  * Build Newsletter Content
  * @param   object   $campaign              Campaign Object
  * @param   boolean  $stripHtmlAndBodyTags  Strip out <html> & <body> tags?
  * @return  string   Campaign HTML
 public function buildNewsletter($campaign, $stripHtmlAndBodyTags = false)
     //are we overriding content with template vs using stories?
     if ($campaign->template == '-1') {
         $campaignTemplate = $campaign->html_content;
         $campaignPrimaryStories = '';
         $campaignSecondaryStories = '';
     } else {
         //instantiate objects
         $newsletterTemplate = new Template($this->_db);
         $newsletterPrimaryStory = new PrimaryStory($this->_db);
         $newsletterSecondaryStory = new SecondaryStory($this->_db);
         //get the campaign template
         $campaignTemplate = $newsletterTemplate->template;
         //get primary & secondary colors
         $primaryTitleColor = $newsletterTemplate->primary_title_color ? $newsletterTemplate->primary_title_color : '#000000';
         if (strlen($primaryTitleColor) <= 7 && !strstr($primaryTitleColor, ';')) {
             $primaryTitleColor = 'font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;color:' . $primaryTitleColor . ';font-family:arial;line-height:100%;margin-bottom:10px;';
         $primaryTextColor = $newsletterTemplate->primary_text_color ? $newsletterTemplate->primary_text_color : '#444444';
         if (strlen($primaryTextColor) <= 7 && !strstr($primaryTextColor, ';')) {
             $primaryTextColor = 'font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;color:' . $primaryTextColor . ';font-family:arial;margin-bottom:50px;';
         $secondaryTitleColor = $newsletterTemplate->secondary_title_color ? $newsletterTemplate->secondary_title_color : '#666666';
         if (strlen($secondaryTitleColor) <= 7 && !strstr($secondaryTitleColor, ';')) {
             $secondaryTitleColor = 'font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;color:' . $secondaryTitleColor . ';font-family:arial;line-height:150%;';
         $secondaryTextColor = $newsletterTemplate->secondary_text_color ? $newsletterTemplate->secondary_text_color : '#999999';
         if (strlen($secondaryTextColor) <= 7 && !strstr($secondaryTextColor, ';')) {
             $secondaryTextColor = 'font-size:12px;color:' . $secondaryTextColor . ';font-family:arial;';
         //get and format primary stories
         $campaignPrimaryStories = '';
         $primaryStories = $newsletterPrimaryStory->getStories($campaign->id);
         foreach ($primaryStories as $pStory) {
             $campaignPrimaryStories .= '<span style="display:block;page-break-inside:avoid;' . $primaryTitleColor . '">';
             $campaignPrimaryStories .= $pStory->title;
             $campaignPrimaryStories .= '</span>';
             $campaignPrimaryStories .= '<span style="display:block;page-break-inside:avoid;' . $primaryTextColor . '">';
             $campaignPrimaryStories .= $pStory->story;
             //do we have a readmore link
             if ($pStory->readmore_link) {
                 $readmore_title = $pStory->readmore_title ? $pStory->readmore_title : 'Read More &rsaquo;';
                 $campaignPrimaryStories .= "<br /><br /><a href=\"{$pStory->readmore_link}\" target=\"\">{$readmore_title}</a>";
             $campaignPrimaryStories .= '</span>';
         //get secondary stories
         $campaignSecondaryStories = '<br /><br />';
         $secondaryStories = $newsletterSecondaryStory->getStories($campaign->id);
         foreach ($secondaryStories as $sStory) {
             $campaignSecondaryStories .= '<span style="display:block;page-break-inside:avoid;' . $secondaryTitleColor . '">';
             $campaignSecondaryStories .= $sStory->title;
             $campaignSecondaryStories .= '</span>';
             $campaignSecondaryStories .= '<span style="display:block;page-break-inside:avoid;' . $secondaryTextColor . '">';
             $campaignSecondaryStories .= $sStory->story;
             //do we have a readmore link
             if ($sStory->readmore_link) {
                 $readmore_title = $sStory->readmore_title ? $sStory->readmore_title : 'Read More &rsaquo;';
