  * Parse a RFC 2822 compliant address and return
  * its address and personal parts.
  * Returns null if address is invalid
  * @param $address
  * @return array|null
 public static function parse($address)
     static $regex = null;
     if (null === $regex) {
         $grammar = Grammar::getInstance();
         $addrSpec = $grammar->getDefinition('addr-spec');
         $cfws = $grammar->getDefinition('CFWS');
         $phrase = $grammar->getDefinition('phrase');
         $regex = '/(?<address>' . $addrSpec . ')|(?:(?<name>' . $phrase . ')(?:' . $cfws . '?)<(?<addressalt>' . $addrSpec . ')>(?:' . $cfws . '?))/';
     if (!preg_match($regex, $address, $match)) {
         return null;
     $addr = isset($match['addressalt']) ? $match['addressalt'] : $match['address'];
     $name = isset($match['name']) ? $match['name'] : null;
     $name = trim($name, " \t\n\r\v\"");
     return ['address' => $addr, 'personal' => $name];
  * Date Formate Database
  * @param Builder  $query    Builder
  * @param string   $key      Column
  * @param string   $operator String Operator
  * @return string
 private function dateFormatDb($query, $key, $operator)
     if (!$this->grammar) {
         $this->grammar = $query->getQuery()->getGrammar();
     $key = $this->grammar->wrap($key);
     $formatDb = sprintf("%s %s ?", $key, $operator);
     switch (true) {
         case $this->grammar instanceof \Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar:
             $formatDb = sprintf("DATE(%s) %s ?", $key, $operator);
         case $this->grammar instanceof \Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\PostgresGrammar:
             $formatDb = sprintf("DATE_TRUNC('day', %s) %s ?", $key, $operator);
         case $this->grammar instanceof \Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\SQLiteGrammar:
             $formatDb = sprintf("strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', %s) %s ?", $key, $operator);
         case $this->grammar instanceof \Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\SqlServerGrammar:
             $formatDb = sprintf("CAST(%s AS DATE) %s ?", $key, $operator);
     return $formatDb;
文件: left.php 项目: bluetechy/loco
function minus($minuend, $subtrahend)
    return $minuend - $subtrahend;
# N -> number
$N = new RegexParser("#^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)#", function ($match) {
    return (int) $match;
# P -> "-" N
$P = new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("-"), $N), function ($minus, $n) {
    return $n;
# Naive left-recursive grammar looks like this and raises an exception
# when instantiated.
try {
    # S -> N
    # S -> S P
    $grammar = new Grammar("S", array("S" => new LazyAltParser(array("N", new ConcParser(array("S", "P"), "minus"))), "P" => $P, "N" => $N));
} catch (GrammarException $e) {
    # Left-recursive in S
# Fix the grammar like so:
# S -> N P*
$grammar = new Grammar("S", array("S" => new ConcParser(array($N, new GreedyStarParser("P")), function ($n, $ps) {
    return array_reduce($ps, "minus", $n);
    # clever bit
}), "P" => $P, "N" => $N));
var_dump($grammar->parse("5-4-3") === -2);
# true
文件: json.php 项目: ferno/loco
$jsonGrammar = new Grammar("<topobject>", array("<topobject>" => new ConcParser(array("WHITESPACE", "<object>"), function ($whitespace, $object) {
    return $object;
}), "<object>" => new ConcParser(array("LEFT_BRACE", "WHITESPACE", "<objectcontent>", "RIGHT_BRACE", "WHITESPACE"), function ($left_brace, $whitespace0, $objectcontent, $right_brace, $whitespace1) {
    return $objectcontent;
}), "<objectcontent>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<fullobject>", "<emptyobject>")), "<fullobject>" => new ConcParser(array("<keyvalue>", "<commakeyvaluelist>"), function ($keyvalue, $commakeyvaluelist) {
    $commakeyvaluelist[$keyvalue[0]] = $keyvalue[1];
    return $commakeyvaluelist;
}), "<emptyobject>" => new EmptyParser(function () {
    return array();
}), "<commakeyvaluelist>" => new GreedyStarParser("<commakeyvalue>", function () {
    $commakeyvaluelist = array();
    foreach (func_get_args() as $commakeyvalue) {
        $commakeyvaluelist[$commakeyvalue[0]] = $commakeyvalue[1];
    return $commakeyvaluelist;
}), "<commakeyvalue>" => new ConcParser(array("COMMA", "WHITESPACE", "<keyvalue>"), function ($comma, $whitespace, $keyvalue) {
    return $keyvalue;
}), "<keyvalue>" => new ConcParser(array("<string>", "COLON", "WHITESPACE", "<value>"), function ($string, $colon, $whitespace, $value) {
    return array($string, $value);
}), "<array>" => new ConcParser(array("LEFT_BRACKET", "WHITESPACE", "<arraycontent>", "RIGHT_BRACKET", "WHITESPACE"), function ($left_bracket, $whitespace0, $arraycontent, $right_bracket, $whitespace1) {
    return $arraycontent;
}), "<arraycontent>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<fullarray>", "<emptyarray>")), "<fullarray>" => new ConcParser(array("<value>", "<commavaluelist>"), function ($value, $commavaluelist) {
    array_unshift($commavaluelist, $value);
    return $commavaluelist;
}), "<emptyarray>" => new EmptyParser(function () {
    return array();
}), "<commavaluelist>" => new GreedyStarParser("<commavalue>"), "<commavalue>" => new ConcParser(array("COMMA", "WHITESPACE", "<value>"), function ($comma, $whitespace, $value) {
