  * @param string $action
  * @param array  $params
  * @return bool
 public function beforeAction($action, $params)
     if ($action == 'create') {
         // If the 1nd dimension is the 1nd index, then we know it's a plugin.  No need to make them specify the path.
         if (isset($params[0][1])) {
             $plugin = $params[0][1];
             $path = craft()->path->getMigrationsPath($plugin);
             if (!IOHelper::folderExists($path)) {
                 echo 'The migration folder does not exist at ' . $path . ".  Creating...\n";
                 if (!IOHelper::createFolder($path)) {
                     echo 'Sorry... I tried to create the folder, but could not.';
                     return 1;
                 } else {
                     echo 'Successfully created.';
     $yiiVersion = Craft::getYiiVersion();
     echo "\nCraft Migration Tool (based on Yii v{$yiiVersion})\n\n";
     return true;
  * Save remote photo
  * @param string $photoUrl
  * @param UserModel $user
  * @return bool
 public function saveRemotePhoto($photoUrl, UserModel $user)
     $filename = 'photo';
     $tempPath = craft()->path->getTempPath() . 'social/userphotos/' . $user->email . '/';
     $tempFilepath = $tempPath . $filename;
     $client = new \Guzzle\Http\Client();
     $response = $client->get($photoUrl)->setResponseBody($tempPath . $filename)->send();
     $extension = substr($response->getContentType(), strpos($response->getContentType(), "/") + 1);
     IOHelper::rename($tempPath . $filename, $tempPath . $filename . '.' . $extension);
     $image = craft()->images->loadImage($tempPath . $filename . '.' . $extension);
     $imageWidth = $image->getWidth();
     $imageHeight = $image->getHeight();
     $dimension = min($imageWidth, $imageHeight);
     $horizontalMargin = ($imageWidth - $dimension) / 2;
     $verticalMargin = ($imageHeight - $dimension) / 2;
     $image->crop($horizontalMargin, $imageWidth - $horizontalMargin, $verticalMargin, $imageHeight - $verticalMargin);
     craft()->users->saveUserPhoto($filename . '.' . $extension, $image, $user);
     IOHelper::deleteFile($tempPath . $filename . '.' . $extension);
     return true;
  * @inheritDoc IZip::unzip()
  * @param $srcZip
  * @param $destFolder
  * @return bool
 public function unzip($srcZip, $destFolder)
     @ini_set('memory_limit', craft()->config->get('phpMaxMemoryLimit'));
     $zip = new \ZipArchive();
     $zipContents = $zip->open($srcZip, \ZipArchive::CHECKCONS);
     if ($zipContents !== true) {
         Craft::log('Could not open the zip file: ' . $srcZip, LogLevel::Error);
         return false;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
         if (!($info = $zip->statIndex($i))) {
             Craft::log('Could not retrieve a file from the zip archive ' . $srcZip, LogLevel::Error);
             return false;
         // normalize directory separators
         $info = IOHelper::normalizePathSeparators($info['name']);
         // found a directory
         if (mb_substr($info, -1) === '/') {
             IOHelper::createFolder($destFolder . '/' . $info);
         // Don't extract the OSX __MACOSX directory
         if (mb_substr($info, 0, 9) === '__MACOSX/') {
         $contents = $zip->getFromIndex($i);
         if ($contents === false) {
             Craft::log('Could not extract file from zip archive ' . $srcZip, LogLevel::Error);
             return false;
         if (!IOHelper::writeToFile($destFolder . '/' . $info, $contents, true, true)) {
             Craft::log('Could not copy file to ' . $destFolder . '/' . $info . ' while unzipping from ' . $srcZip, LogLevel::Error);
             return false;
     return true;
  * @param $srcZip
  * @param $destFolder
  * @return bool
 public static function unzip($srcZip, $destFolder)
     if (IOHelper::fileExists($srcZip)) {
         if (IOHelper::getExtension($srcZip) == 'zip') {
             if (!IOHelper::folderExists($destFolder)) {
                 if (!IOHelper::createFolder($destFolder)) {
                     Craft::log('Tried to create the unzip destination folder, but could not: ' . $destFolder, LogLevel::Error);
                     return false;
             } else {
                 // If the destination folder exists and it has contents, clear them.
