public function parsePgpDataProvider() { $data = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/pgp_signed.txt'); $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($data, true); return array(array($data), array($stream)); }
public function escapeStream() { if (is_null($this->_data)) { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add('NIL', true); return $stream->stream; } return parent::escapeStream(); }
/** * Return the escaped string as a stream. * * @return resource The IMAP escaped stream. */ public function escapeStream() { if ($this->literal()) { throw new Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_Exception('String requires literal to output.'); } rewind($this->_data->stream); $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($this->_data, true); stream_filter_register('horde_imap_client_string_quote', 'Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_Filter_Quote'); stream_filter_append($stream->stream, 'horde_imap_client_string_quote', STREAM_FILTER_READ); return $stream->stream; }
/** * @dataProvider parsePgpDataProvider */ public function testParsePgpData($fixture, $expected, $headers) { $data = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $fixture); $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($data, true); $obs = array(new Horde_Pgp_Armor($data), new Horde_Pgp_Armor($stream)); foreach ($obs as $ob) { $this->assertEquals(count($expected), count($ob)); $i = 0; foreach ($ob as $val) { $this->assertEquals($expected[$i++], get_class($val)); $this->assertEquals($headers, $val->headers); } } }
/** */ protected function _read() { try { if (method_exists($this->_vfs, 'readStream')) { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Existing(array('stream' => $this->_vfs->readStream($this->_vfspath, $this->_id))); $stream->rewind(); } else { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($this->_vfs->read($this->_vfspath, $this->_id), true); } return $stream; } catch (Horde_Vfs_Exception $e) { throw new IMP_Compose_Exception($e); } }
/** */ protected function _get($keys) { if (!$this->_stream) { return parent::_get($keys); } $out = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { try { if (method_exists($this->_vfs, 'readStream')) { $data = new Horde_Stream_Existing(array('stream' => $this->_vfs->readStream($this->_params['vfspath'], $key))); $data->rewind(); } else { $data = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $data->add($this->_vfs->read($this->_params['vfspath'], $key), true); } } catch (Horde_Vfs_Exception $e) { $data = false; } $out[$key] = $data; } return $out; }
/** * Validate the body data to ensure consistent EOL and UTF8 data. Returns * body data in a stream object. * * @param array $data The body data. @see self::_bodyPartText() for * structure. * * @return array The validated body data array. @see self::_bodyPartText() */ protected function _validateBodyData(&$data) { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(array('max_memory' => 1048576)); $filter_h = stream_filter_append($stream->stream, 'horde_eol', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE); $stream->add(Horde_ActiveSync_Utils::ensureUtf8($data['body'], $data['charset']), true); stream_filter_remove($filter_h); $data['body'] = $stream; }
/** * Prepares append message data for insertion into the IMAP command * string. * * @param mixed $data Either a resource or a string. * * @param Horde_Stream A stream containing the data. */ protected function _appendData($data) { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); stream_filter_register('horde_eol', 'Horde_Stream_Filter_Eol'); $res = stream_filter_append($stream->stream, 'horde_eol', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE); if (is_resource($data)) { rewind($data); } $stream->add($data, true); $this->_temp['appendsize'] += $stream->length(); stream_filter_remove($res); return $stream; }
/** */ public function add($data, $reset = false) { if ($this->_string && is_string($data)) { if (strlen($data) + $this->_string->length() < $this->_params['max_memory']) { $this->_string->add($data, $reset); return; } parent::_init(); parent::add(strval($this->_string)); $this->seek($this->_string->pos(), false); unset($this->_string); } parent::add($data, $reset); }
