public function actionUnban($id) { $ban_model = $this->loadModel($id); if (!Webadmins::checkAccess('bans_unban', $ban_model->admin_nick)) { throw new CHttpException(403, "У Вас недостаточно прав"); } $history_model = new History(); $history_model->unsetAttributes(); $history_model->player_ip = $ban_model->player_ip; $history_model->player_id = $ban_model->player_id; $history_model->player_nick = $ban_model->player_nick; $history_model->admin_ip = $ban_model->admin_ip; $history_model->admin_id = $ban_model->admin_id; $history_model->admin_nick = $ban_model->admin_nick; $history_model->ban_type = $ban_model->ban_type; $history_model->ban_reason = $ban_model->ban_reason; $history_model->ban_created = $ban_model->ban_created; $history_model->ban_length = $ban_model->ban_length; $history_model->server_ip = $ban_model->server_ip; $history_model->server_name = $ban_model->server_name; $history_model->unban_created = time(); $history_model->unban_reason = 'Разбанен с сайта'; $history_model->unban_admin_nick = Yii::app()->user->name; if ($history_model->save()) { if ($ban_model->delete()) { Yii::app()->end('Игрок разбанен'); } } Yii::app()->end(CHtml::errorSummary($ban_model)); }
/** * Find photos and download them * @return bool True if the execution is successful */ public function download() { $unsplash = new Unsplash(); $photos = $this->getPhotos($unsplash); $success = $this->downloadAllPhotos($photos); $this->history->save(); return $success; }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'show' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new History(); if (isset($_POST['History'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['History']; $model->save(); } }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new History(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['History'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['History']; if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->history_id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
static function createFor(HistoricalObjectI $object) { $data = $object->getDataForHistory(); if (!is_array($data)) { $data = array($data); } foreach ($data as $historyDataEntry) { $history = new History(); $history->setUserId($historyDataEntry->getUserId()); $history->setEntityType(get_class($object)); $history->setData(serialize($historyDataEntry->getData())); $history->save(); } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { $log = new Process(); $log->name = "make-history"; $log->status = "running"; $log->save(); $today = Carbon::today(); $topToday = array(); $newspapers = Newspaper::select('id')->get(); $tags = Tag::select('id')->get(); foreach ($newspapers as $key => $n) { $top = $this->getTopLink($today, $n->id, false); if ($top) { $topToday[] = $top; } } foreach ($tags as $key => $t) { $top = $this->getTopLink($today, false, $t->id); if ($top) { $topToday[] = $top; } } $topToday = array_unique($topToday); //Remove links for today History::where('date', '=', $today)->delete(); //Save history foreach ($topToday as $key => $t) { $this->info($t->title); try { $h = new History(); $h->id_ref = $t->id; unset($t->id); $h->fill($t->toArray()); $h->date = $today; $h->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { } } $log->status = "finished"; $log->save(); }
public static function Log($event,$datetime,$login,$client_id){ $history = new History(); $history->User_Login = $login; $history->Timestamp = $datetime; $history->Event_Type_ID = $event; $history->Client_ID = $client_id; $history->save(); }
/** * Executes any command triggered on the admin page. */ public function actiondownload() { if (isset($_GET['name'])) { $downloadfilename = $_GET['name']; // is there an associated downloadable file ? if (strlen($downloadfilename) > 0) { $history = new History(); $history->file = $downloadfilename; if (isset($_POST['downloadfrom'])) { $history->category = $_POST['downloadfrom']; } else { $history->category = 'DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC'; } if ($history->validate()) { $history->save(); } $d_downloadurl = Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/uploads/' . Yii::app()->params['sitefileName'] . '/' . $downloadfilename; $d_loaderpathname = Yii::app()->lib_tools->get_downloader(); $d_loaderFullUrl = $d_loaderpathname . '?filename=' . $downloadfilename; $this->redirect($d_loaderFullUrl); } // end downloadable } }
function add_to_history($message) { $h = new History(); $h->message = $message; $h->save($this->auth_user_id); }
function manage_content($content_id, $method = 'post', $match_album_visibility = false) { if (strpos($content_id, ',') !== FALSE) { $ids = explode(',', $content_id); } else { $ids = array($content_id); } $h = new History(); if ($this->album_type == 0) { $c = new Content(); $members = $this->contents->select('id,lg_preview')->get_iterated(); $member_ids = array(); foreach ($members as $member) { $member_ids[] = $member->id; } $contents = $c->where_in('id', $ids)->order_by('id ASC')->get_iterated(); $added_ids = array(); foreach ($contents as $content) { if (!$content->exists()) { return false; } $covers_count = $this->covers->count(); switch ($method) { case 'post': if ($this->save($content)) { if (!in_array($content->id, $member_ids)) { if ($covers_count < 3 && ($content->visibility == 0 && ($content->file_type == 0 || $content->lg_preview))) { $this->save_cover($content); } $this->update_counts(false); $this->save(); $this->set_join_field($content, 'order', $this->total_count); } $added_ids[] = $content->id; } break; case 'delete': if (in_array($content->id, $member_ids)) { $this->delete($content); $this->delete_cover($content); $this->save(); $this->reset_covers(); } break; } } if (count($added_ids) && !is_null($this->visibility) && $match_album_visibility) { $change = new Content(); $change->where_in('id', $added_ids)->where('visibility !