 public function moveRightColumn($position)
     if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
         $hookRight = (int) Hook::get('rightColumn');
     } else {
         $hookRight = (int) Hook::getIdByName('rightColumn');
     $moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($this->name);
     if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
         $moduleInfo = Hook::getModuleFromHook($hookRight, $moduleInstance->id);
     } else {
         $moduleInfo = Hook::getModulesFromHook($hookRight, $moduleInstance->id);
     if (isset($moduleInfo['position']) && (int) $moduleInfo['position'] > (int) $position || isset($moduleInfo['m.position']) && (int) $moduleInfo['m.position'] > (int) $position) {
         return $moduleInstance->updatePosition($hookRight, 0, (int) $position);
     return $moduleInstance->updatePosition($hookRight, 1, (int) $position);
    public function displayList()
        global $currentIndex;
        $link = new Link();
        $admin_dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        $admin_dir = substr($admin_dir, strrpos($admin_dir, '/') + 1);
        echo '
		<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery/jquery.tablednd_0_5.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			var token = \'' . $this->token . '\';
			var come_from = \'AdminModulesPositions\';
		<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/admin-dnd.js"></script>
        echo '<a href="' . $currentIndex . '&addToHook' . ($this->displayKey ? '&show_modules=' . $this->displayKey : '') . '&token=' . $this->token . '"><img src="../img/admin/add.gif" border="0" /> <b>' . $this->l('Transplant a module') . '</b></a><br /><br />';
        // Print select list
        echo '
			' . $this->l('Show') . ' :
			<select id="show_modules" onChange="autoUrl(\'show_modules\', \'' . $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this->token . '&show_modules=\')">
				<option value="all">' . $this->l('All modules') . '&nbsp;</option>
        $modules = Module::getModulesInstalled();
        $moduleIdList = array();
        foreach ($modules as $module) {
            $moduleIdList[] = (int) $module['id_module'];
        foreach ($modules as $module) {
            Module::getInstanceById((int) $module['id_module']);
            if ($tmpInstance = Module::getInstanceById((int) $module['id_module'])) {
                $cm[$tmpInstance->displayName] = $tmpInstance;
        foreach ($cm as $module) {
            echo '
					<option value="' . (int) $module->id . '" ' . ($this->displayKey == $module->id ? 'selected="selected" ' : '') . '>' . $module->displayName . '</option>';
        echo '
			</select><br /><br />
			<input type="checkbox" id="hook_position" onclick="autoUrlNoList(\'hook_position\', \'' . $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this->token . '&show_modules=' . (int) Tools::getValue('show_modules') . '&hook_position=\')" ' . (Tools::getValue('hook_position') ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') . ' />&nbsp;<label class="t" for="hook_position">' . $this->l('Display non-positionable hook') . '</label>
		<fieldset style="width:250px;float:right"><legend>' . $this->l('Live edit') . '</legend>
				<p>' . $this->l('By clicking here you will be redirected to the front office of your shop to move and delete modules directly.') . '</p>
				<a href="' . $link->getPageLink('index.php') . '?live_edit&ad=' . $admin_dir . '&liveToken=' . sha1($admin_dir . _COOKIE_KEY_) . '" target="_blank" class="button">' . $this->l('Run LiveEdit') . '</a>
        // Print hook list
        echo '<form method="post" action="' . $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this->token . '">';
        $irow = 0;
        $hooks = Hook::getHooks(!(int) Tools::getValue('hook_position'));
        echo '<div id="unhook_button_position_top"><input class="button floatr" type="submit" name="unhookform" value="' . $this->l('Unhook the selection') . '"/></div>';
        foreach ($hooks as $hook) {
            $modules = array();
            if (!$this->displayKey) {
                $modules = Hook::getModulesFromHook($hook['id_hook']);
            } elseif ($res = Hook::getModuleFromHook($hook['id_hook'], $this->displayKey)) {
                $modules[0] = $res;
            $nbModules = sizeof($modules);
            echo '
			<a name="' . $hook['name'] . '"/>
			<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table width3 space' . ($nbModules >= 2 ? ' tableDnD' : '') . '" id="' . $hook['id_hook'] . '">
			<tr class="nodrag nodrop"><th colspan="4">' . $hook['title'] . ' - <span style="color: red">' . $nbModules . '</span> ' . ($nbModules > 1 ? $this->l('modules') : $this->l('module'));
            if ($nbModules) {
                echo '<input type="checkbox" id="Ghook' . $hook['id_hook'] . '" class="floatr" style="margin-right: 2px;" onclick="hookCheckboxes(' . $hook['id_hook'] . ', 0, this)"/>';
            if (!empty($hook['description'])) {
                echo '&nbsp;<span style="font-size:0.8em; font-weight: normal">[' . $hook['description'] . ']</span>';
            echo ' <sub style="color:grey;"><i>(' . $this->l('Technical name: ') . $hook['name'] . ')</i></sub></th></tr>';
