $error;
     $photo = $this->upload('photo', '', false);
     if (substr($photo, 0, 6) == 'error_') {
         $error['photo'] = $langArray[$photo];
     if (isset($error)) {
         return $error;
     $setQuery = '';
     if ($photo != '' || isset($_POST['deletePhoto'])) {
     if ($photo != '') {
         $setQuery .= " `photo` = '" . sql_quote($photo) . "', ";
     if (!isset($_POST['visible'])) {
         $_POST['visible'] = 'false';
     if ($photo) {
         require_once ENGINE_PATH . '/classes/image.class.php';
         $imageClass = new Image();
         if (!file_exists(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . '/260x140/')) {
             mkdir(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . '/260x140/', 0777, true);
         if (!file_exists(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . '/192x64/')) {
             mkdir(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . '/192x64/', 0777, true);
         $imageClass->crop(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $photo, 260, 140, DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . '/260x140/' . $photo);
         $imageClass->crop(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $photo, 260, 140, DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . '/192x64/' . $photo);
     $mysql->query("\n\t\t\tUPDATE `qnews`\n\t\t\tSET `name` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['name']) . "',\n\t\t\t    `description` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['description']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t`url` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['url']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t{$setQuery}\n\t\t\t\t\t`visible` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['visible']) . "'\n\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '" . intval($id) . "'\n\t\t", __FUNCTION__);
     return true;
 function design($images, $border = '', $effect = '', $saveDir = '', $copyLast = false, $output = 'data')
     $id = isset($images[0]['design']) && $images[0]['design'] ? $images[0]['design'] : mt_rand();
     $color = strlen($images[0]['color']) == 7 ? substr($images[0]['color'], 1) : $images[0]['color'];
     $new_image = ($saveDir ? $saveDir : 'cache/') . 'Design-' . $id . '.png';
     $path = '';
     $directories = explode('/', dirname(str_replace('../', '', $new_image)));
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         $path = $path . '/' . $directory;
         if (!file_exists(DIR_IMAGE . $path)) {
             @mkdir(DIR_IMAGE . $path, 0777);
     $image = new Image(DIR_IMAGE . $images[0]['src']);
     $width = $images[0]['width'];
     $height = $images[0]['height'];
     $image->resize($width, $height, '', $color);
     if ($images[0]['rotation']) {
         $image->rotate($images[0]['rotation'] * -1);
         $rotate = $images[0]['rotation'];
     // Look for image Mask, to trim stuff outside the target area.
     $imagesrc = substr($images[0]['src'], 0, -4) . '-' . $images[0]['rotation'] . substr($images[0]['src'], -4);
     if (file_exists(DIR_IMAGE . $imagesrc)) {
         $images[0]['width'] = $image->getInfo('width');
         $images[0]['height'] = $image->getInfo('height');
         $images[0]['mask'] = 1;
         $images[0]['src'] = $imagesrc;
         $images[0]['rotation'] = 0;
     if ($copyLast || isset($images[0]['mask'])) {
         // Cover the top of the image with the base image
         $images[0]['left'] = $images[0]['top'] = 0;
         $images[] = $images[0];
     foreach ($images as $i => $img) {
         $image_temp = new Image(DIR_IMAGE . $img['src']);
         $size = isset($img['size']) && $img['size'] ? $img['size'] / 100 : 1;
         if ($img['type'] != 'text') {
             if (isset($images[$i]['crop']) && strpos($images[$i]['crop'], '/')) {
                 $crop = explode('/', $images[$i]['crop']);
                 $ratio = isset($crop[4]) ? $image_temp->getInfo('width') > $image_temp->getInfo('height') ? $image_temp->getInfo('width') / $crop[4] : $image_temp->getInfo('height') / $crop[4] : 1;
                 $image_temp->crop($crop[0] * $ratio, $crop[1] * $ratio, $crop[2] * $ratio, $crop[3] * $ratio);
             $image_temp->resize($img['width'] * $size, $img['height'] * $size, isset($img['mask']) ? '' : $effect);
             if ($img['rotation']) {
                 $image_temp->rotate($img['rotation'] * -1);
         } else {
             $image_temp->text($img['src'], $img['font'], DESIGN_TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE * $size, DESIGN_FONT_COLOR, '', $img['rotation'] * -1);
         $imgLeft = isset($img['left']) ? (int) $img['left'] : 0;
         $imgTop = isset($img['top']) ? (int) $img['top'] : 0;
         $opacity = $img['type'] != 'mainProduct' ? 80 : 100;
         $image->merge($image_temp->getResource(), $imgLeft, $imgTop, $opacity);
     /*if ($rotate) {
     		$cx = $image->getInfo('width')/2;
     		$cy = $image->getInfo('height')/2;
     		$image->crop($cx - ($width/2),$cy - ($height/2), $cx + ($width/2),$cy + ($height/2));
     $width = $image->getInfo('width');
     $height = $image->getInfo('height');
     $image->resize($width, $height, $border, $color);
     if ($output == 'data') {
         return $image->getData(DIR_IMAGE . $new_image);
     } else {
         $image->save(DIR_IMAGE . $new_image);
         if ($this->request->server['HTTPS']) {
             return $this->config->get('config_ssl') . 'image/' . $new_image;
         } else {
             return $this->config->get('config_url') . 'image/' . $new_image;
  * crop image
  * @return void
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public function crop()
     // get top/left crop offsets from query string (center is default)
     $top = Input::instance()->get('ctop', 'center');