    return $value;
}), "<value>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<string>", "<number>", "<object>", "<array>", "<true>", "<false>", "<null>")), "<string>" => new ConcParser(array("DOUBLE_QUOTE", "<stringcontent>", "DOUBLE_QUOTE", "WHITESPACE"), function ($double_quote0, $stringcontent, $double_quote1, $whitespace) {
    return $stringcontent;
}), "<stringcontent>" => new GreedyStarParser("<char>", function () {
    return implode("", func_get_args());
}), "<char>" => new LazyAltParser(array("UTF8_EXCEPT", "ESCAPED_QUOTE", "ESCAPED_BACKSLASH", "ESCAPED_SLASH", "ESCAPED_B", "ESCAPED_F", "ESCAPED_N", "ESCAPED_R", "ESCAPED_T", "ESCAPED_UTF8")), "<number>" => new ConcParser(array("NUMBER", "WHITESPACE"), function ($number, $whitespace) {
    return $number;
}), "<true>" => new ConcParser(array("TRUE", "WHITESPACE"), function ($true, $whitespace) {
    return true;
}), "<false>" => new ConcParser(array("FALSE", "WHITESPACE"), function ($false, $whitespace) {
    return false;
}), "<null>" => new ConcParser(array("NULL", "WHITESPACE"), function ($null, $whitespace) {
    return null;
}), "WHITESPACE" => new RegexParser("#^[ \n\r\t]*#"), "LEFT_BRACE" => new StringParser("{"), "RIGHT_BRACE" => new StringParser("}"), "LEFT_BRACKET" => new StringParser("["), "RIGHT_BRACKET" => new StringParser("]"), "COLON" => new StringParser(":"), "COMMA" => new StringParser(","), "DOUBLE_QUOTE" => new StringParser("\""), "NUMBER" => new RegexParser("#^-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\\.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?#", function ($match) {
    return (double) $match;
}), "TRUE" => new StringParser("true"), "FALSE" => new StringParser("false"), "NULL" => new StringParser("null"), "UTF8_EXCEPT" => new Utf8Parser(array_merge(array("\"", "\\"), array_map(function ($codepoint) {
    return Utf8Parser::getBytes($codepoint);
}, Utf8Parser::$controls))), "ESCAPED_QUOTE" => new StringParser("\\\"", function ($string) {
    return substr($string, 1, 1);
}), "ESCAPED_BACKSLASH" => new StringParser("\\\\", function ($string) {
    return substr($string, 1, 1);
}), "ESCAPED_SLASH" => new StringParser("\\/", function ($string) {
    return substr($string, 1, 1);
}), "ESCAPED_B" => new StringParser("\\b", function ($string) {
    return "";
}), "ESCAPED_F" => new StringParser("\\f", function ($string) {
    return "\f";
}), "ESCAPED_N" => new StringParser("\\n", function ($string) {
    return "\n";
}), "ESCAPED_R" => new StringParser("\\r", function ($string) {
    return "\r";
}), "ESCAPED_T" => new StringParser("\\t", function ($string) {
    return "\t";
}), "ESCAPED_UTF8" => new RegexParser("#^\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}#", function ($match) {
    return Utf8Parser::getBytes(hexdec(substr($match, 2, 4)));
        foreach ($this->mAction as $id => $row) {
            $s .= "\t{$id} => array(\n";
            foreach ($row as $t => $action) {
                if ($action[0] == 'shift') {
                    $s .= "\t\t'{$t}' => array( 0, {$action[1]} ),\n";
                if ($action[0] == 'reduce') {
                    $s .= "\t\t'{$t}' => array( 1, {$action[1]} ),\n";
                if ($action[0] == 'accept') {
                    $s .= "\t\t'{$t}' => array( 2, null ),\n";
            $s .= "\t),\n";
        $s .= ");\n\n";
        $s .= "static \$goto = array(\n";
        foreach ($this->mGoto as $id => $row) {
            $body = $this->formatAssocArray($row);
            $s .= "\t{$id} => {$body},\n";
        $s .= ");\n\n";
        $s .= "}\n";
        return $s;
$definition = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/syntax.txt');
$grammar = Grammar::parse($definition);
file_put_contents('LRTableBuildReport.html', $grammar->buildHTMLDump());
file_put_contents('LRTable.php', $grammar->buildPHPFile());
文件: wirth.php 项目: bluetechy/loco
$wirthGrammar = new Grammar("SYNTAX", array("SYNTAX" => new GreedyStarParser("PRODUCTION"), "PRODUCTION" => new ConcParser(array("whitespace", "IDENTIFIER", new StringParser("="), "whitespace", "EXPRESSION", new StringParser("."), "whitespace"), function ($space1, $identifier, $equals, $space2, $expression, $dot, $space3) {
    return array("identifier" => $identifier, "expression" => $expression);
}), "EXPRESSION" => new ConcParser(array("TERM", new GreedyStarParser(new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("|"), "whitespace", "TERM"), function ($pipe, $space, $term) {
    return $term;
}))), function ($term, $terms) {
    array_unshift($terms, $term);
    return new LazyAltParser($terms);
}), "TERM" => new GreedyMultiParser("FACTOR", 1, null, function () {
    return new ConcParser(func_get_args());
}), "FACTOR" => new LazyAltParser(array("IDENTIFIER", "LITERAL", new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("["), "whitespace", "EXPRESSION", new StringParser("]"), "whitespace"), function ($bracket1, $space1, $expression, $bracket2, $space2) {
    return new GreedyMultiParser($expression, 0, 1);
}), new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("("), "whitespace", "EXPRESSION", new StringParser(")"), "whitespace"), function ($paren1, $space1, $expression, $paren2, $space2) {
