function callback($in, &$paymentId, &$money, &$message, &$tradeno) { $key = $this->getConf($paymentId, 'key'); $v_oid = trim($_POST['v_oid']); // 商户发送的v_oid定单编号 $v_pmode = trim($_POST['v_pmode']); // 支付方式(字符串) $v_pstatus = trim($_POST['v_pstatus']); // 支付状态 :20(支付成功);30(支付失败) $v_pstring = trim($_POST['v_pstring']); // 支付结果信息 : 支付完成(当v_pstatus=20时);失败原因(当v_pstatus=30时,字符串); $v_amount = trim($_POST['v_amount']); // 订单实际支付金额 $v_moneytype = trim($_POST['v_moneytype']); // 订单实际支付币种 $v_md5str = trim($_POST['v_md5str']); // 拼凑后的MD5校验值 $md5string = strtoupper(md5($v_oid . $v_pstatus . $v_amount . $v_moneytype . $key)); if ($v_md5str == $md5string) { $money = $v_amount; $tradeno = $v_oid; $message = $v_pstring; //支付单号 switch ($v_pstatus) { case '20': return PAY_SUCCESS; break; case '30': return PAY_FAILED; break; } } else { IError::show(403, '校验码不正确'); } }
public static function checkAdminRights() { $object = IWeb::$app->getController(); $admin = array(); $admin['admin_id'] = ISafe::get('admin_id'); $admin['admin_name'] = ISafe::get('admin_name'); $admin['admin_pwd'] = ISafe::get('admin_pwd'); $admin['admin_role_name'] = ISafe::get('admin_role_name'); if ($admin['admin_name'] == null || $admin['admin_pwd'] == null) { $object->redirect('/systemadmin/index'); exit; } $adminObj = new IModel('admin'); $adminRow = $adminObj->getObj("admin_name = '{$admin['admin_name']}'"); if ($adminRow && $adminRow['password'] == $admin['admin_pwd'] && $adminRow['is_del'] == 0) { //非超管角色 if ($adminRow['role_id'] != 0) { $roleObj = new IModel('admin_role'); $where = 'id = ' . $adminRow["role_id"] . ' and is_del = 0'; $roleRow = $roleObj->getObj($where); //角色权限校验 if (self::checkRight($roleRow['rights']) == false) { IError::show('503', 'no permission to access'); exit; } } $object->admin = $admin; } else { IError::show('503', 'no permission to access'); exit; } }
/** * @brief 构造函数 初始化商品金额 * @param float $sum 商品金额 */ function __construct($sum) { //商品金额必须为数字 if (!is_numeric($sum)) { IError::show(403, array('message' => 'order sum must a num')); } $this->sum = $sum; }
/** * @brief 构造函数 初始化商品金额 * @param float $sum 商品金额 * @param int $seller_id 商家ID */ public function __construct($sum, $seller_id = 0) { //商品金额必须为数字 if (!is_numeric($sum)) { IError::show(403, 'order sum must a num'); } $this->sum = $sum; $this->seller_id = $seller_id; }
/** * @brief 执行视图渲染 * @return 视图 */ public function run() { $controller = $this->getController(); IInterceptor::run("onCreateView", $controller); $this->resolveView($this->getView()); $data = null; if (file_exists($this->view . $controller->extend)) { $controller->render($this->view, $data); } else { $path = $this->view . $controller->extend; $path = IException::pathFilter($path); IError::show("not found this view page({$path})", 404); } IInterceptor::run("onFinishView"); }
/** * 获取订单基本信息 * @param $orderIdString string 订单ID序列 * @param $seller_id int 商家ID */ public function getOrderInfo($orderIdString, $seller_id = 0) { $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $areaIdArray = array(); $orderList = $orderObj->query('id in (' . $orderIdString . ') and seller_id = ' . $seller_id); if (!$orderList) { IError::show(403, "无查阅订单权限"); } foreach ($orderList as $key => $val) { $temp = area::name($val['province'], $val['city'], $val['area']); $orderList[$key]['province_str'] = $temp[$val['province']]; $orderList[$key]['city_str'] = $temp[$val['city']]; $orderList[$key]['area_str'] = $temp[$val['area']]; } return $orderList; }
function pro_rule_edit_act() { $id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $promotionObj = new IModel('promotion'); $group_all = IReq::get('group_all', 'post'); if ($group_all == 'all') { $user_group_str = 'all'; } else { $user_group = IFilter::act(IReq::get('user_group', 'post'), 'int'); $user_group_str = ''; if ($user_group) { $user_group_str = join(',', $user_group); $user_group_str = ',' . $user_group_str . ','; } } $dataArray = array('name' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('name', 'post')), 'condition' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('condition', 'post')), 'is_close' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('is_close', 'post')), 'start_time' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('start_time', 'post')), 'end_time' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('end_time', 'post')), 'intro' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('intro', 'post')), 'award_type' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('award_type', 'post')), 'type' => 0, 'user_group' => $user_group_str, 'award_value' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('award_value', 'post')), 'seller_id' => $this->seller['seller_id']); if (!in_array($dataArray['award_type'], array(1, 2, 6))) { IError::show('促销类型不符合规范', 403); } $promotionObj->setData($dataArray); if ($id) { $where = 'id = ' . $id; $promotionObj->update($where); } else { $promotionObj->add(); } $this->redirect('pro_rule_list'); }