                 if (($conents = IOHelper::getFolderContents($destFolder)) !== false) {
                     // Begin the great purge.
                     if (!IOHelper::clearFolder($destFolder)) {
                         Craft::log('Tried to clear the contents of the unzip destination folder, but could not: ' . $destFolder, LogLevel::Error);
                         return false;
             $zip = static::_getZipInstance($srcZip);
             $result = $zip->unzip($srcZip, $destFolder);
             if ($result === true) {
                 return $result;
             } else {
                 Craft::log('There was an error unzipping the file: ' . $srcZip, LogLevel::Error);
                 return false;
         } else {
             Craft::log($srcZip . ' is not a zip file and cannot be unzipped.', LogLevel::Error);
             return false;
     } else {
         Craft::log('Unzipping is only available for files.', LogLevel::Error);
         return false;
  * Attempt to backup each of the update manifest files by copying them to a file with the same name with a .bak
  * extension. If there is an exception thrown, we attempt to roll back all of the changes.
  * @param string $unzipFolder
  * @param string $handle
  * @return bool
 private function _backupFiles($unzipFolder, $handle)
     $manifestData = UpdateHelper::getManifestData($unzipFolder, $handle);
     try {
         foreach ($manifestData as $row) {
             if (UpdateHelper::isManifestVersionInfoLine($row)) {
             // No need to back up migration files.
             if (UpdateHelper::isManifestMigrationLine($row)) {
             $rowData = explode(';', $row);
             $filePath = IOHelper::normalizePathSeparators(($handle == 'craft' ? craft()->path->getAppPath() : craft()->path->getPluginsPath() . $handle . '/') . $rowData[0]);
             // It's a folder
             if (UpdateHelper::isManifestLineAFolder($filePath)) {
                 $folderPath = UpdateHelper::cleanManifestFolderLine($filePath);
                 if (IOHelper::folderExists($folderPath)) {
                     Craft::log('Backing up folder ' . $folderPath, LogLevel::Info, true);
                     IOHelper::createFolder($folderPath . '.bak');
                     IOHelper::copyFolder($folderPath . '/', $folderPath . '.bak/');
             } else {
                 // If the file doesn't exist, it's probably a new file.
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($filePath)) {
                     Craft::log('Backing up file ' . $filePath, LogLevel::Info, true);
                     IOHelper::copyFile($filePath, $filePath . '.bak');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Craft::log('Error updating files: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Error);
         UpdateHelper::rollBackFileChanges($manifestData, $handle);
         return false;
     return true;
  * Makes sure a folder exists. If it does not - creates one with write permissions
  * @param string $folderPath     The path to the folder.
  * @param bool   $suppressErrors Whether to suppress any PHP Notices/Warnings/Errors (usually permissions related).