    return $expression;
}), new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("{"), "whitespace", "EXPRESSION", new StringParser("}"), "whitespace"), function ($brace1, $space1, $expression, $brace2, $space2) {
    return new GreedyStarParser($expression);
}))), "IDENTIFIER" => new ConcParser(array(new GreedyMultiParser("letter", 1, null, function () {
    return implode("", func_get_args());
}), "whitespace"), function ($letters, $whitespace) {
    return $letters;
}), "LITERAL" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("\""), new GreedyMultiParser("character", 1, null, function () {
    return implode("", func_get_args());
}), new StringParser("\""), "whitespace"), function ($quote1, $chars, $quote2, $whitespace) {
    return new StringParser($chars);
}), "digit" => new RegexParser("#^[0-9]#"), "letter" => new RegexParser("#^[a-zA-Z]#"), "character" => new RegexParser("#^([^\"]|\"\")#", function ($match0) {
    if ($match0 === "\"\"") {
        return "\"";
    return $match0;
}), "whitespace" => new RegexParser("#^[ \n\r\t]*#")), function ($syntax) {
    $parsers = array();
    foreach ($syntax as $production) {
        if (count($parsers) === 0) {
            $top = $production["identifier"];
        $parsers[$production["identifier"]] = $production["expression"];
    if (count($parsers) === 0) {
        throw new Exception("No rules.");
    return new Grammar($top, $parsers);
        $status = odbc_errormsg($connection);
    echo "\"metadata\":[";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $nCols; $i++) {
        echo "{\"type\":";
        echo json_encode(odbc_field_type($result, $i));
        echo ",\"name\":";
        echo json_encode(odbc_field_name($result, $i));
        echo ",\"len\":";
        echo json_encode(odbc_field_len($result, $i));
        echo ",\"precision\":";
        echo json_encode(odbc_field_precision($result, $i));
        echo ",\"scale\":";
        echo json_encode(odbc_field_scale($result, $i));
        if ($i < $nCols) {
            echo "},";
        } else {
            echo "}";
    echo "],";
    $result = odbc_exec($connection, Grammar::count($_POST["table"]));
    if ($result && odbc_fetch_row($result)) {
        echo "\"totalRecords\":" . odbc_result($result, 1) . ",";
    } else {
        $status = "Error while trying to count records";
    $status = "ok";
} else {
    $status = "Table required";
  * Debugging function, makes table legible
  * @param Lex
  * @param Grammar
  * @param int optionally dump specific row (state)
  * @return void
 function dump(Lex $Lex, Grammar $Grammar, $state = null)
     $table = array();
     $heads = array('' => 0);
     // translate cell data and get other meta data
     foreach ($this->table as $i => $row) {
         if (!is_null($state) && $i !== $state) {
         $table[$i] = array();
         // create row header
         $table[$i][''] = "#{$i}";
         $heads[''] = max($heads[''], strlen($table[$i]['']));
         // iterate over cols in this row
         foreach ($row as $sym => $entry) {
             if (is_null($sym)) {
                 $sym = 'null';
             } else {
                 $sym = $Lex->name($sym);
             // rules are event, states are odd
             if ($entry & 1) {
                 $str = " #{$entry} ";
             } else {
                 list($nt, $rhs) = $Grammar->get_rule($entry);
                 $str = ' ' . $Lex->name($nt) . ' -> ';
                 foreach ($rhs as $t) {
                     $str .= $Lex->name($t) . ' ';
             // insert cell
             $table[$i][$sym] = $str;
             // collect known column header with max cell width in column
             if (!isset($heads[$sym])) {
                 $heads[$sym] = strlen($sym);
             $heads[$sym] = max($heads[$sym], strlen($str));
     // print all headers
     $a = array();
     $b = array();
     foreach ($heads as $sym => $len) {
         $b[] = str_repeat('-', $len);
         $a[] = str_pad($sym, $len, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);
     echo '+', implode('+', $b), "+\n";
     echo '|', implode('|', $a), "|\n";
     foreach ($table as $i => $row) {
         $c = array();
         foreach ($heads as $sym => $len) {
             if (isset($table[$i][$sym])) {
                 $c[] = str_pad($row[$sym], $len, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);
             } else {
                 $c[] = str_repeat(' ', $len);
         echo '+', implode('+', $b), "+\n";
         echo '|', implode('|', $c), "|\n";
     echo '+', implode('+', $b), "+\n";
文件: regEx.php 项目: ferno/loco
$regexGrammar = new Grammar("<pattern>", array("<pattern>" => new ConcParser(array("<conc>", "<pipeconclist>"), function ($conc, $pipeconclist) {
    array_unshift($pipeconclist, $conc);
    return new Pattern($pipeconclist);
}), "<pipeconclist>" => new GreedyStarParser("<pipeconc>"), "<pipeconc>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("|"), "<conc>"), function ($pipe, $conc) {
    return $conc;
}), "<conc>" => new GreedyStarParser("<mult>", function () {
    return new Conc(func_get_args());
}), "<mult>" => new ConcParser(array("<multiplicand>", "<multiplier>"), function ($multiplicand, $multiplier) {
