/** */ public function configure() { // RUN PARENT FIRST! parent::configure(); // init properties $this->import_property('linked_image', 'string'); }
protected function init() { parent::init(); // initialize directives $this->description = 'Select the number of pixels by moving the slider'; $this->max = 5; $this->min = 0; $this->step = 1; $this->style_unit = 'px'; $this->suffix = ' pixels'; $this->title = 'Pixels'; }
/** */ protected function init() { // run parent parent::init(); // init directives $this->title = __('Overlay Opacity', infinity_text_domain); $this->description = __('Select the overlay opacity by moving the slider', infinity_text_domain); $this->default_value = 0.2; $this->min = 0; $this->max = 1; $this->step = 0.01; $this->suffix = ' level'; $this->style_property = 'opacity'; }