=', $this->visibility)->where('visibility <', 2)->update(array('visibility' => $this->visibility)); } if (count($ids) == 1) { $message = 'content:move'; $c = $content->filename; } else { $message = 'content:move:multiple'; $c = count($ids); } } else { $a = new Album(); switch ($method) { case 'post': case 'delete': $this->db->trans_begin(); foreach ($ids as $move_id) { $d = new Album(); $dest_copy = $d->select('level,left_id,right_id')->get_by_id($this->id); $move_copy = $a->select('visibility,level,left_id,right_id')->get_by_id($move_id); if ($method == 'post') { $destination_left = $dest_copy->right_id; $delta = $dest_copy->level - $move_copy->level + 1; $delta = $delta >= 0 ? '+ ' . $delta : '- ' . abs($delta); $level_delta = 'level ' . $delta; if (isset($_POST['match_album_visibility']) && $_POST['match_album_visibility'] > 0) { $this->_do_match_visibility(array('left_id' => $move_copy->left_id, 'right_id' => $move_copy->right_id, 'visibility' => $this->visibility)); } } else { // For removals, we simply move the object back to the root $max = new Album(); $max->select_max('right_id')->get(); $destination_left = $max->right_id; $level_delta = 'level - ' . abs(1 - $move_copy->level); $destination_left++; } $left = $move_copy->left_id; $right = $move_copy->right_id; $size = $right - $left + 1; $a->shift_tree_values($destination_left, $size, $this->visibility); if ($move_copy->left_id >= $destination_left && $move_copy->visibility == $this->visibility) { $left += $size; $right += $size; } $delta = $destination_left - $left; $delta = $delta >= 0 ? '+ ' . $delta : '- ' . abs($delta); $a->where('left_id >=', $left)->where('right_id <=', $right)->where('visibility', $move_copy->visibility)->update(array('left_id' => "left_id {$delta}", 'right_id' => "right_id {$delta}", 'visibility' => $this->visibility, 'level' => $level_delta), false); $a->where('visibility', 1)->where('published_on', NULL)->update(array('published_on' => time())); $a->shift_tree_values($right + 1, -$size, $move_copy->visibility); } $this->update_set_counts(); $this->db->trans_complete(); break; } $message = "album:move"; if (count($ids) > 1) { $message .= ':multiple'; } $c = count($ids); } if ($method == 'delete') { $message = str_replace('move', 'remove', $message); } $h->message = array($message, $c, $this->title); $h->save(); }
public function amend($post_id, $content) { $block = new SuccessBlock(); $block->data->prev_path = sprintf("/s/%s/posts/%d", $this->getSectionTitleFromId($post_id), $post_id); if ($block->success) { if (Auth::user()->points < 1) { $block->success = false; $block->errors[] = "not enough points"; } } if ($block->success) { $post = $this->findOrFail($post_id); if ($post->user_id != Auth::user()->id) { $block->success = false; $block->errors[] = 'This post does not have the same user id as you'; } } if ($block->success) { $data['user_id'] = Auth::user()->id; $data['data'] = $content; $data['markdown'] = $data['data']; $data['data'] = Markdown::defaultTransform(e($data['markdown'])); $rules = array('user_id' => 'required|numeric', 'markdown' => 'required|max:' . Constant::POST_MAX_MARKDOWN_LENGTH); $validate = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validate->fails()) { $block->success = false; foreach ($validate->messages()->all() as $v) { $block->errors[] = $v; } } } if ($block->success) { $history = new History(); $history->data = $post->data; $history->markdown = $post->markdown; $history->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $history->type = Constant::POST_TYPE; $history->type_id = $post->id; $history->save(); $post->markdown = $data['markdown']; $post->data = $data['data']; $post->save(); } return $block; }
public function amend($comment_id, $content) { $block = new SuccessBlock(); if ($block->success) { if (Auth::user()->points < 1) { $block->success = false; $block->errors[] = 'You need at least one point to edit a comment'; } } if ($block->success) { $comment = $this->findOrFail($comment_id); if ($comment->user_id != Auth::user()->id) { $block->success = true; $block->errors[] = 'This comment does not have the same user id as you'; } } if ($block->success) { $data['user_id'] = Auth::user()->id; $data['data'] = Markdown::defaultTransform(e($content)); $data['markdown'] = $content; $rules = array('user_id' => 'required|numeric', 'markdown' => 'required|max:' . Constant::COMMENT_MAX_MARKDOWN_LENGTH); $validate = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validate->fails()) { $block->success = false; foreach ($validate->messages()->all() as $v) { $block->errors[] = $v; } } } if ($block->success) { $history = new History(); $history->data = $comment->data; $history->markdown = $comment->markdown; $history->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $history->type = Constant::COMMENT_TYPE; $history->type_id = $comment->id; $history->save(); Cache::forget(Constant::COMMENT_CACHE_NEWLIST_NAME . $comment->post_id); $comment->markdown = $data['markdown']; $comment->data = $data['data']; $comment->save(); } return $block; }
case 'transformation': include '../../../include/header.php'; $conflictsMap = array(); $uploadsMap = getUploadsMap($conflictsMap); $filesystemErrors = array(); $filesystemWarnings = array(); $filesystemValid = filesystemValidator($filesystemErrors, $filesystemWarnings, $conflictsMap); // todo: check for variables! // todo: rs braucht "name" für "Anmerkungen" $excel = new Excel($mediaPath . $_REQUEST['userfile']); $tableErrors = array(); $tableWarnings = array(); $tableValid = tableValidator($tableErrors, $tableWarnings, $excel); $mapper = new Mapper($excel, $_REQUEST); $template = $_REQUEST['remarktemplate']; History::save($excel, $_REQUEST['keyfield'], $template, $_REQUEST); $filenameCol = $mapper->getColByName("filename"); if ($filenameCol == null) { View::debug("Filename not provided", 1); } // check for files to exist // $ret = checkForFiles( $excel, $mapper->getColByName( "filename" ), $uploadsMap ); // if( $ret !== 0 ) { // View::debug( "Could not find file ".$ret, 1 ); // // break; // } $xml_source = null; $md5r = null; // generate all Resources $rowErrors = array(); $rowWarnings = array();