 function popup_elements($am_elements)
     $no_of_columns = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 6);
     $border_size = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(0, 10);
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $animation_speed = Helper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = Helper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = Helper::get_animation_type_data();
     $choices = Helper::get_shortcode_choices();
     $am_array = array();
     $am_array[] = array(array("name" => __('Flip Box Frontside Heading', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a heading for the frontside of the flip box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_titlefront[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("Your Content Goes Here")), array("name" => __('Flip Box Backside Heading', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a heading for the backside of the flip box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_titleback[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("Your Content Goes Here")), array("name" => __('Flip Box Frontside Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add content for the frontside of the flip box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_text_front[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("Your Content Goes Here")), array("name" => __('Flip Box Backside Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add content for the backside of the flip box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content_wp[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::HTML_EDITOR, "value" => array("Your Content Goes Here")), array("name" => __('Background Color Frontside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the background color of the frontside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolorfront[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Heading Color Frontside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the heading color of the frontside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_titlecolorfront[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Text Color Frontside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the text color of the frontside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_textcolorfront[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Background Color Backside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the background color of the backside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolorback[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Heading Color Backside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the heading color of the backside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_titlecolorback[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Text Color Backside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the text color of the backside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_textcolorback[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Border Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px), ex: 1px. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordersize[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("1px")), array("name" => __('Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the border color.  Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordercolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Border Radius', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the radius of the flip box. In pixels (px), ex: 1px, or "round". Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_borderradius[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("4px")), array("name" => __('Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Click an icon to select, click again to deselect.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_icon[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => array(""), "list" => Helper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Icon Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the icon. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconcolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Icon Circle', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to use a circled background on the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circle[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array("yes"), "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Icon Circle Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the circle. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlecolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Icon Circle Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the circle border. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlebordercolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Flip Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to flip the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_flip[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => array('' => 'None', 'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', 'fusion-core'), 'vertical' => __('Vertical', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Rotate Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to rotate the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_rotate[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => 'None', '90' => '90', '180' => '180', '270' => '270')), array("name" => __('Spinning Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to let the icon spin.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconspin[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array("yes"), "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Icon Image', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('To upload your own icon image, deselect the icon above and then upload your icon image.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => array(1), "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Icon Image Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('If using an icon image, specify the image width in pixels but do not add px, ex: 35.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image_width[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("35")), array("name" => __('Icon Image Height', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('If using an icon image, specify the image height in pixels but do not add px, ex: 35.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image_height[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("35")), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1).', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => $animation_speed));
     $this->config['defaults'] = $am_array[0];
     if ($am_elements) {
         $am_array_copy = $am_array[0];
         $am_array = array();
         foreach ($am_elements as $key => $am_element) {
             $build_am = $am_array_copy;
             foreach ($build_am as $build_am_key => $build_am_element) {
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['value'] = $am_elements[$key][$build_am_key];
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['id'] = str_replace('[0]', '[' . $key . ']', $build_am_element['id']);
             $am_array[] = $build_am;
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Number of Columns', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Set the number of columns per row.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_columns", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "1", "allowedValues" => $no_of_columns), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("type" => ElementTypeEnum::ADDMORE, "buttonText" => __('Add New Flip Box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "am_fusion_content", "elements" => $am_array));
 function popup_elements()
     $animation_speed = Helper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = Helper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = Helper::get_animation_type_data();
     $choices = Helper::get_shortcode_choices();
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Select Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Click an icon to select, click again to deselect.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "icon", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => "", "list" => Helper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Icon in Circle', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to display the icon in a circle', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circle", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Size of Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the size of the icon', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_size", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "small", "allowedValues" => array('small' => __('Small', 'fusion-core'), 'medium' => __('Medium', 'fusion-core'), 'large' => __('Large', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Icon Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the icon. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Icon Circle Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the circle. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlecolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Icon Circle Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the circle border. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "circlebordercolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Flip Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to flip the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_flip", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => 'None', 'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', 'fusion-core'), 'vertical' => __('Vertical', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Rotate Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to rotate the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_rotate", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => 'None', '90' => '90', '180' => '180', '270' => '270')), array("name" => __('Spinning Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to let the icon spin.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_spin", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "0", "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => '', "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_speed), array("name" => __('Alignment', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the icon\'s alignment.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_alignment", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'center' => __('Center', 'fusion-core'), 'right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements()
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $animation_speed = Helper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = Helper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = Helper::get_animation_type_data();
