$before = strlen($str); $after = strlen($zip); $rate = round($after * 100 / $before); echo "String size before was: {$before} Byte<br>"; echo "Compressed string size after is: {$after} Byte<br>"; echo "Rate {$rate} %<hr>"; $Arabic->setInputCharset('utf-8'); $Arabic->setOutputCharset('utf-8'); $str = $Arabic->decompress($zip); $word = 'الدول'; if ($Arabic->search($zip, $word)) { echo "Search for {$word} in zipped string and find it<hr>"; } else { echo "Search for {$word} in zipped string and do not find it<hr>"; } $len = $Arabic->length($zip); echo "Original length of zipped string is {$len} Byte<hr>"; echo '<div dir="rtl" align="justify">' . nl2br($str) . '</div>'; ?> </div><br /> <div class="Paragraph"> <h2>Example Code:</h2> <?php $code = <<<END <?php require '../../Arabic.php'; \$Arabic = new I18N_Arabic('CompressStr'); \$Arabic->setInputCharset('windows-1256'); \$file = 'Compress/ar_example.txt';