/** * Main entry point * * @param object ipsRegistry reference * @return @e void */ public function doExecute(ipsRegistry $registry) { /* Load lang and skin */ $this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile(array('admin_tools')); $this->html = $this->registry->output->loadTemplate('cp_skin_tools'); /* URLs */ $this->form_code = $this->html->form_code = 'module=tools&section=licensekey'; $this->form_code_js = $this->html->form_code_js = 'module=tools§ion=licensekey'; /* What to do */ switch ($this->request['do']) { case 'activate': $this->activate(); break; case 'remove': IPSLib::updateSettings(array('ipb_reg_number' => '')); $this->settings['ipb_reg_number'] = ''; // Deliberately no break as we'll do onto recahce and then default action // Deliberately no break as we'll do onto recahce and then default action case 'refresh': $this->recache(); // Deliberately no break as we'll go on to the default action // Deliberately no break as we'll go on to the default action default: if ($this->settings['ipb_reg_number']) { $this->overview(); } else { $this->activateForm(); } } /* Output */ $this->registry->output->html_main .= $this->registry->output->global_template->global_frame_wrapper(); $this->registry->output->sendOutput(); }
/** * Save Settings */ public function saveSettings() { if (isset(ipsRegistry::$request['viglink_manual'])) { IPSLib::updateSettings(array('viglink_enabled' => '1', 'viglink_api_key' => ipsRegistry::$request['viglink_api_key'], 'viglink_subid' => '')); } else { $json = $this->_makeApiCall(); IPSLib::updateSettings(array('viglink_enabled' => '1', 'viglink_api_key' => $json['API_KEY'], 'viglink_subid' => $json['SUBID'])); } ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->silentRedirect(ipsRegistry::$settings['_base_url'] . "app=core&module=applications&section=enhancements&do=edit&service=enhancements_core_viglink"); return; }
/** * Sets style last updated * @param string (Optional dir) */ public function setStyleLastUpdated($time = 0) { $this->_styleLastUpdated = $time ? $time : intval(ipsRegistry::$settings['style_last_updated']); /* Do we need to update the setting? */ if ($time && $time > ipsRegistry::$settings['style_last_updated']) { /* Rebuild DB */ $this->_refreshDatabase(); /* Update setting */ IPSLib::updateSettings(array('style_last_updated' => $time + 1)); /* Flsuh cache */ $this->_flushCache(); } }
/** * Main class entry point * * @access public * @param object ipsRegistry * @return void */ public function doExecute(ipsRegistry $registry) { $this->html = $this->registry->output->loadTemplate('cp_skin_convert'); switch ($this->request['do']) { case 'save': IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_current' => $this->request['choice'])); $this->registry->output->silentRedirect($this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=convert&module=setup§ion=switch'); break; default: $this->show_choices(); break; } $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->convertFooter(); $this->registry->output->html_main .= $this->registry->output->global_template->global_frame_wrapper(); $this->registry->output->sendOutput(); exit; }
/** * Check License Key * * @access public * @return bool */ private function check($init = FALSE) { $this->request['lkey'] = $init ? ipsRegistry::$settings['ipb_reg_number'] : trim($this->request['lkey']); if (!$this->request['lkey'] and !$init) { return true; } $url = ipsRegistry::$settings['board_url'] ? ipsRegistry::$settings['board_url'] : ipsRegistry::$settings['base_url']; require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classFileManagement.php'; /*noLibHook*/ $query = new classFileManagement(); $response = $query->getFileContents("http://license.invisionpower.com/?a=check&key={$this->request['lkey']}&url={$url}"); $response = json_decode($response, true); if ($response['result'] != 'ok') { if ($this->request['ignoreError']) { return TRUE; } else { return "License key check failed. Click next to continue anyway."; } } else { IPSLib::updateSettings(array('ipb_reg_number' => $this->request['lkey'])); return TRUE; } }
/** * Convert custom profile fields * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_pfields() { //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $main = array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'custom_fields', 'order' => 'id_field ASC'); $loop = $this->lib->load('pfields', $main, array('pfields_groups')); $get = unserialize($this->settings['conv_extra']); $us = $get[$this->lib->app['name']]; if (!$this->request['st']) { $us['pfield_group'] = null; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($us))); } //----------------------------------------- // Do we have a group //----------------------------------------- if (!$us['pfield_group']) { $group = $this->lib->convertPFieldGroup(1, array('pf_group_name' => 'Converted', 'pf_group_key' => 'smf'), true); if (!$group) { $this->lib->error('There was a problem creating the profile field group'); } $us['pfield_group'] = $group; $get[$this->lib->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($get))); } //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- while ($row = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch($this->lib->queryRes)) { $content = ''; $type = ''; // What kind of field is this if ($row['field_type'] == 'textarea') { $type = 'textarea'; } elseif ($row['field_type'] == 'select') { $type = 'drop'; $options = explode(',', $row['field_options']); $save_options = array(); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $us['pfields_values'][$row['col_name']][$value] = $key; $save_options[] = "{$key}={$value}"; } $content = implode('|', $save_options); } elseif ($row['field_type'] == 'radio') { $type = 'radio'; $options = explode(',', $row['field_options']); $save_options = array(); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $us['pfields_values'][$row['col_name']][$value] = $key; $save_options[] = "{$key}={$value}"; } $content = implode('|', $save_options); } elseif ($row['field_type'] == 'check') { $type = 'drop'; $content = implode('|', array('1=Yes', '0=No')); } else { $type = 'input'; } // Privacy switch ($row['private']) { case 1: $hide = 0; $edit = 0; $admin = 0; break; case 2: $hide = 1; $edit = 0; $admin = 0; break; case 3: $hide = 1; $edit = 0; $admin = 1; break; default: $hide = 0; $edit = 1; $admin = 0; break; } // Insert? $save = array('pf_title' => $row['field_name'], 'pf_desc' => $row['field_desc'], 'pf_content' => $content, 'pf_type' => $type, 'pf_not_null' => $row['show_reg'] == 2 ? 1 : 0, 'pf_member_hide' => $hide, 'pf_max_input' => $row['field_length'], 'pf_member_edit' => $edit, 'pf_show_on_reg' => (bool) $row['show_reg'], 'pf_admin_only' => $admin, 'pf_group_id' => $us['pfield_group'], 'pf_key' => $row['col_name']); $this->lib->convertPField($row['id_field'], $save); // Save $us['pfield_data'][$row['col_name']] = $row['id_field']; } // Save pfield_data $get[$this->lib->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($get))); // Next, please! $this->lib->next(); }