    return new Mult($multiplicand, $multiplier);
}), "<multiplicand>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<subpattern>", "<charclass>")), "<subpattern>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("("), "<pattern>", new StringParser(")")), function ($left_parenthesis, $pattern, $right_parenthesis) {
    return $pattern;
}), "<multiplier>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<bracemultiplier>", new StringParser("?", function ($string) {
    return new Multiplier(0, 1);
}), new StringParser("*", function ($string) {
    return new Multiplier(0, null);
}), new StringParser("+", function ($string) {
    return new Multiplier(1, null);
}), new EmptyParser(function () {
    return new Multiplier(1, 1);
}))), "<bracemultiplier>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("{"), "<multiplierinterior>", new StringParser("}")), function ($left_brace, $multiplierinterior, $right_brace) {
    return $multiplierinterior;
}), "<multiplierinterior>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<bothbounds>", "<unlimited>", "<onebound>")), "<bothbounds>" => new ConcParser(array("<integer>", "COMMA", "<integer>"), function ($integer1, $comma, $integer2) {
    return new Multiplier($integer1, $integer2);
}), "<unlimited>" => new ConcParser(array("<integer>", "COMMA"), function ($integer, $comma) {
    return new Multiplier($integer, null);
}), "<onebound>" => new ConcParser(array("<integer>"), function ($integer) {
    return new Multiplier($integer, $integer);
}), "COMMA" => new StringParser(","), "<integer>" => new RegexParser("#^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)#", function ($match) {
    return (int) $match;
}), "<charclass>" => new LazyAltParser(array(new RegexParser("#^[^|()\\[\\]?*+{}\\\\.]#", function ($match) {
    return new Charclass($match);
}), "<bracketednegatedcharclass>", "<bracketedcharclass>", new StringParser("\\|", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\(", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\)", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\[", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\]", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\?", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\*", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\+", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\{", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\}", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\\\", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\.", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(substr($string, 1, 1));
}), new StringParser("\\f", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass("\f");
}), new StringParser("\\n", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass("\n");
}), new StringParser("\\r", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass("\r");
}), new StringParser("\\t", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass("\t");
}), new StringParser("\\v", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass("\v");
}), new StringParser("\\w", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
}), new StringParser("\\W", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", true);
}), new StringParser("\\d", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass("0123456789");
}), new StringParser("\\D", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass("0123456789", true);
}), new StringParser("\\s", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(" \f\n\r\t\v");
}), new StringParser("\\S", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass(" \f\n\r\t\v", true);
}), new StringParser(".", function ($string) {
    return new Charclass("", true);
}))), "<bracketednegatedcharclass>" => new ConcParser(array("LEFT_BRACKET", "CARET", "<elemlist>", "RIGHT_BRACKET"), function ($left_bracket, $elemlist, $right_bracket) {
    return new Charclass($elemlist, true);
}), "<bracketedcharclass>" => new ConcParser(array("LEFT_BRACKET", "<elemlist>", "RIGHT_BRACKET"), function ($left_bracket, $elemlist, $right_bracket) {
    return new Charclass($elemlist);
}), "LEFT_BRACKET" => new StringParser("["), "RIGHT_BRACKET" => new StringParser("]"), "CARET" => new StringParser("^"), "<elemlist>" => new GreedyStarParser("<elem>", function () {
    return implode("", func_get_args());
}), "<elem>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<charrange>", "<classchar>")), "<charrange>" => new ConcParser(array("<classchar>", "HYPHEN", "<classchar>"), function ($char1, $hyphen, $char2) {
    $char1 = ord($char1);
    $char2 = ord($char2);
    if ($char2 < $char1) {
        throw new Exception("Disordered range");
    $string = "";
    for ($ord = $char1; $ord <= $char2; $ord++) {
        $string .= chr($ord);
    return $string;
}), "HYPHEN" => new StringParser("-"), "<classchar>" => new LazyAltParser(array(new RegexParser("#^[^\\\\\\[\\]\\^\\-]#"), new StringParser("\\\\", function ($string) {
    return substr($string, 1, 1);
}), new StringParser("\\[", function ($string) {
    return substr($string, 1, 1);
}), new StringParser("\\]", function ($string) {
    return substr($string, 1, 1);