     $left = Input::instance()->get('cleft', 'center');
     // ensure the values are valid
     $top = (is_numeric($top) or $top == 'top' or $top == 'center' or $top == 'bottom') ? $top : 'center';
     $left = (is_numeric($left) or $left == 'left' or $left == 'center' or $left == 'right') ? $left : 'center';
     // $rotate = Input::instance()->get('rotate');
     $flip = Input::instance()->get('flip');
     $flips = array('h' => 5, 'v' => 6);
     $args = array_slice(Kohana::instance()->uri->segment_array(), 2);
     $row = $this->get_image_row($args[2]);
     if (isset($row->preview_id) and $row->preview_id > 0) {
         $row = $row->preview;
     if ($row->is_image) {
         $image = new Image(DATAPATH . 'uploads/' . $row->file_name);
         // if(!is_null($rotate) && is_numeric($rotate)) { $image->rotate( (int) $rotate ); }
         if (!is_null($flip) and isset($flips[$flip])) {
         $a = $image->width;
         $b = $image->height;
         if ($a != $args[0] or $b != $args[1]) {
             $s = $args[0] - $a;
             $t = $args[1] - $b;
             $r = max(($a + $s) / $a, ($b + $t) / $b);
             $x = $a * $r;
             $y = $b * $r;
             if (!is_numeric($args[0])) {
                 die('invalid width: ' . $args[0]);
             if (!is_numeric($args[1])) {
                 die('invalid height: ' . $args[1]);
             // $image->quality(75);
             $image->resize($x, $y, Image::NONE);
             $image->crop($args[0], $args[1], $top, $left);
         if (!$this->use_cache) {
         if ($this->border !== FALSE) {
             $row->full_path = $this->cache_path;
         } else {
             // save the image to the cache, set the file path to the cache path
             $row->full_path = $this->cache_path;
     $this->render($row->full_path, null, $row->orig_name);
文件: Media.php 项目: Fyr/frtm
  * Uploades media file into auto-created folder
  * @param array $data - array. Must contain elements: 'media_type', 'object_type', 'object_id', 'tmp_name', 'file', 'ext'
  *                      tmp_name - temp file to rename to media folders
  *                      real_name - if image is relocated or copied
  *                      file.ext - final name of file
 public function uploadMedia($data)
     $id = $this->id;
     // Create folders if not exists
     $path = $this->PHMedia->getTypePath($object_type);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         mkdir($path, self::MKDIR_MODE);
     $path = $this->PHMedia->getPagePath($object_type, $id);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         mkdir($path, self::MKDIR_MODE);
     $path = $this->PHMedia->getPath($object_type, $id);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         mkdir($path, self::MKDIR_MODE);
     if (isset($real_name)) {
         // if image is simply relocated
         copy($real_name, $path . $file . $ext);
         $res = false;
     } else {
         // image was uploaded
         // TODO: handle rename error
         $res = rename($tmp_name, $path . $file . $ext);
     if ($res) {
         // remove auto-thumb
         $path = pathinfo($tmp_name);
         @unlink($path['dirname'] . '/thumbnail/' . $path['basename']);
     if (!isset($media_type) || $media_type == 'image') {
         // Save original image resolution and file size
         $file = $this->PHMedia->getFileName($object_type, $id, null, $file . $ext);
         App::uses('Image', 'Media.Vendor');
         $image = new Image();
         $this->save(array('id' => $id, 'orig_w' => $image->getSizeX(), 'orig_h' => $image->getSizeY(), 'orig_fsize' => filesize($file)));
         if ($crop) {
             //prepare thumb for future operations
             list($x, $y, $sizeX, $sizeY) = explode(',', $crop);
             $image->crop($x, $y, $sizeX, $sizeY);
             $image->outputPng($this->PHMedia->getFileName($object_type, $id, null, 'thumb.png'));
         // Set main image if it was first image
         $this->initMain($object_type, $object_id);
     return $id;
  * Uploades media file into auto-created folder
  * @param array $data - array. Must contain elements: 'media_type', 'object_type', 'object_id', 'tmp_name', 'file', 'ext'
  *                      tmp_name - temp file to rename to media folders
  *                      real_name - if image is relocated or copied
  *                      file.ext - final name of file
 public function uploadMedia($data)
     $id = $this->id;
     App::uses('CakeSession', 'Model/Datasource');
     $user_id = CakeSession::read('');
     // Create folders if not exists
     $path = $this->PHMedia->getTypePath($object_type);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         mkdir($path, self::MKDIR_MODE);
         chmod($path, self::MKDIR_MODE);
     $path = $this->PHMedia->getPagePath($object_type, $id);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         mkdir($path, self::MKDIR_MODE);
         chmod($path, self::MKDIR_MODE);
     $path = $this->PHMedia->getPath($object_type, $id);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         mkdir($path, self::MKDIR_MODE);
         chmod($path, self::MKDIR_MODE);
     $filepath = $path;
     if (isset($real_name)) {
         // if image is simply relocated
         copy($real_name, $path . $file . $ext);
         $res = false;
     } else {
         // image was uploaded
         // TODO: handle rename error
         $res = rename($tmp_name, $path . $file . $ext);
     $file_size = filesize($path . $file . $ext);
     if ($res) {
         // remove auto-thumb
         $path = pathinfo($tmp_name);
         @unlink($path['dirname'] . '/thumbnail/' . $path['basename']);
     if (!isset($media_type) || $media_type == 'image') {
         // Save original image resolution and file size