/** * Archive Toggle * * @return @e void */ protected function _archiveToggle() { /* Update */ IPSLib::updateSettings(array('archive_on' => $this->settings['archive_on'] ? 0 : 1)); /* Done */ $this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage($this->settings['base_url'] . $this->form_code . 'do=overview', TRUE); }
/** * Convert Posts * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_posts() { //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $loop = $this->lib->load('posts', FALSE); $discussionData = $this->_parseDiscussionListFile(); //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- foreach ($discussionData as $row) { // Get member name $memberId = $this->lib->getLink($row->contributorName, 'members', TRUE); if ($memberId) { $member = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => 'members_display_name', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => "member_id='{$memberId}'")); } $topic_id = explode(':', $row->id); // Convert topic first post $save = array('author_id' => $row->contributorName, 'author_name' => $member['members_display_name'], 'use_sig' => 1, 'use_emo' => 1, 'ip_address' => '', 'post_date' => strtotime($row->createdDate), 'post' => $this->fixPostData($row->description), 'queued' => 0, 'topic_id' => $topic_id[2]); $this->lib->convertPost($row->id, $save); if (!isset($row->comments)) { continue; } // Cycle topic reply posts foreach ($row->comments as $post) { $memberId = $this->lib->getLink($post->contributorName, 'members', TRUE); if ($memberId) { $member = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => 'members_display_name', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => "member_id='{$memberId}'")); } $post_id = explode(':', $post->id); $save = array('author_id' => $post->contributorName, 'author_name' => $member['members_display_name'], 'use_sig' => 1, 'use_emo' => 1, 'post_htmlstate' => 1, 'ip_address' => '', 'post_date' => strtotime($post->createdDate), 'post' => $this->fixPostData($post->description), 'queued' => 0, 'topic_id' => $topic_id[2]); $this->lib->convertPost($post_id[2], $save); } } // Save that it's been completed $get = unserialize($this->settings['conv_completed']); $us = $get[$this->lib->app['name']]; $us = is_array($us) ? $us : array(); if (empty($this->lib->errors)) { $us = array_merge($us, array('posts' => true)); } else { $us = array_merge($us, array('posts' => 'e')); } $get[$this->lib->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_completed' => serialize($get))); // Display if (!empty($this->lib->errors)) { $es = 'The following errors occurred: <ul>'; foreach ($this->lib->errors as $e) { $es .= "<li>{$e}</li>"; } $es .= '</ul>'; } else { $es = 'No problems found.'; } $info = $this->lib->menuRow('posts'); $this->registry->output->html .= $this->lib->html->convertComplete($info['name'] . ' Conversion Complete.', array($es, $info['finish'])); $this->sendOutput(); }
public function next() { $this->runQueries(); if ($this->usingKeys !== TRUE) { parent::next(); } $total = $this->request['total']; $pc = round(100 / $total * $this->end); $message = $pc > 100 ? 'Finishing...' : "{$pc}% complete"; // super hacky but I don't want to just ditch db logging altogether so let's just stop it for strict peoples. $isStrict = $this->DB->query('SELECT @@sql_mode'); if (empty($isStrict)) { IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_error' => serialize($this->errors))); } $end = $this->end > $total ? $total : $this->end; //print "{$this->settings['base_url']}app=convert&module={$this->app['sw']}§ion={$this->app['app_key']}&do={$this->request['do']}&lastKey=" . urlencode($this->lastKey) . "&count={$this->end}&cycle={$this->request['cycle']}&total={$total}<br />{$end} of {$total} converted<br />{$message}";exit; $this->registry->output->html .= $this->registry->output->global_template->temporaryRedirect("{$this->settings['base_url']}app=convert&module={$this->app['sw']}§ion={$this->app['app_key']}&do={$this->request['do']}&lastKey=" . urlencode($this->lastKey) . "&count={$this->end}&cycle={$this->request['cycle']}&total={$total}&empty={$this->request['empty']}", "<strong>{$end} of {$total} converted</strong><br />{$message}<br /><br /><strong><a href='{$this->settings['base_url']}app=convert&module={$this->app['sw']}§ion={$this->app['app_key']}&do={$this->request['do']}&st={$this->end}&cycle={$this->request['cycle']}&total={$total}'>Click here if you are not redirected.</a></strong>"); $this->sendOutput(); }
/** * Shows the cron information screen * * @return @e void */ public function showCronPage() { if (!$this->settings['task_cron_key']) { $this->settings['task_cron_key'] = md5(uniqid()); } if (isset($this->request['toggle'])) { $this->settings['task_use_cron'] = intval($this->request['toggle']); } IPSLib::updateSettings(array('task_cron_key' => $this->settings['task_cron_key'], 'task_use_cron' => $this->settings['task_use_cron'])); if (isset($this->request['toggle'])) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['task_cron_mode_toggled_' . $this->settings['task_use_cron']]; $this->taskManagerOverview(); } else { $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->taskCrons(); } }
/** * Execute selected method * * @access public * @param object Registry object * @return @e void */ public function doExecute(ipsRegistry $registry) { IPSLib::updateSettings(array('ipb_reg_number' => darkLAE::getLicenseKey())); $this->registry->autoLoadNextAction('upgrade'); }
/** * Convert custom profile fields * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_pfields() { //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $main = array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'user_field', 'order' => 'field_id ASC'); $loop = $this->lib->load('pfields', $main, array('pfields_groups')); $get = unserialize($this->settings['conv_extra']); $us = $get[$this->lib->app['name']]; if (!$this->request['st']) { $us['pfield_group'] = null; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($us))); } //----------------------------------------- // Do we have a group //----------------------------------------- if (!$us['pfield_group']) { $group = $this->lib->convertPFieldGroup(1, array('pf_group_name' => 'Converted', 'pf_group_key' => 'xenforo'), true); if (!$group) { $this->lib->error('There was a problem creating the profile field group'); } $us['pfield_group'] = $group; $get[$this->lib->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($get))); } //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- while ($row = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch($this->lib->queryRes)) { // get data $data = array(); if ($row['field_choices']) { $tmpData = unserialize($row['field_choices']); if (is_array($tmpData)) { foreach ($tmpData as $key => $value) { $data[] = "{$key}={$value}"; } } } // What kind of field is this? $e = explode("\n", $row['field_type']); switch ($e[0]) { case 'textbox': $type = 'textarea'; break; case 'select': $type = 'drop'; break; case 'radio': $type = 'radio'; break; default: $type = 'input'; break; } // make our name make sense $name = str_replace('_', ' ', $row['field_id']); $name = ucwords($name); // Insert $save = array('pf_title' => $name, 'pf_content' => implode('|', $data), 'pf_type' => $type, 'pf_not_null' => $row['required'], 'pf_member_hide' => $row['viewable_profile'] == '1' ? 0 : 1, 'pf_max_input' => $row['max_length'], 'pf_member_edit' => $row['user_editable'], 'pf_position' => $row['display_order'], 'pf_show_on_reg' => $row['show_registration'], 'pf_group_id' => $us['pfield_group'], 'pf_key' => $row['field_id']); $this->lib->convertPField($row['field_id'], $save); } // Save pfield_data $get[$this->lib->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($get))); // Next, please! $this->lib->next(); }
