function loadWeb() { $html = new HtmlDocument(); echo $html->seccionHead(); echo $html->seccionSuperior($this->idiomas); echo $html->seccionCentral(); echo $html->seccionInferior(); }
public function query($expression, \DOMNode $contextNode = null, $registerNodeNs = true) { // if no context node has been given, assume <body> if (null === $contextNode) { $contextNode = $this->getDocument()->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0); // make sure the query is relative to the context node if ($contextNode && '' !== $expression && '.' !== $expression[0]) { $expression = '.' . $expression; } } return parent::query($expression, $contextNode, $registerNodeNs); }
private $strategy; public function __construct($strategy) { $this->stategy = $strategy; } public function getHtml() { return "<html><body>" . $this->stategy->getContents() . "</body></html>"; } } interface HtmlContentStrategy { public function __construct($name); public function getContents(); } class HelloWorldStrategy implements HtmlContentStrategy { var $world; public function __construct($world) { $this->world = $world; } public function getContents() { return "Hello" . $this->world . "!"; } } $hello = new HelloWorldStrategy('aaa'); echo $hello->getContents(); $html = new HtmlDocument('HelloWorldStrategy'); echo $html->getHtml();
} $pages = $styles = array(); foreach (glob('example' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.php') as $file) { $pages[] = pathinfo($file)['filename']; } foreach (glob(RTK_DIRECTORY . 'style' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*') as $dir) { $styles[] = RTK::RemovePrefix(pathinfo($dir)['filename'], 'rtk-'); } if (!in_array($showpage, $pages)) { $showpage = $pages[0]; } if (!in_array($showstyle, $styles)) { $showstyle = $styles[0]; } // create the requested page $RTK = new HtmlDocument("RTK example test site"); $RTK->ClearStylesheets(); $faviconpath = 'image' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'favicon.png'; if (file_exists($faviconpath)) { $RTK->SetFavicon($faviconpath); } $RTK->AddStylesheet(RTK_DIRECTORY . 'style/rtk-' . $showstyle . '.css'); $RTK->AddStylesheet('style' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'style.css'); $topbar = new RTK_Box('topbar'); $pagestyleform = new RTK_Form('pagestyleform', 'index.php', 'GET', false); $pagestyleform->AddDropDown('page', 'Page:', $pages, $showpage); $pagestyleform->AddDropDown('style', 'Style:', $styles, $showstyle); $topbar->AddChild($pagestyleform); $button = new RTK_Button(); $button->AddAttributes(array('onclick' => "document.getElementById('pagestyleform').submit()")); $topbar->AddChild($button);