}), new StringParser("\\^", function ($string) {
    return substr($string, 1, 1);
}), new StringParser("\\-", function ($string) {
    return substr($string, 1, 1);
}), new StringParser("\\f", function ($string) {
    return "\f";
}), new StringParser("\\n", function ($string) {
    return "\n";
}), new StringParser("\\r", function ($string) {
    return "\r";
}), new StringParser("\\t", function ($string) {
    return "\t";
}), new StringParser("\\v", function ($string) {
    return "\v";
文件: Loco.php 项目: bluetechy/loco
var_dump($parser->match("f", 0) === array("j" => 1, "value" => array("f")));
var_dump($parser->match("ff", 0) === array("j" => 2, "value" => array("f", "f")));
var_dump($parser->match("fff", 0) === array("j" => 2, "value" => array("f", "f")));
$parser = new GreedyMultiParser(new StringParser("f"), 1, null);
try {
    $parser->match("", 0);
} catch (ParseFailureException $e) {
var_dump($parser->match("f", 0) === array("j" => 1, "value" => array("f")));
var_dump($parser->match("ff", 0) === array("j" => 2, "value" => array("f", "f")));
var_dump($parser->match("fff", 0) === array("j" => 3, "value" => array("f", "f", "f")));
var_dump($parser->match("ffg", 0) === array("j" => 2, "value" => array("f", "f")));
print "11\n";
$grammar = new Grammar("<A>", array("<A>" => new EmptyParser()));
try {
} catch (ParseFailureException $e) {
var_dump($grammar->parse("") === null);
print "12A\n";
try {
    $grammar = new Grammar("<S>", array("<S>" => new GreedyMultiParser("<A>", 7, null), "<A>" => new EmptyParser()));
} catch (GrammarException $e) {
try {
文件: bnf.php 项目: ferno/loco
$bnfGrammar = new Grammar("<syntax>", array("<syntax>" => new ConcParser(array("<rules>", "OPT-WHITESPACE"), function ($rules, $whitespace) {
    return $rules;
}), "<rules>" => new GreedyMultiParser("<ruleoremptyline>", 1, null, function () {
    $rules = array();
    foreach (func_get_args() as $rule) {
        // blank line
        if ($rule === null) {
        $rules[] = $rule;
    return $rules;
}), "<ruleoremptyline>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<rule>", "<emptyline>")), "<emptyline>" => new ConcParser(array("OPT-WHITESPACE", "EOL"), function ($whitespace, $eol) {
    return null;
}), "<rule>" => new ConcParser(array("OPT-WHITESPACE", "RULE-NAME", "OPT-WHITESPACE", new StringParser("::="), "OPT-WHITESPACE", "<expression>", "EOL"), function ($whitespace1, $rule_name, $whitespace2, $equals, $whitespace3, $expression, $eol) {
    return array("rule-name" => $rule_name, "expression" => $expression);
}), "<expression>" => new ConcParser(array("<list>", "<pipelists>"), function ($list, $pipelists) {
    array_unshift($pipelists, $list);
    return new LazyAltParser($pipelists);
}), "<pipelists>" => new GreedyStarParser("<pipelist>"), "<pipelist>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("|"), "OPT-WHITESPACE", "<list>"), function ($pipe, $whitespace, $list) {
    return $list;
}), "<list>" => new GreedyMultiParser("<term>", 1, null, function () {
    return new ConcParser(func_get_args());
}), "<term>" => new ConcParser(array("TERM", "OPT-WHITESPACE"), function ($term, $whitespace) {
    return $term;
}), "TERM" => new LazyAltParser(array("LITERAL", "RULE-NAME")), "LITERAL" => new LazyAltParser(array(new RegexParser('#^"([^"]*)"#', function ($match0, $match1) {
    return $match1;
}), new RegexParser("#^'([^']*)'#", function ($match0, $match1) {
    return $match1;
})), function ($text) {
    if ($text == "") {
        return new EmptyParser(function () {
            return "";
    return new StringParser($text);
}), "RULE-NAME" => new RegexParser("#^<[A-Za-z\\-]*>#"), "OPT-WHITESPACE" => new RegexParser("#^[\t ]*#"), "EOL" => new LazyAltParser(array(new StringParser("\r"), new StringParser("\n")))), function ($syntax) {
    $parsers = array();
    foreach ($syntax as $rule) {
        if (count($parsers) === 0) {
            $top = $rule["rule-name"];
        $parsers[$rule["rule-name"]] = $rule["expression"];
    if (count($parsers) === 0) {
        throw new Exception("No rules.");
    return new Grammar($top, $parsers);
$locoGrammar = new Grammar("<grammar>", array("<grammar>" => new ConcParser(array("<whitespace>", "<rules>"), function ($whitespace, $rules) {
    return $rules;
}), "<rules>" => new GreedyStarParser("<ruleorblankline>", function () {
    $rules = array();
    foreach (func_get_args() as $ruleorblankline) {
        if ($ruleorblankline === null) {
        $rules[] = $ruleorblankline;
    return $rules;
}), "<ruleorblankline>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<rule>", "<blankline>")), "<blankline>" => new ConcParser(array(new RegexParser("#^\r?\n#"), "<whitespace>"), function () {
    return null;
}), "<rule>" => new ConcParser(array("<bareword>", "<whitespace>", new StringParser("::="), "<whitespace>", "<lazyaltparser>"), function ($bareword, $whitespace1, $equals, $whitespace2, $lazyaltparser) {
    return array("name" => $bareword, "lazyaltparser" => $lazyaltparser);
}), "<lazyaltparser>" => new ConcParser(array("<concparser>", "<pipeconcparserlist>"), function ($concparser, $pipeconcparserlist) {
    array_unshift($pipeconcparserlist, $concparser);
    // make a basic lazyaltparser which returns whatever.