/** * Saves um.. it * * @return @e void [Outputs to screen/redirects] */ protected function _save() { /* Init */ $webdav_on = intval($this->request['webdav_on']); /* Save */ IPSLib::updateSettings(array('webdav_on' => $webdav_on)); /* Relist */ $this->registry->output->silentRedirect("{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->html->form_code}"); }
/** * Uninstall a login method * * @access private * @return void [Outputs to screen] */ private function _loginUninstall() { //-------------------------------------------- // INIT //-------------------------------------------- $login_id = intval(ipsRegistry::$request['login_id']); $login = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => 'login_id, login_enabled, login_folder_name', 'from' => 'login_methods', 'where' => 'login_id=' . $login_id)); if (!$login['login_id']) { ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->global_message = $this->lang->words['l_404']; $this->_loginList(); return; } $this->DB->delete('login_methods', 'login_id=' . $login_id); if ($login['login_folder_name'] == 'ipconverge') { IPSLib::updateSettings(array('ipconverge_enabled' => 0)); } //----------------------------------------- // Recache //----------------------------------------- $this->loginsRecache(); ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->global_message = $this->lang->words['l_uninstalled']; $this->_loginList(); }
/** * Enable the converter's login method * * @access private * @return void */ private function enableLogin() { //-------------------------------------------- // INIT //-------------------------------------------- require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'class_xml.php'; $xml = new class_xml(); $xml->doc_type = IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET; $login_id = basename('convert'); //----------------------------------------- // Now get the XML data //----------------------------------------- $dh = opendir(IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN); if ($dh !== false) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if (is_dir(IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/' . $file) and $file == $login_id) { if (file_exists(IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/' . $file . '/loginauth_install.xml')) { $file_content = file_get_contents(IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/' . $file . '/loginauth_install.xml'); $xml->xml_parse_document($file_content); if (is_array($xml->xml_array['export']['group']['row'])) { foreach ($xml->xml_array['export']['group']['row'] as $f => $entry) { if (is_array($entry)) { foreach ($entry as $k => $v) { if ($f == 'VALUE' or $f == 'login_id') { continue; } $data[$f] = $v; } } } } } else { ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->showError('Could not locate login method.'); } $dir_methods[$file] = $data; break; } } closedir($dh); } if (!is_array($dir_methods) or !count($dir_methods)) { ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->showError('An error occured while trying to enable the converter login method.'); } //----------------------------------------- // Now verify it isn't installed //----------------------------------------- $login = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => 'login_id', 'from' => 'login_methods', 'where' => "login_folder_name='" . $login_id . "'")); if (!$login['login_id']) { $max = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => 'MAX(login_order) as highest_order', 'from' => 'login_methods')); $dir_methods[$login_id]['login_order'] = $max['highest_order'] + 1; $dir_methods[$login_id]['login_enabled'] = 1; $this->DB->insert('login_methods', $dir_methods[$login_id]); } else { $this->DB->update('login_methods', array('login_enabled' => 1), 'login_id=' . $login['login_id']); } //----------------------------------------- // Recache //----------------------------------------- $cache = array(); $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'login_methods', 'where' => 'login_enabled=1')); $this->DB->execute(); while ($r = $this->DB->fetch()) { $cache[$r['login_id']] = $r; } ipsRegistry::cache()->setCache('login_methods', $cache, array('array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1)); //----------------------------------------- // Switch //----------------------------------------- IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_login' => 1)); }
/** * Convert Posts * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_posts_bak() { $lastId = $this->request['lastId'] > 0 ? $this->request['lastId'] : 0; $lastTopic = $this->request['lastTopic'] > 0 ? $this->request['lastTopic'] : 0; $cycleCount = 0; //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $main = array('select' => 'ft.TOPIC_OID', 'from' => array('IP_F_FORUM_TOPIC' => 'ft'), 'add_join' => array(array('select' => 't.IS_TOPIC_ARCHIVED', 'from' => array('IP_T_TOPIC' => 't'), 'where' => 't.TOPIC_OID = ft.TOPIC_OID', 'type' => 'left')), 'where' => "ft.TOPIC_OID > {$lastTopic}", 'order' => "ft.TOPIC_OID ASC"); $loop = $this->lib->load('posts', FALSE, array()); ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->build($main); $topicRes = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->execute(); //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- while ($topic = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch($topicRes)) { //print "<PRE>";print_r($topic); $doArchive = $topic['IS_TOPIC_ARCHIVED'] == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE; $joinTables = array(array('from' => array('IP_F_FORUM_TOPIC' => 't'), 'where' => 'msg.TOPIC_OID = t.TOPIC_OID', 'type' => 'inner')); if (!$doArchive) { $joinTables = array_merge($joinTables, array(array('select' => 'con.*', 'from' => array('IP_C_CONTENT' => 'con'), 'where' => " msg.MESSAGE_OID = con.CONTENT_OID", 'type' => 'inner'))); } ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->build(array('select' => 'msg.