echo h($array[$i]['fd_label']); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo h($array[$i]['vw_description']); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo h($array[$i]['tva_num']); ?> </td> <td style="text-align:right"> <?php echo HtmlInput::history_account($array[$i]['poste'], $array[$i]['poste']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php echo HtmlInput::button_close("boxsearch_card_div");
/** * return the html code to create an hidden div and a button * to show this DIV. This contains all the available ledgers * for the user in READ or RW *@param $selected is an array of checkbox *@param $div div suffix *@note the choosen ledger are stored in the array r_jrn (_GET) */ static function select_ledger($p_type, $p_selected, $div = '') { global $g_user; $r = ''; /* security : filter ledger on user */ $p_array = $g_user->get_ledger($p_type, 3); ob_start(); /* create a hidden div for the ledger */ echo '<div id="div_jrn' . $div . '" >'; echo HtmlInput::title_box(_("Journaux"), $div . "jrn_search"); echo '<div style="padding:5px">'; echo '<form method="GET" id="' . $div . 'search_frm" onsubmit="return hide_ledger_choice(\'' . $div . 'search_frm\')">'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('nb_jrn', count($p_array)); echo _('Filtre ') . HtmlInput::filter_table($div . 'tb_jrn', '0,1,2', 2); echo '<table class="result" id="' . $div . 'tb_jrn">'; echo '<tr>'; echo th(_('Nom')); echo th(_('Description')); echo th(_('Type')); echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'; echo HtmlInput::button('sel_' . $div, _('Inverser la sélection'), ' onclick = "toggle_checkbox(\'' . "{$div}search_frm" . '\')"'); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; for ($e = 0; $e < count($p_array); $e++) { $row = $p_array[$e]; $r = new ICheckBox($div . 'r_jrn' . $e, $row['jrn_def_id']); $idx = $row['jrn_def_id']; if ($p_selected != null && in_array($row['jrn_def_id'], $p_selected)) { $r->selected = true; } $class = $e % 2 == 0 ? ' class="even" ' : ' class="odd" '; echo '<tr ' . $class . '>'; echo '<td style="white-space: nowrap">' . $r->input() . $row['jrn_def_name'] . '</td>'; echo '<td >' . $row['jrn_def_description'] . '</td>'; echo '<td >' . $row['jrn_def_type'] . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('div', $div); echo HtmlInput::submit('save', _('Valider')); echo HtmlInput::button_close($div . "jrn_search"); echo '</form>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; }
$rapport = new Acc_Report($cn); $aRapport = $rapport->make_array(); $aRapport[] = array("value" => 0, "label" => _('Aucun mini rapport')); $wRapport = new ISelect(); $wRapport->name = "minirap"; $wRapport->selected = $g_user->get_mini_report(); $wRapport->value = $aRapport; echo $wRapport->input(); echo '<span class="notice">' . _('Le mini rapport est un rapport qui s\'affiche sur votre page d\'accueil') . '</span>'; echo '</fieldset>'; } echo '<fieldset style="margin: 1%">'; echo '<legend>' . _('Langue') . '</legend>'; echo _('Selectionnez votre langue'); $aLang = array(array(_('Français'), 'fr_FR.utf8'), array(_('Anglais'), 'en_US.utf8'), array(_('Néerlandais'), 'nl_NL.utf8')); echo '<select name="lang" id="l">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($aLang); $i++) { $sel = ""; if ($aLang[$i][1] == $_SESSION['g_lang']) { $sel = " selected "; } printf('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>', $aLang[$i][1], $sel, $aLang[$i][0]); } echo '</select>'; echo '</fieldset>'; echo '<p style="text-align:center">'; echo HtmlInput::button_close('preference_div'); echo HtmlInput::submit("set_preference", _("Valider")); echo '</p>'; echo '</form>'; echo "</DIV>";
echo _('Création automatique du poste comptable'); ?> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <p class="info"> <?php echo _('Si vous utilisez la création automatique de poste, chaque nouvelle fiche de cette catégorie aura son propre poste comptable. Ce poste comptable sera la classe de base augmenté de 1.'); ?> </p> <p class="info"> <?php echo _('Si vous n\'utilisez pas la création automatique, toutes les nouvelles fiches auront par défaut le même poste comptable. Ce poste comptable par défaut est la classe de base.'); ?> </p> <p class="info"> <?php echo _(' A moins qu\'en créant la fiche, vous forcez un autre poste comptable'); ?> </p> <p> <?php echo $submit; ?> <?php echo HtmlInput::button_close($ipopup); ?> </p> </form> </div>
?> " target="_blank" class="smallbutton"><?php echo _("Modifier"); ?> </a> <?php $code = 'nok'; } } else { $forbidden = _("Ce document n'est pas accessible"); ?> <div style="margin:0px;padding:0px;background-color:red;text-align:center;"> <h2 class="error"><?php echo $forbidden; ?> </h2>; </div> <?php } echo HtmlInput::button_close($div); $response = ob_get_clean(); $html = escape_xml($response); header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); echo <<<EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data> <ctl>{$code}</ctl> <code>{$html}</code> </data> EOF; exit;
