/** * Enter description here... * */ function handlePostTrackback($uri, $date) { global $PIVOTX; $message = ""; // Using our integrated Trackback Spam Killer killtrackbackspam(); // Initialise the IP blocklist. $blocklist = new IPBlock(); // checking if IP address of trackbacking site is blocked if ($blocklist->isBlocked($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { debug("Blocked user from " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " tried to trackback"); respondExit("Your IP-address has been blocked, so you are not" . " allowed to leave trackbacks on this site. We know IP-adresses can easily be faked," . " but it helps.", 1); } // Get the entry from the DB.. $entry = $PIVOTX['db']->read_entry($uri, $date); // Exit if non-existing ID supplied if (empty($entry['code'])) { respondExit('Entry not found', 1); } // Keep original excerpt for spam checks ... $orig_excerpt = $_POST['excerpt']; // Strip out HTML from input and convert to utf-8. $_POST['blog_name'] = i18n_str_to_utf8(strip_tags($_POST['blog_name'])); $_POST['title'] = i18n_str_to_utf8(strip_tags($_POST['title'])); $_POST['url'] = strip_tags($_POST['url']); if ($PIVOTX['config']->get('allow_html_in_comments') == 1) { $_POST['excerpt'] = stripTagsAttributes($_POST['excerpt'], "*"); } else { $_POST['excerpt'] = stripTagsAttributes($_POST['excerpt'], "<b><em><i><strong>"); } $_POST['excerpt'] = i18n_str_to_utf8($_POST['excerpt']); $my_trackback = array('entry_uid' => intval($entry['code']), 'name' => $_POST['blog_name'], 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'url' => trim($_POST['url']), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'date' => formatDate("", "%year%-%month%-%day%-%hour24%-%minute%"), 'excerpt' => trimText($_POST['excerpt'], 255, false, true, false)); // Exit if no URL is given - need to know URL to foreign entry that // trackbacked us. if (empty($my_trackback['url'])) { respondExit('No URL (url) parameter given', 1); } //here we do a check to prevent double entries... $duplicate = FALSE; if (isset($entry['trackbacks']) && count($entry['trackbacks']) > 0) { foreach ($entry['trackbacks'] as $loop_trackback) { $diff = 1 / (min(strlen($loop_trackback['excerpt']), 200) / (levenshtein(substr($loop_trackback['excerpt'], 0, 200), substr($my_trackback['excerpt'], 0, 200)) + 1)); if ($diff < 0.25 && $loop_trackback['ip'] == $my_trackback['ip']) { $duplicate = TRUE; break; } } } if (!$duplicate) { // update the current entry $entry['trackbacks'][] = $my_trackback; $post = TRUE; } else { $message = 'Your trackback has not been stored, because it seems to be a duplicate'; $post = FALSE; } if ($PIVOTX['config']->get('maxhrefs') > 0) { $low_excerpt = strtolower(trackbackFormat($orig_excerpt)); if (substr_count($low_excerpt, "href=") > $PIVOTX['config']->get('maxhrefs')) { $message = 'The maximum number of hyperlinks was exceeded. Are you spamming us?'; $post = FALSE; } } if ($post) { $PIVOTX['db']->set_entry($entry); $PIVOTX['db']->save_entry(FALSE); // do not update the index. // Remove the compiled/parsed pages from the cache. if ($PIVOTX['config']->get('smarty_cache')) { $PIVOTX['template']->clear_cache(); } // send mail.. sendMailTrackback($my_trackback); debug("A trackback from '" . $my_trackback['name'] . "' added."); //update the 'last trackbacks' file if (isset($my_trackback)) { generateLastTrackbacks($my_trackback); } // Clean the simple cache.. $PIVOTX['cache']->clear(); // Remove the compiled/parsed pages from the cache. if ($PIVOTX['config']->get('smarty_cache')) { $PIVOTX['template']->clear_cache(); } // After messing about with the trackbacks, clear the cache. $PIVOTX['cache']->cache['entries'] = array(); respondExit(); } else { respondExit($message, 1); } }