/** * If this MIME part can contain embedded MIME part(s), and those part(s) * exist, return a representation of that data. * * @return mixed A Horde_Mime_Part object representing the embedded data. * Returns null if no embedded MIME part(s) exist. */ protected function _getEmbeddedMimeParts() { if ($this->_mimepart->getType() != 'multipart/encrypted') { return null; } $imp_contents = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents'); $iterator = $this->_mimepart->partIterator(); $iterator->rewind(); $base_id = $iterator->current()->getMimeId(); $iterator->next(); $version_id = $iterator->current()->getMimeId(); $id_ob = new Horde_Mime_Id($version_id); $data_id = $id_ob->idArithmetic($id_ob::ID_NEXT); $status = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart); $status->icon('mime/encryption.png', 'PGP'); $cache = $imp_contents->getViewCache(); $cache->pgp[$base_id] = array('status' => array($status), 'other' => array($version_id => null, $data_id => null), 'wrap' => ''); /* Is PGP active? */ if (!IMP_Pgp::enabled()) { $status->addText(_("The data in this part has been encrypted via PGP, however, PGP support is disabled so the message cannot be decrypted.")); return null; } /* PGP version information appears in the first MIME subpart. We * don't currently need to do anything with this information. The * encrypted data appears in the second MIME subpart. */ if (!($encrypted_part = $imp_contents->getMimePart($data_id))) { return null; } $encrypted_data = $encrypted_part->getContents(); $symmetric_pass = $personal_pass = null; /* Check if this a symmetrically encrypted message. */ try { $imp_pgp = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('IMP_Pgp'); $symmetric = $imp_pgp->encryptedSymmetrically($encrypted_data); if ($symmetric) { $symmetric_id = $this->_getSymmetricID(); $symmetric_pass = $imp_pgp->getPassphrase('symmetric', $symmetric_id); if (is_null($symmetric_pass)) { $status->addText(_("The data in this part has been encrypted via PGP.")); /* Ask for the correct passphrase if this is encrypted * symmetrically. */ $imple = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Imple')->create('IMP_Ajax_Imple_PassphraseDialog', array('params' => array('symmetricid' => $symmetric_id), 'type' => 'pgpSymmetric')); $status->addText(Horde::link('#', '', '', '', '', '', '', array('id' => $imple->getDomId())) . _("You must enter the passphrase used to encrypt this message to view it.") . '</a>'); return null; } } } catch (Horde_Exception $e) { Horde::log($e, 'INFO'); return null; } /* Check if this is a literal compressed message. */ try { $info = $imp_pgp->pgpPacketInformation($encrypted_data); } catch (Horde_Exception $e) { Horde::log($e, 'INFO'); return null; } $literal = !empty($info['literal']); if ($literal) { $status->addText(_("The data in this part has been compressed via PGP.")); } else { $status->addText(_("The data in this part has been encrypted via PGP.")); if (!$symmetric) { if ($imp_pgp->getPersonalPrivateKey()) { $personal_pass = $imp_pgp->getPassphrase('personal'); if (is_null($personal_pass)) { /* Ask for the private key's passphrase if this is * encrypted asymmetrically. */ $imple = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Imple')->create('IMP_Ajax_Imple_PassphraseDialog', array('type' => 'pgpPersonal')); $status->addText(Horde::link('#', '', '', '', '', '', '', array('id' => $imple->getDomId())) . _("You must enter the passphrase for your PGP private key to view this message.") . '</a>'); return null; } } else { /* Output if there is no personal private key to decrypt * with. */ $status->addText(_("However, no personal private key exists so the message cannot be decrypted.")); return null; } } } try { if (!is_null($symmetric_pass)) { $decrypted_data = $imp_pgp->decryptMessage($encrypted_data, 'symmetric', array('passphrase' => $symmetric_pass, 'sender' => $this->_getSender()->bare_address)); } elseif (!is_null($personal_pass)) { $decrypted_data = $imp_pgp->decryptMessage($encrypted_data, 'personal', array('passphrase' => $personal_pass, 'sender' => $this->_getSender()->bare_address)); } else { $decrypted_data = $imp_pgp->decryptMessage($encrypted_data, 'literal'); } } catch (Horde_Exception $e) { $status->addText(_("The data in this part does not appear to be a valid PGP encrypted message. Error: ") . $e->getMessage()); if (!is_null($symmetric_pass)) { $imp_pgp->unsetPassphrase('symmetric', $this->_getSymmetricID()); return $this->_getEmbeddedMimeParts(); } return null; } $cache->pgp[$base_id]['wrap'] = 'mimePartWrapValid'; /* Check for combined encryption/signature