*', 'from' => array('IP_T' . ($doArchive ? '_ARCHIVED' : '') . '_MESSAGE' => 'msg'), 'add_join' => $joinTables, 'where' => "msg.TOPIC_OID='{$topic['TOPIC_OID']}' AND msg.MESSAGE_OID > '{$lastId}'", 'order' => 'msg.MESSAGE_OID ASC')); $postRes = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->execute(); while ($row = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch($postRes)) { //PRINT "<pre>";print_r($row); $data = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->buildAndFetch(array('select' => $row['AUTHOR_OID'] == '' ? 'GUEST_USER_NAME' : 'DISPLAY_NAME', 'from' => $row['AUTHOR_OID'] == '' ? 'IP_C_GUEST_USER' : 'IP_USERS', 'where' => $row['AUTHOR_OID'] == '' ? "GUEST_USER_OID='{$row['GUEST_AUTHOR_OID']}'" : "USER_OID='{$row['AUTHOR_OID']}'")); $row = array_merge($row, $data); $save = array('topic_id' => $row['TOPIC_OID'], 'author_id' => $row['AUTHOR_OID'] != '' ? $row['AUTHOR_OID'] : $row['GUEST_AUTHOR_OID'], 'author_name' => $row['AUTHOR_OID'] != '' ? $row['DISPLAY_NAME'] : $row['GUEST_USER_NAME'], 'post_date' => intval(strtotime($row['DATETIME_CREATED'])), 'post' => $this->fixPostData($row['BODY']), 'ip_address' => $row['POSTER_IP'], 'use_sig' => $row['HAS_SIGNATURE'], 'use_emo' => 1, 'queued' => $row['IS_MESSAGE_VISIBLE'] == 1 ? 0 : 1); $this->lib->convertPost($row['MESSAGE_OID'], $save); $cycleCount++; // Check if we hit cycle limit. if ($cycleCount >= $this->request['cycle']) { $this->request['st'] += $cycleCount; $this->request['do'] = "posts&lastTopic={$topic['TOPIC_OID']}&lastId={$row['MESSAGE_OID']}"; $this->lib->next(); } } $lastId = 0; } // Save that it's been completed $get = unserialize($this->settings['conv_completed']); $us = $get[$this->lib->app['name']]; $us = is_array($us) ? $us : array(); if (empty($this->lib->errors)) { $us = array_merge($us, array($action => true)); } else { $us = array_merge($us, array($action => 'e')); } $get[$this->lib->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_completed' => serialize($get), 'post_order_column' => 'post_date')); // Display $this->lib->load('posts', array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'IP_F_FORUM_TOPIC', 'where' => '0')); }
/** * Edit - Save * * @access private * @return void */ private function edit_save() { $edit = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'conv_apps', 'where' => "app_id='{$this->request['id']}'")); if (!$edit) { $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->convertError("Invalid ID"); return; } @(include_once IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'applications_addon/ips/convert/modules_admin/' . $edit['sw'] . '/' . $edit['app_key'] . '.php'); if ($info['nodb'] && $this->request['custom']) { $get = unserialize($this->settings['conv_extra']); $us = $get[$edit['name']]; $us = is_array($us) ? $us : array(); $extra = is_array($us['core']) ? $us : array_merge($us, array('core' => array())); $get[$edit['name']] = $extra; foreach ($custom as $k => $v) { $get[$edit['name']]['core'][$k] = $_REQUEST[$k]; } IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($get))); } else { $this->DB->update('conv_apps', array('db_driver' => $this->request['hb_sql_driver'], 'db_host' => $this->request['hb_sql_host'], 'db_user' => $this->request['hb_sql_user'], 'db_pass' => $_REQUEST['hb_sql_pass'], 'db_db' => $this->request['hb_sql_database'], 'db_prefix' => $this->request['hb_sql_tbl_prefix']), "app_id='{$this->request['id']}'"); } $this->registry->output->silentRedirect($this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=convert&module=setup§ion=boink'); }
/** * Save */ public function save() { $exploded = explode('_', $this->request['service']); if (!IPSLib::appIsInstalled($exploded[1]) or !is_file(IPSLib::getAppDir($exploded[1]) . '/extensions/enhancements/' . $exploded[2] . '.php')) { $this->registry->output->showError($this->lang->words['err_no_enhancement'], 111801); } $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPSLib::getAppDir($exploded[1]) . '/extensions/enhancements/' . $exploded[2] . '.php', $this->request['service']); $class = new $classToLoad($this->registry); if (method_exists($class, 'check')) { $class->check(); } if (isset($class->settings) and !empty($class->settings)) { $toSave = array(); foreach ($class->settings as $key) { $toSave[$key] = $_POST[$key]; } IPSLib::updateSettings($toSave, TRUE); } else { $output = $class->saveSettings(); if ($output and is_string($output)) { $this->registry->output->html .= $output; return; } } $this->registry->output->redirect("{$this->settings['base_url']}app=core&module=applications&section=enhancements", $this->lang->words['enhancements_saved']); }
/** * Convert Forums * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_boards() { //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $mainBuild = array('select' => '*', 'from' => $this->prefixFull . 'boards', 'order' => 'ID_BOARD ASC'); $this->start = intval($this->request['st']); $this->end = $this->start + intval($this->request['cycle']); $mainBuild['limit'] = array($this->start, $this->end); $this->errors = unserialize($this->settings['conv_error']); ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->build($mainBuild); ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->execute(); if (!ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->getTotalRows()) { $action = 'forums'; // Save that it's been completed $get = unserialize($this->settings['conv_completed']); $us = $get[$this->lib->app['name']]; $us = is_array($us) ? $us : array(); if (empty($this->errors)) { $us = array_merge($us, array($action => true)); } else { $us = array_merge($us, array($action => 'e')); } $get[$this->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_completed' => serialize($get))); // Errors? if (!empty($this->errors)) { $es = 'The following errors occurred: <ul>'; foreach ($this->errors as $e) { $es .= "<li>{$e}</li>"; } $es .= '</ul>'; } else { $es = 'No problems found.'; } // Display $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->convertComplete($info['name'] . ' Conversion Complete.', array($es, $info['finish'])); $this->sendOutput(); } while ($row = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch()) { $records[] = $row; } $loop = $records; //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- foreach ($loop as $row) { // Work out what the parent is if ($row['ID_PARENT']) { $parent = $row['ID_PARENT']; } else { $parent = 'c' . $row['ID_CAT']; } // Set info $save = array('parent_id' => $parent, 'position' => $row['boardOrder'], 'last_id' => $row['ID_LAST_MSG'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'description' => $row['description'], 'topics' => $row['numTopics'], 'posts' => $row['numPosts'], 'inc_postcount' => $row['countPosts']); // Save $this->lib->convertForum($row['ID_BOARD'], $save, array()); //----------------------------------------- // Handle subscriptions //----------------------------------------- ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => $this->prefixFull . 'log_notify', 'where' => "ID_BOARD={$row['ID_BOARD']}")); ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->execute(); while ($tracker = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch()) { $savetracker = array('member_id' => $tracker['ID_MEMBER'], 'forum_id' => $tracker['ID_BOARD']); $this->lib->convertForumSubscription($tracker['ID_MEMBER'] . '-' . $tracker['ID_BOARD'], $savetracker); } } //----------------------------------------- // Next //----------------------------------------- $total = $this->request['total']; $pc = round(100 / $total * $this->end); $message = $pc > 100 ? 'Finishing...' : "{$pc}% complete"; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_error' => serialize($this->errors))); $end = $this->end > $total ? $total : $this->end; $this->registry->output->redirect("{$this->settings['base_url']}app=convert&module={$this->lib->app['sw']}§ion={$this->lib->app['app_key']}&do={$this->request['do']}&st={$this->end}&cycle={$this->request['cycle']}&total={$total}", "{$end} of {$total} converted<br />{$message}"); }