/** * Check if the IP is contained in given block. * * @param $block mixed Anything that can be converted into an IPBlock * @return bool */ public function isIn($block) { if (!$block instanceof IPBlock) { $block = IPBlock::create($block); } return $block->contains($this); }
/** * Inserts the trackback URL for the current entry. * * The classes "pivotx-tracklink-text" and "pivotx-tracklink-url" can be used to style * the output. */ function smarty_tracklink($params, &$smarty) { global $PIVOTX; $vars = $smarty->get_template_vars(); if (isset($vars['entry'])) { $entry = $vars['entry']; } else { debug("The tracklink tag only works for entries"); return ""; } // Initialise the IP blocklist. $blocklist = new IPBlock(); // check for entry's allow_comments, blocked IP address ... if (isset($entry['allow_comments']) && $entry['allow_comments'] == 0 || $blocklist->isBlocked($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { return ""; } $params = cleanParams($params); $format = getDefault($params['format'], '<p><span class="pivotx-tracklink-text">' . __('Trackback link') . ': </span>' . '<span class="pivotx-tracklink-url">%url%</span></p>'); $tb_url = $PIVOTX['paths']['host'] . makeFileLink($entry['code'], '', ''); $trackback = getDefault($PIVOTX['config']->get('localised_trackback_name'), "trackback"); if ($PIVOTX['config']->get('mod_rewrite') == 0) { $tb_url .= "&{$trackback}"; $tb_getkey_url = $tb_url . "&getkey"; } else { $tb_url .= "/{$trackback}/"; $tb_getkey_url = $tb_url . "?getkey"; } if ($PIVOTX['config']->get('hardened_trackback') != 1) { $output = str_replace("%url%", $tb_url, $format); } else { $tb_url = "<span id=\"tbgetter_%n%\">" . __('Please enable javascript to generate a trackback url') . "</span>"; $tb_url .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$tb_getkey_url}\"></script>\n"; $tburl_gen = "<a href=\"#\"" . " title=\"" . __('Note: The url is valid for only 15 minutes after you opened this page!') . "\"" . " onclick=\"showTBURL_%n%(\\'tbgetter_%n%\\'); return false;\">" . __('Click to view the trackback url') . "</a>"; $tb_url .= "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">/*<![CDATA[*/\n" . "showTBURLgen_%n%('tbgetter_%n%', '{$tburl_gen}');\n/*]]>*/</script>\n"; $tb_url = str_replace("%n%", $entry['code'], $tb_url); $output = str_replace("%url%", $tb_url, $format); } return $output; }
function pagem_comments() { global $PIVOTX; $PIVOTX['session']->minLevel(PIVOTX_UL_NORMAL); // Get the 6 latest comments.. (non-moderated get priority) require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/module_comments.php'; $modcomments = getModerationQueue(); $comments = $PIVOTX['db']->read_latestcomments(array('amount' => 30, 'cats' => '', 'count' => 30, 'moderated' => 1)); $comments = array_merge($modcomments, $comments); $comments = array_slice($comments, 0, 20); // Check for blocked IPs $blocklist = new IPBlock(); foreach ($comments as $key => $comment) { $comments[$key]['blocked'] = $blocklist->isBlocked($comment["ip"]); } $PIVOTX['template']->assign('comments', $comments); $PIVOTX['template']->assign("title", __('Comments')); $PIVOTX['template']->assign("active", "comments"); renderTemplate('mobile/comments.tpl'); }
public function testGetSuper() { $block = IPBlock::create(''); $this->assertEquals('', (string) $block->getSuper('/16')); try { $block->getSuper(''); $this->fail('Expected InvalidArgumentException has not be thrown'); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { } try { $block->getSuper('/32'); $this->fail('Expected InvalidArgumentException has not be thrown'); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { } }
function update_index($update = TRUE) { global $PIVOTX; $this->check_current_index(); if (strlen($this->entry['title']) > 1) { $title = $this->entry['title']; $title = strip_tags($title); } else { $title = substr($this->entry['introduction'], 0, 300); $title = strip_tags($title); $title = str_replace("\n", "", $title); $title = str_replace("\r", "", $title); $title = substr($title, 0, 60); } // Make sure we have an URI. Old (converted from 1.x) entries don't have them, so we make them. if (empty($this->entry['uri'])) { $this->entry['uri'] = makeURI($this->entry['title']); } $size = strlen($this->entry['introduction']) + strlen($this->entry['body']); unset($commnames); if (isset($this->entry['comments'])) { // Initialise the IP blocklist. $blocklist = new IPBlock(); foreach ($this->entry['comments'] as $comment) { if (!$blocklist->isBlocked($comment['ip'])) { if ($comment['moderate'] != 1) { $commnames[] = stripslashes($comment['name']); } else { // if moderation is on, we add the name as '-'.. $commnames[] = '-'; } } } if (isset($commnames) && count($commnames) > 0) { $this->entry['commnames'] = implode(", ", array_unique($commnames)); $commcount = count($commnames); } else { $this->entry['commnames'] = ""; $commcount = 0; } } else { unset($this->entry['comments']); $commcount = 0; $this->entry['commnames'] = ""; } $this->entry['commcount'] = $commcount; if ($commcount == 0) { $commcount_str = __('No comments'); } else { if ($commcount == 1) { $commcount_str = __('%num% comment'); } else { $commcount_str = __('%num% comments'); } } $this->entry['commcount_str'] = str_replace("%num%", $PIVOTX['locale']->getNumber($commcount), $commcount_str); $this->entry['commcount_str'] = str_replace("%n%", $commcount, $commcount_str); unset($tracknames); if (isset($this->entry['trackbacks'])) { foreach ($this->entry['trackbacks'] as $trackback) { $tracknames[] = stripslashes($trackback['name']); } if (isset($tracknames) && count($tracknames) > 0) { $this->entry['tracknames'] = implode(", ", array_unique($tracknames)); $trackcount = count($tracknames); } else { $this->entry['tracknames'] = ""; $trackcount = 0; } } else { unset($this->entry['trackbacks']); $trackcount = 0; $this->entry['tracknames'] = ""; } $this->entry['trackcount'] = $trackcount; if ($trackcount == 0) { $trackcount_str = __('No trackbacks'); } else { if ($trackcount == 1) { $trackcount_str = __('%num% trackback'); } else { $trackcount_str = __('%num% trackbacks'); } } $this->entry['trackcount_str'] = str_replace("%num%", $PIVOTX['locale']->getNumber($trackcount), $trackcount_str); $this->entry['trackcount_str'] = str_replace("%n%", $trackcount, $trackcount_str); if (!isset($this->entry['status'])) { $this->entry['status'] = 'publish'; } $this->entry['excerpt'] = makeExcerpt($this->entry['introduction']); // Remove non-existing categories from entry before indexing if (count($this->all_cats) > 0) { $category = array_values(array_intersect($this->all_cats, $this->entry['category'])); } else { $category = $this->entry['category']; } if (is_array($this->entry['extrafields'])) { $extrafields = array_keys($this->entry['extrafields']); } else { $extrafields = array(); } $index_line = array('code' => $this->entry['code'], 'date' => addslashes($this->entry['date']), 'user' => $this->entry['user'], 'title' => addslashes($title), 'uri' => $this->entry['uri'], 'size' => $size, 'commcount' => $this->entry['commcount'], 'cnames' => $this->entry['commnames'], 'trackcount' => $this->entry['trackcount'], 'tnames' => $this->entry['tracknames'], 'category' => $category, 'extrafields' => $extrafields, 'status' => $this->entry['status'], 'excerpt' => $this->entry['excerpt']); if ($this->entry['code'] != "") { $this->entry_index[$this->entry['code']] = $index_line; $this->date_index[$this->entry['code']] = $this->entry['date']; $this->cat_index[$this->entry['code']] = $category; $this->uri_index[$this->entry['code']] = $this->entry['uri']; } if ($update) { $this->updated = TRUE; } }