function callback($in, &$paymentId, &$money, &$message, &$tradeno) { //比对md5码 $pKey = $this->getConf($paymentId, 'PrivateKey'); $user_id = ISafe::get('user_id'); ksort($in); unset($in['controller']); unset($in['action']); unset($in['payment_name']); $temp = array(); foreach ($in as $k => $v) { if ($k != 'sign') { $temp[] = $k . '=' . urlencode($v); } } $testStr = join('&', $temp) . '&' . $user_id . $pKey; $tradeno = $in['order_no']; $money = $in['total_fee']; if ($in['sign'] == md5($testStr)) { //支付单号 switch ($in['is_success']) { case 'T': $log = new AccountLog(); $config = array('user_id' => ISafe::get('user_id'), 'event' => 'pay', 'note' => '通过余额支付方式进行商品购买', 'num' => '-' . $money, 'order_id' => $tradeno); $log->write($config); return PAY_SUCCESS; break; case 'F': return PAY_FAILED; break; } } else { IError::show(403, '校验码不正确'); } }
public static function checkAdminRights() { $object = IWeb::$app->getController(); $controllerId = $object->getId(); $actionId = $object->getAction()->getId(); //1,针对独立配置的action检测 if (isset(self::$adminAction[$controllerId . "@" . $actionId]) && method_exists(__CLASS__, self::$adminAction[$controllerId . "@" . $actionId])) { call_user_func(array(__CLASS__, self::$adminAction[$controllerId . "@" . $actionId])); return; } else { if ((in_array($controllerId . "@" . $actionId, self::$adminShareSellerAction) || in_array($controllerId . "@*", self::$adminShareSellerAction)) && ($object->seller = self::getSeller())) { $object->seller = self::getSeller(); $object->admin = self::getAdmin(); //URL中的seller_id作为商家身份标示 $seller_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seller_id')); if ($seller_id && !$object->admin && $object->seller['seller_id'] != $seller_id) { die('当前商家身份与要操作的商家身份不符'); } return; } else { $admin = self::getAdmin(); if (!$admin) { $object->redirect('/systemadmin/index'); } //获取管理员数据 $adminRow = self::isValidAdmin($admin['admin_name'], $admin['admin_pwd']); //非超管角色 if ($adminRow['role_id'] != 0) { $roleObj = new IModel('admin_role'); $where = 'id = ' . $adminRow["role_id"] . ' and is_del = 0'; $roleRow = $roleObj->getObj($where); //角色权限校验 if (self::checkRight($roleRow['rights']) == false) { IError::show('503', 'no permission to access'); exit; } } $object->admin = $admin; } } }
function callback($in, &$paymentId, &$money, &$message, &$tradeno) { //获取人民币网关账户号 $merchantAcctId = trim($_REQUEST['merchantAcctId']); //设置人民币网关密钥 ///区分大小写 $key = $this->getConf($paymentId, 'merchant_key'); //商户密钥 //获取网关版本.固定值 ///快钱会根据版本号来调用对应的接口处理程序。 ///本代码版本号固定为v2.0 $version = trim($_REQUEST['version']); //获取语言种类.固定选择值。 ///只能选择1、2、3 ///1代表中文;2代表英文 ///默认值为1 $language = trim($_REQUEST['language']); //签名类型.固定值 ///1代表MD5签名 ///当前版本固定为1 $signType = trim($_REQUEST['signType']); //获取支付方式 ///值为:10、11、12、13、14 ///00:组合支付(网关支付页面显示快钱支持的各种支付方式,推荐使用)10:银行卡支付(网关支付页面只显示银行卡支付).11:电话银行支付(网关支付页面只显示电话支付).12:快钱账户支付(网关支付页面只显示快钱账户支付).13:线下支付(网关支付页面只显示线下支付方式).14:B2B支付(网关支付页面只显示B2B支付,但需要向快钱申请开通才能使用) $payType = trim($_REQUEST['payType']); //获取银行代码 ///参见银行代码列表 $bankId = trim($_REQUEST['bankId']); //获取商户订单号 $orderId = trim($_REQUEST['orderId']); //获取订单提交时间 ///获取商户提交订单时的时间.14位数字。年[4位]月[2位]日[2位]时[2位]分[2位]秒[2位] ///如:20080101010101 $orderTime = trim($_REQUEST['orderTime']); //获取原始订单金额 ///订单提交到快钱时的金额,单位为分。 ///比方2 ,代表0.02元 $orderAmount = trim($_REQUEST['orderAmount']); //获取快钱交易号 ///获取该交易在快钱的交易号 $dealId = trim($_REQUEST['dealId']); //获取银行交易号 ///如果使用银行卡支付时,在银行的交易号。如不是通过银行支付,则为空 $bankDealId = trim($_REQUEST['bankDealId']); //获取在快钱交易时间 ///14位数字。年[4位]月[2位]日[2位]时[2位]分[2位]秒[2位] ///如;20080101010101 $dealTime = trim($_REQUEST['dealTime']); //获取实际支付金额 ///单位为分 ///比方 2 ,代表0.02元 $payAmount = trim($_REQUEST['payAmount']); //获取交易手续费 ///单位为分 ///比方 2 ,代表0.02元 $fee = trim($_REQUEST['fee']); //获取扩展字段1 $ext1 = trim($_REQUEST['ext1']); //获取扩展字段2 $ext2 = trim($_REQUEST['ext2']); //获取处理结果 ///10代表 成功; 11代表 失败 $payResult = trim($_REQUEST['payResult']); //获取错误代码 ///详细见文档错误代码列表 $errCode = trim($_REQUEST['errCode']); //获取加密签名串 $signMsg = trim($_REQUEST['signMsg']); //生成加密串。必须保持如下顺序。 $merchantSignMsgVal = ''; $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "merchantAcctId", $merchantAcctId); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "version", $version); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "language", $language); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "signType", $signType); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "payType", $payType); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "bankId", $bankId); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "orderId", $orderId); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "orderTime", $orderTime); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "orderAmount", $orderAmount); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "dealId", $dealId); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "bankDealId", $bankDealId); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "dealTime", $dealTime); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "payAmount", $payAmount); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "fee", $fee); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "ext1", $ext1); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "ext2", $ext2); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "payResult", $payResult); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "errCode", $errCode); $merchantSignMsgVal = $this->appendParam($merchantSignMsgVal, "key", $key); $merchantSignMsg = md5($merchantSignMsgVal); if (strtoupper($signMsg) == strtoupper($merchantSignMsg)) { $money = $orderAmount / 100; $tradeno = $orderId; $message = $payResult; //支付单号 switch ($payResult) { case '10': return PAY_SUCCESS; break; default: return PAY_FAILED; break; } } else { IError::show(403, '校验码不正确'); } }
/** * @brief 获取订单中的支付信息 M:必要信息; R表示店铺; P表示用户; * @param $payment_id int 支付方式ID * @param $type string 信息获取方式 order:订单支付;recharge:在线充值; * @param $argument mix 参数 * @return array 支付提交信息 */ public static function getPaymentInfo($payment_id, $type, $argument) { //最终返回值 $payment = array(); //获取公共信息 $paymentRow = self::getPaymentById($payment_id); $payment['M_PartnerId'] = $paymentRow['partner_id']; $payment['M_PartnerKey'] = $paymentRow['partner_key']; if ($type == 'order') { $order_id = $argument; //获取订单信息 $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $orderRow = $orderObj->getObj('id = ' . $order_id . ' and status = 1'); if (empty($orderRow)) { IError::show(403, '订单信息不正确,不能进行支付'); } $payment['M_Remark'] = $orderRow['postscript']; $payment['M_OrderId'] = $orderRow['id']; $payment['M_OrderNO'] = $orderRow['order_no']; $payment['M_Amount'] = $orderRow['order_amount']; //用户信息 $payment['P_Mobile'] = $orderRow['mobile']; $payment['P_Name'] = $orderRow['accept_name']; $payment['P_PostCode'] = $orderRow['postcode']; $payment['P_Telephone'] = $orderRow['telphone']; $payment['P_Address'] = $orderRow['address']; } else { if ($type == 'recharge') { if (ISafe::get('user_id') == null) { IError::show(403, '请登录系统'); } if (!isset($argument['account']) || $argument['account'] <= 0) { IError::show(403, '请填入正确的充值金额'); } $rechargeObj = new IModel('online_recharge'); $reData = array('user_id' => ISafe::get('user_id'), 'recharge_no' => Order_Class::createOrderNum(), 'account' => $argument['account'], 'time' => ITime::getDateTime(), 'payment_name' => $argument['paymentName']); $rechargeObj->setData($reData); $r_id = $rechargeObj->add(); //充值时用户id跟随交易号一起发送,以"_"分割 $payment['M_OrderNO'] = 'recharge_' . $reData['recharge_no']; $payment['M_OrderId'] = $r_id; $payment['M_Amount'] = $reData['account']; } } $siteConfigObj = new Config("site_config"); $site_config = $siteConfigObj->getInfo(); //交易信息 $payment['M_Time'] = time(); $payment['M_Paymentid'] = $payment_id; //店铺信息 $payment['R_Address'] = isset($site_config['address']) ? $site_config['address'] : ''; $payment['R_Name'] = isset($site_config['name']) ? $site_config['name'] : ''; $payment['R_Mobile'] = isset($site_config['mobile']) ? $site_config['mobile'] : ''; $payment['R_Telephone'] = isset($site_config['phone']) ? $site_config['phone'] : ''; return $payment; }
function arrival_notice() { $user_id = IFilter::act(ISafe::get('user_id'), 'int'); $email = IFilter::act(IReq::get('email')); $mobile = IFilter::act(IReq::get('mobile')); $goods_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('goods_id'), 'int'); $register_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if (!$goods_id) { IError::show(403, '商品ID不存在'); } $model = new IModel('notify_registry'); $obj = $model->getObj("email = '{$email}' and user_id = '{$user_id}' and goods_id = '{$goods_id}'"); if (empty($obj)) { $model->setData(array('email' => $email, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'goods_id' => $goods_id, 'register_time' => $register_time)); $model->add(); } else { $model->setData(array('email' => $email, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'goods_id' => $goods_id, 'register_time' => $register_time, 'notify_status' => 0)); $model->update('id = ' . $obj['id']); } $this->redirect('arrival_result'); }
