Name() public method

public Name ( )
$suggestions = $myIban->MistranscriptionSuggestions();
if (count($suggestions)) {
    print "Hooray!  Successfully derived '" . implode(',', $suggestions) . "' as likely transcription error source suggestion(s) for the incorrect IBAN {$broken_iiban}.\n";
} else {
    print "ERROR: Not able to ascertain suggested transcription error source(s) for {$broken_iiban}.\n";
print "\n";
# Get list of countries
$countries = $myIban->Countries();
# Loop through the registry's examples, validating
foreach ($countries as $countrycode) {
    # instantiate
    $myCountry = new IBANCountry($countrycode);
    # start section
    print "[{$countrycode}: " . $myCountry->Name() . "]\n";
    # output remaining country properties
    print "Is a SEPA member? ";
    if ($myCountry->IsSEPA()) {
        print "Yes";
    } else {
        print "No";
    print ".\n";
    # get example iban
    $myIban = new IBAN($myCountry->IBANExample());
    # output example iban properties one by one
    print "Example IBAN: " . $myIban->HumanFormat() . "\n";
    print " - country  " . $myIban->Country() . "\n";
    print " - checksum " . $myIban->Checksum() . "\n";
    print " - bban     " . $myIban->BBAN() . "\n";
 print "[{$countrycode} (";
 $codes_output = 0;
 if ($ianacountrycode != '') {
     print "IANA:.{$ianacountrycode}";
 if ($iso3166countrycode != '') {
     if ($codes_output > 0) {
         print ", ";
     print "ISO3166-1 alpha-2:{$iso3166countrycode}";
 if ($codes_output == 0) {
     print "no IANA or ISO3166-1 alpha-2 codes";
 print "): " . $myCountry->Name() . "]\n";
 # output remaining country properties
 print "Is a SEPA member? ";
 if ($myCountry->IsSEPA()) {
     print "Yes";
 } else {
     print "No";
 print ".\n";
 # central bank
 print "Central Bank: ";
 $central_bank_name = $myCountry->CentralBankName();
 if ($central_bank_name != '') {
     print $central_bank_name;
     $central_bank_url = $myCountry->CentralBankURL();
     if ($central_bank_url != '') {