private function handle_post()
     if (!defined('DOING_AJAX') || !DOING_AJAX) {
         // Only process the nonce when the request is not an AJAX request as the AJAX handler has its own nonce check.
     $post_data = ITSEC_Form::get_post_data();
     $saved = true;
     $js_function_calls = array();
     if (!empty($_POST['widget-id'])) {
         $id = $_POST['widget-id'];
         if (isset($post_data[$id]) && isset($this->widgets[$id])) {
             $widget = $this->widgets[$id];
     } else {
         if (!empty($_POST['module'])) {
             if (isset($this->modules[$_POST['module']])) {
                 $modules = array($_POST['module'] => $this->modules[$_POST['module']]);
             } else {
                 ITSEC_Response::add_error(new WP_Error('itsec-settings-save-unrecognized-module', sprintf(__('The supplied module (%s) is not recognized. The module settings could not be saved.', 'better-wp-security'), $_POST['module'])));
                 $modules = array();
         } else {
             $modules = $this->modules;
         foreach ($modules as $id => $module) {
             if (isset($post_data[$id])) {
                 $results = $module->handle_form_post($post_data[$id]);
         if (ITSEC_Response::is_success()) {
             if (ITSEC_Response::get_show_default_success_message()) {
                 ITSEC_Response::add_message(__('The settings saved successfully.', 'better-wp-security'));
         } else {
             if (ITSEC_Response::get_show_default_error_message()) {
                 $error_count = ITSEC_Response::get_error_count();
                 if ($error_count > 0) {
                     ITSEC_Response::add_error(new WP_Error('itsec-settings-data-not-saved', _n('The settings could not be saved. Please correct the error above and try again.', 'The settings could not be saved. Please correct the errors above and try again.', $error_count, 'better-wp-security')));
                 } else {
                     ITSEC_Response::add_error(new WP_Error('itsec-settings-data-not-saved-missing-error', __('The settings could not be saved. Due to an unknown error. Please try refreshing the page and trying again.', 'better-wp-security')));
     if (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX) {