function ad_edit_act() { $id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $content = IReq::get('content'); //附件上传 if (isset($_FILES) && $_FILES) { $upType = isset($_FILES['img']) ? array("gif", "png", "jpg") : array('flv', 'swf'); $upObj = new IUpload("5000", $upType); $dir = IWeb::$app->config['upload'] . '/' . date('Y') . "/" . date('m') . "/" . date('d'); $upObj->setDir($dir); $upState = $upObj->execute(); $result = $upState ? current($upState) : ""; if ($result && isset($result[0]['flag']) && $result[0]['flag'] == 1) { //最终附件路径 $content = $dir . '/' . $result[0]['name']; } else { if (!$content) { IError::show(403, "请上传正确的附件数据"); } } } $adObj = new IModel('ad_manage'); $dataArray = array('content' => IFilter::addSlash($content), 'name' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('name')), 'position_id' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('position_id')), 'type' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('type')), 'link' => IFilter::addSlash(IReq::get('link')), 'start_time' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('start_time')), 'end_time' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('end_time')), 'description' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('description'), 'text'), 'order' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('order'), 'int'), 'goods_cat_id' => IFilter::act(IReq::get('goods_cat_id'), 'int')); $adObj->setData($dataArray); if ($id) { $where = 'id = ' . $id; $adObj->update($where); } else { $adObj->add(); } $this->redirect("ad_list"); }
/** * @brief api错误处理 * @param string $apiName api名称 * @param string $message 错误信息 * @return Error */ private static function error($apiName, $message) { IError::show(403, "API of " . $apiName . " is called error , " . $message); }
public function direct_count($id, $type, $buy_num = 1, $promo = '', $active_id = '') { /*正常购买流程*/ if ($promo == '' || $active_id == '') { $buyInfo = array($type => array('id' => array($id), 'data' => array($id => array('count' => $buy_num)), 'count' => $buy_num)); return $this->goodsCount($buyInfo); } /*活动购买流程*/ $user_id = ISafe::get('user_id') ? ISafe::get('user_id') : 0; //获取货品数据 if ($type == 'product') { $model = new IModel('goods as go,products as pro'); $productRow = $model->getObj(' = ' . $id . ' and pro.goods_id = and go.is_del = 0', 'pro.sell_price,pro.weight,,pro.spec_array,pro.goods_id,pro.store_nums,,go.point,go.exp,go.list_img'); if (empty($productRow)) { IError::show(403, '参数错误,无法找到商品信息'); } $typeRow = $productRow; $goods_id = $typeRow['goods_id']; } else { $model = new IModel('goods as go'); $goodsRow = $model->getObj('id = ' . $id . ' and is_del = 0', ',,go.list_img,go.sell_price,go.point,go.weight,go.store_nums,go.exp'); if (empty($goodsRow)) { IError::show(403, '参数错误,无法找到商品信息'); } $typeRow = $goodsRow; $goods_id = $id; } //库存判断 if ($buy_num <= 0 || $buy_num > $typeRow['store_nums']) { IError::show(403, '购买的数量不正确或大于商品的库存量'); exit; } //限时抢购 if ($promo == 'time') { $promotionObj = new IModel('promotion'); $promotionRow = $promotionObj->getObj('type = 1 and `condition` = ' . $goods_id . ' and NOW() between start_time and end_time and is_close = 0'); if (!empty($promotionRow)) { $memberObj = new IModel('member'); $memberRow = $memberObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $user_id, 'group_id'); if ($promotionRow['user_group'] == 'all' || isset($memberRow['group_id']) && stripos(',' . $promotionRow['user_group'] . ',', $memberRow['group_id']) !== false) { $disPrice = $promotionRow['award_value']; } else { IError::show(403, '此活动仅限指定的用户组'); } } else { IError::show(403, '不存在此限时抢购活动'); } } else { if ($promo == 'groupon') { $regimentObj = new IModel('regiment'); $regimentRow = $regimentObj->getObj('id = ' . $active_id . ' and goods_id = ' . $goods_id . ' and NOW() between start_time and end_time and is_close = 0'); if (!empty($regimentRow)) { $disPrice = $regimentRow['regiment_price']; } else { IError::show(403, '不存在此团购活动'); } } } //没有优惠价格时为商品原价 if (!isset($disPrice)) { $disPrice = $typeRow['sell_price']; } //设置优惠价格,如果不存在则优惠价等于商品原价 $typeRow['reduce'] = $typeRow['sell_price'] - $disPrice; $typeRow['count'] = $buy_num; $typeRow['sum'] = $disPrice * $buy_num; //拼接返回数据 $result = array('final_sum' => $typeRow['sum'], 'promotion' => array(), 'proReduce' => 0, 'sum' => $typeRow['sell_price'] * $buy_num, 'goodsList' => $type == 'goods' ? array($typeRow) : array(), 'productList' => $type == 'product' ? array($typeRow) : array(), 'count' => $buy_num, 'reduce' => $typeRow['reduce'] * $buy_num, 'weight' => $typeRow['weight'] * $buy_num, 'point' => $typeRow['point'] * $buy_num, 'exp' => $typeRow['exp'] * $buy_num, 'freeFreight' => false); return $result; }
?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php echo Ad::show(1); ?> <?php $seller_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $sellerRow = Api::run('getSellerInfo', $seller_id); if (!$sellerRow) { IError::show(403, '商户信息不存在'); } ?> <div class="position"> <span>您当前的位置:</span> <a href="<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl(""); ?> "> 首页</a> » 商户主页 </div> <div class="wrapper clearfix container_2"> <div class="sidebar f_l"> <div class="box m_10"> <div class="title">商户信息</div> <div class="content"> <div class="c_box"> <dl class="clearfix"> <dt><strong><?php
