/** * Draws the Upload Button output. */ public function run() { $objectModel = ""; $objectId = ""; if ($this->object !== null) { $objectModel = $this->object->className(); $objectId = $this->object->getPrimaryKey(); } return $this->render('embeddedMediaUploadButton', array('fileListFieldName' => $this->fileListFieldName, 'uploaderId' => $this->uploaderId, 'objectModel' => $objectModel, 'objectId' => $objectId)); }
/** * Draws the Upload Button output. */ public function run() { $objectModel = ""; $objectId = ""; if ($this->object !== null) { $objectModel = get_class($this->object); $objectId = $this->object->getPrimaryKey(); } $this->render('videoUploadButton', array('fileListFieldName' => $this->fileListFieldName, 'uploaderId' => $this->uploaderId, 'objectModel' => $objectModel, 'objectId' => $objectId)); }
/** * Insert or Update this wall entry * * @return type */ public function save($runValidation = true, $attributes = NULL) { $ret = parent::save($runValidation, $attributes); $cacheId = "wallEntryCount_" . $this->wall_id; Yii::app()->cache->delete($cacheId); return $ret; }
public function beforeDelete() { if ($this->is_system) { return false; } return parent::beforeDelete(); }
public function afterFind() { if ($this->type == self::TYPE_IFRAME || $this->type == self::TYPE_LINK) { $this->url = $this->content; } return parent::afterFind(); }
public function beforeSave() { if ($this->isNewRecord) { // Updates the updated_at attribute $this->message->save(); } return parent::beforeSave(); }
protected function beforeDelete() { // ToDo: Handle this via event of User Module if ($this->object_model == 'User') { $user = User::model()->findByPk($this->user_id); $activity = Activity::model()->contentContainer($user)->findByAttributes(array('type' => "ActivityUserFollowsUser", 'object_id' => $this->object_id)); if ($activity !== null) { $activity->delete(); } } return parent::beforeDelete(); }
/** * Returns the static model of the specified AR class. * Please note that you should have this exact method in all your CActiveRecord descendants! * @param string $className active record class name. * @return KarmaUser the static model class */ public static function model($className = __CLASS__) { return parent::model($className); }
public function beforeSave() { // When on edit form scenario, save also defaultSpaceGuid/adminGuids if ($this->scenario == 'edit') { if ($this->defaultSpaceGuid == "") { $this->space_id = ""; } else { $space = Space::model()->findByAttributes(array('guid' => rtrim($this->defaultSpaceGuid, ','))); if ($space !== null) { $this->space_id = $space->id; } } } return parent::beforeSave(); }
/** * Before saving an new record, cleanup all old user passwords */ public function afterSave() { UserPassword::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('user_id' => $this->user_id), 'id != :id ', array(':id' => $this->id)); return parent::afterSave(); }
/** * Attaches a given list of files to an record (HActiveRecord). * This is used when uploading files before the record is created yet. * * @param HActiveRecord $object is a HActiveRecord * @param string $files is a comma seperated list of newly uploaded file guids */ public static function attachPrecreated($object, $files) { if (!$object instanceof \yii\db\ActiveRecord) { throw new Exception("Invalid object given - require instance of HActiveRecord!"); } // Attach Files foreach (explode(",", $files) as $fileGuid) { $file = self::findOne(['guid' => trim($fileGuid)]); if ($file != null && $file->object_model == "") { $file->object_model = $object->className(); $file->object_id = $object->getPrimaryKey(); if (!$file->save()) { throw new Exception("Could not save precreated file!"); } } } }
public function afterSave() { WikiPageRevision::model()->updateAll(array('is_latest' => 0), 'wiki_page_id=:wikiPageId AND id!=:selfId', array(':wikiPageId' => $this->wiki_page_id, ':selfId' => $this->id)); return parent::afterSave(); }
protected function afterSave() { // Set new uploaded file if ($this->cUploadedFile !== null && $this->cUploadedFile instanceof CUploadedFile) { $newFilename = $this->getPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getFilename(); if (is_uploaded_file($this->cUploadedFile->getTempName())) { move_uploaded_file($this->cUploadedFile->getTempName(), $newFilename); @chmod($newFilename, 0744); } /** * For uploaded jpeg files convert them again - to handle special * exif attributes (e.g. orientation) */ if ($this->cUploadedFile->getType() == 'image/jpeg') { ImageConverter::TransformToJpeg($newFilename, $newFilename); } } // Set file by given contents if ($this->newFileContent != null) { $newFilename = $this->getPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getFilename(); file_put_contents($newFilename, $this->newFileContent); @chmod($newFilename, 0744); } return parent::afterSave(); }