/** * Convert custom profile fields * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_pfields() { //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $main = array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'user_field', 'order' => 'id ASC'); $loop = $this->lib->load('pfields', $main, array('pfields_groups')); //----------------------------------------- // Create an unfiled group //----------------------------------------- if (!$us['pfield_group']) { $group = $this->lib->convertPFieldGroup(99, array('pf_group_name' => 'Converted', 'pf_group_key' => 'phpmyforum'), true); if (!$group) { $this->lib->error('There was a problem creating the profile field group'); } $us['pfield_group'] = $group; $get[$this->lib->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($get))); } //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- while ($row = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch($this->lib->queryRes)) { // pf_content $options = $row['options'] ? unserialize($row['options']) : array(); $pf_content = array(); foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $pf_content[] = "{$k}={$v}"; } // pf_type $py_type = 'input'; switch ($row['typ']) { case 2: $pf_type = 'textarea'; break; case 3: $pf_type = 'radio'; $pf_content = array('0=Yes', '1=No'); break; case 4: $pf_type = 'textarea'; break; } // Finalise $save = array('pf_title' => $row['name_edit'], 'pf_desc' => $row['comment'], 'pf_content' => implode('|', $pf_content), 'pf_type' => $pf_type, 'pf_not_null' => $row['required'], 'pf_member_hide' => $row['profile'] ? 0 : 1, 'pf_max_input' => $row['maxlength'], 'pf_member_edit' => $row['rang'], 'pf_position' => $row['displayorder'], 'pf_show_on_reg' => $row['signup'], 'pf_group_id' => 99, 'pf_key' => $row['name']); // And save $this->lib->convertPField($row['id'], $save); } $this->lib->next(); }
/** * Convert Entries * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_blog_entries() { //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $main = array('select' => 'b.*', 'from' => array('blog' => 'b'), 'order' => 'b.blogid ASC', 'add_join' => array(array('select' => 't.*', 'from' => array('blog_text' => 't'), 'where' => "b.firstblogtextid=t.blogtextid", 'type' => 'left'))); $loop = $this->lib->load('blog_entries', $main); //----------------------------------------- // We need to log text ids //----------------------------------------- $get = unserialize($this->settings['conv_extra']); $us = $get[$this->lib->app['name']]; if (!$this->request['st']) { $us['blog_text_ids'] = array(); IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($us))); } //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- while ($row = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch($this->lib->queryRes)) { // Odd issue... if (!isset($row['blogtextid']) || empty($row['blogtextid'])) { continue; } //----------------------------------------- // Has this been editted? //----------------------------------------- $log = false; ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'blog_editlog', 'where' => "blogtextid={$row['blogtextid']}", 'order' => 'dateline ASC')); ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->execute(); while ($editlog = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch()) { $log = $editlog; } //----------------------------------------- // Carry on //----------------------------------------- $save = array('blog_id' => $row['bloguserid'], 'entry_author_id' => $row['userid'], 'entry_author_name' => $row['username'], 'entry_date' => $row['dateline'], 'entry_name' => $row['title'], 'entry' => $this->fixPostData($row['pagetext']), 'entry_status' => $row['state'] == 'visible' ? 'published' : 'draft', 'entry_num_comments' => $row['comments_visible'], 'entry_last_comment_date' => $row['lastcomment'], 'entry_last_comment_name' => $row['lastcommenter'], 'entry_queued_comments' => $row['comments_moderation'], 'entry_has_attach' => $row['attach'], 'entry_edit_time' => $log ? $log['dateline'] : '', 'entry_edit_name' => $log ? $log['username'] : '', 'entry_use_emo' => $row['allowsmilie'], 'entry_trackbacks' => $row['trackback_visible'], 'entry_last_update' => $log ? $log['dateline'] : $row['dateline']); $this->lib->convertEntry($row['blogid'], $save); //----------------------------------------- // Save the entry ID so it's not confused with the comments //----------------------------------------- $us['blog_text_ids'][] = $row['blogtextid']; } // Save entry ids $get[$this->lib->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($get))); // Next, please! $this->lib->next(); }
/** * Loads the next cycle * * @access public * @return void **/ public function next() { $total = $this->request['total']; $pc = round(100 / $total * $this->end); $message = $pc > 100 ? 'Finishing...' : "{$pc}% complete"; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_error' => serialize($this->errors))); $end = $this->end > $total ? $total : $this->end; $this->registry->output->redirect("{$this->settings['base_url']}app=convert&module={$this->app['sw']}§ion={$this->app['app_key']}&do={$this->request['do']}&st={$this->end}&cycle={$this->request['cycle']}&total={$total}", "{$end} of {$total} converted<br />{$message}"); }
/** * Toggles the setting 'registration_qanda' * * @access private * @return void * @author Brandon */ private function _switchOn() { /* Switch it on */ IPSLib::updateSettings(array('registration_qanda' => 1)); /* Done */ $this->registry->output->silentRedirect($this->settings['base_url'] . $this->form_code); }