  * @return null
 public static function ensureFolderExists($folderPath, $suppressErrors = false)
     if (!IOHelper::folderExists($folderPath, $suppressErrors)) {
         IOHelper::createFolder($folderPath, craft()->config->get('defaultFolderPermissions'), $suppressErrors);
  * @param $manifestData
  * @param $sourceTempFolder
  * @param $handle
  * @return bool
 public static function doFileUpdate($manifestData, $sourceTempFolder, $handle)
     if ($handle == 'craft') {
         $destDirectory = craft()->path->getAppPath();
         $sourceFileDirectory = 'app/';
     } else {
         $destDirectory = craft()->path->getPluginsPath() . $handle . '/';
         $sourceFileDirectory = '';
     try {
         foreach ($manifestData as $row) {
             if (static::isManifestVersionInfoLine($row)) {
             $folder = false;
             $rowData = explode(';', $row);
             if (static::isManifestLineAFolder($rowData[0])) {
                 $folder = true;
                 $tempPath = static::cleanManifestFolderLine($rowData[0]);
             } else {
                 $tempPath = $rowData[0];
             $destFile = IOHelper::normalizePathSeparators($destDirectory . $tempPath);
             $sourceFile = IOHelper::getRealPath(IOHelper::normalizePathSeparators($sourceTempFolder . '/' . $sourceFileDirectory . $tempPath));
             switch (trim($rowData[1])) {
                 // update the file
                 case PatchManifestFileAction::Add:
                     if ($folder) {
                         Craft::log('Updating folder: ' . $destFile, LogLevel::Info, true);
                         $tempFolder = rtrim($destFile, '/') . StringHelper::UUID() . '/';
                         $tempTempFolder = rtrim($destFile, '/') . '-tmp/';
                         IOHelper::copyFolder($sourceFile, $tempFolder);
                         IOHelper::rename($destFile, $tempTempFolder);
                         IOHelper::rename($tempFolder, $destFile);
                     } else {
                         Craft::log('Updating file: ' . $destFile, LogLevel::Info, true);
                         IOHelper::copyFile($sourceFile, $destFile);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Craft::log('Error updating files: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Error);
         UpdateHelper::rollBackFileChanges($manifestData, $handle);
         return false;
     return true;
  * @param $srcZip
  * @param $destFolder
  * @return bool
 public function unzip($srcZip, $destFolder)
     $zip = new \PclZip($srcZip);
     $tempDestFolders = null;
     // check to see if it's a valid archive.
     if (($zipFiles = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING)) == false) {
         Craft::log('Tried to unzip ' . $srcZip . ', but PclZip thinks it is not a valid zip archive.', LogLevel::Error);
         return false;
     if (count($zipFiles) == 0) {
         Craft::log($srcZip . ' appears to be an empty zip archive.', LogLevel::Error);
         return false;
     // find out which directories we need to create in the destination.
     foreach ($zipFiles as $zipFile) {
         if (substr($zipFile['filename'], 0, 9) === '__MACOSX/') {
         $folderName = IOHelper::getFolderName($zipFile['filename']);
         if ($folderName == './') {
             $tempDestFolders[] = $destFolder . '/';
         } else {
             $tempDestFolders[] = $destFolder . '/' . rtrim(IOHelper::getFolderName($zipFile['filename']), '/');
     $tempDestFolders = array_unique($tempDestFolders);
     $finalDestFolders = array();
     foreach ($tempDestFolders as $tempDestFolder) {
         // Skip over the working directory
         if (rtrim($destFolder, '/') == rtrim($tempDestFolder, '/')) {
         // Make sure the current directory is within the working directory
         if (strpos($tempDestFolder, $destFolder) === false) {
         $finalDestFolders[] = $tempDestFolder;
     // Create the destination directories.
     foreach ($finalDestFolders as $finalDestFolder) {
         if (!IOHelper::folderExists($finalDestFolder)) {
             if (!IOHelper::createFolder($finalDestFolder)) {
                 Craft::log('Could not create folder ' . $finalDestFolder . ' while unzipping: ' . $srcZip, LogLevel::Error);
                 return false;
     // Extract the files from the zip
     foreach ($zipFiles as $zipFile) {
         // folders have already been created.
         if ($zipFile['folder']) {
         if (substr($zipFile['filename'], 0, 9) === '__MACOSX/') {
         $destFile = $destFolder . '/' . $zipFile['filename'];
         if (!IOHelper::writeToFile($destFile, $zipFile['content'], true, true)) {
             Craft::log('Could not copy the file ' . $destFile . ' while unziping: ' . $srcZip, LogLevel::Error);
             return false;
     return true;
  * Copies template files to templates folder
  * @return null
 private function _copyTemplates()
     $instaBlogFolder = trim(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)), 'services') . 'resources/_templates/';
     $craftTemplateFolder = realpath(CRAFT_TEMPLATES_PATH);
     $instaBlogTargetFolder = $craftTemplateFolder . '/blog/';
     Craft::log('Creating blog folder in templates directory.', LogLevel::Info, true, '_copyTemplates', 'InstaBlog');
     IOHelper::createFolder($instaBlogTargetFolder, 0755, true);
     Craft::log('Copying InstaBlog templates to templates/blog directory.', LogLevel::Info, true, '_copyTemplates', 'InstaBlog');
     if (IOHelper::copyFolder($instaBlogFolder, $instaBlogTargetFolder, true)) {
         Craft::log($instaBlogFolder . ' copied to ' . $instaBlogTargetFolder . ' successfully.', LogLevel::Info, true, '_copyTemplates', 'InstaBlog');
     } else {
         Craft::log('Failed copying ' . $instaBlogFolder . ' to ' . $instaBlogTargetFolder, LogLevel::Error, true, '_copyTemplates', 'InstaBlog');
  * Stores a value identified by a key in cache. This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
  * @param  string  $key    The key identifying the value to be cached
  * @param  string  $value  The value to be cached
  * @param  integer $expire The number of seconds in which the cached value will expire. 0 means never expire.