/** * Saves the current entry - sql implementation. * * Returns true if successfully saved. Current implementation * seems to return true no matter what... * * @param boolean $update_index Whether to update the date index. * @return boolean */ function save_entry($update_index = TRUE) { // Set the 'commcount', 'commnames'.. unset($commnames); if (isset($this->entry['comments'])) { // Initialise the IP blocklist. $blocklist = new IPBlock(); foreach ($this->entry['comments'] as $comment) { if (!$blocklist->isBlocked($comment['ip'])) { if ($comment[moderate] != 1) { $commnames[] = stripslashes($comment['name']); } else { // if moderation is on, we add the name as '-'.. $commnames[] = '-'; } } } if (isset($commnames) && count($commnames) > 0) { $this->entry['comment_names'] = implode(", ", array_unique($commnames)); $this->entry['comment_count'] = count($commnames); } else { $this->entry['comment_names'] = ""; $this->entry['comment_count'] = 0; } } else { unset($this->entry['comments']); $this->entry['comment_names'] = ""; $this->entry['comment_count'] = 0; } // Set the 'trackcount', 'tracknames'.. unset($tracknames); if (isset($this->entry['trackbacks'])) { foreach ($this->entry['trackbacks'] as $trackback) { $tracknames[] = stripslashes($trackback['name']); } if (isset($tracknames) && count($tracknames) > 0) { $this->entry['trackback_names'] = implode(", ", array_unique($tracknames)); $this->entry['trackback_count'] = count($tracknames); } else { $this->entry['trackback_names'] = ""; $this->entry['trackback_count'] = 0; } } else { unset($this->entry['trackbacks']); $this->entry['trackback_names'] = ""; $this->entry['trackback_count'] = 0; } // Make sure we have an URI if (empty($this->entry['uri'])) { $this->entry['uri'] = makeURI($this->entry['title']); } $values = array('title' => $this->entry['title'], 'uri' => $this->entry['uri'], 'subtitle' => $this->entry['subtitle'], 'introduction' => $this->entry['introduction'], 'body' => $this->entry['body'], 'convert_lb' => intval($this->entry['convert_lb']), 'status' => $this->entry['status'], 'date' => $this->entry['date'], 'publish_date' => $this->entry['publish_date'], 'edit_date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", getCurrentDate()), 'user' => $this->entry['user'], 'allow_comments' => $this->entry['allow_comments'], 'keywords' => $this->entry['keywords'], 'via_link' => $this->entry['vialink'], 'via_title' => $this->entry['viatitle'], 'comment_count' => $this->entry['comment_count'], 'comment_names' => $this->entry['comment_names'], 'trackback_count' => $this->entry['trackback_count'], 'trackback_names' => $this->entry['trackback_names'], 'extrafields' => $this->entry['extrafields']); // Check if the entry exists $this->sql->query("SELECT uid FROM " . $this->entriestable . " WHERE uid=" . intval($this->entry['uid'])); if (is_array($this->sql->fetch_row())) { // It exists, we do an update.. $qry = array(); $qry['update'] = $this->entriestable; $qry['value'] = $values; $qry['where'] = "uid=" . intval($this->entry['uid']); $this->sql->build_update($qry); $this->sql->query(); } else { // New entry. // Add the UID to the values array if it is already set (for // example when importing entries). if ($this->entry['uid'] != '') { $values['uid'] = $this->entry['uid']; } $qry = array(); $qry['into'] = $this->entriestable; $qry['value'] = $values; $this->sql->build_insert($qry); $this->sql->query(); // Set the UID to the last inserted ID if it isn't already set // (which is normally the case for new entries). if ($this->entry['uid'] == '') { $this->entry['uid'] = $this->sql->get_last_id(); } // A bit of a nasty hack, but needed when we have to insert tags for a new entry, // and $db is not yet aware of the new $uid. $GLOBALS['db']->entry['uid'] = $this->entry['uid']; } // We will also need to save the