/** * Delete the group * * @return @e void [Outputs to screen] */ protected function _doDelete() { //----------------------------------------- // INIT //----------------------------------------- $this->request['id'] = intval($this->request['id']); $this->request['to_id'] = intval($this->request['to_id']); //----------------------------------------- // Auth check... //----------------------------------------- ipsRegistry::getClass('adminFunctions')->checkSecurityKey($this->request['secure_key']); //----------------------------------------- // Check //----------------------------------------- if (!$this->request['id']) { $this->registry->output->showError($this->lang->words['g_whichgroup'], 1122); } if ($this->request['id'] < 6) { $this->registry->output->showError($this->lang->words['g_preset'], 1124); } if (!$this->request['to_id']) { $this->registry->output->showError($this->lang->words['g_mecries'], 1123); } //----------------------------------------- // Check to make sure that the relevant groups exist. //----------------------------------------- $original = $this->caches['group_cache'][$this->request['id']]; $move_to = $this->caches['group_cache'][$this->request['to_id']]; if (!count($original)) { $this->registry->output->showError($this->lang->words['g_whichgroup'], 1125); } if (!count($move_to)) { $this->registry->output->showError($this->lang->words['g_mecries'], 1126); } //----------------------------------------- // Check restrictions. //----------------------------------------- if ($original['g_access_cp']) { $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg('groups_delete_admin'); $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg('member_move_admin1', 'members', 'members'); } else { if ($move_to['g_access_cp']) { $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg('member_move_admin2', 'members', 'members'); } } //----------------------------------------- // Move and delete //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->update('members', array('member_group_id' => $this->request['to_id']), 'member_group_id=' . $this->request['id']); $this->DB->delete('groups', "g_id=" . $this->request['id']); $this->DB->delete('admin_permission_rows', "row_id_type='group' AND row_id=" . $this->request['id']); //----------------------------------------- // Can't promote to non-existent group //----------------------------------------- foreach ($this->cache->getCache('group_cache') as $row) { $promotion = explode('&', $row['g_promotion']); if ($promotion[0] == $this->request['id']) { $this->DB->update('groups', array('g_promotion' => '-1&-1'), 'g_id=' . $row['g_id']); } } //----------------------------------------- // Remove from moderators table //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->delete('moderators', "is_group=1 AND group_id=" . $this->request['id']); //----------------------------------------- // Remove as a secondary group //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'member_group_id, mgroup_others, member_id', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => "mgroup_others LIKE '%," . $this->request['id'] . ",%'")); $exg = $this->DB->execute(); while ($others = $this->DB->fetch($exg)) { $extra = array(); $extra = explode(",", IPSText::cleanPermString($others['mgroup_others'])); $to_insert = array(); if (count($extra)) { foreach ($extra as $mgroup_other) { if ($mgroup_other != $this->request['id']) { if ($mgroup_other != "") { $to_insert[] = $mgroup_other; } } } if (count($to_insert)) { $new_others = ',' . implode(',', $to_insert) . ','; } else { $new_others = ""; } $this->DB->update('members', array('mgroup_others' => $new_others), 'member_id=' . $others['member_id']); } } //----------------------------------------- // Fix settings //----------------------------------------- $_toUpdate = array(); $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => "conf_extra='#show_groups#'")); $o = $this->DB->execute(); while ($r = $this->DB->fetch($o)) { /* Dropdown with the deleted group selected? Return to default. */ if ($r['conf_type'] == 'dropdown' and $r['conf_value'] == $this->request['id']) { $_toUpdate[$r['conf_key']] = $r['conf_default']; } else { if ($r['conf_type'] == 'multi' and strpos($r['conf_value'], (string) $this->request['id']) !== false) { $_values = explode(',', $r['conf_value']); $_newValues = array(); foreach ($_values as $_value) { if ($_value != $this->request['id']) { $_newValues[] = $_value; } } $_toUpdate[$r['conf_key']] = count($_newValues) ? $_newValues : $r['conf_default']; } } } if (count($_toUpdate)) { /* The multiselect settings have evalphp which forces it to inspect $_POST */ $_POST = array_merge($_POST, $_toUpdate); IPSLib::updateSettings($_toUpdate); } //----------------------------------------- // Rebuild caches //----------------------------------------- $this->rebuildGroupCache(); $this->cache->rebuildCache('moderators', 'forums'); ipsRegistry::getClass('adminFunctions')->saveAdminLog(sprintf($this->lang->words['g_removedlog'], $original['g_title'])); $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['g_removed']; $this->_mainScreen(); }
/** * Edit Settings */ public function editSettings() { require_once IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinFunctions.php'; /*noLibHook*/ require_once IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinCaching.php'; /*noLibHook*/ $skinFunctions = new skinCaching(ipsRegistry::instance()); if (ipsRegistry::$request['recache']) { $skinFunctions->flushipscdn(); ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->redirect(ipsRegistry::$settings['_base_url'] . "app=core&module=applications&section=enhancements&do=edit&service=enhancements_core_ipscdn", ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->words['cdn_recached']); } if (ipsRegistry::$request['disable']) { IPSLib::updateSettings(array('ips_cdn' => FALSE, 'ipb_img_url' => '', 'ipb_css_url' => '', 'ipb_js_url' => '', 'upload_url' => '')); if (IPSLib::appIsInstalled('gallery')) { $this_script = str_replace('\\', '/', getenv('SCRIPT_FILENAME')); $url = ipsRegistry::$settings['_original_base_url']; if ($this_script) { $this_script = str_replace('/' . CP_DIRECTORY . '/index.php', '', $this_script); if (substr(ipsRegistry::$settings['gallery_images_path'], 0, strlen($this_script)) === $this_script) { $url = str_replace('\\', '/', str_replace($this_script, $url, ipsRegistry::$settings['gallery_images_path'])); } } else { $url .= '/uploads'; } IPSLib::updateSettings(array('gallery_images_path' => $url)); } IPSContentCache::truncate('post'); IPSContentCache::truncate('sig'); /* Set skin sets to recache */ $skinFunctions->flagSetForRecache(); ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->redirect(ipsRegistry::$settings['_base_url'] . "app=core&module=applications&section=enhancements", ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->words['cdn_disabled']); return; } if (!ipsRegistry::$settings['ipb_reg_number']) { ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->showError(sprintf(ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->words['enhancements_ipscdn_error_nokey'], ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->buildUrl('app=core&module=tools§ion=licensekey', 'admin'))); } $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classFileManagement.php', 'classFileManagement'); $file = new $classToLoad(); $return = NULL; if ($json = @json_decode($ping, TRUE)) { if ($json['ENABLED'] and $json['BYTES'] > 0) { if (!ipsRegistry::$settings['ips_cdn'] and !ipsRegistry::$request['enable']) { return $this->html->cdnInactive($json); } else { $settings = array('ips_cdn' => TRUE, 'ipb_img_url' => $json['URL'], 'ipb_css_url' => rtrim($json['URL'], '/') . '/', 'ipb_js_url' => rtrim($json['URL'], '/') . '/', 'upload_url' => $json['URL'] . '/uploads'); if (IPSLib::appIsInstalled('downloads')) { if (substr(ipsRegistry::$settings['idm_localsspath'], 0, 11) === '{root_path}') { $settings['idm_screenshot_url'] = str_replace('{root_path}', $json['URL'], ipsRegistry::$settings['idm_localsspath']); } } if (IPSLib::appIsInstalled('gallery')) { $this_script = str_replace('\\', '/', getenv('SCRIPT_FILENAME')); if ($this_script) { $this_script = str_replace('/' . CP_DIRECTORY . '/index.php', '', $this_script); if (substr(ipsRegistry::$settings['gallery_images_path'], 0, strlen($this_script)) === $this_script) { $settings['gallery_images_url'] = str_replace('\\', '/', str_replace($this_script, $json['URL'], ipsRegistry::$settings['gallery_images_path'])); } } } $_settings = array(); foreach ($settings as $k => $v) { if (ipsRegistry::$settings[$k] != $v) { $_settings[$k] = $v; } } if (!empty($_settings)) { IPSLib::updateSettings($settings); } /* Set skin sets to recache */ $skinFunctions->flagSetForRecache(); } } else { $licenseData = ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('licenseData'); if ($licenseData['key']['url'] != ipsRegistry::$settings['board_url']) { ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->showError(ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->words['enhancements_ipscdn_error_url']); } /* Set skin sets to recache */ $skinFunctions->flagSetForRecache(); return $this->html->cdnNotEnabled($json); } } else { ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->showError(sprintf(ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->words['enhancements_ipscdn_error_key'], ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->buildUrl('app=core&module=tools§ion=licensekey', 'admin'))); } return $this->html->cdnOverview($json); }
/** * Convert Emoticons * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_emoticons() { //----------------------------------------- // Were we given more info? //----------------------------------------- $this->lib->saveMoreInfo('emoticons', array('emo_path', 'emo_opt')); //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $main = array('select' => '*', 'from' => $this->pf . 'smiley', 'order' => 'smileyID ASC'); $loop = $this->lib->load('emoticons', $main); //----------------------------------------- // We need to know the path and how to handle duplicates //----------------------------------------- $this->lib->getMoreInfo('emoticons', $loop, array('emo_path' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => 'The path to the folder your wcf folder (no trailing slash - usually path_to_woltlab/wcf):'), 'emo_opt' => array('type' => 'dupes', 'label' => 'How do you want to handle duplicate emoticons?')), 'path'); $get = unserialize($this->settings['conv_extra']); $us = $get[$this->lib->app['name']]; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($get))); $path = $us['emo_path']; //----------------------------------------- // Check all is well //----------------------------------------- if (!is_writable(DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'public/style_emoticons/')) { $this->lib->error('Your IP.Board emoticons path is not writeable. ' . DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'public/style_emoticons/'); } if (!is_readable($path)) { $this->lib->error('Your remote emoticons path is not readable.'); } //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- while ($row = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch($this->lib->queryRes)) { $save = array('typed' => $row['smileyCode'], 'image' => $row['smileyPath'], 'clickable' => 1, 'emo_set' => 'default'); $done = $this->lib->convertEmoticon($row['smileyID'], $save, $us['emo_opt'], $path); } $this->lib->next(); }
/** * Convert Forums * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_forum_info() { //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $mainBuild = array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'forum_info', 'order' => 'FORUM_ID ASC'); $this->start = intval($this->request['st']); $this->end = $this->start + intval($this->request['cycle']); $mainBuild['limit'] = array($this->start, $this->end); $this->lib->errors = unserialize($this->settings['conv_error']); ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->build($mainBuild); ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->execute(); if (!ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->getTotalRows()) { $action = 'forums'; // Save that it's been completed $get = unserialize($this->settings['conv_completed']); $us = $get[$this->lib->app['name']]; $us = is_array($us) ? $us : array(); if (empty($this->lib->errors)) { $us = array_merge($us, array($action => true)); } else { $us = array_merge($us, array($action => 'e')); } $get[$this->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_completed' => serialize($get))); // Errors? if (!empty($this->lib->errors)) { $es = 'The following errors occurred: <ul>'; foreach ($this->lib->errors as $e) { $es .= "<li>{$e}</li>"; } $es .= '</ul>'; } else { $es = 'No problems found.'; } // Display $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->convertComplete($info['name'] . ' Conversion Complete.', array($es, $info['finish'])); $this->sendOutput(); } while ($row = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch()) { $records[] = $row; } $loop = $records; //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- foreach ($loop as $row) { $parent = 'c' . $row['CATEGORY']; // Set info $save = array('parent_id' => $parent, 'position' => $row['FORUM_POSITION'], 'last_id' => $row['L_TOPIC_ID'], 'name' => $row['FORUM_NAME'], 'description' => $row['FORUM_DESC'], 'topics' => $row['FORUM_TOPICS'], 'posts' => $row['FORUM_POSTS'], 'inc_postcount' => 1); // Save $this->lib->convertForum($row['FORUM_ID'], $save, array()); $res = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->buildAndFetchAll(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'forum_subscriptions', 'where' => "FORUM_ID = {$row['FORUM_ID']} AND TOPIC_ID = 0")); foreach ($res as $k => $sub) { $savesub = array('member_id' => $sub['MEMBER_ID'], 'forum_id' => $sub['FORUM_ID'], 'type' => 'immediate'); $this->lib->convertForumSubscription($sub['ID'], $savesub); } } //----------------------------------------- // Next //----------------------------------------- $total = $this->request['total']; $pc = round(100 / $total * $this->end); $message = $pc > 100 ? 'Finishing...' : "{$pc}% complete"; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_error' => serialize($this->lib->errors))); $end = $this->end > $total ? $total : $this->end; $this->registry->output->redirect("{$this->settings['base_url']}app=convert&module={$this->lib->app['sw']}§ion={$this->lib->app['app_key']}&do={$this->request['do']}&st={$this->end}&cycle={$this->request['cycle']}&total={$total}", "{$end} of {$total} converted<br />{$message}"); }