  * @return boolean true    If the value is successfully stored into cache, false otherwise
 protected function setValue($key, $value, $expire)
     if (!$this->_gced && mt_rand(0, 1000000) < $this->getGCProbability()) {
         $this->_gced = true;
     if ($expire <= 0) {
         $expire = 31536000;
         // 1 year
     $expire += time();
     $cacheFile = $this->getCacheFile($key);
     if ($this->directoryLevel > 0) {
         IOHelper::createFolder(IOHelper::getFolderName($cacheFile), IOHelper::getWritableFolderPermissions());
     if ($this->_originalKey == 'useWriteFileLock') {
         if (IOHelper::writeToFile($cacheFile, $value, true, false, true) !== false) {
             IOHelper::changePermissions($cacheFile, IOHelper::getWritableFilePermissions());
             return IOHelper::touch($cacheFile, $expire);
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         if (IOHelper::writeToFile($cacheFile, $value) !== false) {
             IOHelper::changePermissions($cacheFile, IOHelper::getWritableFilePermissions());
             return IOHelper::touch($cacheFile, $expire);
         } else {
             return false;
  * Creates a new support ticket for the GetHelp widget.
  * @return null
 public function actionSendSupportRequest()
     $success = false;
     $errors = array();
     $zipFile = null;
     $tempFolder = null;
     $widgetId = craft()->request->getPost('widgetId');
     $namespace = craft()->request->getPost('namespace');
     $namespace = $namespace ? $namespace . '.' : '';
     $getHelpModel = new GetHelpModel();
     $getHelpModel->fromEmail = craft()->request->getPost($namespace . 'fromEmail');
     $getHelpModel->message = trim(craft()->request->getPost($namespace . 'message'));
     $getHelpModel->attachLogs = (bool) craft()->request->getPost($namespace . 'attachLogs');
     $getHelpModel->attachDbBackup = (bool) craft()->request->getPost($namespace . 'attachDbBackup');
     $getHelpModel->attachTemplates = (bool) craft()->request->getPost($namespace . 'attachTemplates');
     $getHelpModel->attachment = UploadedFile::getInstanceByName($namespace . 'attachAdditionalFile');
     if ($getHelpModel->validate()) {
         $user = craft()->userSession->getUser();
         // Add some extra info about this install
         $message = $getHelpModel->message . "\n\n" . "------------------------------\n\n" . 'Craft ' . craft()->getEditionName() . ' ' . craft()->getVersion() . '.' . craft()->getBuild();
         $plugins = craft()->plugins->getPlugins();
         if ($plugins) {
             $pluginNames = array();
             foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
                 $pluginNames[] = $plugin->getName() . ' ' . $plugin->getVersion() . ' (' . $plugin->getDeveloper() . ')';
             $message .= "\nPlugins: " . implode(', ', $pluginNames);
         $requestParamDefaults = array('sFirstName' => $user->getFriendlyName(), 'sLastName' => $user->lastName ? $user->lastName : 'Doe', 'sEmail' => $getHelpModel->fromEmail, 'tNote' => $message);
         $requestParams = $requestParamDefaults;
         $hsParams = array('helpSpotApiURL' => 'https://support.pixelandtonic.com/api/index.php');
         try {
             if ($getHelpModel->attachLogs || $getHelpModel->attachDbBackup) {
                 if (!$zipFile) {
                     $zipFile = $this->_createZip();
                 if ($getHelpModel->attachLogs && IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getLogPath())) {
                     // Grab it all.