         $file = $this->PHMedia->getFileName($object_type, $id, null, $file . $ext);
         App::uses('Image', 'Media.Vendor');
         $image = new Image();
         $this->save(array('id' => $id, 'orig_w' => $image->getSizeX(), 'orig_h' => $image->getSizeY(), 'orig_fsize' => $file_size));
         $this->updateStorageData($user_id, $object_type, $file_size);
         if (isset($crop) and $crop) {
             //prepare thumb for future operations
             list($x, $y, $sizeX, $sizeY) = explode(',', $crop);
             $image->crop($x, $y, $sizeX, $sizeY);
             $image->outputPng($this->PHMedia->getFileName($object_type, $id, null, 'thumb.png'));
         // Set main image if it was first image
         $this->initMain($object_type, $object_id);
     } else {
         if ('video' == $media_type) {
             /** @var QueuedTask $QueuedTask */
             $QueuedTask = ClassRegistry::init('Queue.QueuedTask');
             //480 x 360 (360p)
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo360mp4', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 480, 'height' => 360, 'media_id' => $id));
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo360ogg', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 480, 'height' => 360, 'media_id' => $id));
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo360webm', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 480, 'height' => 360, 'media_id' => $id));
             //858 x 480 (480p)
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo480mp4', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 858, 'height' => 480, 'media_id' => $id));
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo480ogg', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 858, 'height' => 480, 'media_id' => $id));
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo480webm', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 858, 'height' => 480, 'media_id' => $id));
             //1280 x 720 (720p)
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo720mp4', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 1280, 'height' => 720, 'media_id' => $id));
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo720ogg', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 1280, 'height' => 720, 'media_id' => $id));
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo720webm', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 1280, 'height' => 720, 'media_id' => $id));
             //1920 x 1080 (1080p)
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo1080mp4', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 1920, 'height' => 1080, 'media_id' => $id));
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo1080ogg', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 1920, 'height' => 1080, 'media_id' => $id));
             $QueuedTask->createJob('ConvertVideo1080webm', array('filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $file, 'ext' => $ext, 'width' => 1920, 'height' => 1080, 'media_id' => $id));
         $data = array('id' => $id, 'orig_fsize' => $file_size);
         $this->updateStorageData($user_id, $object_type, $file_size);
     return $id;
  * Creates new user photos in various sizes of a user, or deletes user photos.
  * Note: This method relies on configuration setting from main/inc/conf/profile.conf.php
  * @param   int $user_id The user internal identification number.
  * @param   string $file The common file name for the newly created photos.
  *                       It will be checked and modified for compatibility with the file system.
  *                       If full name is provided, path component is ignored.
  *                       If an empty name is provided, then old user photos are deleted only,
  * @see     UserManager::delete_user_picture() as the prefered way for deletion.
  * @param   string $source_file The full system name of the image from which user photos will be created.
  * @param   string $cropParameters Optional string that contents "x,y,width,height" of a cropped image format
  * @return  string/bool Returns the resulting common file name of created images which usually should be stored in database.
  * When deletion is requested returns empty string. In case of internal error or negative validation returns FALSE.
 public static function update_user_picture($user_id, $file = null, $source_file = null, $cropParameters)
     if (empty($user_id)) {
         return false;
     $delete = empty($file);
     if (empty($source_file)) {
         $source_file = $file;
     // User-reserved directory where photos have to be placed.
     $path_info = self::get_user_picture_path_by_id($user_id, 'system');
     $path = $path_info['dir'];
     // If this directory does not exist - we create it.
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         mkdir($path, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories(), true);
     // The old photos (if any).
     $old_file = $path_info['file'];
     // Let us delete them.
     if (!empty($old_file)) {
             $prefix = 'saved_' . date('Y_m_d_H_i_s') . '_' . uniqid('') . '_';
             @rename($path . 'small_' . $old_file, $path . $prefix . 'small_' . $old_file);
             @rename($path . 'medium_' . $old_file, $path . $prefix . 'medium_' . $old_file);
             @rename($path . 'big_' . $old_file, $path . $prefix . 'big_' . $old_file);
             @rename($path . $old_file, $path . $prefix . $old_file);
         } else {
             @unlink($path . 'small_' . $old_file);
             @unlink($path . 'medium_' . $old_file);
             @unlink($path . 'big_' . $old_file);
             @unlink($path . $old_file);
     // Exit if only deletion has been requested. Return an empty picture name.
     if ($delete) {
         return '';
     // Validation 2.