/** * @brief 获取订单中的支付信息 M:必要信息; R表示店铺; P表示用户; * @param $payment_id int 支付方式ID * @param $type string 信息获取方式 order:订单支付;recharge:在线充值; * @param $argument mix 参数 * @return array 支付提交信息 */ public static function getPaymentInfo($payment_id, $type, $argument) { //最终返回值 $payment = array(); //初始化配置参数 $paymentInstance = Payment::createPaymentInstance($payment_id); $configParam = $paymentInstance->configParam(); foreach ($configParam as $key => $val) { $payment[$key] = ''; } //获取公共信息 $paymentRow = self::getPaymentById($payment_id, 'config_param'); if ($paymentRow) { $paymentRow = JSON::decode($paymentRow); foreach ($paymentRow as $key => $item) { $payment[$key] = $item; } } if ($type == 'order') { $orderIdArray = $argument; $M_Amount = 0; $M_OrderNO = array(); foreach ($orderIdArray as $key => $order_id) { //获取订单信息 $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $orderRow = $orderObj->getObj('id = ' . $order_id . ' and status = 1'); if (empty($orderRow)) { IError::show(403, '订单信息不正确,不能进行支付'); } //判断商品库存 $orderGoodsDB = new IModel('order_goods'); $orderGoodsList = $orderGoodsDB->query('order_id = ' . $order_id); foreach ($orderGoodsList as $key => $val) { if (!goods_class::checkStore($val['goods_nums'], $val['goods_id'], $val['product_id'])) { IError::show(403, '商品库存不足无法支付,请重新下单'); } } $M_Amount += $orderRow['order_amount']; $M_OrderNO[] = $orderRow['order_no']; } $payment['M_Remark'] = $orderRow['postscript']; $payment['M_OrderId'] = $orderRow['id']; $payment['M_OrderNO'] = $orderRow['order_no']; $payment['M_Amount'] = $M_Amount; //用户信息 $payment['P_Mobile'] = $orderRow['mobile']; $payment['P_Name'] = $orderRow['accept_name']; $payment['P_PostCode'] = $orderRow['postcode']; $payment['P_Telephone'] = $orderRow['telphone']; $payment['P_Address'] = $orderRow['address']; //订单批量结算缓存机制 $cacheObj = new ICache('file'); $cacheObj->set($payment['M_OrderNO'], join(",", $M_OrderNO)); } else { if ($type == 'recharge') { if (ISafe::get('user_id') == null) { IError::show(403, '请登录系统'); } if (!isset($argument['account']) || $argument['account'] <= 0) { IError::show(403, '请填入正确的充值金额'); } $rechargeObj = new IModel('online_recharge'); $reData = array('user_id' => ISafe::get('user_id'), 'recharge_no' => Order_Class::createOrderNum(), 'account' => $argument['account'], 'time' => ITime::getDateTime(), 'payment_name' => $argument['paymentName']); $rechargeObj->setData($reData); $r_id = $rechargeObj->add(); //充值时用户id跟随交易号一起发送,以"_"分割 $payment['M_OrderNO'] = 'recharge' . $reData['recharge_no']; $payment['M_OrderId'] = $r_id; $payment['M_Amount'] = $reData['account']; } } $siteConfigObj = new Config("site_config"); $site_config = $siteConfigObj->getInfo(); //交易信息 $payment['M_Time'] = time(); $payment['M_Paymentid'] = $payment_id; //店铺信息 $payment['R_Address'] = isset($site_config['address']) ? $site_config['address'] : ''; $payment['R_Name'] = isset($site_config['name']) ? $site_config['name'] : ''; $payment['R_Mobile'] = isset($site_config['mobile']) ? $site_config['mobile'] : ''; $payment['R_Telephone'] = isset($site_config['phone']) ? $site_config['phone'] : ''; return $payment; }
/** * @brief 获取订单中的支付信息 M:必要信息; R表示店铺; P表示用户; * @param $payment_id int 支付方式ID * @param $type string 信息获取方式 order:订单支付;recharge:在线充值; * @param $argument mix 参数 * @return array 支付提交信息 */ public static function getPaymentInfo($payment_id, $type, $argument) { //最终返回值 $payment = array(); //初始化配置参数 $paymentInstance = Payment::createPaymentInstance($payment_id); $configParam = $paymentInstance->configParam(); foreach ($configParam as $key => $val) { $payment[$key] = ''; } //获取公共信息 $paymentRow = self::getPaymentById($payment_id, 'config_param'); if ($paymentRow) { $paymentRow = JSON::decode($paymentRow); foreach ($paymentRow as $key => $item) { $payment[$key] = $item; } } //print_r($payment);die; if ($type == 'order') { $order_id = $argument; //获取订单信息 $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $orderRow = $orderObj->getObj('id = ' . $order_id . ' and status = 1'); if (empty($orderRow)) { IError::show(403, '订单信息不正确,不能进行支付'); } //是商家的订单的话,收款信息为商家个人 if ($orderRow['seller_id'] > 0) { $configParam = $paymentInstance->sellerConfigParam($orderRow['seller_id']); if ($configParam == 0) { IError::show(403, '商家收款信息未填写,不能进行支付'); } else { //重写收款信息 foreach ($configParam as $key => $val) { $payment[$key] = $val; } } } $payment['M_Remark'] = $orderRow['postscript']; $payment['M_OrderId'] = $orderRow['id']; $payment['M_OrderNO'] = $orderRow['order_no']; $payment['M_Amount'] = $orderRow['order_amount']; //用户信息 $payment['P_Mobile'] = $orderRow['mobile']; $payment['P_Name'] = $orderRow['accept_name']; $payment['P_PostCode'] = $orderRow['postcode']; $payment['P_Telephone'] = $orderRow['telphone']; $payment['P_Address'] = $orderRow['address']; } else { if ($type == 'recharge') { if (ISafe::get('user_id') == null) { IError::show(403, '请登录系统'); } if (!isset($argument['account']) || $argument['account'] <= 0) { IError::show(403, '请填入正确的充值金额'); } $rechargeObj = new IModel('online_recharge'); $reData = array('user_id' => ISafe::get('user_id'), 'recharge_no' => Order_Class::createOrderNum(), 'account' => $argument['account'], 'time' => ITime::getDateTime(), 'payment_name' => $argument['paymentName']); $rechargeObj->setData($reData); $r_id = $rechargeObj->add(); //充值时用户id跟随交易号一起发送,以"_"分割 $payment['M_OrderNO'] = 'recharge_' . $reData['recharge_no']; $payment['M_OrderId'] = $r_id; $payment['M_Amount'] = $reData['account']; } } $siteConfigObj = new Config("site_config"); $site_config = $siteConfigObj->getInfo(); //交易信息 $payment['M_Time'] = time(); $payment['M_Paymentid'] = $payment_id; //店铺信息 $payment['R_Address'] = isset($site_config['address']) ? $site_config['address'] : ''; $payment['R_Name'] = isset($site_config['name']) ? $site_config['name'] : ''; $payment['R_Mobile'] = isset($site_config['mobile']) ? $site_config['mobile'] : ''; $payment['R_Telephone'] = isset($site_config['phone']) ? $site_config['phone'] : ''; return $payment; }
/** * 余额付款 * T:支付失败; * F:支付成功; */ function payment_balance() { $urlStr = ''; $user_id = intval($this->user['user_id']); $return['attach'] = IReq::get('attach'); $return['total_fee'] = IReq::get('total_fee'); $return['order_no'] = IReq::get('order_no'); $return['return_url'] = IReq::get('return_url'); $sign = IReq::get('sign'); if (stripos($return['order_no'], 'recharge_') !== false) { IError::show(403, '余额支付方式不能用于在线充值'); exit; } if (floatval($return['total_fee']) <= 0 || $return['order_no'] == '' || $return['return_url'] == '') { IError::show(403, '支付参数不正确'); } else { $paymentDB = new IModel('payment'); $paymentRow = $paymentDB->getObj('class_name = "balance" '); $pkey = Payment::getConfigParam($paymentRow['id'], 'M_PartnerKey'); //md5校验 ksort($return); foreach ($return as $key => $val) { $urlStr .= $key . '=' . urlencode($val) . '&'; } $urlStr .= $user_id . $pkey; if ($sign != md5($urlStr)) { IError::show(403, '数据校验不正确'); } else { $memberObj = new IModel('member'); $memberRow = $memberObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $user_id); if (empty($memberRow)) { IError::show(403, '用户信息不存在'); exit; } else { if ($memberRow['balance'] < $return['total_fee']) { IError::show(403, '账户余额不足'); exit; } else { $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $orderRow = $orderObj->getObj('order_no = "' . IFilter::act($return['order_no']) . '" and pay_status = 0 and user_id = ' . $user_id); if (empty($orderRow)) { IError::show(403, '订单已经被处理过,请查看订单状态'); exit; } $dataArray = array('balance' => 'balance - ' . IFilter::act($return['total_fee'])); $memberObj->setData($dataArray); $is_success = $memberObj->update('user_id = ' . $user_id, 'balance'); if ($is_success) { $return['is_success'] = 'T'; } else { $return['is_success'] = 'F'; } ksort($return); //返还的URL地址 $responseUrl = ''; foreach ($return as $key => $val) { $responseUrl .= $key . '=' . urlencode($val) . '&'; } $nextUrl = urldecode($return['return_url']); if (stripos($nextUrl, '?') === false) { $return_url = $nextUrl . '?' . $responseUrl; } else { $return_url = $nextUrl . '&' . $responseUrl; } //计算要发送的md5校验 $urlStrMD5 = md5($responseUrl . $user_id . $pkey); //拼接进返还的URL中 $return_url .= 'sign=' . $urlStrMD5; header('location:' . $return_url); } } } } }
/** * @brief 获取订单中的支付信息 * @payment_id 支付方式信息 * @type 信息获取方式 order:订单支付;recharge:在线充值; * @argument 参数 * @return array 支付提交信息 * R表示店铺 ; P表示用户; */ public function getPaymentInfo($payment_id, $type, $argument) { if ($type == 'order') { $order_id = $argument; //获取订单信息 $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $orderRow = $orderObj->getObj('id = ' . $order_id . ' and status = 1'); if (empty($orderRow)) { IError::show(403, '订单信息不正确,不能进行支付'); } //团购 if ($orderRow['type'] == 1) { $regimentRelationObj = new IModel('regiment_user_relation'); $relationRow = $regimentRelationObj->getObj('order_no = "' . $orderRow['order_no'] . '"'); if (empty($relationRow)) { IError::show(403, '团购订单已经失效'); exit; } else { if (abs(ITime::getDiffSec($relationRow['join_time'])) > regiment::time_limit() * 60) { IError::show(403, '支付时间已经过期'); exit; } } } $payment['M_Remark'] = $orderRow['postscript']; $payment['M_OrderId'] = $orderRow['id']; $payment['M_OrderNO'] = $orderRow['order_no']; $payment['M_Amount'] = $orderRow['order_amount']; //用户信息 $payment['P_Mobile'] = $orderRow['mobile']; $payment['P_Name'] = $orderRow['accept_name']; $payment['P_PostCode'] = $orderRow['postcode']; $payment['P_Telephone'] = $orderRow['telphone']; $payment['P_Address'] = $orderRow['address']; $payment['P_Email'] = ''; } else { if ($type == 'recharge') { if (ISafe::get('user_id') == null) { IError::show(403, '请登录系统'); } if (!isset($argument['account']) || $argument['account'] <= 0) { IError::show(403, '请填入正确的充值金额'); } $rechargeObj = new IModel('online_recharge'); $reData = array('user_id' => ISafe::get('user_id'), 'recharge_no' => Block::createOrderNum(), 'account' => $argument['account'], 'time' => ITime::getDateTime(), 'payment_name' => $argument['payment_type'], 'status' => 0); $rechargeObj->setData($reData); $r_id = $rechargeObj->add(); //充值时用户id跟随交易号一起发送,以"_"分割 $payment['M_OrderNO'] = 'recharge_' . $reData['recharge_no']; $payment['M_OrderId'] = $r_id; $payment['M_Amount'] = $reData['account']; } } $siteConfigObj = new Config("site_config"); $site_config = $siteConfigObj->getInfo(); //交易信息 $payment['M_Def_Amount'] = 0.01; $payment['M_Time'] = time(); $payment['M_Goods'] = ''; $payment['M_Language'] = "zh_CN"; $payment['M_Paymentid'] = $payment_id; //店铺信息 $payment['R_Address'] = isset($site_config['address']) ? $site_config['address'] : ''; $payment['R_Name'] = isset($site_config['name']) ? $site_config['name'] : ''; $payment['R_Mobile'] = isset($site_config['mobile']) ? $site_config['mobile'] : ''; $payment['R_Telephone'] = isset($site_config['phone']) ? $site_config['phone'] : ''; $payment['R_Postcode'] = ''; $payment['R_Email'] = ''; return $payment; }
/** * @brief 发送验证邮箱邮件 */ public function send_check_mail() { $email = IReq::get('email'); if (IValidate::email($email) == false) { IError::show(403, '邮件格式错误'); } $userDB = new IModel('user'); $userRow = $userDB->getObj('email = "' . $email . '"'); $code = base64_encode($userRow['email'] . "|" . $userRow['id']); $url = IUrl::getHost() . IUrl::creatUrl("/simple/check_mail/code/{$code}"); $content = mailTemplate::checkMail(array("{url}" => $url)); //发送邮件 $smtp = new SendMail(); $result = $smtp->send($email, "用户注册邮箱验证", $content); if ($result === false) { IError::show(403, "发信失败,请重试!或者联系管理员查看邮件服务是否开启"); } $message = "您的邮箱验证邮件已发送到{$email}!请到您的邮箱中去激活"; $this->redirect('/site/success?message=' . urlencode($message) . '&email=' . $email); }
public function merge_template() { $this->layout = 'print'; $order_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $seller_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seller_id'), 'int'); $tb_order = new IModel('order'); $where = $seller_id ? 'id=' . $order_id . ' and seller_id = ' . $seller_id : 'id=' . $order_id; $data = $tb_order->getObj($where); if (!$data) { IError::show(403, "您没有权限查阅该订单"); } if ($data['seller_id']) { $sellerObj = new IModel('seller'); $config_info = $sellerObj->getObj('id = ' . $data['seller_id']); $data['set']['name'] = isset($config_info['true_name']) ? $config_info['true_name'] : ''; $data['set']['phone'] = isset($config_info['phone']) ? $config_info['phone'] : ''; $data['set']['email'] = isset($config_info['email']) ? $config_info['email'] : ''; $data['set']['url'] = isset($config_info['home_url']) ? $config_info['home_url'] : ''; } else { $config = new Config("site_config"); $config_info = $config->getInfo(); $data['set']['name'] = isset($config_info['name']) ? $config_info['name'] : ''; $data['set']['phone'] = isset($config_info['phone']) ? $config_info['phone'] : ''; $data['set']['email'] = isset($config_info['email']) ? $config_info['email'] : ''; $data['set']['url'] = isset($config_info['url']) ? $config_info['url'] : ''; } //获取地区 $data['address'] = join(' ', area::name($data['province'], $data['city'], $data['area'])) . " " . $data['address']; $this->setRenderData($data); $this->redirect("merge_template"); }
/** * @brief 【重要】支付回调[同步] */ public function callback() { //从URL中获取支付方式 $payment_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('_id'), 'int'); $paymentInstance = Payment::createPaymentInstance($payment_id); if (!is_object($paymentInstance)) { IError::show(403, '支付方式不存在'); } //初始化参数 $money = ''; $message = '支付失败'; $orderNo = ''; //执行接口回调函数 $callbackData = array_merge($_POST, $_GET); unset($callbackData['controller']); unset($callbackData['action']); unset($callbackData['_id']); $return = $paymentInstance->callback($callbackData, $payment_id, $money, $message, $orderNo); //支付成功 if ($return == 1) { //充值方式 if (stripos($orderNo, 'recharge_') !== false) { $tradenoArray = explode('_', $orderNo); $recharge_no = isset($tradenoArray[1]) ? $tradenoArray[1] : 0; if (payment::updateRecharge($recharge_no)) { $this->redirect('/site/success/message/' . urlencode("充值成功") . '/?callback=/ucenter/account_log'); exit; } IError::show(403, '充值失败'); } else { $order_id = Order_Class::updateOrderStatus($orderNo); if ($order_id) { $url = '/site/success/message/' . urlencode("支付成功"); $url .= ISafe::get('user_id') ? '/?callback=/ucenter/order_detail/id/' . $order_id : ''; $this->redirect($url); exit; } IError::show(403, '订单修改失败'); } } else { $message = $message ? $message : '支付失败'; IError::show(403, $message); } }