                     $logFolderContents = IOHelper::getFolderContents(craft()->path->getLogPath());
                     foreach ($logFolderContents as $file) {
                         // Make sure it's a file.
                         if (IOHelper::fileExists($file)) {
                             Zip::add($zipFile, $file, craft()->path->getStoragePath());
                 if ($getHelpModel->attachDbBackup && IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getDbBackupPath())) {
                     // Make a fresh database backup of the current schema/data. We want all data from all tables
                     // for debugging.
                     $backups = IOHelper::getLastModifiedFiles(craft()->path->getDbBackupPath(), 3);
                     foreach ($backups as $backup) {
                         if (IOHelper::getExtension($backup) == 'sql') {
                             Zip::add($zipFile, $backup, craft()->path->getStoragePath());
             if ($getHelpModel->attachment) {
                 // If we don't have a zip file yet, create one now.
                 if (!$zipFile) {
                     $zipFile = $this->_createZip();
                 $tempFolder = craft()->path->getTempPath() . StringHelper::UUID() . '/';
                 if (!IOHelper::folderExists($tempFolder)) {
                 $tempFile = $tempFolder . $getHelpModel->attachment->getName();
                 // Make sure it actually saved.
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempFile)) {
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $tempFile, $tempFolder);
             if ($getHelpModel->attachTemplates) {
                 // If we don't have a zip file yet, create one now.
                 if (!$zipFile) {
                     $zipFile = $this->_createZip();
                 if (IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getLogPath())) {
                     // Grab it all.
                     $templateFolderContents = IOHelper::getFolderContents(craft()->path->getSiteTemplatesPath());
                     foreach ($templateFolderContents as $file) {
                         // Make sure it's a file.
                         if (IOHelper::fileExists($file)) {
                             $templateFolderName = IOHelper::getFolderName(craft()->path->getSiteTemplatesPath(), false);
                             $siteTemplatePath = craft()->path->getSiteTemplatesPath();
                             $tempPath = substr($siteTemplatePath, 0, strlen($siteTemplatePath) - strlen($templateFolderName) - 1);
                             Zip::add($zipFile, $file, $tempPath);
             if ($zipFile) {
                 $requestParams['File1_sFilename'] = 'SupportAttachment-' . IOHelper::cleanFilename(craft()->getSiteName()) . '.zip';
                 $requestParams['File1_sFileMimeType'] = 'application/zip';
                 $requestParams['File1_bFileBody'] = base64_encode(IOHelper::getFileContents($zipFile));
                 // Bump the default timeout because of the attachment.
                 $hsParams['callTimeout'] = 120;
             // Grab the license.key file.
             if (IOHelper::fileExists(craft()->path->getLicenseKeyPath())) {
                 $requestParams['File2_sFilename'] = 'license.key';
                 $requestParams['File2_sFileMimeType'] = 'text/plain';
                 $requestParams['File2_bFileBody'] = base64_encode(IOHelper::getFileContents(craft()->path->getLicenseKeyPath()));
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             Craft::log('Tried to attach debug logs to a support request and something went horribly wrong: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Warning);
             // There was a problem zipping, so reset the params and just send the email without the attachment.
