    <div class="container" role="main">
      <h1>License server status overview</h1>
      To get current usage for an individual server please click on the "Details" next to the server.
      <div id="msg" style="visibility:hidden;"></div>
# We are using PHP Pear library to create tables :-)
require_once "HTML/Table.php";
# empty statusmsg
$statusMsg = "";
$tableStyle = array('cellpadding' => '1', 'cellspacing' => '2', 'class' => 'table table-striped');
# Create a new table object
$table = new HTML_Table();
$table->setColAttributes(1, "align=\"center\"");
# Define a table header
$headerStyle = "";
$colHeaders = array("License Server", "Description", "Status", "Current Usage", "Available features/license", "Master", "Version");
$table->addRow($colHeaders, $headerStyle, "TH");
# set width on description col
$table->setColAttributes(1, "width=\"180\"");
# grab all the different server types
foreach ($server as $host) {
    $type[] = $host['type'];
# return only unique types
$types = array_unique($type);
# loop thru each unique type and make up status table
foreach ($types as $type) {