     $opacity_data = $this->create_shadow_opacity_data();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the background color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Shadow', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Show the shadow below the box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_shadow", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Shadow Opacity', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the opacity of the shadow', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_shadowopacity", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "0.7", "allowedValues" => $opacity_data), array("name" => __('Border', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px), ex: 1px', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_border", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "1px"), array("name" => __('Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the border color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordercolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Highlight Border Position', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the position of the highlight. This border highlight is from theme options primary color and does not take the color from border color above', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_highlightposition", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "top", "allowedValues" => array('top' => __('Top', 'fusion-core'), 'bottom' => __('Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Content Alignment', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose how the content should be displayed.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_contentalignment", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'center' => __('Center', 'fusion-core'), 'right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Button Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the text that will display in the button', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_button", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('The url the button will link to', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_url", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link Target', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('_self = open in same window<br>_blank = open in new window', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_target", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "_self", "allowedValues" => array('_self' => '_self', '_blank' => '_blank')), array("name" => __('Modal Window Anchor', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the class name of the modal window you want to open on button click.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_modalanchor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Button Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the button\'s size.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_buttonsize", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('small' => __('Small', 'fusion-core'), 'medium' => __('Medium', 'fusion-core'), 'large' => __('Large', 'fusion-core'), 'xlarge' => __('XLarge', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Button Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the button\'s type.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_buttontype", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('flat' => __('Flat', 'fusion-core'), '3D' => '3D')), array("name" => __('Button Shape', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the button\'s shape.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_buttonshape", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('square' => __('Square', 'fusion-core'), 'pill' => __('Pill', 'fusion-core'), 'round' => __('Round', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Button Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the button color<br>Default uses theme option selection', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_buttoncolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'green' => __('Green', 'fusion-core'), 'darkgreen' => __('Dark Green', 'fusion-core'), 'orange' => __('Orange', 'fusion-core'), 'blue' => __('Blue', 'fusion-core'), 'red' => __('Red', 'fusion-core'), 'pink' => __('Pink', 'fusion-core'), 'darkgray' => __('Dark Gray', 'fusion-core'), 'lightgray' => __('Light Gray', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Tagline Title', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the title text', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_title", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => __(' ', 'fusion-core')), array("name" => __('Tagline Description', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the description text', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_description", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Additional Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('This is additional content you can add to the tagline box. This will show below the title and description if one is used.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_additionalcontent", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::HTML_EDITOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0.1", "allowedValues" => $animation_speed), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements()
     $border_size = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(0, 10);
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $animation_speed = Helper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = Helper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = Helper::get_animation_type_data();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Frame Style Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the frame style type.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_style", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "none", "allowedValues" => array('none' => __('None', 'fusion-core'), 'glow' => __('Glow', 'fusion-core'), 'dropshadow' => __('Drop Shadow', 'fusion-core'), 'bottomshadow' => __('Bottom Shadow', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the border color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordercolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Border Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px), ex: 1px. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordersize", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0px"), array("name" => __('Border Radius', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the radius of the image. In pixels (px), ex: 1px, or "round".  Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_borderradius", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0"), array("name" => __('Style Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('For all style types except border. Controls the style color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_stylecolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Align', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose how to align the image', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_align", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "none", "allowedValues" => array('none' => __('None', 'fusion-core'), 'left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'), 'center' => __('Center', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Image lightbox', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Show image in Lightbox', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_lightbox", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Image', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Upload an image to display in the frame', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => "1", "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Image Alt Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('The alt attribute provides alternative information if an image cannot be viewed', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_alt", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Picture Link URL', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the URL the picture will link to, ex: http://example.com.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_link", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link Target', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('_self = open in same window<br>_blank = open in new window', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_target", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "_self", "allowedValues" => array('_self' => '_self', '_blank' => '_blank')), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "0", "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "0.1", "allowedValues" => $animation_speed), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements($am_elements)
     $fille_area_data = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 100);
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $am_array = array();
     $am_array[] = array(array("name" => __('Filled Area Percentage', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('From 1% to 100%', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_value[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $fille_area_data), array("name" => __('Filled Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the filled in area. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_filledcolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array('')), array("name" => __('Unfilled Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the unfilled in area. Leave blank for theme option selection.'), "id" => "fusion_unfilledcolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array('')), array("name" => __('Size of the Counter', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert size of the counter in px. ex: 220', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_size[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("220")), array("name" => __('Show Scales', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show a scale around circles.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_scales[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Countdown', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to let the circle filling move counter clockwise.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_countdown[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Animation Speed', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert animation speed in milliseconds', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_speed[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("1500")), array("name" => __('Counter Circle Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert text for counter circle box, keep it short', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("Text")));
     $this->config['defaults'] = $am_array[0];
     if ($am_elements) {
         $am_array_copy = $am_array[0];
         $am_array = array();
         foreach ($am_elements as $key => $am_element) {
             $build_am = $am_array_copy;
             foreach ($build_am as $build_am_key => $build_am_element) {
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['value'] = $am_elements[$key][$build_am_key];
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['id'] = str_replace('[0]', '[' . $key . ']', $build_am_element['id']);
             $am_array[] = $build_am;
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("type" => ElementTypeEnum::ADDMORE, "buttonText" => __('Add New Counter Circle', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "am_fusion_circle", "elements" => $am_array));