     $allowed_types = api_get_supported_image_extensions();
     $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file);
     $filename = ($pos = strrpos($file, '/')) !== false ? substr($file, $pos + 1) : $file;
     $extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1));
     if (!in_array($extension, $allowed_types)) {
         return false;
     // This is the common name for the new photos.
     if (KEEP_THE_NAME_WHEN_CHANGE_IMAGE && !empty($old_file)) {
         $old_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($old_file, '.'), 1));
         $filename = in_array($old_extension, $allowed_types) ? substr($old_file, 0, -strlen($old_extension)) : $old_file;
         $filename = substr($filename, -1) == '.' ? $filename . $extension : $filename . '.' . $extension;
     } else {
         $filename = api_replace_dangerous_char($filename);
             $filename = uniqid('') . '_' . $filename;
         // We always prefix user photos with user ids, so on setting
         // api_get_setting('split_users_upload_directory') === 'true'
         // the correspondent directories to be found successfully.
         $filename = $user_id . '_' . $filename;
     //Crop the image to adjust 1:1 ratio
     $image = new Image($source_file);
     // Storing the new photos in 4 versions with various sizes.
     $small = new Image($source_file);
     $small->send_image($path . 'small_' . $filename);
     $medium = new Image($source_file);
     $medium->send_image($path . 'medium_' . $filename);
     $normal = new Image($source_file);
     $normal->send_image($path . $filename);
     $big = new Image($source_file);
     // This is the original picture.
     $big->send_image($path . 'big_' . $filename);
     $result = $small && $medium && $normal && $big;
     return $result ? $filename : false;
 public function edit($id)
     global $mysql;
     if (!isset($_POST['name']) || trim($_POST['name']) == '') {
         $_POST['name'] = 'Bookmark Collection';
     if (!isset($_POST['description'])) {
         $_POST['description'] = '';
     if (!isset($_POST['publically_visible'])) {
         $_POST['publically_visible'] = 'false';
     } else {
         $_POST['publically_visible'] = 'true';
     $setQuery = '';
     $photo = $this->upload('file_upload', '', false);
     if (substr($photo, 0, 6) == 'error_') {
         $photo = '';
     if ($photo != '') {
         $setQuery = " `photo` = '" . sql_quote($photo) . "', ";
     $mysql->query("\n\t\t\tUPDATE `collections`\n\t\t\tSET `name` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['name']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t`text` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['description']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t{$setQuery}\n\t\t\t\t\t`public` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['publically_visible']) . "'\n\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '" . intval($id) . "'\n\t\t");
     if ($photo != '') {
         require_once ENGINE_PATH . '/classes/image.class.php';
         $imageClass = new Image();
         $imageClass->crop(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $photo, 260, 140);
     return true;
 public function edit($id, $fromAdmin = false)
     global $mysql, $langArray, $attributes;
     $item_info = $this->get($id);
     $user_id = $_SESSION['user']['user_id'];
     if (!$user_id) {
         return false;
     $temporary_dir = DATA_SERVER_PATH . 'uploads/temporary/' . $user_id . '/';
     if (!isset($_POST['description']) || trim($_POST['description']) == '') {
         $error['description'] = $langArray['error_not_set_description'];
     if ($fromAdmin && (!isset($_POST['price']) || trim($_POST['price']) == '' || $_POST['price'] == '0')) {
         $error['price'] = $langArray['error_not_set_price'];
     if (isset($_POST['demo_url']) && trim($_POST['demo_url']) && filter_var($_POST['demo_url'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) {
         $error['demo_url'] = $langArray['error_demo_url'];
     if (!isset($_POST['category'])) {
         $error['category'] = $langArray['error_not_set_category'];
     } elseif (!is_numeric($_POST['category']) && !is_array($_POST['category'])) {
         $error['category'] = $langArray['error_not_set_category'];
     if (!isset($_POST['tags']) || empty($_POST['tags'])) {
         $error['tags_features'] = $langArray['error_not_set_tags'];
     } else {
         $tags_data = explode(',', $_POST['tags']);
         if (count($tags_data) > 6) {
             $error['tags_features'] = $langArray['error_not_set_tags_tomore'];
     $edit_file_num = 0;
     if (file_exists($temporary_dir . $_POST['thumbnail']) || file_exists($temporary_dir . $_POST['first_preview']) || file_exists($temporary_dir . $_POST['main_file'])) {
     $theme_preview_arr = explode(',', $_POST['theme_preview']);
     foreach ($theme_preview_arr as $file_exis) {
         if (file_exists($temporary_dir . $file_exis)) {
     if ($item_info['status'] != 'active' && $edit_file_num > 0) {
         $error['file_status_error'] = $langArray['file_status_error'];
     if (isset($_POST['thumbnail']) && trim($_POST['thumbnail']) != '') {
         $file = pathinfo($_POST['thumbnail']);
         if (!in_array(strtolower($file['extension']), $this->support_format(1))) {
             $error['thumbnail'] = $langArray['error_thumbnail_jpg'];
     // (预览图)
     if (isset($_POST['theme_preview'])) {
         $theme_preview_arr = explode(',', $_POST['theme_preview']);
         if (!isset($theme_preview_arr) || !is_array($theme_preview_arr)) {
             $error['theme_preview'] = $langArray['error_not_set_theme_preview'];
