 function dropbox_backup($historyID = 0, $args = '', $uploadid = null, $offset = 0)
     //included two arguments $uploadid and $offset
     $dBoxStartTime = $this->iwpScriptStartTime;
     //get the settings
     //$this -> backup_settings_vals = get_option('iwp_client_multi_backup_temp_values');
     //$backup_settings_values = $this -> backup_settings_vals;
     //$upload_file_block_size = $backup_settings_values['upload_file_block_size'];
     //$actual_file_size = $backup_settings_values['actual_file_size'];
     //$del_host_file = $backup_settings_values['del_host_file'];
     //get the settings other method
     $requestParams = $this->getRequiredData($historyID, "requestParams");
     $upload_loop_break_time = $requestParams['account_info']['upload_loop_break_time'];
     //darkcode changed
     $upload_file_block_size = $requestParams['account_info']['upload_file_block_size'];
     $del_host_file = $requestParams['args']['del_host_file'];
     $current_file_num = 0;
     if ($args == '') {
         //on the next call $args would be ''
         //set $args, $uploadid, $offset  from the DB
         $responseParams = $this->getRequiredData($historyID, "responseParams");
         if (!$responseParams) {
             $this->statusLog($historyID, array('stage' => 'backupFiles', 'status' => 'error', 'statusMsg' => 'errorGettingDBValues', 'statusCode' => 'error_getting_db_values'));
         $args = $responseParams['dropboxArgs'];
         $prevChunkResults = $responseParams['response_data'];
         $uploadid = $prevChunkResults['upload_id'];
         $offset = $prevChunkResults['offset'];
         $current_file_num = $responseParams['current_file_num'];
     $tempArgs = $args;
     $task_result = $this->getRequiredData($historyID, "taskResults");
     $task_result['task_results'][$historyID]['dropbox'] = $this->get_files_base_name($backup_file);
     $task_result['dropbox'] = $this->get_files_base_name($backup_file);
     if (!is_array($backup_file)) {
         $temp_backup_file = $backup_file;
         $backup_file = array();
         $backup_file[] = $temp_backup_file;
     if (is_array($backup_file)) {
         $backup_files_count = count($backup_file);
         $backup_file = $backup_file[$current_file_num];
     $actual_file_size = iwp_mmb_get_file_size($backup_file);
     $backup_file_size = $actual_file_size;
     //$backup_file_size = 10394909;				//darkCode testing purpose
     if (!$this->iwp_mmb_function_exists('curl_init')) {
         return array('error' => 'You cannot use Dropbox on your server. Please enable curl first.', 'partial' => 1, 'error_code' => 'cannot_use_dropbox_enable_curl_first');
     if (isset($consumer_secret) && !empty($consumer_secret)) {
         require_once $GLOBALS['iwp_mmb_plugin_dir'] . '/lib/dropbox.php';
         $dropbox = new IWP_Dropbox($consumer_key, $consumer_secret);
         $dropbox->setOAuthTokens($oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
         if (isset($dropbox_site_folder) && $dropbox_site_folder == true) {
             $dropbox_destination .= '/' . $this->site_name . '/' . basename($backup_file);
         } else {
             $dropbox_destination .= '/' . basename($backup_file);
         try {
             //$dropbox->upload($backup_file, $dropbox_destination, true);                       //we are using new multiCAll function
             // this is the dropbox loop ..
             $reloop = false;
             $chunkCount = 0;
             $chunkTimeTaken = 0;
             do {
                 if ($chunkCount == 0) {
                     $chunkStartTime = $dBoxStartTime;
                 } else {
                     $chunkStartTime = microtime(true);
                 if ($backup_file_size - $offset >= $upload_file_block_size) {
                     $readsize = $upload_file_block_size;
                     $isCommit = false;
                     $status = 'partiallyCompleted';
                 } else {
                     $readsize = $backup_file_size - $offset;
                     $isCommit = true;
                     $status = 'completed';
                 $chunkResult = $dropbox->chunked_upload($backup_file, $dropbox_destination, true, $uploadid, $offset, $readsize, $isCommit);
                 $result_arr = array();
                 $result_arr['response_data'] = $chunkResult;
                 $result_arr['status'] = $status;
                 $result_arr['nextFunc'] = 'dropbox_backup';
                 $result_arr['dropboxArgs'] = $tempArgs;
                 $result_arr['current_file_num'] = $current_file_num;
                 //updating offset and uploadid values for relooping.
                 $offset = isset($chunkResult['offset']) ? $chunkResult['offset'] : 0;
                 $uploadid = isset($chunkResult['upload_id']) ? $chunkResult['upload_id'] : 0;
                 echo 'completed-size' . $offset / 1024 / 1024;
                 //check time
                 $chunkCompleteTime = microtime(true);
                 $dBoxCompleteTime = microtime(true);
                 $chunkTimeTaken = ($chunkTimeTaken + ($chunkCompleteTime - $chunkStartTime)) / ($chunkCount + 1);
                 // this is the average chunk time
                 echo " thisChunkTimeTaken" . $chunkTimeTaken;
                 $dBoxTimeTaken = $dBoxCompleteTime - $dBoxStartTime;
                 $dBoxTimeLeft = $upload_loop_break_time - $dBoxTimeTaken;
                 //calculating time left for the dBOX upload ..
                 $dBoxTimeLeft = $dBoxTimeLeft - 5;
                 //for safe time limit
                 echo " dBoxTimeLeft" . $dBoxTimeLeft;
                 //$halfOfLoopTime = (($upload_loop_break_time / 2) - 1);
                 if ($dBoxTimeLeft <= $chunkTimeTaken || $status == 'completed') {
                     $reloop = false;
                 } else {
                     $reloop = true;
             } while ($reloop);
             $resArray = array('status' => $status, 'backupParentHID' => $historyID);
             if ($status == 'completed') {
                 $current_file_num += 1;
                 if ($current_file_num == $backup_files_count) {
                     $result_arr['nextFunc'] = 'dropbox_backup_over';
                     iwp_mmb_print_flush('Dropbox upload: End');
                 } else {
                     $result_arr['nextFunc'] = 'dropbox_backup';
                     $result_arr['current_file_num'] = $current_file_num;
                     $result_arr['status'] = 'partiallyCompleted';
                     $resArray['status'] = 'partiallyCompleted';
             $this->statusLog($historyID, array('stage' => 'dropboxMultiCall', 'status' => 'completed', 'statusMsg' => 'nextCall', 'nextFunc' => 'dropbox_backup', 'task_result' => $task_result, 'responseParams' => $result_arr));
             if ($status == 'completed') {
                 //checking file size and comparing
                 $verificationResult = $this->postUploadVerification($dropbox, $backup_file, $dropbox_destination, $type = "dropbox");
                 if (!$verificationResult) {
                     return $this->statusLog($historyID, array('stage' => 'uploadDropBox', 'status' => 'error', 'statusMsg' => 'Dropbox verification failed: File may be corrupted.', 'statusCode' => 'dropbox_verification_failed_file_may_be_corrupted'));
                 if ($del_host_file) {
             return $resArray;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return array('error' => $e->getMessage(), 'partial' => 1);
         //return true;
     } else {
         return array('error' => 'Please connect your InfiniteWP panel with your Dropbox account.', 'error_code' => 'please_connect_your_iwp_panel_with_your_dropbox_account');