 function popup_elements($am_elements)
     $no_of_columns = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 6);
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $animation_speed = Helper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = Helper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = Helper::get_animation_type_data();
     $am_array = array();
     $am_array[] = array(array("name" => __('Title', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __(' ', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_title[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Click an icon to select, click again to deselect', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "icon[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => array(), "list" => Helper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Content Box Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Icon Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconcolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Icon Circle Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlecolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Icon Circle Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlebordercolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Flip Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to flip the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconflip[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => array('' => 'None', 'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', 'fusion-core'), 'vertical' => __('Vertical', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Rotate Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to rotate the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconrotate[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => array('' => 'None', '90' => '90', '180' => '180', '270' => '270')), array("name" => __('Spinning Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to let the icon spin.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconspin[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Icon Image', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('To upload your own icon image, deselect the icon above and then upload your icon image', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => array(1), "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Icon Image Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('If using an icon image, specify the image width in pixels but do not add px, ex: 35', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image_width[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array(35)), array("name" => __('Icon Image Height', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('If using an icon image, specify the image height in pixels but do not add px, ex: 35', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image_height[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array(35)), array("name" => __('Read More Link Url', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the link\'s url ex: http://example.com', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_link[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Read More Link Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the text to display as the link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_linktext[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Read More Link Target', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('_self = open in same window<br>_blank = open in new window', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_target[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array("_self"), "allowedValues" => array('_self' => '_self', '_blank' => '_blank')), array("name" => __('Content Box Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add content for content box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content_wp[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::HTML_EDITOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(), "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(), "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array("0.1"), "allowedValues" => $animation_speed));
     $this->config['defaults'] = $am_array[0];
     if ($am_elements) {
         $am_array_copy = $am_array[0];
         $am_array = array();
         foreach ($am_elements as $key => $am_element) {
             $build_am = $am_array_copy;
             foreach ($build_am as $build_am_key => $build_am_element) {
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['value'] = $am_elements[$key][$build_am_key];
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['id'] = str_replace('[0]', '[' . $key . ']', $build_am_element['id']);
             $am_array[] = $build_am;
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Box Layout', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the layout for the content box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_layout", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "icon-with-title", "allowedValues" => array('icon-with-title' => __('Icon beside Title', 'fusion-core'), 'icon-on-top' => __('Icon on Top of Title', 'fusion-core'), 'icon-on-side' => __('Icon beside Title and Content aligned with Title', 'fusion-core'), 'icon-boxed' => __('Icon Boxed', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Number of Columns', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Set the number of columns per row.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_columns", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "4", "allowedValues" => $no_of_columns), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("type" => ElementTypeEnum::ADDMORE, "buttonText" => __('Add New Content Box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "am_fusion_content", "elements" => $am_array));
 function popup_elements()
     $choices = Helper::get_shortcode_choices();
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('SoundCloud Url', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('The SoundCloud url, ex: http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/110813479', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_url", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Show Comments', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to display comments', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_comments", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Autoplay', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to autoplay the track', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_auto_play", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the color of the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => "#ff7700"), array("name" => __('Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px) or percentage (%)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_width", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "100%"), array("name" => __('Height', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_height", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "81px"), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements()
     $filled_area = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 100);
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Filled Area Percentage', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('From 1% to 100%', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_value", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "1", "allowedValues" => $filled_area), array("name" => __('Progress Bar Unit', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert a unit for the progress bar. ex %', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_unit", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Filled Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the filled in area. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_filledcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Unfilled Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the unfilled in area. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_unfilledcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Striped Filling', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to get the filled area striped.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_striped", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Animated Stripes', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to get the the stripes animated.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animatedstripes", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Text Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the text color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_textcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Progess Bar Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Text will show up on progess bar', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements()
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Video ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => "For example the Video ID for<br>\nhttp://www.youtube.com/LOfeCR7KqUs is <br>LOfeCR7KqUs", "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels but only enter a number, ex: 600', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_width", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "600"), array("name" => __('Height', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels but only enter a number, ex: 350', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_height", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "350"), array("name" => __('Autoplay Video', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Set to yes to make video autoplaying', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_autoplay", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('AdditionalAPI Parameter', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Use additional API parameter, for example &rel=0 to disable related videos', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_apiparams", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements()
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Video ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('For example the Video ID for<br>https://vimeo.com/75230326 is 75230326', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels but only enter a number, ex: 600', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_width", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "600"), array("name" => __('Height', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels but only enter a number, ex: 350', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_height", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "350"), array("name" => __('Autoplay Video', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Set to yes to make video autoplaying', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_autoplay", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('AdditionalAPI Parameter', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Use additional API parameter, for example &title=0 to disable title on video. VimeoPlus account may be required.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_apiparams", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));