         } else {
             foreach ($theme_preview_arr as $theme_f) {
                 $theme_file = pathinfo($theme_f);
                 if (!in_array(strtolower($theme_file['extension']), $this->support_format(0))) {
                     $error['theme_preview'] = $langArray['error_theme_preview_jpg'];
     // (封面)
     if (isset($_POST['first_preview']) && trim($_POST['first_preview']) != '') {
         $file = pathinfo($_POST['first_preview']);
         if (!in_array(strtolower($file['extension']), $this->support_format(0))) {
             $error['first_preview'] = $langArray['error_theme_preview_jpg'];
     // (主程序包)
     if (isset($_POST['main_file']) && trim($_POST['main_file']) != '') {
         $file = pathinfo($_POST['main_file']);
         if (strtolower($file['extension']) != 'zip') {
             $error['main_file'] = $langArray['error_main_file_zip'];
     if (is_array($attributes)) {
         $attributesError = false;
         foreach ($attributes as $a) {
             if (!isset($_POST['attributes'][$a['id']])) {
                 $attributesError = true;
         if ($attributesError) {
             $error['attributes'] = $langArray['error_set_all_attributes'];
     if (isset($error)) {
         return $error;
     $setQuery = '';
     if ($fromAdmin) {
         $setQuery .= " `price` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['price']) . "', ";
         if (isset($_POST['free_file'])) {
             $setQuery .= " `free_file` = 'true', ";
         if (isset($_POST['weekly_to']) && trim($_POST['weekly_to']) != '') {
             $setQuery .= " `weekly_to` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['weekly_to']) . "', ";
     if (!isset($_POST['demo_url'])) {
         $_POST['demo_url'] = '';
     if (!isset($_POST['free_request'])) {
         $_POST['free_request'] = 'false';
     $mysql->query("\n\t\t\tUPDATE `items`\n\t\t\tSET `description` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['description']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t`free_request` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['free_request']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t{$setQuery}\n\t\t\t\t\t`demo_url` = '" . sql_quote($_POST['demo_url']) . "'\n\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '" . intval($id) . "'\n\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t");
     require_once ROOT_PATH . '/apps/categories/models/categories.class.php';
     $categoriesClass = new categories();
     $allCategories = $categoriesClass->getAll();
     $mysql->query("DELETE FROM `items_to_category` WHERE `item_id` = '" . intval($id) . "'");
     if (is_array($_POST['category'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['category'] as $category_id) {
             $categories = $categoriesClass->getCategoryParents($allCategories, $category_id);
             $categories = explode(',', $categories);
             $categories = array_reverse($categories);
             $categories = ',' . implode(',', $categories) . ',';
             $mysql->query("\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO `items_to_category` (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`item_id`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`categories`\n\t\t\t\t\t) \n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . intval($id) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . sql_quote($categories) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t");
     } else {
         $categories = $categoriesClass->getCategoryParents($allCategories, $_POST['category']);
         $categories = explode(',', $categories);
         $categories = array_reverse($categories);
         $categories = ',' . implode(',', $categories) . ',';
         $mysql->query("\n\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO `items_to_category` (\n\t\t\t\t\t`item_id`,\n\t\t\t\t\t`categories`\n\t\t\t\t) \n\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . intval($id) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . sql_quote($categories) . "'\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t");
     $mysql->query("\n\t\t\tDELETE FROM `items_attributes`\n\t\t\tWHERE `item_id` = '" . intval($id) . "'\n\t\t");
     $_POST['attributes'] = (array) (isset($_POST['attributes']) ? $_POST['attributes'] : array());
     foreach ($_POST['attributes'] as $cID => $a) {
         if (is_array($a)) {
             foreach ($a as $ai) {
                 if (!trim($ai)) {
                 $mysql->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO `items_attributes` (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`item_id`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`attribute_id`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`category_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . intval($id) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . sql_quote($ai) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . sql_quote($cID) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t");
         } else {
             if (!trim($a)) {
             $mysql->query("\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO `items_attributes` (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`item_id`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`attribute_id`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`category_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . intval($id) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . sql_quote($a) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . sql_quote($cID) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t");