             $requestParams = $requestParamDefaults;
         require_once craft()->path->getLibPath() . 'HelpSpotAPI.php';
         $hsapi = new \HelpSpotAPI($hsParams);
         $result = $hsapi->requestCreate($requestParams);
         if ($result) {
             if ($zipFile) {
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($zipFile)) {
             if ($tempFolder) {
             $success = true;
         } else {
             $hsErrors = array_filter(preg_split("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", $hsapi->errors));
             $errors = array('Support' => $hsErrors);
     } else {
         $errors = $getHelpModel->getErrors();
     $this->renderTemplate('_components/widgets/GetHelp/response', array('success' => $success, 'errors' => JsonHelper::encode($errors), 'widgetId' => $widgetId));
  * @inheritDoc BaseAssetSourceType::createSourceFolder()
  * @param AssetFolderModel $parentFolder
  * @param string           $folderName
  * @return bool
 protected function createSourceFolder(AssetFolderModel $parentFolder, $folderName)
     if (!IOHelper::isWritable($this->getSourceFileSystemPath() . $parentFolder->path)) {
         return false;
     return IOHelper::createFolder($this->getSourceFileSystemPath() . $parentFolder->path . $folderName);
  * Get paths for an external file (really external, or on an external source type)
  * @param $image
  * @throws Exception
 private function _getPathsForUrl($image)
     $urlParts = parse_url($image);
     $pathParts = pathinfo($urlParts['path']);
     $hashRemoteUrl = craft()->imager->getSetting('hashRemoteUrl');
     if ($hashRemoteUrl) {
         if (is_string($hashRemoteUrl) && $hashRemoteUrl == 'host') {
             $parsedDirname = substr(md5($urlParts['host']), 0, 10) . $pathParts['dirname'];
         } else {
             $parsedDirname = md5($urlParts['host'] . $pathParts['dirname']);
     } else {
         $parsedDirname = str_replace('.', '_', $urlParts['host']) . $pathParts['dirname'];
     $this->sourcePath = craft()->path->getRuntimePath() . 'imager/' . $parsedDirname . '/';
     $this->targetPath = craft()->imager->getSetting('imagerSystemPath') . $parsedDirname . '/';
     $this->targetUrl = craft()->imager->getSetting('imagerUrl') . $parsedDirname . '/';
     $this->sourceFilename = $this->targetFilename = $pathParts['basename'];
     // check if the temp path for remote files exists or can be created.
     if (!IOHelper::getRealPath($this->sourcePath)) {
         IOHelper::createFolder($this->sourcePath, craft()->config->get('defaultFolderPermissions'), true);
         if (!IOHelper::getRealPath($this->sourcePath)) {
             throw new Exception(Craft::t('Temp folder “{sourcePath}” does not exist and could not be created', array('sourcePath' => $this->sourcePath)));
     // check if the file is already downloaded
     if (!IOHelper::fileExists($this->sourcePath . $this->sourceFilename) || IOHelper::getLastTimeModified($this->sourcePath . $this->sourceFilename)->format('U') + craft()->imager->getSetting('cacheDurationRemoteFiles') < time()) {
         $this->_downloadFile($this->sourcePath . $this->sourceFilename, $image);
         if (!IOHelper::fileExists($this->sourcePath . $this->sourceFilename)) {
             throw new Exception(Craft::t('File could not be downloaded and saved to “{sourcePath}”', array('sourcePath' => $this->sourcePath)));
 public function actionSendSupportRequest()
     $success = false;
     $errors = array();
     $zipFile = null;
     $tempFolder = null;
     $getHelpModel = new FeedMe_GetHelpModel();
     $getHelpModel->fromEmail = craft()->request->getPost('fromEmail');
     $getHelpModel->feedIssue = craft()->request->getPost('feedIssue');
     $getHelpModel->message = trim(craft()->request->getPost('message'));
     $getHelpModel->attachLogs = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachLogs');
     $getHelpModel->attachSettings = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachSettings');
     $getHelpModel->attachFeed = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachFeed');
     $getHelpModel->attachFields = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachFields');
     $getHelpModel->attachment = UploadedFile::getInstanceByName('attachAdditionalFile');
     if ($getHelpModel->validate()) {
         $plugin = craft()->plugins->getPlugin('feedMe');
         $feed = craft()->feedMe_feeds->getFeedById($getHelpModel->feedIssue);
         // Add some extra info about this install
         $message = $getHelpModel->message . "\n\n" . "------------------------------\n\n" . 'Craft ' . craft()->getEditionName() . ' ' . craft()->getVersion() . '.' . craft()->getBuild() . "\n\n" . 'Feed Me ' . $plugin->getVersion();
         try {
             $zipFile = $this->_createZip();
             $tempFolder = craft()->path->getTempPath() . StringHelper::UUID() . '/';