$search_box = $ledger->search_form('ALL', 1, 'search_op'); if ($base == 'recherche.php' || $base == 'do.php') { echo '<div class="content" >'; echo '<form method="GET">'; } else { $div = 'search_op'; $action = ""; $callback = ""; echo HtmlInput::title_box(_('Recherche'), $div); echo '<form name="search_form_ajx" id="search_form_ajx" onsubmit="search_operation(this);return false">'; echo HtmlInput::get_to_hidden(array('ctlc', 'ledger', 'target')); $inside = true; } echo $search_box; echo HtmlInput::submit("viewsearch", _("Recherche")); echo HtmlInput::button_close('search_op'); echo '</form>'; if (isset($_GET['amount_min']) && isset($_GET['amount_max']) && ($_GET['amount_max'] != 0 || $_GET['amount_min'] != 0)) { $_GET['viewsearch'] = 1; put_global(array(array('key' => 'ledger_type', 'value' => 'ALL'))); } //----------------------------------------------------- // Display search result //----------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_GET['viewsearch'])) { // Navigation bar $step = MAX_RECONCILE; $page = isset($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $offset = isset($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0; if (count($_GET) == 0) { $array = null;
<?php //This file is part of NOALYSS and is under GPL //see licence.txt if (!defined('ALLOWED')) { die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis'); } require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_menu_ref.php'; $msg = _("Création"); $m = new Menu_Ref($cn); echo '<form method="POST" id="ajax_create_menu_frm" onsubmit="return confirm_box(this,\'' . _('Vous confirmez ?') . '\')">'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('create_menu', 1); require_once 'template/menu_detail.php'; echo HtmlInput::submit('create_menubt', _('Sauver')); echo HtmlInput::button_close('divmenu'); echo '</form>';
* - t for the table id * - amount is the amount to distributed * */ // Copyright (2014) Author Dany De Bontridder if (!defined('ALLOWED')) { die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis'); } $amount = HtmlInput::default_value_get("amount", 0); $table_id = HtmlInput::default_value_get("t", ""); $ledger = HtmlInput::default_value_get('led', 0); if ($table_id == "" || isNumber($amount) == 0 || isNumber($ledger) == 0) { die('Invalid Parameter'); } require_once 'class_anc_key.php'; ob_start(); echo HtmlInput::title_box(_("Choix d'une clef"), 'div_anc_key_choice'); Anc_Key::display_choice($amount, $table_id, $ledger); echo HtmlInput::button_close('div_anc_key_choice'); $response = ob_get_clean(); $html = escape_xml($response); header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); echo <<<EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data> <ctl></ctl> <code>{$html}</code> </data> EOF; ?>
for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $p_array['f_id' . $i] = $array[$i]['f_id']; $p_array['sg_code' . $i] = $array[$i]['sg_code']; $p_array['sg_quantity' . $i] = $array[$i]['sg_quantity']; $p_array['sg_type' . $i] = $array[$i]['sg_type']; $p_array['row'] = $i + 1; } echo $st->input($p_array, true); ?> <form method="POST"> <?php echo HtmlInput::hidden('c_id', $_GET['c_id']); ?> <p> <?php $ck = new ICheckBox("ok", " 1"); $ck->label = _("Cochez pour confirmer effacement"); echo $ck->input(); ?> </p> <?php echo HtmlInput::submit("del", _("Effacer")); ?> <?php echo HtmlInput::button_close($_GET['ctl']); ?> <?php echo HtmlInput::hidden('r_id', $p_array['p_depot']); ?> </form>
$rec->remove($_GET['jr_id2']); } break; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ask for a date for reversing the operation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ask for a date for reversing the operation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case 'ask_extdate': $date = new IDate('p_date'); $html .= "<form id=\"form_" . $div . "\" onsubmit=\"return reverseOperation(this);\">"; $html .= HtmlInput::hidden('jr_id', $_REQUEST['jr_id']) . HtmlInput::hidden('div', $div) . dossier::hidden() . HtmlInput::hidden('act', 'reverseop'); $html .= '<h2 class="info">' . _('entrez une date') . ' </H2>' . $date->input(); $html .= HtmlInput::submit('x', 'accepter'); $html .= HtmlInput::button_close($div); $html .= '</form>'; break; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reverse an operation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reverse an operation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case 'reverseop': if ($access == 'W') { ob_start(); try { $cn->start(); $oLedger = new Acc_Ledger($cn, $ledger); $oLedger->jr_id = $_REQUEST['jr_id'];