convertClient2Server() public method

Currently strips UID (primary key) information as client and server might use different ones. Charset conversions might be added here too.
public convertClient2Server ( string $content, string $contentType ) : array
$content string The content to convert.
$contentType string The content type of the content.
return array Two-element array with the converted content and the (possibly changed) new content type.
文件: Nokia.php 项目: raz0rsdge/horde
  * Converts the content received from the client for the backend.
  * @param string $content      The content to convert.
  * @param string $contentType  The content type of the content.
  * @return array  Two-element array with the converted content and the
  *                (possibly changed) new content type.
 public function convertClient2Server($content, $contentType)
     list($content, $contentType) = parent::convertClient2Server($content, $contentType);
     /* At least the Nokia E series seems to prefix category values with
      * X-, see bugs #6849 and #7824. */
     $di = $GLOBALS['backend']->state->deviceInfo;
     if ($di->Mod[0] == 'E') {
         $content = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)CATEGORIES:X-/', '\\1CATEGORIES:', $content, 1);
     $GLOBALS['backend']->logFile(Horde_SyncMl_Backend::LOGFILE_DATA, "\nInput converted for server ({$contentType}):\n{$content}\n");
     return array($content, $contentType);
文件: Synthesis.php 项目: horde/horde
  * Convert the content.
  * @param string $content       The content to convert.
  * @param string $contentType   The contentType of the content.
  * @return array                array($newcontent, $newcontentType):
  *                              the converted content and the
  *                              (possibly changed) new ContentType.
 public function convertClient2Server($content, $contentType)
     list($content, $contentType) = parent::convertClient2Server($content, $contentType);
     $di = $GLOBALS['backend']->state->deviceInfo;
     if (stristr($di->Mod, 'palm') === false) {
         // Some special priority handling is required. Synthesis uses 1
         // (high), 2 (medium), 3(low), at least for my windows mobile
         // device.  convert these to valid priority settings:
         $content = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)PRIORITY:3(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', '\\1PRIORITY:5\\2', $content, 1);
         $content = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)PRIORITY:2(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', '\\1PRIORITY:3\\2', $content, 1);
     $GLOBALS['backend']->logFile(Horde_SyncMl_Backend::LOGFILE_DATA, "\ninput converted for server ({$contentType}):\n{$content}\n");
     return array($content, $contentType);
文件: P800.php 项目: jubinpatel/horde
  * Convert the content.
  * @param string $content       The content to convert.
  * @param string $contentType   The contentType of the content.
  * @return array                array($newcontent, $newcontentType):
  *                              the converted content and the
  *                              (possibly changed) new ContentType.
 public function convertClient2Server($content, $contentType)
     list($content, $contentType) = parent::convertClient2Server($content, $contentType);
     /* P800 sends categories as "X-Category". Remove the "X-".
      * @todo: This hack only works with a single category. */
     $content = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)CATEGORIES:X-/', '\\1CATEGORIES:', $content, 1);
     /* P800 sends all day events as like
      * DTSTART:20050505T000000Z^M
      * DTEND:20050505T240000Z^M
      * This is no longer an all day event when converted to local timezone.
      * So manually handle this. */
     if (preg_match('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)DTSTART:.*T000000Z(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', $content) && preg_match('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)DTEND:(\\d\\d\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)T240000Z(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', $content, $m)) {
         $content = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)DTSTART:(.*)T000000Z(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', "\$1DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:\$2\$3", $content);
         /* End timestamp must be converted to next day's date. Or maybe
          * not? */
         $s = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[3], $m[4], $m[2]));
         $content = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)DTEND:(.*)T240000Z(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', "\$1DTEND;VALUE=DATE:{$s}\$3", $content);
     $GLOBALS['backend']->logFile(Horde_SyncMl_Backend::LOGFILE_DATA, "\ninput converted for server ({$contentType}):\n{$content}\n");
     return array($content, $contentType);
  * Convert the content.
 public function convertClient2Server($content, $contentType)
     list($content, $contentType) = parent::convertClient2Server($content, $contentType);
     switch ($contentType) {
         case 'text/x-s4j-sifn':
         case 'text/x-sifn':
             $content = Horde_SyncMl_Device_sync4j::sif2vnote($content);
             $contentType = 'text/x-vnote';
         case 'text/x-s4j-sifc':
         case 'text/x-sifc':
             $content = Horde_SyncMl_Device_sync4j::sif2vcard($content);
             $contentType = 'text/x-vcard';
         case 'text/x-s4j-sife':
         case 'text/x-sife':
             $content = Horde_SyncMl_Device_sync4j::sif2vevent($content);
             $contentType = 'text/calendar';
         case 'text/x-s4j-sift':
         case 'text/x-sift':
             $content = Horde_SyncMl_Device_sync4j::sif2vtodo($content);
             $contentType = 'text/calendar';
         case 'text/calendar':
         case 'text/x-vcalendar':
             $si = $GLOBALS['backend']->state->sourceURI;
             if (stristr($si, 'fol-') !== false) {
                 // The Funambol Outlook connector uses invalid STATUS
                 // values. Actually it maps MeetingStatus values of the
                 // Outlook event to the STATUS property, which is
                 // completely useless. So drop the STATUS altogether.
                 $content = preg_replace('/^STATUS:.*\\r?\\n/im', '', $content);
     $GLOBALS['backend']->logFile(Horde_SyncMl_Backend::LOGFILE_DATA, "\nInput converted for server ({$contentType}):\n{$content}\n");
     return array($content, $contentType);