     if ($fromAdmin) {
         if (isset($_POST['free_file'])) {
             $this->addUserStatus($id, 'freefile');
             $mysql->query("\n\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE `items`\n\t\t\t\t\tSET `free_file` = 'true'\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '" . intval($id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t\t\t");
         } else {
             $mysql->query("\n\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE `items`\n\t\t\t\t\tSET `free_file` = 'false'\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '" . intval($id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t\t\t");
         if (isset($_POST['weekly_to']) && trim($_POST['weekly_to']) != '') {
             $this->addUserStatus($id, 'featured');
         $key_num = 0;
         $setQuery_e = '';
         if (isset($_POST['thumbnail']) && trim($_POST['thumbnail']) != '' && file_exists($temporary_dir . $_POST['thumbnail'])) {
             $thumbnail_is = $this->is_edit_item_file($id);
             $path_file_name = pathinfo($thumbnail_is['thumbnail']);
             if ($_POST['thumbnail'] != $path_file_name['basename']) {
                 unlink(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $id . '/' . $path_file_name['basename']);
                 require_once ENGINE_PATH . '/classes/image.class.php';
                 $imageClass = new Image();
                 $temporary_thumbnail_file = $temporary_dir . $_POST['thumbnail'];
                 $imageClass->crop($temporary_thumbnail_file, 90, 90);
                 copy($temporary_thumbnail_file, DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $id . '/' . $_POST['thumbnail']);
                 $setQuery_e .= ", `thumbnail` = '" . $_POST['thumbnail'] . "'";
         $theme_preview_arr = explode(',', $_POST['theme_preview']);
         if (isset($theme_preview_arr) && is_array($theme_preview_arr)) {
             $all_preview = $this->get_theme_preview($id);
             $all_preview_dir = array();
             foreach ($all_preview as $pre) {
                 $view = pathinfo($pre['dir']);
                 $all_preview_dir[] = $view['basename'];
                 if (!in_array($view['basename'], $theme_preview_arr)) {
                     unlink(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $id . '/preview/' . $view['basename']);
             foreach ($theme_preview_arr as $post_theme_file) {
                 if (!in_array($post_theme_file, $all_preview_dir)) {
                     copy($temporary_dir . $post_theme_file, DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $id . '/preview/' . $post_theme_file);
                     @unlink($temporary_dir . $post_theme_file);
                     $this->save_theme_preview($id, DATA_SERVER . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $id . '/preview/' . $post_theme_file);
         if (isset($_POST['first_preview']) && trim($_POST['first_preview']) != '' && file_exists($temporary_dir . $_POST['first_preview'])) {
             $first_preview_is = $this->is_edit_item_file($id);
             $path_first_file_name = pathinfo($first_preview_is['theme_preview']);
             if ($_POST['first_preview'] != $path_first_file_name['basename']) {
                 $temporary_first_preview_file = $temporary_dir . $_POST['first_preview'];
                 unlink(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $id . '/' . $path_first_file_name['basename']);
                 copy($temporary_first_preview_file, DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $id . '/' . $_POST['first_preview']);
                 $setQuery_e .= ", `theme_preview` = '" . $_POST['first_preview'] . "'";
         if (isset($_POST['main_file']) && trim($_POST['main_file']) != '' && file_exists($temporary_dir . $_POST['main_file'])) {
             $main_file_is = $this->is_edit_item_file($id);
             $path_first_file_name = pathinfo($main_file_is['main_file']);
             if ($_POST['main_file'] != $path_first_file_name['basename']) {
                 unlink(DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $id . '/' . $path_first_file_name['basename']);
                 $temporary_main_file = $temporary_dir . $_POST['main_file'];
                 copy($temporary_main_file, DATA_SERVER_PATH . '/uploads/' . $this->uploadFileDirectory . $id . '/' . $_POST['main_file']);
                 $setQuery_e .= ", `main_file` = '" . $_POST['main_file'] . "'";
                 //                $setQuery_e .= ", `main_file_name` = '".sql_quote($_SESSION['temp']['edit_item']['main_file_name'])."' ";
     if ($key_num > 0) {
         $mysql->query("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE `items`\n\t\t\t\tSET `status` = 'queue' {$setQuery_e}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '" . intval($id) . "'\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t\t");
     //编辑推荐标签(删除原有 然后新增)
     require_once ROOT_PATH . '/apps/tags/models/tags.class.php';
     $tags = new tags();
     $tags_data = explode(',', $_POST['tags']);
     $tag_arr = array();
     foreach ($tags_data as $val) {
         $tags->add_tags(array('item_id' => $id, 'tag_id' => $val));
     return true;
  * Update course picture
  * @param   string  Course code
  * @param   string  File name
  * @param   string  The full system name of the image from which course picture will be created.
  * @param   string $cropParameters Optional string that contents "x,y,width,height" of a cropped image format
  * @return  bool    Returns the resulting. In case of internal error or negative validation returns FALSE.
 public static function update_course_picture($course_code, $filename, $source_file = null, $cropParameters = null)