data. */ if ($decrypted_data->result) { $sig_text = is_bool($decrypted_data->result) ? _("The data in this part has been digitally signed via PGP.") : $this->_textFilter($decrypted_data->result, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::NOHTML)); $status2 = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart, $sig_text); $status2->action(IMP_Mime_Status::SUCCESS); $cache->pgp[$base_id]['status'][] = $status2; } /* Force armor data as text/plain data. */ if ($this->_mimepart->getMetadata(Horde_Crypt_Pgp_Parse::PGP_ARMOR)) { $decrypted_data->message = "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n" . $decrypted_data->message; } $new_part = Horde_Mime_Part::parseMessage($decrypted_data->message, array('forcemime' => true)); if ($new_part->getType() == 'multipart/signed') { $data = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); try { $data->add(Horde_Mime_Part::getRawPartText($decrypted_data->message, 'header', '1')); $data->add("\n\n"); $data->add(Horde_Mime_Part::getRawPartText($decrypted_data->message, 'body', '1')); } catch (Horde_Mime_Exception $e) { } $new_part->setMetadata(self::PGP_SIGN_ENC, $data->stream); $new_part->setContents($decrypted_data->message, array('encoding' => 'binary')); } return $new_part; }
/** * Get the raw message suitable for saving to the sent email folder. * * @return stream A stream contianing the raw message. */ public function getSentMail() { if (!empty($this->_mailer)) { return $this->_mailer->getRaw(); } $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(array('max_memory' => 262144)); $stream->add($this->_headers->toString(array('charset' => 'UTF-8')) . $this->_raw->getMessage(), true); return $stream; }
/** * Parses a message into text and PGP components. * * @param mixed $text Either the text to parse or a Horde_Stream object. * * @return array An array with the parsed text, returned in blocks of * text corresponding to their actual order. Keys: * <pre> * - data: (array) The data for each section. Each line has been * stripped of EOL characters. * - type: (integer) The type of data contained in block. Valid types * are the class ARMOR_* constants. * </pre> */ public function parse($text) { $data = array(); $temp = array('type' => self::ARMOR_TEXT); if ($text instanceof Horde_Stream) { $stream = $text; $stream->rewind(); } else { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($text, true); } while (!$stream->eof()) { $val = rtrim($stream->getToChar("\n", false), "\r"); if (strpos($val, '-----') === 0 && preg_match('/^-----(BEGIN|END) PGP ([^-]+)-----\\s*$/', $val, $matches)) { if (isset($temp['data'])) { $data[] = $temp; } $temp = array(); if ($matches[1] == 'BEGIN') { $temp['type'] = $this->_armor[$matches[2]]; $temp['data'][] = $val; } elseif ($matches[1] == 'END') { $temp['type'] = self::ARMOR_TEXT; $data[count($data) - 1]['data'][] = $val; } } else { $temp['data'][] = $val; } } if (isset($temp['data']) && (count($temp['data']) > 1 || !empty($temp['data'][0]))) { $data[] = $temp; } return $data; }
/** * Converts and validates the message body data structure. * * @param array $data Message body data structure. * * @return array The message body data structure, with the [html][body] and * [plain][body] data converted to UTF-8, EOL normalized and * placed in a stream. */ protected function _validateMessageBodyData($data) { //We will need the eol filter to work around PHP bug 65776. stream_filter_register('horde_eol', 'Horde_Stream_Filter_Eol'); if (!empty($data['plain'])) { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(array('max_memory' => 1048576)); $filter_h = stream_filter_append($stream->stream, 'horde_eol', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE); $stream->add(Horde_ActiveSync_Utils::ensureUtf8($data['plain']['body'], $data['plain']['charset']), true); stream_filter_remove($filter_h); $data['plain']['body'] = $stream; } if (!empty($data['html'])) { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(array('max_memory' => 1048576)); $filter_h = stream_filter_append($stream->stream, 'horde_eol', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE); $stream->add(Horde_ActiveSync_Utils::ensureUtf8($data['html']['body'], $data['html']['charset']), true); stream_filter_remove($filter_h); $data['html']['body'] = $stream; } return $data; }