                 $campaignSecondaryStories .= "<br /><br /><a href=\"{$sStory->readmore_link}\" target=\"\">{$readmore_title}</a>";
             $campaignSecondaryStories .= '</span>';
             $campaignSecondaryStories .= '<br /><br />';
     //get the hub
     $hub = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
     //build link to newsletters for email
     $link = 'https://' . $hub . '/newsletter/' . $campaign->alias;
     //replace placeholders in template
     $campaignParsed = str_replace("{{LINK}}", $link, $campaignTemplate);
     $campaignParsed = str_replace("{{ALIAS}}", $campaign->alias, $campaignParsed);
     $campaignParsed = str_replace("{{TITLE}}", $campaign->name, $campaignParsed);
     $campaignParsed = str_replace("{{ISSUE}}", $campaign->issue, $campaignParsed);
     // Handle the AUTOGEN sections
     if (preg_match_all("(\\{.*?\\}\\})", $campaignPrimaryStories, $matches) !== FALSE) {
         foreach ($matches[0] as &$match) {
             // A field to hold HTML content for the section
             $html = '';
             // Hold onto the original token
             $originMatch = $match;
             // Perform some cleanup, stripping
             $match = ltrim($match, "{{");
             $match = rtrim($match, "}}");
             // Explode on the delimiter
             $parts = explode("_", $match);
             // Make sure we're doing "it" on the right token
             if ($parts[0] == "AUTOGEN") {
                 // Get the content
                 $enabledPlugins = Event::trigger('newsletter.onGetEnabledDigests');
                 // Ascertain the key, based on plugin ordering
                 $key = array_keys($enabledPlugins, strtolower($parts[1]))[0];
                 // Get the content for the desired plugin
                 $content = Event::trigger('newsletter.onGetLatest', array($parts[2]))[$key];
                 // Apply the view template
                 $view = new \Hubzero\Component\View(array());
                 // Written emphatically, set the paths and whatnot
                 $view->setBasePath(PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_newsletter' . DS . 'admin');
                 // Pass the object through to the view
                 $view->object = $content;
                 $view->addTemplatePath(PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_newsletter' . DS . 'admin' . DS . 'views' . DS . 'storytemplates' . DS . 'tmpl');
                 // Oh, what's this a buffer hijack?
                 // Render the view within the buffer.
                 // Grab the buffer's content
                 $html = ob_get_contents();
                 // Clear and close the buffer
                 // Do some string replacement on the original token.
                 $campaignPrimaryStories = str_replace($originMatch, $html, $campaignPrimaryStories);
     $campaignParsed = str_replace("{{PRIMARY_STORIES}}", $campaignPrimaryStories, $campaignParsed);
     $campaignParsed = str_replace("{{SECONDARY_STORIES}}", $campaignSecondaryStories, $campaignParsed);
     $campaignParsed = str_replace("{{COPYRIGHT}}", date("Y"), $campaignParsed);
     $campaignParsed = str_replace('src="/site', 'src="' . substr(PATH_APP, strlen(PATH_ROOT)) . '/site', $campaignParsed);
     //replace .org, .com., .net, .edu 's
     // if ($campaign->type == 'html')
     // {
     // 	$campaignParsed = str_replace(".org", "&#8203;.org", $campaignParsed);
     // 	$campaignParsed = str_replace(".com", "&#8203;.com", $campaignParsed);
     // 	$campaignParsed = str_replace(".net", "&#8203;.net", $campaignParsed);
     // 	$campaignParsed = str_replace(".edu", "&#8203;.edu", $campaignParsed);
     // }
     //do we want to strip <html> & <body> tags
     if ($stripHtmlAndBodyTags) {
         $campaignParsed = preg_replace('/<html[^>]*>/', '', $campaignParsed);
         $campaignParsed = preg_replace('/<body[^>]*>/', '', $campaignParsed);
         $campaignParsed = str_replace('</body>', '', $campaignParsed);
         $campaignParsed = str_replace('</html>', '', $campaignParsed);
     return $campaignParsed;