     $course_info = api_get_course_info($course_code);
     // course path
     $store_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $course_info['path'];
     // image name for courses
     $course_image = $store_path . '/course-pic.png';
     $course_medium_image = $store_path . '/course-pic85x85.png';
     if (file_exists($course_image)) {
     if (file_exists($course_medium_image)) {
     //Crop the image to adjust 4:3 ratio
     $image = new Image($source_file);
     //Resize the images in two formats
     $medium = new Image($source_file);
     $medium->send_image($course_medium_image, -1, 'png');
     $normal = new Image($source_file);
     $normal->send_image($course_image, -1, 'png');
     $result = $medium && $normal;
     return $result ? $result : false;
 public function portrait($arrFiles, $quality, $sharpen, $imgWidth, $thWidth)
     foreach ($arrFiles as $file) {
         $image = new Image($this->path->tmp . $file);
         $imageWidth = $image->width;
         $imageHeight = $image->height;
         //set maximum height of thumbnail
         $thHeight = $thWidth / $this->conf->ratioThumb;
         if ($imageWidth < $thWidth) {
             //image  width is smaller than thumbnail width
             $thWidth = $imageWidth;
         //will use image  width as thumbnail width
         if ($imageWidth < $imgWidth) {
             //image  width is smaller than pop-up image width
             $imgWidth = $imageWidth;
         //will use image  width as pop-up width
         //create pop-up image
         //if image width is smaller than thumbnail width we don't resize it
         //image width is bigger than pop-up image width, need resize
         if ($imageWidth > $imgWidth) {
             $image->resize($imgWidth, NULL)->quality($quality)->sharpen($sharpen);
         //save pop-up image
         $image->save($this->path->images . $file, 0666, false);
         //create thumbnail
         //if image width and height is smaller than thumbnail width and height we don't resize it
         //image width or height is bigger than thumbnail width or height
         if ($imageWidth > $thWidth || $imageHeight > $thHeight) {
             // 				if($imageWidth >= $imageHeight)//landscape or square image
             // 					$image->resize($thWidth, $thHeight, Image::HEIGHT);
             // 				//portrait
             // 				if($imageWidth < $imageHeight)
             $image->resize($thWidth, $thHeight, Image::HEIGHT);
             $image->crop($thWidth, $thHeight, 'center')->quality($quality)->sharpen($sharpen);
         //save thumbnail
         $image->save($this->path->thumbnails . $file, 0666, false);
文件: pi.image.php 项目: nob/joi
 private function generate_style($file, $dim, $quality)
     $file_name = basename($file);
     $dir = dirname($file);
     $new_file = "_cache/" . $dir . "/" . $this->url_safe($dim) . "-" . $file_name;
     if (!File::exists($file)) {
         return null;
     if (!File::exists($new_file) || File::isNewer($file, $new_file)) {
         if (!is_dir(dirname($new_file))) {
             mkdir(dirname($new_file), 0777, true);
         $image = new Image($file);
         $resize = true;
         list($width, $height, $fix, $crop, $vh) = $this->parse_dim($dim);
         if ($fix) {
             $dimension = Image::NONE;
         } else {
             $dimension = Image::WIDTH;
             $wd = $image->width - $width;
             $hd = $image->height - $height;
             $pp = $image->width / $image->height * $hd;
             if ($vh) {
                 if ($vh == 'v') {
                     $dimension = Image::HEIGHT;
                     if (abs($wd) < abs($hd)) {
                         $crop = true;
                 } elseif ($vh == 'h') {
                     $dimension = Image::WIDTH;
                     if ($wd < 0) {
                         //$resize = false;
                     } else {
             } else {
                 if ($crop) {
                     if ($wd >= $hd && $pp < $wd || $wd < 1 && $pp < $wd) {
                         $dimension = Image::HEIGHT;
                 } else {
                     if ($wd <= $hd && $pp > $wd || $wd > 1 && $pp > $wd) {
                         $dimension = Image::HEIGHT;
         if ($resize) {
             $image->resize($width, $height, $dimension);
         if ($crop) {
             $image->crop($width, $height, null);
         $image->save($new_file, $quality);
     $info = getimagesize($new_file);
     $ret = array();
     $ret['width'] = $info[0];
     $ret['height'] = $info[1];
     $ret['url'] = "/" . $new_file;
     #backwards compatibility
     $ret['image_url'] = $ret['url'];
     return $ret;
  * Crops image.
  * @param  int  x-coordinate
  * @param  int  y-coordinate
  * @param  int  width
  * @param  int  height
  * @return ImageMagick  provides a fluent interface
 public function crop($left, $top, $width, $height)
     if ($this->file === NULL) {
         return parent::crop($left, $top, $width, $height);
     $left = max(0, (int) $left);
     $top = max(0, (int) $top);
     $width = min((int) $width, $this->getWidth() - $left);
     $height = min((int) $height, $this->getHeight() - $top);
     $this->execute("convert -crop {$width}x{$height}+{$left}+{$top} -strip %input %output", self::PNG);
     return $this;
 public function save_crop($apikey, $params)
     if (!isset($params[1])) {
         return 'Invalid Parameters';
     $img_path = t_paths::image($apikey) . "/full_{$this->image}";
     $image = new Image($img_path);
     $width = $image->__get('width');
     $height = $image->__get('height');