/** * Returns the raw message with the message headers stripped. * * @return Horde_Stream */ public function getMessage() { // Position to after the headers. fseek($this->_stream->stream, $this->_hdr_pos + $this->_eol); $new_stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(array('max_memory' => self::$memoryLimit)); $new_stream->add($this->_stream, true); return $new_stream; }
/** * Split the sequence string at an approximate length. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param integer $length Length to split. * * @return array A list containing individual sequence strings. */ public function split($length) { $id = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $id->add($this->tostring_sort, true); $out = array(); do { $out[] = $id->substring(0, $length) . $id->getToChar(','); } while (!$id->eof()); return $out; }
/** * Parse enveloped (encrypted) data. * * @return mixed See self::_getEmbeddedMimeParts(). */ protected function _parseEnvelopedData() { $base_id = $this->_mimepart->getMimeId(); /* Initialize inline data. */ $status = new IMP_Mime_Status(_("The data in this part has been encrypted via S/MIME.")); $status->icon('mime/encryption.png', 'S/MIME'); $cache = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->getViewCache(); $cache->smime[$base_id] = array('status' => $status, 'wrap' => ''); /* Is PGP active? */ $this->_initSmime(); if (empty($this->_impsmime)) { $status->addText(_("S/MIME support is not currently enabled so the data is unable to be decrypted.")); return null; } if (!$this->_impsmime->getPersonalPrivateKey()) { $status->addText(_("No personal private key exists so the data is unable to be decrypted.")); return null; } /* Make sure we have a passphrase. */ $passphrase = $this->_impsmime->getPassphrase(); if ($passphrase === false) { $imple = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Imple')->create('IMP_Ajax_Imple_PassphraseDialog', array('type' => 'smimePersonal')); $status->addText(Horde::link('#', '', '', '', '', '', '', array('id' => $imple->getDomId())) . _("You must enter the passphrase for your S/MIME private key to view this data.") . '</a>'); return null; } $raw_text = $this->_getPartStream($this->_mimepart->getMimeId()); try { $decrypted_data = $this->_impsmime->decryptMessage($this->_mimepart->replaceEOL($raw_text, Horde_Mime_Part::RFC_EOL)); } catch (Horde_Exception $e) { $status->addText($e->getMessage()); return null; } $cache->smime[$base_id]['wrap'] = 'mimePartWrapValid'; $new_part = Horde_Mime_Part::parseMessage($decrypted_data, array('forcemime' => true)); switch ($new_part->getType()) { case 'application/pkcs7-mime': case 'application/x-pkcs7-mime': $signed_data = $this->_getSmimeType($new_part) === 'signed-data'; break; case 'multipart/signed': $signed_data = true; break; default: $signed_data = false; break; } if ($signed_data) { $hdrs = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->getHeader(); $data = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $data->add('From:' . $hdrs->getValue('from') . "\n" . $decrypted_data); $new_part->setMetadata('imp-smime-decrypt', $data); $new_part->setContents($decrypted_data, array('encoding' => 'binary')); } return $new_part; }
/** * @return mixed Either a string, boolean (true for open paren, false for * close paren/EOS), Horde_Stream object, or null. */ public function next() { $level = isset($this->_nextModify['level']) ? $this->_nextModify['level'] : null; /* Directly access stream here to drastically reduce the number of * getChar() calls we would have to make. */ $stream = $this->_stream->stream; do { $check_len = true; $in_quote = $text = $binary = false; while (($c = fgetc($stream)) !== false) { switch ($c) { case '\\': $text .= $in_quote ? fgetc($stream) : $c; break; case '"': if ($in_quote) { $check_len = false; break 2; } $in_quote = true; /* Set $text to non-false (could be empty string). */ $text = ''; break; default: if ($in_quote) { $text .= $c; break; } switch ($c) { case '(': ++$this->_level; $check_len = false; $text = true; break 3; case ')': if ($text === false) { --$this->_level; $check_len = $text = false; } else { $this->_stream->seek(-1); } break 3; case '~': // Ignore binary string identifier. PHP strings are // binary-safe. But keep it if it is not used as string // identifier. $binary = true; $text .= $c; continue; case '{': if ($binary) { $text = substr($text, 0, -1); } $literal_len = intval($this->_stream->getToChar('}')); $pos = $this->_stream->pos(); if (isset($this->_literals[$pos])) { $text = $this->_literals[$pos]; if (!