             if (!IOHelper::folderExists($tempFolder)) {
             // Attached just the Feed Me log
             if ($getHelpModel->attachLogs) {
                 if (IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getLogPath())) {
                     $logFolderContents = IOHelper::getFolderContents(craft()->path->getLogPath());
                     foreach ($logFolderContents as $file) {
                         // Just grab the Feed Me log
                         if (IOHelper::fileExists($file) && basename($file) == 'feedme.log') {
                             Zip::add($zipFile, $file, craft()->path->getStoragePath());
             // Backup our feed settings
             if ($getHelpModel->attachSettings) {
                 if (IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getDbBackupPath())) {
                     $backup = craft()->path->getDbBackupPath() . StringHelper::toLowerCase('feedme_' . gmdate('ymd_His') . '.sql');
                     $feedInfo = $this->_prepareSqlFeedSettings($getHelpModel->feedIssue);
                     IOHelper::writeToFile($backup, $feedInfo . PHP_EOL, true, true);
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $backup, craft()->path->getStoragePath());
             // Save the contents of the feed
             if ($getHelpModel->attachFeed) {
                 $feedData = craft()->feedMe_feed->getRawData($feed->feedUrl);
                 $tempFile = $tempFolder . 'feed.' . StringHelper::toLowerCase($feed->feedType);
                 IOHelper::writeToFile($tempFile, $feedData . PHP_EOL, true, true);
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempFile)) {
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $tempFile, $tempFolder);
             // Get some information about the fields we're mapping to - handy to know
             if ($getHelpModel->attachFields) {
                 $fieldInfo = array();
                 foreach ($feed->fieldMapping as $feedHandle => $fieldHandle) {
                     $field = craft()->fields->getFieldByHandle($fieldHandle);
                     if ($field) {
                         $fieldInfo[] = $this->_prepareExportField($field);
                 // Support PHP <5.4, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT = 128, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK = 32
                 $json = json_encode($fieldInfo, 128 | 32);
                 $tempFile = $tempFolder . 'fields.json';
                 IOHelper::writeToFile($tempFile, $json . PHP_EOL, true, true);
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempFile)) {
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $tempFile, $tempFolder);
             // Add in any additional attachments
             if ($getHelpModel->attachment) {
                 $tempFile = $tempFolder . $getHelpModel->attachment->getName();
                 // Make sure it actually saved.
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempFile)) {
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $tempFile, $tempFolder);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             FeedMePlugin::log('Tried to attach debug logs to a support request and something went horribly wrong: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Warning, true);
         $email = new EmailModel();
         $email->fromEmail = $getHelpModel->fromEmail;
         $email->toEmail = "*****@*****.**";
         $email->subject = "Feed Me Support";
         $email->body = $message;
         if ($zipFile) {
             $email->addAttachment($zipFile, 'FeedMeSupportAttachment.zip', 'base64', 'application/zip');
         $result = craft()->email->sendEmail($email);
         if ($result) {
             if ($zipFile) {
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($zipFile)) {
             if ($tempFolder) {
             $success = true;
         } else {
             $errors = array('Support' => array('Unable to contact support. Please try again soon.'));
     } else {
         $errors = $getHelpModel->getErrors();
     $this->returnJson(array('success' => $success, 'errors' => $errors));
  * Create a physical folder, return TRUE on success.
  * @param AssetFolderModel $parentFolder
  * @param $folderName
  * @return boolean
 protected function _createSourceFolder(AssetFolderModel $parentFolder, $folderName)
     if (!IOHelper::isWritable($this->_getSourceFileSystemPath() . $parentFolder->fullPath)) {
         return false;
     return IOHelper::createFolder($this->_getSourceFileSystemPath() . $parentFolder->fullPath . $folderName, IOHelper::getWritableFolderPermissions());
  * Makes sure a folder exists. If it does not - creates one with write permissions
  * @param $folderPath
  * @return void
 public static function ensureFolderExists($folderPath)
     if (!IOHelper::folderExists($folderPath)) {
         IOHelper::createFolder($folderPath, self::getWritableFolderPermissions());