/** * Convert Ranks * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_ranks() { //----------------------------------------- // Were we given more info? //----------------------------------------- $this->lib->saveMoreInfo('ranks', array('rank_opt')); //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $main = array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'customranks', 'order' => 'rankid ASC'); $loop = $this->lib->load('ranks', $main); //----------------------------------------- // We need to know what do do with duplicates //----------------------------------------- $this->lib->getMoreInfo('ranks', $loop, array('rank_opt' => array('type' => 'dupes', 'label' => 'How do you want to handle duplicate ranks?'))); $get[$this->lib->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_extra' => serialize($get))); //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- while ($row = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch($this->lib->queryRes)) { $save = array('posts' => $row['minposts'], 'title' => $row['rankname']); $this->lib->convertRank($row['rankid'], $save, $us['rank_opt']); } $this->lib->next(); }
/** * Convert Forums * * @access private * @return void **/ private function convert_boards() { //--------------------------- // Set up //--------------------------- $mainBuild = array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'sfforums', 'order' => 'forum_id ASC'); $this->start = intval($this->request['st']); $this->end = $this->start + intval($this->request['cycle']); $mainBuild['limit'] = array($this->start, $this->end); $this->lib->errors = array(); # unserialize($this->settings['conv_error']); ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->build($mainBuild); ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->execute(); if (!ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->getTotalRows()) { $action = 'forums'; // Save that it's been completed $get = unserialize($this->settings['conv_completed']); $us = $get[$this->lib->app['name']]; $us = is_array($us) ? $us : array(); if (empty($this->lib->errors)) { $us = array_merge($us, array($action => true)); } else { $us = array_merge($us, array($action => 'e')); } $get[$this->app['name']] = $us; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_completed' => serialize($get))); // Errors? if (!empty($this->lib->errors)) { $es = 'The following errors occurred: <ul>'; foreach ($this->lib->errors as $e) { $es .= "<li>{$e}</li>"; } $es .= '</ul>'; } else { $es = 'No problems found.'; } // Display $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->convertComplete($info['name'] . ' Conversion Complete.', array($es, $info['finish'])); $this->sendOutput(); } while ($row = ipsRegistry::DB('hb')->fetch()) { $records[] = $row; } $loop = $records; //--------------------------- // Loop //--------------------------- foreach ($loop as $row) { // Permissions will need to be reconfigured $perms = array(); //----------------------------------------- // And go //----------------------------------------- $save = array('parent_id' => $row['group_id'] ? 'c' . $row['group_id'] : -1, 'position' => $row['forum_seq'], 'name' => $row['forum_name'], 'description' => $row['forum_desc'], 'password' => '', 'show_rules' => $row['forum_message'] ? 2 : 0, 'rules_text' => $row['forum_message'], 'rules_title' => $row['forum_name'], 'sub_can_post' => $row['parent'] ? 1 : 0, 'redirect_on' => 0, 'redirect_url' => '', 'redirect_hits' => 0, 'status' => $row['forum_status'] == 1 ? 0 : 1, 'posts' => $row['post_count'], 'topics' => $row['topic_count']); $this->lib->convertForum($row['forum_id'], $save, $perms); } //----------------------------------------- // Next //----------------------------------------- $total = $this->request['total']; $pc = round(100 / $total * $this->end); $message = $pc > 100 ? 'Finishing...' : "{$pc}% complete"; IPSLib::updateSettings(array('conv_error' => serialize($this->lib->errors))); $end = $this->end > $total ? $total : $this->end; $this->registry->output->redirect("{$this->settings['base_url']}app=convert&module={$this->lib->app['sw']}§ion={$this->lib->app['app_key']}&do={$this->request['do']}&st={$this->end}&cycle={$this->request['cycle']}&total={$total}", "{$end} of {$total} converted<br />{$message}"); }
/** * Save Settings */ public function saveSettings() { /* Are we turning off? */ if (ipsRegistry::$request['off']) { IPSLib::updateSettings(array('mandrill_username' => '', 'mandrill_api_key' => '')); ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->silentRedirect(ipsRegistry::$settings['_base_url'] . "app=core&module=applications&section=enhancements&do=edit&service=enhancements_members_mandrill"); return; } /* Load language files so we have error messages if we need em */ ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile('admin_bulkmail', 'members'); /* Are we adding new values or just enabling SMTP? */ if (ipsRegistry::$request['smtp_on']) { ipsRegistry::$request['username'] = ipsRegistry::$settings['mandrill_username']; ipsRegistry::$request['api_key'] = ipsRegistry::$settings['mandrill_api_key']; ipsRegistry::$request['smtp'] = 1; $update = array(); } else { /* Trim (like a haircut, but with strings) */ ipsRegistry::$request['username'] = trim(ipsRegistry::$request['username']); ipsRegistry::$request['api_key'] = trim(ipsRegistry::$request['api_key']); /* If we don't have anything, tell them off */ if (!ipsRegistry::$request['username'] or !ipsRegistry::$request['username']) { return $this->editSettings('mandrill_setup_noinfo'); } /* Now shoot that over to Mandrill to make sure they're cool with it */ require_once IPSLib::getAppDir('members') . '/sources/classes/mandrill.php'; $mandrill = new Mandrill(ipsRegistry::$request['api_key']); $info = $mandrill->users_info(); if ($info === NULL or $info->username != ipsRegistry::$request['username']) { return $this->editSettings('mandrill_bad_credentials'); } /* So we're saving at least the API key and the username */ $update = array('mandrill_username' => ipsRegistry::$request['username'], 'mandrill_api_key' => ipsRegistry::$request['api_key']); } /* Fire that off to IPS so Mandrill knows it's one of ours */ $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classFileManagement.php', 'classFileManagement'); $file = new $classToLoad(); $json = NULL; /* If they want to use Mandrill for SMTP too, that call will contain the SMTP info, so set it if we got it, or if the call failed, throw an error */ if (ipsRegistry::$request['smtp']) { if ($json) { $json = json_decode($json, TRUE); $update = array_merge($update, $json); } else { return $this->editSettings('mandrill_error'); } } /* Update the settings */ IPSLib::updateSettings($update); /* And boink the hell out of it */ ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->silentRedirect(ipsRegistry::$settings['_base_url'] . "app=core&module=applications&section=enhancements&do=edit&service=enhancements_members_mandrill"); return; }