  * Create a new Mobi document from data provided
  * @throws \Exception
 public function process()
     $result = $this->validate();
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         throw new \Exception("Invalid Phindle setup. Additional configuration options required. " . implode('. ', $result));
     //Get the first content item
     $this->setAttribute('start', reset($this->content)->getAnchorPath());
     //If a default instance of TableOfContents provided by this package was used then we need to tell
     //the TableOfContents instance about the contents of the Phindle file. It is not required that you use
     //TableOfContents, as long as you implement the ContentsInterface and so in these cases the generate
     //method may not exist.
     if ($this->toc instanceof TableOfContents) {
     //We will add the table of contents as a "normal" content element as well because it will implement getHtml
     //and so we can write it out as a temporary static file as needed
     $this->setAttribute('toc', $this->toc->getAnchorPath());
     //Now we need to generate and write out the static html files for kindlegen to process
     foreach ($this->content as $content) {
         $html = $content->getHtml();
         //If ingredients are provided then we'll try to automatically set relative static resource paths in html files
         if ($this->htmlHelper && $this->attributeExists('staticResourcePath')) {
             $html = $this->htmlHelper->appendRelativeResourcePaths($html);
         /** @var \Develpr\Phindle\ContentInterface $content */
         $this->fileHandler->writeTempFile($content->getUniqueIdentifier() . '.html', $html);
     $this->fileHandler->writeTempFile($this->getAttribute('uniqueId') . '.opf', $this->opfRenderer->render($this->attributes, $this->content, $this->toc));
     $this->fileHandler->writeTempFile($this->getAttribute('uniqueId') . '.ncx', $this->ncxRenderer->render($this->attributes, $this->content));
     //Remove all temporary files
     return true;