protected function beforeSave() { if ($this->isNewRecord) { if ($this->seen == "") { $this->seen = 0; } } $userOnline = UserHttpSession::model()->exists('user_id = ' . $this->user_id); if (!$userOnline) { $this->desktop_notified = 1; } return parent::beforeSave(); }
/** * After saving content addon, mark underlying content as updated. * * @return boolean */ protected function afterSave() { // Workaround for files, which have no object_model / id on uploading if ($this->object_model != "" && $this->object_id != "") { $this->content->save(); } return parent::afterSave(); }
/** * Phương thức beforeSave() dùng để thiết lập các thông tin mặc định khi tạo user */ public function beforeSave() { parent::beforeSave(); if ($this->getIsNewRecord()) { $this->createtime = time(); $this->superuser = User::NONSUPERUSER; $this->status = User::STATUS_NOACTIVE; } return true; }
/** * Cleanup image. */ public function afterDelete() { $this->image->delete(); parent::afterDelete(); }
/** * After saving check if its required to rewrite the configuration file. * * @todo Find better way to detect when we need to rewrite the local config */ public function afterSave() { parent::afterSave(); // Only rewrite static configuration file when necessary if ($this->module_id != 'mailing' && $this->module_id != 'cache' && $this->name != 'name' && $this->name != 'defaultLanguage' && $this->name != 'theme') { return; } self::rewriteConfiguration(); }
public function beforeSave() { foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $value) { if ($value == "") { $this->{$key} = NULL; } } return parent::beforeSave(); }
protected function beforeSave() { if ($this->isNewRecord) { if ($this->seen == "") { $this->seen = 0; } } return parent::beforeSave(); }
protected function afterSave() { // Set new uploaded file if ($this->cUploadedFile !== null && $this->cUploadedFile instanceof CUploadedFile) { $newFilename = $this->getPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getFilename(); if (is_uploaded_file($this->cUploadedFile->getTempName())) { move_uploaded_file($this->cUploadedFile->getTempName(), $newFilename); @chmod($newFilename, 0744); } } // Set file by given contents if ($this->newFileContent != null) { $newFilename = $this->getPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getFilename(); file_put_contents($newFilename, $this->newFileContent); @chmod($newFilename, 0744); } return parent::afterSave(); }
/** * Deletes a message, including all dependencies. */ public function delete() { foreach (MessageEntry::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('message_id' => $this->id)) as $messageEntry) { $messageEntry->delete(); } foreach (UserMessage::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('message_id' => $this->id)) as $userMessage) { $userMessage->delete(); } parent::delete(); }
public function afterSave() { parent::afterSave(); LiveCategoryItem::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('item_id' => $this->id)); $arrCat = explode(",", $this->categories); foreach ($arrCat as $cat) { $model = new LiveCategoryItem(); $model->category_id = $cat; $model->item_id = $this->id; $model->save(); } }
/** * After Save, also saving the underlying Field Type */ public function afterSave() { # Cause Endless #$this->fieldType->save(); return parent::afterSave(); }
public function beforeDelete() { Yii::app()->cache->delete($this->getCacheId()); RuntimeCache::Remove($this->getCacheId()); return parent::beforeDelete(); }
/** * After saving content addon, mark underlying content as updated. * * @return boolean */ protected function afterSave() { // Auto follow the content which this addon belongs to $this->getContent()->getUnderlyingObject()->follow($this->created_by); return parent::afterSave(); }
public function afterSave() { $this->sendNotification(); return parent::afterSave(); }
/** * Before delete record * * @return type */ protected function beforeDelete() { Yii::app()->cache->delete('userSpaces_' . $this->user_id); return parent::beforeDelete(); }
public function hasErrors($attribute = null) { if ($attribute != null) { return parent::hasErrors($attribute); } return parent::hasErrors() || $this->content->hasErrors(); }
public function beforeDelete() { Yii::app()->cache->delete(self::STATES_CACHE_ID_PREFIX . $this->room_id); return parent::beforeDelete(); }