    // Since the LazyAltParser always contains 0 or more ConcParsers,
    // the value of $result is always an array
    return new LazyAltParser($pipeconcparserlist);
}), "<pipeconcparserlist>" => new GreedyStarParser("<pipeconcparser>"), "<pipeconcparser>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("|"), "<whitespace>", "<concparser>"), function ($pipe, $whitespace, $concparser) {
    return $concparser;
}), "<concparser>" => new GreedyStarParser("<bnfmultiplication>", function () {
    // get array key numbers where multiparsers are located
    // in reverse order so that our splicing doesn't modify the array
    $multiparsers = array();
    foreach (func_get_args() as $k => $internal) {
        if (is_a($internal, "GreedyMultiParser")) {
            array_unshift($multiparsers, $k);
    // We do something quite advanced here. The inner multiparsers are
    // spliced out into the list of arguments proper instead of forming an
    // internal sub-array of their own
    return new ConcParser(func_get_args(), function () use($multiparsers) {
        $args = func_get_args();
        foreach ($multiparsers as $k) {
            array_splice($args, $k, 1, $args[$k]);
        return $args;
}), "<bnfmultiplication>" => new ConcParser(array("<bnfmultiplicand>", "<whitespace>", "<bnfmultiplier>", "<whitespace>"), function ($bnfmultiplicand, $whitespace1, $bnfmultiplier, $whitespace2) {
    if (is_array($bnfmultiplier)) {
        return new GreedyMultiParser($bnfmultiplicand, $bnfmultiplier["lower"], $bnfmultiplier["upper"]);
    // otherwise assume multiplier = 1
    return $bnfmultiplicand;
}), "<bnfmultiplicand>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<bareword>", "<dqstringparser>", "<sqstringparser>", "<regexparser>", "<utf8except>", "<utf8parser>", "<subparser>")), "<bnfmultiplier>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<asterisk>", "<plus>", "<questionmark>", "<emptymultiplier>")), "<asterisk>" => new StringParser("*", function () {
    return array("lower" => 0, "upper" => null);
}), "<plus>" => new StringParser("+", function () {
    return array("lower" => 1, "upper" => null);
}), "<questionmark>" => new StringParser("?", function () {
    return array("lower" => 0, "upper" => 1);
}), "<emptymultiplier>" => new EmptyParser(), "<dqstringparser>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("\""), "<dqstring>", new StringParser("\"")), function ($quote1, $string, $quote2) {
    if ($string === "") {
        return new EmptyParser();
    return new StringParser($string);
}), "<sqstringparser>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("'"), "<sqstring>", new StringParser("'")), function ($apostrophe1, $string, $apostrophe2) {
    if ($string === "") {
        return new EmptyParser();
    return new StringParser($string);
}), "<dqstring>" => new GreedyStarParser("<dqstrchar>", function () {
    return implode("", func_get_args());
}), "<sqstring>" => new GreedyStarParser("<sqstrchar>", function () {
    return implode("", func_get_args());
}), "<dqstrchar>" => new LazyAltParser(array(new Utf8Parser(array("\\", "\"")), new StringParser("\\\\", function ($string) {
    return "\\";
}), new StringParser('\\"', function ($string) {
    return '"';
}))), "<sqstrchar>" => new LazyAltParser(array(new Utf8Parser(array("\\", "'")), new StringParser("\\\\", function ($string) {
    return "\\";
}), new StringParser("\\'", function ($string) {
    return "'";
}))), "<regexparser>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("/"), "<regex>", new StringParser("/")), function ($slash1, $regex, $slash2) {
    if ($regex === "") {
        return new EmptyParser();
    // Add the anchor and the brackets to make sure it anchors in the
    // correct location
    $regex = "/^(" . $regex . ")/";
    // print("Actual regex is: ".$regex."\n");
    return new RegexParser($regex);
}), "<regex>" => new GreedyStarParser("<rechar>", function () {
    return implode("", func_get_args());
}), "<rechar>" => new LazyAltParser(array(new Utf8Parser(array("\\", "/")), new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("\\"), new Utf8Parser()), function ($backslash, $char) {
    return $backslash . $char;
}))), "<utf8except>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("[^"), "<exceptions>", new StringParser("]")), function ($left_bracket_caret, $exceptions, $right_bracket) {
    return new Utf8Parser($exceptions);
}), "<exceptions>" => new GreedyStarParser("<exceptionchar>"), "<exceptionchar>" => new LazyAltParser(array(new Utf8Parser(array("\\", "]")), new StringParser("\\\\", function ($string) {
    return "\\";
}), new StringParser("\\]", function ($string) {
    return "]";
}))), "<utf8parser>" => new StringParser(".", function () {
    return new Utf8Parser(array());
}), "<subparser>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("("), "<whitespace>", "<lazyaltparser>", new StringParser(")")), function ($left_parenthesis, $whitespace1, $lazyaltparser, $right_parenthesis) {
    return $lazyaltparser;
}), "<whitespace>" => new RegexParser("#^[ \t]*#"), "<bareword>" => new RegexParser("#^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*#")), function ($rules) {