            // Print modules list
            if ($nbModules) {
                $instances = array();
                foreach ($modules as $module) {
                    $moduleIdList[] = (int) $module['id_module'];
                foreach ($modules as $module) {
                    if ($tmpInstance = Module::getInstanceById((int) $module['id_module'])) {
                        $instances[$tmpInstance->getPosition($hook['id_hook'])] = $tmpInstance;
                foreach ($instances as $position => $instance) {
                    echo '
					<tr id="' . $hook['id_hook'] . '_' . $instance->id . '"' . ($irow++ % 2 ? ' class="alt_row"' : '') . ' style="height: 42px;">';
                    if (!$this->displayKey) {
                        echo '
						<td class="positions" width="40">' . (int) $position . '</td>
						<td' . ($nbModules >= 2 ? ' class="dragHandle"' : '') . ' id="td_' . $hook['id_hook'] . '_' . $instance->id . '" width="40">
						<a' . ($position == 1 ? ' style="display: none;"' : '') . ' href="' . $currentIndex . '&id_module=' . $instance->id . '&id_hook=' . $hook['id_hook'] . '&direction=0&token=' . $this->token . '&changePosition=' . rand() . '#' . $hook['name'] . '"><img src="../img/admin/up.gif" alt="' . $this->l('Up') . '" title="' . $this->l('Up') . '" /></a><br />
							<a ' . ($position == sizeof($instances) ? ' style="display: none;"' : '') . 'href="' . $currentIndex . '&id_module=' . $instance->id . '&id_hook=' . $hook['id_hook'] . '&direction=1&token=' . $this->token . '&changePosition=' . rand() . '#' . $hook['name'] . '"><img src="../img/admin/down.gif" alt="' . $this->l('Down') . '" title="' . $this->l('Down') . '" /></a>
						<td style="padding-left: 10px;"><label class="lab_modules_positions" for="mod' . $hook['id_hook'] . '_' . $instance->id . '">
                    } else {
                        echo '<td style="padding-left: 10px;" colspan="3"><label class="lab_modules_positions" for="' . $hook['id_hook'] . '_' . $instance->id . '">';
                    echo '
					<img src="../modules/' . $instance->name . '/logo.gif" alt="' . stripslashes($instance->name) . '" /> <strong>' . stripslashes($instance->displayName) . '</strong>
						' . ($instance->version ? ' v' . ((int) $instance->version == $instance->version ? sprintf('%.1f', $instance->version) : (double) $instance->version) : '') . '<br />' . $instance->description . '
						<td width="60">
							<a href="' . $currentIndex . '&id_module=' . $instance->id . '&id_hook=' . $hook['id_hook'] . '&editGraft' . ($this->displayKey ? '&show_modules=' . $this->displayKey : '') . '&token=' . $this->token . '"><img src="../img/admin/edit.gif" border="0" alt="' . $this->l('Edit') . '" title="' . $this->l('Edit') . '" /></a>
							<a href="' . $currentIndex . '&id_module=' . $instance->id . '&id_hook=' . $hook['id_hook'] . '&deleteGraft' . ($this->displayKey ? '&show_modules=' . $this->displayKey : '') . '&token=' . $this->token . '"><img src="../img/admin/delete.gif" border="0" alt="' . $this->l('Delete') . '" title="' . $this->l('Delete') . '" /></a>
							<input type="checkbox" id="mod' . $hook['id_hook'] . '_' . $instance->id . '" class="hook' . $hook['id_hook'] . '" onclick="hookCheckboxes(' . $hook['id_hook'] . ', 1, this)" name="unhooks[]" value="' . $hook['id_hook'] . '_' . $instance->id . '"/>
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="4">' . $this->l('No module for this hook') . '</td></tr>';
            echo '</table>';
        echo '<div id="unhook_button_position_bottom"><input class="button floatr" type="submit" name="unhookform" value="' . $this->l('Unhook the selection') . '"/></div></form>';
    public function displayList()
        global $currentIndex;
        echo '
		<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery/jquery.tablednd_0_5.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			var token = \'' . $this->token . '\';
			var come_from = \'AdminModulesPositions\';
		<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/admin-dnd.js"></script>
        echo '<a href="' . $currentIndex . '&addToHook' . ($this->displayKey ? '&show_modules=' . $this->displayKey : '') . '&token=' . $this->token . '"><img src="../img/admin/add.gif" border="0" /> <b>' . $this->l('Transplant a module') . '</b></a><br /><br />';
        // Print select list
        echo '
			' . $this->l('Show') . ' :
			<select id="show_modules" onChange="autoUrl(\'show_modules\', \'' . $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this->token . '&show_modules=\')">
				<option value="all">' . $this->l('All modules') . '&nbsp;</option>
        $modules = Module::getModulesInstalled();
        foreach ($modules as $module) {
            if ($tmpInstance = Module::getInstanceById(intval($module['id_module']))) {
                $cm[$tmpInstance->displayName] = $tmpInstance;
        foreach ($cm as $module) {
            echo '
					<option value="' . intval($module->id) . '" ' . ($this->displayKey == $module->id ? 'selected="selected" ' : '') . '>' . $module->displayName . '</option>';
        echo '
			</select><br /><br />