public function article() { $data = array(); $this->article_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); if ($this->article_id == '') { IError::show(404, '缺少咨询ID参数'); } else { $articleObj = new IModel('article'); $this->articleRow = $articleObj->getObj('id = ' . $this->article_id); if (empty($this->articleRow)) { IError::show(404, '资讯文章不存在'); exit; } //关联商品 $relationObj = new IQuery('relation as r'); $relationObj->join = ' left join goods as go on r.goods_id = '; $relationObj->where = ' r.article_id = ' . $this->article_id . ' and is not null '; $this->relationList = $relationObj->find(); $data['articleRow'] = $this->articleRow; $data['title'] = count($this->articleRow) > 0 ? $this->articleRow['title'] : ''; $data['description'] = count($this->articleRow) > 0 ? $this->articleRow['description'] : ''; $data['keywords'] = count($this->articleRow) > 0 ? $this->articleRow['keywords'] : ''; $data['kw'] = ''; $this->setRenderData($data); $this->redirect('article'); } }
/** * @brief 回复评论 */ function comment_update() { $id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $recontent = IFilter::act(IReq::get('recontents')); if ($id) { $commentDB = new IQuery('comment as c'); $commentDB->join = 'left join goods as go on = c.goods_id'; $commentDB->where = ' = ' . $id . ' and go.seller_id = ' . $this->seller['seller_id']; $checkList = $commentDB->find(); if (!$checkList) { IError::show(403, '该商品不属于您,无法对其评论进行回复'); } $updateData = array('recontents' => $recontent, 'recomment_time' => ITime::getDateTime()); $commentDB = new IModel('comment'); $commentDB->setData($updateData); $commentDB->update('id = ' . $id); } $this->redirect('comment_list'); }
function help() { $id = intval(IReq::get("id")); $tb_help = new IModel("help"); $help_row = $tb_help->query("id={$id}"); if (!$help_row || !is_array($help_row)) { IError::show(404, "您查找的页面已经不存在了"); } $this->help_row = end($help_row); $tb_help_cat = new IModel("help_category"); $cat_row = $tb_help_cat->query("id={$this->help_row['cat_id']}"); $this->cat_row = end($cat_row); $this->redirect("help"); }
/** * @brief 支付回调测试[同步] * define ( "PAY_FAILED", - 1);支付失败 * define ( "PAY_TIMEOUT", 0);支付超时 * define ( "PAY_SUCCESS", 1);支付成功 * define ( "PAY_CANCEL", 2);支付取消 * define ( "PAY_ERROR", 3);支付错误 * define ( "PAY_PROGRESS", 4);支付进行 * define ( "PAY_INVALID", 5);支付无效 * define ( "PAY_MANUAL", 0);手工支付 */ public function callback() { $payment_name = is_array($payment_name = IReq::get('payment_name')) ? IFilter::act($payment_name[0]) : IFilter::act(IReq::get('payment_name')); //初始化参数 $money = null; $message = '支付失败'; $tradeno = null; //获取支付payment的id值 $pObj = new IModel('payment as a,pay_plugin as b'); $paymentRow = $pObj->getObj('b.file_path = "' . $payment_name . '" and a.plugin_id =', ''); //载入支付接口文件 $paymentObj = new Payment(); $payObj = $paymentObj->loadMethod($payment_name); if (!is_object($payObj)) { IError::show(403, '支付方式不存在'); } //执行接口回调函数 $return = $payObj->callback(array_merge($_POST, $_GET), $paymentRow['id'], $money, $message, $tradeno); //判断返回状态 if ($return == 1) { if (stripos($tradeno, 'recharge_') !== false) { $tradenoArray = explode('_', $tradeno); $recharge_no = isset($tradenoArray[1]) ? $tradenoArray[1] : 0; if (payment::updateRecharge($recharge_no)) { $this->redirect('/site/success/message/' . urlencode("充值成功") . '/?callback=/ucenter/account_log'); } else { IError::show(403, '充值失败'); } } else { $order_id = payment::updateOrder($tradeno); if ($order_id != '') { $url = '/site/success/message/' . urlencode("支付成功"); $url .= ISafe::get('user_id') ? '/?callback=/ucenter/order_detail/id/' . $order_id : ''; $this->redirect($url); } else { IError::show(403, '订单修改失败'); } } } else { IError::show(403, $message); } }
function do_pay() { $id = intval(IReq::get('order_id')); $payment = intval(IReq::get('payment')); //更新的支付方式 $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $orderRow = $orderObj->getObj('id = ' . $id); if (empty($orderRow)) { IError::show(403, '订单不存在'); } //更换了支付方式,更新手续费 if ($payment != 0 && $orderRow['pay_type'] != $payment) { $paymentObj = new IModel('payment'); $payRow = $paymentObj->getObj('id = ' . $payment, 'poundage_type,poundage'); if ($payRow['poundage_type'] == 1) { $pay_fee = ($orderRow['order_amount'] - $orderRow['pay_fee']) * ($payRow['poundage'] / 100); } else { $pay_fee = $payRow['poundage']; } $dataArray = array('pay_type' => $payment, 'order_amount' => $orderRow['order_amount'] - $orderRow['pay_fee'] + $pay_fee, 'pay_fee' => $pay_fee); $orderObj->setData($dataArray); $orderObj->update('id = ' . $id); } else { $payment = $orderRow['pay_type']; } //拼接query字符串 $query_str = '?order_id=' . $id . '&id=' . $payment; $this->redirect('/block/doPay/' . $query_str); }