     # Make thumbnail from supplied post params.
     $size = 125;
     $thumb_path = t_paths::image($apikey) . "/{$this->image}";
     $image->crop($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], $params[3])->resize($size, $size)->save($thumb_path);
     return 'Image saved!';
  * create a cropped image ( do size first, then crop )
  * @param string $field 
  * @return void
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public static function crop($field = false)
     $sa = array_reverse(URI::instance()->segment_array());
     $image = $sa[0];
     $h = $sa[1];
     $w = $sa[2];
     $top = Input::instance()->get('ctop', 'center');
     $left = Input::instance()->get('cleft', 'center');
     $row = self::returnImageRow($field, $image);
     if ($row === false) {
     $path = Kohana::config('upload.upload')->staticfiles_path . Kohana::config('upload.upload')->upload_path . $row->file_name;
     ini_set("memory_limit", "100M");
     $cache_path = APPPATH . 'cache/images/' . dirname(Kohana::instance()->uri->string());
     if (!file_exists($cache_path)) {
         @mkdir($cache_path, 0777, TRUE);
     $cache_path .= '/' . $row->file_name;
     $use_cache = 0;
     if ($row->is_image) {
         if (file_exists($cache_path) && (time() - filemtime($cache_path)) / 60 > 5) {
         if (!file_exists($cache_path) || !$use_cache) {
             if (!file_exists($path)) {
                 die('invalid path:- ' . $path);
             $props = getimagesize($path);
             $image = new Image($path);
             $a = $props[0];
             $b = $props[1];
             if ($a == $w and $b == $h) {
                 @copy($path, $cache_path);
             } else {
                 $s = $w - $a;
                 $t = $h - $b;
                 $r = max(($a + $s) / $a, ($b + $t) / $b);
                 $x = $a * $r;
                 $y = $b * $r;
                 // echo("<br/>\n s: "); var_dump($s);
                 // echo("<br/>\n t: "); var_dump($t);
                 // echo("<br/>\n r: "); var_dump($r);
                 // echo("<br/>\n x: "); var_dump($x);
                 // echo("<br/>\n y: "); var_dump($y);
                 // exit;
                 $image->resize($x, $y, Image::NONE);
                 $image->crop($w, $h, $top, $left);
                 if (!is_numeric($w)) {
                     die('invalid width: ' . $w);
                 if (!is_numeric($h)) {
                     die('invalid height: ' . $h);
         header('Content-type: ' . $row->file_type);
         header("Content-Length: " . filesize($cache_path));
     } else {
         header('Content-type: ' . $row->file_type);
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $row->orig_name . '"');
         header("Content-Length: " . filesize($path));
 private function manipulate($file, $options)
     //Первым делом валидация
     $targetFolder = $options['folder'];
     $fileName = $options['fileName'];
     //Путь будущего изображения
     $path = self::getAbsolutePath($targetFolder, $fileName);
     //Если изменять размеры не нужно - просто сделаем копию изображения
     if (isset($options['resize'])) {
         if ($options['resize'] === false) {
             copy($file->getTempName(), $path);
     //Ширина и высота требуемого изображения
     $targetWidth = $options['width'];
     $targetHeight = $options['height'];
     //Ширина и высота загруженного изображения
     list($uploadedWidth, $uploadedHeight) = getimagesize($file->getTempName());
     //Если изменять размеры не нужно - просто сделаем копию изображения
     if (isset($options['smartResize'])) {
         if ($options['smartResize'] === false) {
             //Если требуемое изображение больше загруженного, его не нужно изменять
             if ($targetWidth > $uploadedWidth && $targetHeight > $uploadedHeight) {
                 copy($file->getTempName(), $path);
             } else {
                 //Изображение для манипуляции берется из временной папки
                 $image = new Image($file->getTempName());
                 $image->resize($targetWidth, $targetHeight, Image::AUTO)->sharpen(1)->quality(95)->save($path);
     //Отношение сторон загруженного и требуемого изображения
     $uploadedRatio = $uploadedWidth / $uploadedHeight;
     $targetRatio = $targetWidth / $targetHeight;
     //Сравниваем отношения и считаем координаты для кадрирования(если нарисовать на бумаге алгоритм становится очевидным :))
     if ($uploadedRatio > $targetRatio) {
         $cropHeight = $uploadedHeight;
         $cropWidth = $uploadedHeight * $targetRatio;
         $cropLeft = ($uploadedWidth - $uploadedHeight * $targetRatio) * 0.5;
         $cropTop = 0;
     } else {
         $cropHeight = $uploadedWidth / $targetRatio;
         $cropWidth = $uploadedWidth;
         $cropLeft = 0;
         $cropTop = ($uploadedHeight - $uploadedWidth / $targetRatio) * 0.2;
     //Изображение для манипуляции берется из временной папки
     $image = new Image($file->getTempName());
     $image->crop($cropWidth, $cropHeight, $cropTop, $cropLeft)->resize($targetWidth, $targetHeight, Image::NONE)->sharpen(1)->quality(95)->save($path);
文件: File.php 项目: osmcz/website
 /** Applies any options to the supplied image
  * resize, crop, text, fadeframe
  * TODO: introduce API for other filters
 public static function applyImageOptions(Image $image, $opts)
     //crop image to square or just resize
     if ($opts['w'] && $opts['h']) {
         //not isset - always availible
         if (isset($opts["crop"])) {
             $image->resize($opts['w'], $opts['h'], Image::FILL);
             $image->crop('50%', '20%', $opts['w'], $opts['h']);
         } elseif (isset($opts["crop2"])) {
             $image->crop('50%', '20%', $opts['w'], $opts['h']);
         } else {
             $image->resize($opts['w'], $opts['h'], Image::SHRINK_ONLY);
     //insert text
     if (isset($opts["text"])) {
         $image->string(7, 0.1 * $image->width, 0.4 * $image->height, $opts["text"], Image::rgb(255, 255, 255));
     //fade out frame
     if (isset($opts["fadeframe"])) {
         $size = (int) $opts["fadeframe"];
         if ($size < 2) {
             $size = 10;
         $w = $image->width;
         $h = $image->height;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
             $image->line(0, $i, $w, $i, Image::rgb(255, 255, 255, round(127 / $size * $i)));
             $image->line(0, $h - $i, $w, $h - $i, Image::rgb(255, 255, 255, round(127 / $size * $i)));
             $image->line($i, 0, $i, $h, Image::rgb(255, 255, 255, round(127 / $size * $i)));
             $image->line($w - $i, 0, $w - $i, $h, Image::rgb(255, 255, 255, round(127 / $size * $i)));