    $parsers = array();
    foreach ($rules as $rule) {
        if (count($parsers) === 0) {
            $top = $rule["name"];
        $parsers[$rule["name"]] = $rule["lazyaltparser"];
    return new Grammar($top, $parsers);
文件: ebnf.php 项目: bluetechy/loco
$ebnfGrammar = new Grammar("<syntax>", array("<syntax>" => new ConcParser(array("<space>", "<rules>"), function ($space, $rules) {
    return $rules;
}), "<rules>" => new GreedyStarParser("<rule>"), "<rule>" => new ConcParser(array("<bareword>", "<space>", new StringParser("="), "<space>", "<alt>", new StringParser(";"), "<space>"), function ($bareword, $space1, $equals, $space2, $alt, $semicolon, $space3) {
    return array("rule-name" => $bareword, "expression" => $alt);
}), "<alt>" => new ConcParser(array("<conc>", "<pipeconclist>"), function ($conc, $pipeconclist) {
    array_unshift($pipeconclist, $conc);
    return new LazyAltParser($pipeconclist);
}), "<pipeconclist>" => new GreedyStarParser("<pipeconc>"), "<pipeconc>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("|"), "<space>", "<conc>"), function ($pipe, $space, $conc) {
    return $conc;
}), "<conc>" => new ConcParser(array("<term>", "<commatermlist>"), function ($term, $commatermlist) {
    array_unshift($commatermlist, $term);
    // get array key numbers where multiparsers are located
    // in reverse order so that our splicing doesn't modify the array
    $multiparsers = array();
    foreach ($commatermlist as $k => $internal) {
        if (is_a($internal, "GreedyMultiParser")) {
            array_unshift($multiparsers, $k);
    // We do something quite advanced here. The inner multiparsers are
    // spliced out into the list of arguments proper instead of forming an
    // internal sub-array of their own
    return new ConcParser($commatermlist, function () use($multiparsers) {
        $args = func_get_args();
        foreach ($multiparsers as $k) {
            array_splice($args, $k, 1, $args[$k]);
        return $args;
}), "<commatermlist>" => new GreedyStarParser("<commaterm>"), "<commaterm>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser(","), "<space>", "<term>"), function ($comma, $space, $term) {
    return $term;
}), "<term>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<bareword>", "<sq>", "<dq>", "<group>", "<repetition>", "<optional>")), "<bareword>" => new ConcParser(array(new RegexParser("#^([a-z][a-z ]*[a-z]|[a-z])#", function ($match0) {
    return $match0;
}), "<space>"), function ($bareword, $space) {
    return $bareword;
}), "<sq>" => new ConcParser(array(new RegexParser("#^'([^']*)'#", function ($match0, $match1) {
    if ($match1 === "") {
        return new EmptyParser();
    return new StringParser($match1);
}), "<space>"), function ($string, $space) {
    return $string;
}), "<dq>" => new ConcParser(array(new RegexParser('#^"([^"]*)"#', function ($match0, $match1) {
    if ($match1 === "") {
        return new EmptyParser();
    return new StringParser($match1);
}), "<space>"), function ($string, $space) {
    return $string;
}), "<group>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("("), "<space>", "<alt>", new StringParser(")"), "<space>"), function ($left_paren, $space1, $alt, $right_paren, $space2) {
    return $alt;
}), "<repetition>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("{"), "<space>", "<alt>", new StringParser("}"), "<space>"), function ($left_brace, $space1, $alt, $right_brace, $space2) {
    return new GreedyStarParser($alt);
}), "<optional>" => new ConcParser(array(new StringParser("["), "<space>", "<alt>", new StringParser("]"), "<space>"), function ($left_bracket, $space1, $alt, $right_bracket, $space2) {
    return new GreedyMultiParser($alt, 0, 1);
}), "<space>" => new GreedyStarParser("<whitespace/comment>"), "<whitespace/comment>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<whitespace>", "<comment>")), "<whitespace>" => new RegexParser("#^[ \t\r\n]+#"), "<comment>" => new RegexParser("#^(\\(\\* [^*]* \\*\\)|\\(\\* \\*\\)|\\(\\*\\*\\))#")), function ($syntax) {
    $parsers = array();
    foreach ($syntax as $rule) {
        if (count($parsers) === 0) {
            $top = $rule["rule-name"];
        $parsers[$rule["rule-name"]] = $rule["expression"];
    if (count($parsers) === 0) {
        throw new Exception("No rules.");
    return new Grammar($top, $parsers);
  * Recursive counterpart to collect_states()
  * @param array reference to populate
  * @return void
 function collect_states_recursive(array &$states, Grammar $Grammar, array $excluded, $threadId)
     // recursion check
     if ($this->threadId === $threadId) {
         //echo "Recursion in $this \n";
     $this->threadId = $threadId;
     // add denied first terminals into array
     $excluded = array_merge($excluded, $Grammar->excluded_terminals($this->nt));
     // Follow e-transitions recursively to gather all possible states
     foreach ($this->etransitions as $s => $State) {
         $State->collect_states_passthru($states, $Grammar, $excluded, $threadId);

namespace Ferno\Loco;