			<input type="checkbox" id="hook_position" onclick="autoUrlNoList(\'hook_position\', \'' . $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this->token . '&show_modules=' . intval(Tools::getValue('show_modules')) . '&hook_position=\')" ' . (Tools::getValue('hook_position') ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') . ' />&nbsp;' . $this->l('Display non-positionnable hook') . '
        // Print hook list
        $irow = 0;
        $hooks = Hook::getHooks(!intval(Tools::getValue('hook_position')));
        foreach ($hooks as $hook) {
            $modules = array();
            if (!$this->displayKey) {
                $modules = Hook::getModulesFromHook($hook['id_hook']);
            } elseif ($res = Hook::getModuleFromHook($hook['id_hook'], $this->displayKey)) {
                $modules[0] = $res;
            $nbModules = sizeof($modules);
            echo '
			<a name="' . $hook['name'] . '"/>
			<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table width3 space' . ($nbModules >= 2 ? ' tableDnD' : '') . '" id="' . $hook['id_hook'] . '">
			<tr class="nodrag nodrop"><th colspan="4">' . $hook['title'] . ' - <span style="color: red">' . $nbModules . '</span> ' . ($nbModules > 1 ? $this->l('modules') : $this->l('module'));
            if (!empty($hook['description'])) {
                echo '&nbsp;<span style="font-size:0.8em; font-weight: normal">[' . $hook['description'] . ']</span>';
            echo '</th></tr>';
            // Print modules list
            if ($nbModules) {
                $instances = array();
                foreach ($modules as $module) {
                    if ($tmpInstance = Module::getInstanceById(intval($module['id_module']))) {
                        $instances[$tmpInstance->getPosition($hook['id_hook'])] = $tmpInstance;
                foreach ($instances as $position => $instance) {
                    echo '
					<tr id="' . $hook['id_hook'] . '_' . $instance->id . '"' . ($irow++ % 2 ? ' class="alt_row"' : '') . ' style="height: 42px;">';
                    if (!$this->displayKey) {
                        echo '
						<td class="positions" width="40">' . intval($position) . '</td>
						<td' . ($nbModules >= 2 ? ' class="dragHandle"' : '') . ' id="td_' . $hook['id_hook'] . '_' . $instance->id . '" width="40">
						<a' . ($position == 1 ? ' style="display: none;"' : '') . ' href="' . $currentIndex . '&id_module=' . $instance->id . '&id_hook=' . $hook['id_hook'] . '&direction=0&token=' . $this->token . '&changePosition=' . rand() . '#' . $hook['name'] . '"><img src="../img/admin/up.gif" alt="' . $this->l('Up') . '" title="' . $this->l('Up') . '" /></a><br />
							<a ' . ($position == sizeof($instances) ? ' style="display: none;"' : '') . 'href="' . $currentIndex . '&id_module=' . $instance->id . '&id_hook=' . $hook['id_hook'] . '&direction=1&token=' . $this->token . '&changePosition=' . rand() . '#' . $hook['name'] . '"><img src="../img/admin/down.gif" alt="' . $this->l('Down') . '" title="' . $this->l('Down') . '" /></a>
						<td style="padding-left: 10px;">
                    } else {
                        echo '<td style="padding-left: 10px;" colspan="3">';
                    echo '
					<img src="../modules/' . $instance->name . '/logo.gif" alt="' . stripslashes($instance->name) . '" /> <strong>' . stripslashes($instance->displayName) . '</strong>
						' . ($instance->version ? ' v' . (intval($instance->version) == $instance->version ? sprintf('%.1f', $instance->version) : floatval($instance->version)) : '') . '<br />' . $instance->description . '
						<td width="40">
							<a href="' . $currentIndex . '&id_module=' . $instance->id . '&id_hook=' . $hook['id_hook'] . '&editGraft' . ($this->displayKey ? '&show_modules=' . $this->displayKey : '') . '&token=' . $this->token . '"><img src="../img/admin/edit.gif" border="0" alt="' . $this->l('Edit') . '" title="' . $this->l('Edit') . '" /></a>
							<a href="' . $currentIndex . '&id_module=' . $instance->id . '&id_hook=' . $hook['id_hook'] . '&deleteGraft' . ($this->displayKey ? '&show_modules=' . $this->displayKey : '') . '&token=' . $this->token . '"><img src="../img/admin/delete.gif" border="0" alt="' . $this->l('Delete') . '" title="' . $this->l('Delete') . '" /></a>
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="4">' . $this->l('No module for this hook') . '</td></tr>';
            echo '</table>';
  * Hooks methods
 public function hookHeader()
     if ($this->useMobile()) {
         $id_hook = (int) Configuration::get('PS_MOBILE_HOOK_HEADER_ID');
         if ($id_hook > 0) {
             $module = Hook::getModuleFromHook($id_hook, $this->id);
             if (!$module) {
     if (isset($this->context->cart) && $this->context->cart->id) {
         $this->context->smarty->assign('id_cart', (int) $this->context->cart->id);
     /* Added for PrestaBox */
     if (method_exists($this->context->controller, 'addCSS')) {
         $this->context->controller->addCSS(_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/css/paypal.css');
     } else {
         Tools::addCSS(_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/css/paypal.css');
     return '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this->fetchTemplate('paypal.js') . '</script>';