getLocaleInfo() public static method

Get the locale info returned by localeconv(), but cache it, to avoid repeated calls.
public static getLocaleInfo ( ) : array
return array The results of localeconv().
 protected function _getValidationPattern()
     static $pattern = '';
     if (!empty($pattern)) {
         return $pattern;
     /* Get current locale information. */
     $linfo = Horde_Nls::getLocaleInfo();
     /* Build the pattern. */
     $pattern = '(-)?';
     /* Only check thousands separators if locale has any. */
     if (!empty($linfo['mon_thousands_sep'])) {
         /* Regex to check for correct thousands separators (if any). */
         $pattern .= '((\\d+)|((\\d{0,3}?)([' . $linfo['mon_thousands_sep'] . ']\\d{3})*?))';
     } else {
         /* No locale thousands separator, check for only digits. */
         $pattern .= '(\\d+)';
     /* If no decimal point specified default to dot. */
     if (empty($linfo['mon_decimal_point'])) {
         $linfo['mon_decimal_point'] = '.';
     /* Regex to check for correct decimals (if any). */
     if (empty($this->_fraction)) {
         $fraction = '*';
     } else {
         $fraction = '{0,' . $this->_fraction . '}';
     $pattern .= '([' . $linfo['mon_decimal_point'] . '](\\d' . $fraction . '))?';
     /* Put together the whole regex pattern. */
     $pattern = '/^' . $pattern . '$/';
     return $pattern;
文件: Xhtml.php 项目: raz0rsdge/horde
 function _renderVarInput_number($form, $var, $vars)
     $value = $var->getValue($vars);
     if ($var->type->fraction) {
         $value = sprintf('%01.' . $var->type->fraction . 'f', $value);
     $linfo = Horde_Nls::getLocaleInfo();
     /* Only if there is a mon_decimal_point do the
      * substitution. */
     if (!empty($linfo['mon_decimal_point'])) {
         $value = str_replace('.', $linfo['mon_decimal_point'], $value);
     return sprintf('    <input type="text" class="form-input-number" name="%1$s" id="%1$s" value="%2$s"%3$s />', $var->getVarName(), $value, $this->_getActionScripts($form, $var));
 protected function _renderVarInput_number($form, &$var, &$vars)
     $value = $var->getValue($vars);
     if ($var->type->getProperty('fraction')) {
         $value = sprintf('%01.' . $var->type->getProperty('fraction') . 'f', $value);
     $linfo = Horde_Nls::getLocaleInfo();
     /* Only if there is a mon_decimal_point do the
      * substitution. */
     if (!empty($linfo['mon_decimal_point'])) {
         $value = str_replace('.', $linfo['mon_decimal_point'], $value);
     return sprintf('<input type="text" size="5" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s"%s />', htmlspecialchars($var->getVarName()), $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), false), $value, $this->_getActionScripts($form, $var));
文件: Type.php 项目: raz0rsdge/horde
 function getInfo(&$vars, &$var, &$info)
     $value = $vars->get($var->getVarName());
     $linfo = Horde_Nls::getLocaleInfo();
     $value = str_replace($linfo['mon_thousands_sep'], '', $value);
     $info = str_replace($linfo['mon_decimal_point'], '.', $value);
文件: IMP.php 项目: DSNS-LAB/Dmail
  * Workaround broken number_format() prior to PHP 5.4.0.
  * @param integer $number    Number to format.
  * @param integer $decimals  Number of decimals to display.
  * @return string  See number_format().
 public static function numberFormat($number, $decimals)
     $localeinfo = Horde_Nls::getLocaleInfo();
     return str_replace(array('X', 'Y'), array($localeinfo['decimal_point'], $localeinfo['thousands_sep']), number_format($decimals ? $number : ceil($number), $decimals, 'X', 'Y'));
文件: Part.php 项目: x59/horde-mime
  * Output the size of this MIME part in KB.
  * @todo Remove $approx parameter.
  * @param boolean $approx  If true, determines an approximate size for
  *                         parts consisting of base64 encoded data.
  * @return string  Size of the part in KB.
 public function getSize($approx = false)
     if (!($bytes = $this->getBytes($approx))) {
         return 0;
     $localeinfo = Horde_Nls::getLocaleInfo();
     // TODO: Workaround broken number_format() prior to PHP 5.4.0.
     return str_replace(array('X', 'Y'), array($localeinfo['decimal_point'], $localeinfo['thousands_sep']), number_format(ceil($bytes / 1024), 0, 'X', 'Y'));
  * Output the size of this MIME part in KB.
  * @param boolean $approx  If true, determines an approximate size for
  *                         parts consisting of base64 encoded data.
  * @return string  Size of the part in KB.
 public function getSize($approx = false)
     if (!($bytes = $this->getBytes($approx))) {
         return 0;
     $kb = $bytes / 1024;
     $localeinfo = Horde_Nls::getLocaleInfo();
     /* Reduce need for decimals as part size gets larger. */
     if ($kb > 100) {
         $decimals = 0;
     } elseif ($kb > 10) {
         $decimals = 1;
     } else {
         $decimals = 2;
     // TODO: Workaround broken number_format() prior to PHP 5.4.0.
     return str_replace(array('X', 'Y'), array($localeinfo['decimal_point'], $localeinfo['thousands_sep']), number_format($kb, $decimals, 'X', 'Y'));