use Exception;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
# This code is in the public domain.
# http://qntm.org/loco
$simpleCommentGrammar = new Grammar("<comment>", array("<comment>" => new GreedyStarParser("<blockorwhitespace>", function () {
    return implode("", func_get_args());
}), "<blockorwhitespace>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<h5>", "<p>", "WHITESPACE")), "<p>" => new ConcParser(array("OPEN_P", "<text>", "CLOSE_P"), function ($open_p, $text, $close_p) {
    return $open_p . $text . $close_p;
}), "<h5>" => new ConcParser(array("OPEN_H5", "<text>", "CLOSE_H5"), function ($open_h5, $text, $close_h5) {
    return $open_h5 . $text . $close_h5;
}), "<strong>" => new ConcParser(array("OPEN_STRONG", "<text>", "CLOSE_STRONG"), function ($open_strong, $text, $close_strong) {
    return $open_strong . $text . $close_strong;
}), "<em>" => new ConcParser(array("OPEN_EM", "<text>", "CLOSE_EM"), function ($open_em, $text, $close_em) {
    return $open_em . $text . $close_em;
}), "<text>" => new GreedyStarParser("<atom>", function () {
    return implode("", func_get_args());
}), "<atom>" => new LazyAltParser(array("<char>", "<strong>", "<em>", "FULL_BR")), "<char>" => new LazyAltParser(array("UTF8_EXCEPT", "GREATER_THAN", "LESS_THAN", "AMPERSAND")), "WHITESPACE" => new RegexParser("#^[ \n\r\t]+#"), "OPEN_P" => new RegexParser("#^<p[ \n\r\t]*>#"), "CLOSE_P" => new RegexParser("#^</p[ \n\r\t]*>#"), "OPEN_H5" => new RegexParser("#^<h5[ \n\r\t]*>#"), "CLOSE_H5" => new RegexParser("#^</h5[ \n\r\t]*>#"), "OPEN_EM" => new RegexParser("#^<em[ \n\r\t]*>#"), "CLOSE_EM" => new RegexParser("#^</em[ \n\r\t]*>#"), "OPEN_STRONG" => new RegexParser("#^<strong[ \n\r\t]*>#"), "CLOSE_STRONG" => new RegexParser("#^</strong[ \n\r\t]*>#"), "FULL_BR" => new RegexParser("#^<br[ \n\r\t]*/>#"), "UTF8_EXCEPT" => new Utf8Parser(array("<", ">", "&")), "GREATER_THAN" => new StringParser("&gt;"), "LESS_THAN" => new StringParser("&lt;"), "AMPERSAND" => new StringParser("&amp;")));
// if executing this file directly, run unit tests
$start = microtime(true);
$string = $simpleCommentGrammar->parse("<h5>  Title<br /><em\n><strong\n></strong>&amp;</em></h5>   \r\n\t <p  >&lt;</p  >");
print "Parsing completed in " . (microtime(true) - $start) . " seconds\n";
var_dump($string === "<h5>  Title<br /><em\n><strong\n></strong>&amp;</em></h5>   \r\n\t <p  >&lt;</p  >");
foreach (array("<h5 style=\"\">", "&", "<", "salkhsfg>", "</p", "<br") as $string) {
    try {

if (isset($_POST['table'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['selection'])) {
        $sql = Grammar::select($_POST['table'], $_POST['selection']);
    } else {
        $sql = Grammar::select_all($_POST['table']);
    $result = odbc_exec($connection, $sql);
    $first = isset($_POST['first']) ? $_POST['first'] : 0;
    if (isset($_POST['rows'])) {
        $max = $_POST['rows'];
    if ($result) {
        echo "\"data\":[";
        $j = 0;
        $data = odbc_fetch_array($result, ++$first);
        while ($data) {
            echo json_encode($data);
            if (!(isset($max) && $j >= $max)) {
                $data = odbc_fetch_array($result);
            } else {
                $data = false;
            if ($data) {
                echo ",";
        echo "],";
  * @override
  * invoke lazy creation of follow sets
 function follow_set($s)
     if (!isset($this->follows)) {
         $this->follows = $this->build_follow_sets();
     return parent::follow_set($s);
  * Collect siblings states including self.
  * It is assumed that we only have one item at this point
  * @param array reference to populate
  * @return void
 function collect_states_passthru(&$states, Grammar $Grammar, array $excluded, $threadId)
     if (isset($states[$this->id])) {
         // recursion
     // check exclusions - These should only be passed when calling from a station,
     // so we know there is only one item and it is at the beginning of the rule.
     if ($excluded) {
         $s = $this->Item->current_symbol();
         if (in_array($s, $excluded, true)) {
             //echo "Excluding state #$this->id because it begins with $s\n";
         if ($Grammar->is_terminal($s)) {
             //echo "Clearing exclude list in state #$this->id for descent beyond $s\n";
             $excluded = array();
         //else {
         //	echo "Passing down ",count($excluded)," exclusions through state #$this->id \n";
     $states[$this->id] = $this;
     foreach ($this->etransitions as $Station) {
         $Station->collect_states_recursive($states, $Grammar, $excluded, $threadId);