  * Function to return the proper header type from a file's extension
  * some of the code extracted gratefully from  http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.fread.php#72716
  * @param string $file the file''s name
  * @param string $ext the file''s (possible forced) extension -- lower case.  If null/empty it is not used.
  * @param string $mime_type  the file''s mime type.  Defaults to null.  
  * Will be overidden if $ext is not empty 
  * @returns array of string. the headers;
 public function doHeader($file, $ext, $content, $apdContent)
     $headers = array();
     if (!$content) {
         if ($ext) {
             $content = I2CE_MimeTypes::extToMimeType($ext);
         if (!$content) {
             I2CE::raiseError("No mime type identified for ({$file})", E_USER_NOTICE);
             $content = "application/force-download";
     if ($apdContent) {
         $content .= "; " . $apdContent;
     $headers[] = "Content-Type: " . $content;
     $headers[] = "Content-disposition: inline; filename=\"{$file}\"";
     return $headers;
 public function setFromData($data, $file_name, $mime_type = false, $fmod_time = false)
     $content_length = strlen($data);
     $this->value = rtrim($data, "");
     //MDB2 strips off terminating \0 when returning results
     $this->null_term = $content_length - strlen($this->value);
     $this->file_name = $file_name;
     if ($fmod_time == false) {
         $this->fmod_time = time();
     } else {
         $fmod_time = $fmod_time;
     $this->mime_type = $mime_type;
     if (!$this->mime_type || $this->mime_type == 'application/unknown' || $this->mime_type == 'application/x-download') {
         $this->mime_type = I2CE_MimeTypes::magicMimeType($this->value);
     if (!$this->isValidMimeType($this->mime_type)) {
         //let's try to get it from the extension of the uploaded file
         if (($pos = strrpos($file_name, '.')) !== false) {
             $ext = substr($file_name, $pos + 1);
             $this->mime_type = I2CE_MimeTypes::extToMimeType($ext);
             if (!$this->isValidMimeType($this->mime_type)) {
                 I2CE::raiseError("Unable to upload file {$file_name}, Invalid mime type from extension");
                 $this->file_name = false;
                 $this->fmod_time = false;
                 $this->mime_type = false;
                 $this->value = false;
                 $this->null_term = 0;
         } else {
             I2CE::raiseError("Unable to set file {$file_name}, Invalid mime type");
             $this->file_name = false;
             $this->fmod_time = false;
             $this->mime_type = false;
             $this->value = false;
             $this->null_term = 0;