comments and trackbacks.. We should // try to prevent doing unneeded queries, so we only insert comments // and trackbacks which have no ['uid'] yet. (because these are either // new, or are being converted from flat files) if (!empty($this->entry['comments'])) { foreach ($this->entry['comments'] as $comment) { if ($comment['uid'] == "") { // Ah, let's insert it. $comment['entry_uid'] = $this->entry['uid']; $comment['contenttype'] = 'entry'; // make sure we don't try to add the 'remember info' or 'allowedit' fields.. if (isset($comment['rememberinfo'])) { unset($comment['rememberinfo']); } if (isset($comment['allowedit'])) { unset($comment['allowedit']); } // Registered, Notify, etc. have to be integer values. $comment['registered'] = intval($comment['registered']); $comment['notify'] = intval($comment['notify']); $comment['discreet'] = intval($comment['discreet']); $comment['moderate'] = intval($comment['moderate']); $comment['entry_uid'] = intval($comment['entry_uid']); $qry = array(); $qry['into'] = $this->commentstable; $qry['value'] = $comment; $this->sql->build_insert($qry); $this->sql->query(); } } } if (!empty($this->entry['comments'])) { foreach ($this->entry['trackbacks'] as $trackback) { if ($trackback['uid'] == "") { // Ah, let's insert it. $trackback['entry_uid'] = $this->entry['uid']; $qry = array(); $qry['into'] = $this->trackbackstable; $qry['value'] = $trackback; $this->sql->build_insert($qry); $this->sql->query(); } } } // Delete the keywords / tags.. $qry = array(); $qry['delete'] = $this->tagstable; $qry['where'] = "contenttype='entry' AND target_uid=" . intval($this->entry['uid']); $this->sql->build_delete($qry); $this->sql->query(); $tags = getTags(false, $this->entry['introduction'] . $this->entry['body'], $this->entry['keywords']); // Add the keywords / tags.. foreach ($tags as $tag) { $qry = array(); $qry['into'] = $this->tagstable; $qry['value'] = array('tag' => $tag, 'contenttype' => 'entry', 'target_uid' => $this->entry['uid']); $this->sql->build_insert($qry); $this->sql->query(); } // Delete the categories.. $qry = array(); $qry['delete'] = $this->categoriestable; $qry['where'][] = "contenttype='entry'"; $qry['where'][] = "target_uid=" . intval($this->entry['uid']); $this->sql->build_delete($qry); $this->sql->query(); // Add the Categories.. foreach ($this->entry['category'] as $cat) { $qry = array(); $qry['into'] = $this->categoriestable; $qry['value'] = array('category' => safeString($cat, true), 'contenttype' => 'entry', 'target_uid' => $this->entry['uid']); $this->sql->build_insert($qry); $this->sql->query(); } // Store the 'extra fields' if (!is_array($this->entry['extrafields'])) { $this->entry['extrafields'] = array(); } $extrakeys = array(); foreach ($this->entry['extrafields'] as $key => $value) { $extrakeys[] = $this->sql->quote($key); // No need to store empty values if (empty($value)) { unset($this->entry['extrafields'][$key]); } // Serialize any arrays.. if (is_array($value)) { $this->entry['extrafields'][$key] = serialize($value); } } if (count($extrakeys) > 0) { $qry = array(); $qry['delete'] = $this->extrafieldstable; $qry['where'][] = "target_uid=" . intval($this->entry['uid']); $qry['where'][] = "contenttype='entry'"; $qry['where'][] = "fieldkey IN (" . implode(", ", $extrakeys) . ")"; $this->sql->build_delete($qry); $this->sql->query(); } foreach ($this->entry['extrafields'] as $key => $value) { $qry = array(); $qry['into'] = $this->extrafieldstable; $qry['value'] = array('fieldkey' => safeString($key, true), 'value' => $value, 'contenttype' => 'entry', 'target_uid' => $this->entry['uid']); $this->sql->build_insert($qry); $this->sql->query(); } //echo "<pre>\n"; print_r($extrakeys); echo "</pre>\n"; //echo "<pre>\n"; print_r($this->entry['extrafields']); echo "</pre>\n"; return TRUE; }