$this->_literalStream) { $text = strval($text); } } elseif ($this->_literalStream) { $text = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); while ($literal_len > 0 && !feof($stream)) { $part = $this->_stream->substring(0, min($literal_len, 8192)); $text->add($part); $literal_len -= strlen($part); } } else { $text = $this->_stream->substring(0, $literal_len); } $check_len = false; break 3; case ' ': if ($text !== false) { break 3; } break; default: $text .= $c; break; } break; } $binary = false; } if ($check_len) { switch (strlen($text)) { case 0: $text = false; break; case 3: if (strcasecmp($text, 'NIL') === 0) { $text = null; } break; } } if ($text === false && feof($stream)) { $this->_key = $this->_level = false; break; } ++$this->_key; if (is_null($level) || $level > $this->_level) { break; } if ($level === $this->_level && !is_bool($text)) { $this->_nextModify['out'][] = $text; } } while (true); $this->_current = $text; return $text; }
/** * Builds a Horde_Mime_Headers object from header text. * * @param mixed $text A text string (or, as of 2.3.0, a Horde_Stream * object or stream resource) containing the headers. * * @return Horde_Mime_Headers A new Horde_Mime_Headers object. */ public static function parseHeaders($text) { $currheader = $currtext = null; $mime = self::mimeParamFields(); $to_process = array(); if ($text instanceof Horde_Stream) { $stream = $text; $stream->rewind(); } else { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($text, true); } while (!$stream->eof()) { if (!($val = rtrim($stream->getToChar("\n", false), "\r"))) { break; } if ($val[0] == ' ' || $val[0] == "\t") { $currtext .= ' ' . ltrim($val); } else { if (!is_null($currheader)) { $to_process[] = array($currheader, rtrim($currtext)); } $pos = strpos($val, ':'); $currheader = substr($val, 0, $pos); $currtext = ltrim(substr($val, $pos + 1)); } } if (!is_null($currheader)) { $to_process[] = array($currheader, $currtext); } $headers = new Horde_Mime_Headers(); reset($to_process); while (list(, $val) = each($to_process)) { /* Ignore empty headers. */ if (!strlen($val[1])) { continue; } if (in_array(Horde_String::lower($val[0]), $mime)) { $res = Horde_Mime::decodeParam($val[0], $val[1]); $headers->addHeader($val[0], $res['val'], array('params' => $res['params'], 'sanity_check' => true)); } else { $headers->addHeader($val[0], $val[1], array('sanity_check' => true)); } } return $headers; }
public function testParsePGPData() { $data = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/pgp_signed.txt'); $this->_testParsePGPData($data); $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($data, true); $this->_testParsePGPData($stream); }
/** */ protected function _append(Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $data, $options) { // Check for MULTIAPPEND extension (RFC 3502) if (count($data) > 1 && !$this->queryCapability('MULTIAPPEND')) { $result = $this->getIdsOb(); foreach (array_keys($data) as $key) { $res = $this->_append($mailbox, array($data[$key]), $options); if ($res === true || $result === true) { $result = true; } else { $result->add($res); } } return $result; } // Check for CATENATE extension (RFC 4469) $catenate = $this->queryCapability('CATENATE'); $asize = 0; $cmd = $this->_command('APPEND')->add(new Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_Mailbox($mailbox)); $cmd->literal8 = true; foreach (array_keys($data) as $key) { if (!empty($data[$key]['flags'])) { $tmp = new Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_List(); foreach ($data[$key]['flags'] as $val) { /* Ignore recent flag. RFC 3501 [9]: flag definition */ if (strcasecmp($val, Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_RECENT) !== 0) { $tmp->add($val); } } $cmd->add($tmp); } if (!empty($data[$key]['internaldate'])) { $cmd->add(new Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_DateTime($data[$key]['internaldate'])); } if (is_array($data[$key]['data'])) { if ($catenate) { $cmd->add('CATENATE'); $tmp = new Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_List(); } else { $data_stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); } reset($data[$key]['data']); while (list(, $v) = each($data[$key]['data'])) { switch ($v['t']) { case 'text': if ($catenate) { $tmp->add(array('TEXT', $this->_appendData($v['v'], $asize))); } else { if (is_resource($v['v'])) { rewind($v['v']); } $data_stream->add($v['v']); } break; case 'url': if ($catenate) { $tmp->add(array('URL', new Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_Astring($v['v']))); } else { $data_stream->add($this->_convertCatenateUrl($v['v'])); } break; } } if ($catenate) { $cmd->add($tmp); } else { $cmd->add($this->_appendData($data_stream->stream, $asize)); } } else { $cmd->add($this->_appendData($data[$key]['data'], $asize)); } } /* Although it is normally more efficient to use LITERAL+, disable if * payload is over 0.5 MB because it allows the server to throw error * before we potentially push a lot of data to server that would * otherwise be ignored (see RFC 4549 []). * Additionally, if using BINARY, since so many IMAP servers have * issues with APPEND + BINARY, don't use LITERAL+ since servers may * send BAD after initial command. */ $cmd->literalplus = $asize < 524288 && !$this->queryCapability('BINARY'); // If the mailbox is currently selected read-only, we need to close // because some IMAP implementations won't allow an append. And some // implementations don't support append on ANY open mailbox. Be safe // and always make sure we are in a non-selected state. $this->close(); try { $resp = $this->_sendCmd($cmd); } catch (Horde_Imap_Client_Exception $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case $e::CATENATE_BADURL: case $e::CATENATE_TOOBIG: /* Cyrus 2.4 (at least as of .14) has a broken CATENATE (see * Bug #11111). Regardless, if CATENATE is broken, we can try * to fallback to APPEND. */ $this->_unsetCapability('CATENATE'); return $this->_append($mailbox, $data, $options); case $e::DISCONNECT: /* Workaround broken literal8 on Cyrus. */ if ($this->queryCapability('BINARY')) { // Need to re-login first before removing capability. $this->login(); $this->_unsetCapability('BINARY'); return $this->_append($mailbox, $data, $options); } break; } if (!empty($options['create']) && !empty($e->resp_data['trycreate'])) { $this->createMailbox($mailbox); unset($options['create']); return $this->_append($mailbox, $data, $options); } /* RFC 3516/4466 says we should be able to append binary data * using literal8 "~{#} format", but it doesn't seem to work on * all servers tried (UW-IMAP/Cyrus). Do a last-ditch check for * broken BINARY and attempt to fix here. */ if ($this->queryCapability('BINARY') && $e instanceof Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_ServerResponse) { switch ($e->status) { case Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server::BAD: case Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server::NO: $this->_unsetCapability('BINARY'); return $this->_append($mailbox, $data, $options); } } throw $e; } /* If we reach this point and have data in 'appenduid', UIDPLUS (RFC * 4315) has done the dirty work for us. */ return isset($resp->data['appenduid']) ? $resp->data['appenduid'] : true; }
/** */ public function getStream() { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($this->_mailbox->utf7imap); return $stream; }
/** */ public function getStream() { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($this->_mailbox->{$this->_encoding}); return $stream; }
/** * Builds a Horde_Mime_Headers object from header text. * * @param mixed $text A text string (or, as of 2.3.0, a Horde_Stream * object or stream resource) containing the headers. * * @return Horde_Mime_Headers A new Horde_Mime_Headers object. */ public static function parseHeaders($text) { $curr = null; $headers = new Horde_Mime_Headers(); $hdr_list = array(); if ($text instanceof Horde_Stream) { $stream = $text; $stream->rewind(); } else { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($text, true); } while (!$stream->eof()) { if (!($val = rtrim($stream->getToChar("\n", false), "\r"))) { break; } if ($curr && ($val[0] == ' ' || $val[0] == "\t")) { $curr->text .= ' ' . ltrim($val); } else { $pos = strpos($val, ':'); $curr = new stdClass(); $curr->header = substr($val, 0, $pos); $curr->text = ltrim(substr($val, $pos + 1)); $hdr_list[] = $curr; } } foreach ($hdr_list as $val) { /* When parsing, only keep the FIRST header seen for single value * text-only headers, since newer headers generally are appended * to the top of the message. */ if (!($ob = $headers[$val->header]) || !$ob instanceof Horde_Mime_Headers_Element_Single || $ob instanceof Horde_Mime_Headers_Addresses) { $headers->addHeader($val->header, rtrim($val->text)); } } if (!$text instanceof Horde_Stream) { $stream->close(); } return $headers; }